Not that he should get a pass, but he was just the tool. Plus he probably has a valid defense of following his directives.
They should focus on whomever set in motion his appointment and turned him loose.
Oh no, here comes shitsplins with 15 anecdotal links... and will be braying for days...
Not that he should get a pass, but he was just the tool. Plus he probably has a valid defense of following his directives.
They should focus on whomever set in motion his appointment and turned him loose.
Anybody see this highlight of his dunk where he got the ball and walked, double dribbled and carried all at the same time before “posterizing” somebody? Wasn’t called of course.Opened the ESPN app, all Cooper Fagg (oops FLagg) and Kook Blue Devils. ESPN is the Duke hype glad UK beat them.
Why didn't he get a T for taunting (worse than the TX player against O$U) and another for hanging on the rim??!?!Anybody see this highlight of his dunk where he got the ball and walked, double dribbled and carried all at the same time before “posterizing” somebody? Wasn’t called of course.
Just ask Nathan (Hot Dog) Wade...Lawyers are held to a higher standard.
Brea had 7 against Florida.Box score stated he only made 7 is that correct? Definitely high on the list...
That dude on Miss St is still running.Anybody see this highlight of his dunk where he got the ball and walked, double dribbled and carried all at the same time before “posterizing” somebody? Wasn’t called of course.
that breakaway dunk? How does someone do that without at least one dribble? The refs were just plain silly last night. Typical.That dude on Miss St is still running.
That is a double dribble. A walk.
He was willing and ignorance of the law is no excuse. Lawyers are held to a higher standard.
Justice with the intent of discouraging more of this in the future when the dims get back in charge. There is no doubt given the current ideology of the dims these days that they are anti American (constitutionally) and all in on the New World Order even though many in the rest of the world are starting to turn against that idea. Big government always leads to corrupt and dictatorial rule.Pretty much agree. I don’t want Trump’s administration conducting lawfare just for the sake of retribution. But they DO need to investigate and prosecute anyone who actually violated laws.
Dems are a different level of pathological lying. You can see stuff with your own eyeballs and their media and politicians want you to ignore that and just listen to them to determine what’s true😂
Praying does help. My prayers for Thanksgiving dinner and Christmas dinner included thanking God for helping this country stave off the current push by the dims to destroy us. Hopefully, people on the left will see just how bad Biden, Obama, Killary, Piglosi, and many of the other dims are. Unless the dims succeed in screwing up Trumps plans. They don't care if the people suffer, look at the last 4 years and what they did with Covid under Trump.I pray for law-abiding people to run the government again. I can only pray.
Fair enough but does that mean they want to be a part of the US?
My Dad used to dip Copenhagen, with a plug of Red Apple as well...Fair enough but does that mean they want to be a part of the US?
Surely he's out by now.The one thing about climate change is it causes homeless guys to have the unstoppable urge to start fires.
I really like bourbon, but detest the person/snob that tells me what I can like.You all ever know anyone who makes bourbon their entire identity?
Usually, when alcohol is all that you talk about, you’re an alcoholic. But if you do it and wear a Peaky Blinders hat, you’re a pretentious expert. 😂
If hes the focus, it will let all the decision makers off the hook. Hes just a soldier. They need to focus on the generals and work their way down.
have to give a lot of credit to musk for buying twitter and getting the word out.Like I always used to say about Cow. You can do more than one thing at once and do it well. (Players first and UK first.) Just because that skank (Smith) needs prosecuting doesn't mean the leadership can skate. I think the "media" is finally losing the battle of being able to hide things like that have. Where they just promoted communism previously. Doubt they can do that now with this administration coming in... Too many other willing avenues to get the word out.
Candace Owens, whom I used to admire a lot, seems to be coming loose at the seams. WTF happened to her?
To me you do both. Smith is a 'hired gun'.....when there's a contract killing you go after the guy who pulled the trigger, and the one who put out the contract.Not that he should get a pass, but he was just the tool. Plus he probably has a valid defense of following his directives.
They should focus on whomever set in motion his appointment and turned him loose.
Michael Cohen out there begging for a pardon:
"I'm somebody's son also by the way" haha (the end of the clip has this part)
From the vault:
What's happening in California is the culmination of all the BS that the left has done. They need to be locked up at the least.Every smug, ignorant ass, society destroying dumbass who supported this radical destructive regime should be publicly tarred and feathered, ... at the very least.
A lot if the behind-the-scenes workers scratch out some more bills and EO's for the Dead Head to sign.8 days until we begin trying to shovel the country out of the massive demoshitpile they've left us. What an enormous undertaking.
How much more damage can they do in the next 8 days?
What “facts”. Give us those “facts”.