How will they rule ??!

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Trump is paid by no lobbyists. He just knows understands that you can't replace fossil fuels before the technology is ready and it can be done in a manner that makes energy affordable for

Trump recently offered his oil support in exchange for 1 billion from big oil.

Trumps will do anything for money. He’s selling trump Bibles, 100,000 dollar trump watches.
I get your "shtick" and you're not ALWAYS wrong etc. But arguing against minimal standards like showing up to work during business hours, in clothing that doesn't look like you slept on the street in them etc. is taking it a bit too far. I get it, that conventions have changed (for the better, generally, IMO) but there has to be a minimum standard. I know you know this.
People used to wear three piece suits to fly. Now it’s pajama pants. I understand the former appeals to the boomers and not the latter, but that sentiment is reversed as you go down the generations. Function > form. We don’t wear powdered wigs anymore either. That’s a positive. Regardless of what the old people of the day thought about it.
Trump recently offered his oil support in exchange for 1 billion from big oil.

Trumps will do anything for money. He’s selling trump Bibles, 100,000 dollar trump watches.
Capitalism baby. Plus we need oil. Only idiots like you think that’s an expendable recourse.

Should Trump not be allowed to sell stuff? In your socialist utopia, do you get to decide how individuals make money?

Maybe we could all just be like Biden and Harris and never do a single meaningful thing in our lives, but use our political position to become rich. Makes sense…
Men in general (the ones with normal testosterone levels and conviction) will be the last ones to support a walking/talking/cackling imbecile to become POTUS.

Let’s be honest here. She isn’t terribly bright. She has no original thoughts or ideas. She’s incapable of independently formulating cogent responses to questions, and frankly she knows it, which is why she goes to great lengths to avoid facing any such questions. She hasn’t accomplished anything of significance in her political career. She has no record of doing anything positively impactful during her entire term as VP. She did not earn the nomination through a democratic primary process. She has put forth nothing of substance in her brief presidential campaign. In fact she hasn’t put forth anything except feel good catch phrases devised by campaign wonks on her staff.

The one and only qualifying detail about her that ushered her in as the Dem nominee was the fact her name was on the documents for the campaign fund war chest, and she was the only one who could use it. That’s it. That’s the measure of her qualifications to run for POTUS.
They were really pushing her big time with the Kavanaugh hearings (and I'm convinced the Jussie Smollett stuff was for her as well). They really wanted her to be the one to get the nominee but the people rejected her (aligning more with Bernie and Biden).

don’t remind me

Trump is paid by no lobbyists. He just knows understands that you can't replace fossil fuels before the technology is ready and it can be done in a manner that makes energy affordable for Americans.
Here's what the idiots on the Left don't understand:

No one, Left or Right, is against "Green energy"... conceptually.

It does, however, have to be viable (economically, geographically, etc). If not... full stop.

Side note: If you idiot Lefties would allow nuclear our problems would be solved (see western Europe, you know.. your liberal Valhalla). Nuclear, while not completely " Green", would be much cheaper and more efficient in the long run. But no... lets allow Springsteen , Jackson Browne, and a bunch of idiot musicians to direct our energy policy (see: No Nukes concerts).

Like I said....She tweeted about a bail fund during the Floyd protests. A man had been suffocated on the street by a cop.
She never went there, organized a rally for her supporters from all over the country....then told the protesters to follow her to the Minnesota state Capitol or police dept....after giving a speech telling them that cops are evil and they have to "fight like hell" to get their city back....
Trump recently offered his oil support in exchange for 1 billion from big oil.

Trumps will do anything for money. He’s selling trump Bibles, 100,000 dollar trump watches.
Another great part about Trumps USA vs yours, no one including yourself is forced to buy from Trump. He can sell anything he wants and you’re free to just ignore it, or complain like the little emotional girl you are.

In your preferred society, it will be quite the opposite.
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No, Sam. No.

Here's an graphic example of anarchy in which Gov (haha) Walz daughter tweets out intel at the the GD rioters.


Damned coup attempt. How DARE you shove these GD loons down our throats.
Get back to me when the Walz's are convicted of a felony and are also singing songs with convicted felons in prison.
You are the loon.
They manage to be on the wrong side of every issue. Biden's DOJ is fighting for immunity for those in the United Nations that evidence proves helped the terrorists.

Few like Milei speak the truth to the UN while Biden protects that organizations worst actors.

Javier Milei to the UN:

"In this very house, that claims to defend human rights, they have allowed the entry of bloody dictatorships, like those of Cuba and Venezuela, without the slightest reproach.

In this very house, that claims to defend the rights of women, it allows countries that punish their women for showing skin, to enter the committee for the elimination of discrimination against women.

In this very house, there has been systematic voting against the state of Israel, which is the only country in the Middle East that defends liberal democracy, while simultaneously demonstrating a total inability to respond to the scourge of terrorism."
I loathe our press so much. I studied the Soviet Union's history and propaganda in college and it's incredibly similar to what occurs with the Democrat Party.

I would love for a leftist here to be forced to read 1984 and try and come away with the idea that it doesn't describe the modern day Democrat Party. The left's base are masters of "doublethink", they want all control of media (this is undeniable), they back the surveilance state, they want to control language and are about mind control, silence all political dissent and will destroy you if you do not bend the knee to the party.

