How will they rule ??!

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No idea where you get that? Most are Hispanics & I think that group has assimilated quite well. Please expand upon you non-expansion. By that I mean, what specific group(s) don't you think will assimilate?
Millions of people who, rather than following our laws for legal immigration, purposefully seek to invade our country illegally are by definition, not assimilating. This is not complicated.

Did some investigative reporting as well...

Note: This cat IS Black. He didn't get paid and is still waiting on his paycheck... for the work he was actually doing...

Just took this picture under two hours ago... (Yeah, he learned to code but got stiffed in the paycheck department. He filed a grievance with PETA...)

He was actually working for Laughmala on her campaign...

Note: This was taken on a federal complex.

Millions of people who, rather than following our laws for legal immigration, purposefully seek to invade our country illegally are by definition, not assimilating. This is not complicated.
First, dreamers did not do anything illegal. Their parents did.

I don't agree with your definition of assimilation into the USA. I see it as becoming a functioning member of society w/o causing harm regardless of legal status other than having a deportation order hanging over your head. You apparently think it means first being legal.
Trump is on fire today:

Panama Canal:

"If the principles, both moral and legal [are not met], we will demand that the Panama Canal be returned to the U.S.A. in full, quickly and without question. Not gonna stand for it.",

"To the officials of Panama, please be guided accordingly."

"Our Navy and commerce have been treated very unfair. The fees [are] ridiculous. Especially knowing the extraordinary generosity that was bestowed for Panama [when USA gave it away].""

It's gonna stop [...] And, we will never let it fall into the wrong hands... but it's falling into the wrong hands [China]."

"They are all befuddled. They don't know what the hell happened" haha

Year after year the Dems going after Clarence Thomas 50 times more than the go after the rest of the conservative justices combined.

What's different about him? Hmm...I wonder. Who knows, maybe Adam Schiff was orginally Canadian.

Optics are bad for both of em. When people say “drain the swamp” this is the nonsense I hope they end.
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Like I said, the OSU loss has me cranky. And to top it off, I have spending time with my family this week which is pretty much like pouring rubbing alcohol on a bad case of road rash, to look forward to. My family actually takes the "fun" OUT of dysfunction.

Here is visual aid of me on Wednesday morning, heading to my sister's house for the get together. (It is less hyperbolic than you might think.)

That is why they put some of us in enemy territory with a weapon and not others. We are expendable.
Yeah, those bullet stoppers (11B's) are not supposed to be known for their intelligence. Then again, us 13B's (gun bunnies, cannon cockers) aren't either according to some.

When I was in Bad Krueznach Germany with 1st Armored Division Headquarters back in February 1993 I had a 13E (Fire Direction Specialist) come up to me after seeing my combat patch from the 75th BDE Ft. Sill and ask what unit did I go to combat with in in the 75th BDE. After telling him he said that he knew all of the 13E's from that Bn and did not know me. When I told him I was a 13B he asks what I was doing at the division level working and that 13B's were not intelligent enough for that level. 13E's are supposed to be the brains of the artillery according to them and many act like jerks. He was an E-7 and me being an E-6 at the time I guess he figured he could say whatever he wanted to since he out ranked me. That did not go over well and after me basically telling him to kiss my ass, I told him to take it up with the division CSM.

He did just that as he walked away from me down the hall to the CSM's office and closed the door behind him. It was not a minute or so later I heard the CSM yelling at him and telling him that he makes the decisions on who works at this level and that I was working directly for him. After telling him to get out of his office, he sheepishly walked pass me and I raised up my hands with palms facing out and a smirk on my face as if to ask; "What now dumbass". He and I never got along.
Yeah, those bullet stoppers (11B's) are not supposed to be known for their intelligence. Then again, us 13B's (gun bunnies, cannon cockers) aren't either according to some.

When I was in Bad Krueznach Germany with 1st Armored Division Headquarters back in February 1993 I had a 13E (Fire Direction Specialist) come up to me after seeing my combat patch from the 75th BDE Ft. Sill and ask what unit did I go to combat with in in the 75th BDE. After telling him he said that he knew all of the 13E's from that Bn and did not know me. When I told him I was a 13B he asks what I was doing at the division level working and that 13B's were not intelligent enough for that level. 13E's are supposed to be the brains of the artillery according to them and many act like jerks. He was an E-7 and me being an E-6 at the time I guess he figured he could say whatever he wanted to since he out ranked me. That did not go over well and after me basically telling him to kiss my ass, I told him to take it up with the division CSM.

He did just that as he walked away from me down the hall to the CSM's office and closed the door behind him. It was not a minute or so later I heard the CSM yelling at him and telling him that he makes the decisions on who works at this level and that I was working directly for him. After telling him to get out of his office, he sheepishly walked pass me and I raised up my hands with palms facing out and a smirk on my face as if to ask; "What now dumbass". He and I never got along.
I was in the Chair Force so a lot of the "military stuff" you talked about I don't really understand LOL But I get the gist of it. 🤣

That's not to say that because I was only in the Air Force, that I don't share in the brotherhood. It used to get so cold in the radio bays on midnight shifts that the military issued sweaters were scant protection against the 60 degree temperatures. Not to mention the fact that if there was a heavy backlog of air traffic to transcribe we sometimes couldn't even take our smoke/snack breaks.

