Have you noticed that your world view is that anytime anything goes wrong with democrats or someone you don't like does anything it's supposedly bc of money or greed?
Do you think grocery stores just go, you know what, mark that up 2 bucks?
You are 100% a government employee.
It's basic economics. Stores have extremely thin margins...like barely 2%. You know all that stuff in them? It doesn't magically manifest in the store. The vendor, say farmer, has higher labor costs, higher costs for materials, equipment, the fuel they use to harvest. Do you know how mich fertilizer is now? That's passed on. Those magic inventions called trucks, aka freight, don't run on feelings, they run on fuel. It costs to bring them there. It's passed on. The shelf life of perishable food is short, you have an expense and if you dont sell it, it's a loss. The store itself isn't utility free, they have air and heating, electricity.
Have you ever considered you live in a fantasy reality?