I want you to think how f'n stupid or low informed a person has to be to not see this.
Neither party is uniquely dragging us into that dystopia. It's the natural inclination of power to consolidate if not intentionally reined in. You think Republicans are moving us away from 1984? Incredibly naive.
Speculation, Sam.
All Trump says is I'm gonna fix Ukraine. He has given ZERO specifics regarding a settlement.
He has given ZERO goals for what he thinks the border should look like with his "Good Deal".
He has sided with Putin on everything in the past.
And y'all make fun of Harris's policies. She is a policy genius compared to "Concept" plan man.
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But, if that's true, shouldn't Biden/Harris' climate policies have reversed all the damage done by Trump's (sort of like how they reversed all the damage done by Trump at the southern border)? Of course, the climate immediately reacts to whatever Trump did but cannot react immediately to all the wonderful climate policies foisted on the US by this administration. My bad, I forgot how the climate works for a second.
It's cumulative. X number of years without taking action can never be undone. Y years of Harris or even Greta Thunberg can't undo the damage from X.
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They were really pushing her big time with the Kavanaugh hearings (and I'm convinced the Jussie Smollett stuff was for her as well). They really wanted her to be the one to get the nominee but the people rejected her (aligning more with Bernie and Biden).

I knew a woman who once said she going to vote for Bill Clinton because he was a good looking man.
Go figure it out yourself what I responded to, it will be a "good" use of your time... versus what you use your time for now... (I at least made you think rationally now. Build on that...)
As of today OpenSecrets has the oil and gas industry at 14 million contributed to Trump and 1 million to Harris.
Please bullet point the damages caused by X.
Aridification of the heartland, eastward drift of tornado alley, and increased variability of hurricanes would be just a handful of the immediate impacts we're already seeing. We're mostly talking about long term effects though, conflating weather and climate is as silly as when y'all walk outside on a cold day in the summer and go 'Global warmin'? Yeah right!'.
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As of today OpenSecrets has the oil and gas industry at 14 million contributed to Trump and 1 million to Harris.

So... (That is trivial..) Also it shows why you are "Cherry-Picking"

Here's your buddy claiming President Trump received a Billion....

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Like I said....She tweeted about a bail fund during the Floyd protests. A man had been suffocated on the street by a cop.
She never went there, organized a rally for her supporters from all over the country....then told the protesters to follow her to the Minnesota state Capitol or police dept....after giving a speech telling them that cops are evil and they have to "fight like hell" to get their city back....
By fentanyl.

St George
Even if true, which I doubt, how did that CHANGE the climate? I'm gonna go out on a limb and state that pulling out of the Paris climate pact had ZERO to do with the climate. It doesn't change that quickly, certainly not from anything mankind is doing. Over the past several years, the US has been the country to reduce their emissions the most while China and India continue to ramp up their emissions. But, yeah, it was the US pulling out of that nonsense Paris pact that caused a hurricane several years later. you imbeciles ever listen to yourself?

The stuff you state as fact is, on its face, pure fabrication. Many scientists have questioned the 'consensus' of man-made climate change and the 'research' that seems to start with the preferred conclusion and work backwards. The scientific illogical nature of omitting the sun, clearly the largest (by far) factor in the Earth's climate, immediately calls into question any conclusion climate scientists offer up. The CO2 'problem' is a joke. CO2 makes up like .04% of the atmosphere and it's the gas that plants need to grow. A spike in CO2 levels, let's say a 50% spike to .06% of the atmosphere (oh, the horror!), would only make plant life thrive, would it not? Is that a bad thing? Especially since plants emit oxygen unless my Biology class in HS was wrong. By the way, there was a scientific consensus for many decades that the sun revolved around the Earth. Think that one was correct, too? Even closer to home, there was a scientific consensus (according to the MSM and our government) that the COVID vaccine was effective at preventing and spreading infection and was completely safe. How'd that consensus turn out?

Who is the big money behind Kamala? Ask yourself that. Many of her big donors have deep ties to China which will reap the rewards of the US converting to renewables. If any climate activist was on the level, they'd be calling for building nukes as fast as we can and replacing all of the coal- and gas-fired generating stations. And, yet...crickets.

You're a troll and, to no one's surprise, an uninformed troll.
This post is the absolute essence of hubris. You call others uninformed trolls while being wrong on almost everything you posted.

  1. " Many scientists have questioned the 'consensus' of man-made climate change and the 'research' that seems to start with the preferred conclusion and work backwards. The scientific illogical nature of omitting the sun, clearly the largest (by far) factor in the Earth's climate, immediately calls into question any conclusion climate scientists offer up." - This is nuts conspiracy theory crap. Climate science absolutely includes the sun, it is highly studied and intricately involved in climate modeling. We are currently in a solar weakening phase which does not explain our warming trend in any way. Where do you come up with this crap?

  2. "The CO2 'problem' is a joke. CO2 makes up like .04% of the atmosphere and it's the gas that plants need to grow. A spike in CO2 levels, let's say a 50% spike to .06% of the atmosphere (oh, the horror!)" - We've already seen a 50% increase in just the last couple hundred years from 280 ppm to 421 ppm. That's accompanied a noticeable warming trend that will further spiral out of control if not curbed. More plants does not just = good. There've been times in Earth's history where the poles were covered with forests, does that look like our world? It's a conversation about what we want the planet to look like, if we don't have it we'll lose our control and not be able to.

  3. "By the way, there was a scientific consensus for many decades that the sun revolved around the Earth. Think that one was correct, too?" - Is that the current theory of "scientific consensus"? No? Oh, almost like that's how learning about our universe, science, works! You're free to collect your own data and demonstrate that CO2 doesn't cause warming as a greenhouse gas. Go for it! No one's stopping you from proving "scientific consensus" wrong. Except maybe reality.

  4. "Many of her big donors have deep ties to China which will reap the rewards of the US converting to renewables." - You need to look into domestic lithium production.

  5. " If any climate activist was on the level, they'd be calling for building nukes as fast as we can and replacing all of the coal- and gas-fired generating stations. And, yet...crickets." - I've been a consistent proponent of nuclear on here. I posted about new molten salt reactors just a few months ago.
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