(In all seriousness, we took a lot of crap from the other branches, and IMO, it was all WELL DESERVED. LOL) Mad respect for those of you doing the ACTUAL job.

Office of the Division Commander

24 December 1944

What’s Merry about all this, you ask? We’re fighting — it’s cold, we aren’t home. All true but what has the proud Eagle Division accomplished with its worthy comrades the 10th Armored Division, the 705th Tank Destroyer Battalion and all the rest? Just this: We have stopped cold everything that has been thrown at us from the North, East, South and West. We have identifications from four German Panzer Divisions, two German Infantry Divisions and one German Parachute Division. These units, spearheading the last desperate German lunge, were headed straight west for key points when the Eagle Division was hurriedly ordered to stem the advance. How effectively this was done will be written in history; not alone in our Division’s glorious history but in World history. The Germans actually did surround us, their radios blared our doom. Their Commander demanded our surrender in the following imprudent arrogance:

December 22nd 1944

“To the U. S. A. Commander of the encircled town of Bastogne.

The fortune of war is changing. This time the U. S. A. forces in and near Bastogne have been encircled by strong German armored units. More German armored units have crossed the river Ourthe near Ortheuville, have taken Marche and reached St. Hubert by passing through Hompres-Sibret-Tillet. Libramont is in German hands.

There is only one possibility to save the encircled U. S. A. Troops from total annihilation: that is the honorable surrender of the encircled town. In order to think it over a term of two hours will be granted beginning with the presentation of this note.

If this proposal should be rejected the German Artillery Corps and six heavy A. A. Battalions are ready to annihilate the U. S. A. Troops in and near Bastogne. The order for firing will be given immediately after this two hour’s term.

All the serious civilian losses caused by this Artillery fire would not correspond with the well known American humanity.

The German Commander”

The German Commander received the following reply:

22 December 1944

“To the German Commander:

N U T S !

The American Commander”

Allied Troops are counterattacking in force. We continue to hold Bastogne. By holding Bastogne we assure the success of the Allied Armies. We know that our Division Commander, General Taylor, will say: “Well Done!”

We are giving our country and our loved ones at home a worthy Christmas present and being privileged to take part in this gallant feat of arms are truly making for ourselves a Merry Christmas.

The world would not continue to survive because there would be no men to impregnate real women. That clown sure can't/won't do it. Plus, the real women I know would not give him the time of day.
Normally, I'd issue a clown/pejorative warning to you, but given your background I'm just going to keep my f***ing mouth shut. LOL
First, dreamers did not do anything illegal. Their parents did.

I don't agree with your definition of assimilation into the USA. I see it as becoming a functioning member of society w/o causing harm regardless of legal status other than having a deportation order hanging over your head. You apparently think it means first being legal.
Don’t move the goal posts man. “Dreamers” (catchy name to designed to push the political narrative of granting blanket citizenship) are unrelated to the group about which this conversation began.

When your very first act of coming to this country is breaking our laws and trying to evade border patrol, that’s not the best start the becoming a functioning member of our society. By definition, it is the opposite.
Don’t move the goal posts man. “Dreamers” (catchy name to designed to push the political narrative of granting blanket citizenship) are unrelated to the group about which this conversation began.

When your very first act of coming to this country is breaking our laws and trying to evade border patrol, that’s not the best start the becoming a functioning member of our society. By definition, it is the opposite.
That's not where it started. The original meaning of dreamers, regardless of how it's used today, referred to children brought here by their illegal entry parents who have grown into adults here. That's whom I refer to.

Agree it's not the best start. But for many/most, it's the lesser evil. Doesn't make you a permanently bad actor.
If you got five minutes watch this, incredibly interesting stuff from RFK Jr. About this simulation and that it was about how they were going to use the pandemic, but nothing about public health. The part about the doctor in Argentina and the success he had is infuriating

RFK Jr.--"The thing is there was no discussion of public health."

"What is the CIA doing at a public health forum? They don’t do public health. They do coup d'états.”

(Interesting backdrop for a serious discussion)
Ash, I'm sorry I made you upset. I like our "Lakeland" connection man. Honestly, I didn't realize you posted it and was just poking fun with you when you commented about me not liking it. Was trying to be humorous, looks like some got it and some didn't. I'll try harder.

What is bolded is pretty dam funny, if you meant that as a joke. Anyway, peace brother. Tis the season.
LOL right back at ya, friend. I guess we all have to blow our stack once a year. I almost made it to the end!
If you got five minutes watch this, incredibly interesting stuff from RFK Jr. About this simulation and that it was about how they were going to use the pandemic, but nothing about public health. The part about the doctor in Argentina and the success he had is infuriating

RFK Jr.--"The thing is there was no discussion of public health."

"What is the CIA doing at a public health forum? They don’t do public health. They do coup d'états.”

(Interesting backdrop for a serious discussion)

The CIA and the NSA only exist to preserve our freedoms, manipulate governments, foreign and domestic, unlawfully dose US citizens with LSD*, illegally funnel tax dollars and US arms to shady revolutionaries, and engage in unlawful murder, but most of all, to preserve our freedoms.

* I would have gladly signed up for MK Ultra, but they never asked me.
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