How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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You are indeed a good trained seal. Now clap.

Ah, just a perfect example of dions socialist ideology.

What difference does it make if people show up late for work, bigot?

Guess that moron never had to stay working longer because someone else didn't show up on time.

Notice how he can't comprehend human nature, and how quickly this spirals completely out of control.

'Yeah, I'll just show up to work when I feel like it, where whatever I want, and tell my boss to kiss my ass.'

Idiot commie boy.
  • Haha
Reactions: 55wildcat
The debt crisis is probably worse than you think. I was reading an interesting article online about it, and a few things stood out. Keep in mind, I'm not an economist so...

Currently, our debt, after you subtract the amount the government owes itself, IOW privately held debt, as a percentage of the GDP (which is essentially all that matters) stands at a little over 100 percent. Economists project that the point at which the US debt becomes unsustainable, and no amount of taxes, budget cuts etc. will prevent us from defaulting is around 200 percent, and that is BEST case scenario. The more realistic figure (because home savings are so dismal here) is around 175 percent. At current spending levels, we'll hit that in about 20 years.

There is MORE bad news. Unless the US Government passes a legitimate closure rule that 175 percent threshold is probably much lower. IOW we could start defaulting in possibly 10 years or less.
The debt crisis is probably worse than you think. I was reading an interesting article online about it, and a few things stood out. Keep in mind, I'm not an economist so...

Currently, our debt, after you subtract the amount the government owes itself, IOW privately held debt, as a percentage of the GDP (which is essentially all that matters) stands at a little over 100 percent. Economists project that the point at which the US debt becomes unsustainable, and no amount of taxes, budget cuts etc. will prevent us from defaulting is around 200 percent, and that is BEST case scenario. The more realistic figure (because home savings are so dismal here) is around 175 percent. At current spending levels, we'll hit that in about 20 years.

There is MORE bad news. Unless the US Government passes a legitimate closure rule that 175 percent threshold is probably much lower. IOW we could start defaulting in possibly 10 years or less.
So you're saying it's all gonna go tits up right when I get to retire. Awesome.
Office appropriate clothing doesn’t always mean a suit. I don’t wear a suit to work, but abide by the policies for office dress they have in place. I also show up on time and leave when I’m supposed to. I also use language proper for a workplace environment that has a very diverse group of peers all with differing viewpoints. In other words, I refrain from discussing politics, and using foul language. It’s called being respectful and professional. It’s a sorry state if that’s lost on Gen Z. It’s why they are dragging us down into the toilet as a country. I get my work done and even have time off and on during the day to get on here and catch up with you people.

I work with a lot of Gen Z. For the most part they all wear work appropriate clothes, are on-time, and don't curse at work.

And that's even after we trained them to "be their authentic self" (worst advice ever) and that being on-time is white supremacy. So I'm actually impressed with how solid they are!
I can answer that. Enough to provide schools that don't have buckets in the hall catching rain, pays bus drivers/subs/teachers enough so that classes aren't being covered by janitors or non certified staff, and teachers don't have to pay for their own copy paper.
That's a start.
Give us a number. That those conditions exist doesn't mean there isn't enough money vs. what's there being mispent.

Oh yeah, you just said you were none.

Your garden variety leftist female.
Sixty-two percent of Whites who classify themselves as “very liberal” or “liberal” have been told by a doctor they have a mental health condition, as compared to 26% of conservatives and 20% of moderates, the study found.

Young White people who identified as “very liberal” were almost one and a half times more likely to report mental health problems than those who considered themselves “liberal.”

Sixty-two percent of Whites who classify themselves as “very liberal” or “liberal” have been told by a doctor they have a mental health condition, as compared to 26% of conservatives and 20% of moderates, the study found.

Young White people who identified as “very liberal” were almost one and a half times more likely to report mental health problems than those who considered themselves “liberal.”

Well the other 38% just haven't gone to a doctor.