How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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  • Poll closed .
I prefer to call it a responsible, upstanding human being with values who has a level of personal responsibility. Some people actually enjoy their jobs and the people they work for and with. I'd hate to see how much disrespect you show your bosses and supervisors. Do you wear a uniform to work pulverizing coal? Do your bosses know what you think of them?

No matter what your opinion's are and no matter what level of Commie/Marxist/Socialism you favor, work is still required to keep our massive infrastructure running and operating. And all of those jobs will still have someone in charge. Sorry you think people should just be allowed to act like dicks at work and be disruptive to the work environment.

It's stunning that Trump has ONLY a 2 point lead in this pathetic country.
You’ve posted like 10 crazy rants about God and the Bible and then somehow think it’s crazy that Trump isn’t winning as if Trump hasn’t had plenty of abortions paid for on his behalf. Let’s not forget the fake Bibles he’s selling where he’s altering the Word of God and slapping his name on the cover. You know he doesn’t believe abortion should be banned right? Just curious, you’re basically saying none of us have a relationship with God and you’re spouting off crap about abortion over and over. So how do you cast a vote for Trump and not feel like a complete hypocrite?
Tell that the British. Or the French. Or the Germans. Or insert any other of a long list.
Lower than any President over the last 6 election cycles. Lower than Jimmy Carter. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Here’s a look at average GDP growth rates under the last six U.S. presidents:

Jimmy Carter (D): 3.25%

Ronald Reagan (R): 3.48%

George H.W. Bush (R): 2.25%

Bill Clinton (D): 3.88%

George W. Bush (R): 2.2%

Barack Obama (D): 1.62%

Donald Trump (R): 0.95%

Another day.... Another record under Biden/Harris.
Seriously? You are holistically stupid.
Let me get this straight. Kamala Harris tweets about a Bail Fund in 2020 that may help some protesters involved in the George Floyd protests.
She didn't bail them out.
She didn't even know this man or any of the protesters that may or may not have committed a crime during the protests. She only pointed out a bail fund that was available if you were arrested during the protests.
A FULL TWO YEARS LATER.....a man Kamala has never met in her life just so happens to have used that fund and commits a completely unrelated crime to the BLM protests.....TWO YEARS after her Tweet.
But somehow in MAGA world that is her fault. 🤡
On the other hand.....Rump incites a full blown riot at the Capitol. Unleashes a mob of red hats on the Congress. Many of whom are actually arrested and charged with crimes like beating cops, theft, vandalism, trespassing and other charges.
Some of Rump's cult are actually convicted of these crimes and serving time in he decides to sing songs with them....and promises to pardon them if he is elected.
Who is the GD danger to America again?????
I'm just gonna leave this right here for future reference.

Adios Amigo.

I loathe our press so much. I studied the Soviet Union's history and propaganda in college and it's incredibly similar to what occurs with the Democrat Party.

I would love for a leftist here to be forced to read 1984 and try and come away with the idea that it doesn't describe the modern day Democrat Party. The left's base are masters of "doublethink", they want all control of media (this is undeniable), they back the surveilance state, they want to control language and are about mind control, silence all political dissent and will destroy you if you do not bend the knee to the party.

I want you to think how f'n stupid or low informed a person has to be to not see this.

NEW: Border Patrol union statement to
re: VP Kamala Harris’ border visit in AZ today - her first visit to the southern border since June 2021 when she went to El Paso, TX. “After years of not just ignoring the problem, but helping create it, Vice President Kamala Harris is finally headed down to the border. This is nothing more than for her to check the box, but what it is in reality is a slap in the face towards the men and women that put their lives on the line every day, and also a slap in the face to the American public. Where has she been?"- Art Del Cueto,

VP, National Border Patrol Council.
There might be hope for the future yet:

If only men voted, the Democrat Party wouldn't rule anything so it's not surprising.

Their primary voting bloc is single white women (most of which has a mental illness of some sort). Super emotional, irrational, and low info women whose only values of importance are "Can I kill this baby as a form of birth control?" and LGBTQXYS123 agenda.
If only men voted, the Democrat Party wouldn't rule anything so it's not surprising.

Their primary voting bloc is single white women (most of which has a mental illness of some sort). Super emotional, irrational, and low info women whose only values of importance are "Can I kill this baby as a form of birth control?" and LGBTQXYS123 agenda.
Take it one step further: Women voting has destroyed this country.