Your short sighted and naive view of what is real may soon cause you to lose your religious freedom. Don't you understand that with Dion in charge there will no longer be church. You will be sent off to reeducation camps. I am not willing to die on your abortion hill.
Wow, what a FASCINATING and IGNORANT post.
You just demonstrated that you have ZERO knowledge of Christianity and the Bible.
Did the early Christians have religious freedom? No, they did not. And yet, Christianity grew. It exploded. The early church was persecuted. Christians were burned alive, tortured, and fed to lions. And yet it grew.
The prophet Daniel didn't have religious freedom - he was a slave. And yet he was used by God to shape nations. There are numerous examples throughout the Bible - including the Israelites - where God's children did not have religious freedom. It's the norm rather than the exception throughout history. There is no religious freedom in China right now, and yet the church, underground, is thriving.
I've got some news for ya, skippy: God is far more interested in your attitude toward Him than he is about your personal comfort, wealth, and freedom. And He may very well allow our freedoms to go away if it means we will draw closer to Him. America has been the exception throughout history when it comes to religious freedom, and it looks like that's coming to an end. You think the GOP is going to save you? LOL! The Prince of the Power of the Air is in charge. You might want to look that up.
Christians are not guaranteed religious freedom, nor is it required to have religious freedom in order to worship God. In fact, it's likely that we WILL lose our religious freedom in this country. And frankly, I'm surprised it hasn't happened already. Christians today are disobedient to God, and this is one of the reasons God is angry with us. So we're right back to where I started. Get right with God. Stop focusing on this world and get your focus back on God. Do your civic duty; Vote, etc. But remember who's in charge. And remember that this world is not all there is.
I'm not surprised you don't know any of this. It's obvious you and Jesus have never met. You know ABOUT God. But you don't know Him personally. You are more focused on your own personal self than you are the things of God.
That will be your downfall, not my personal faith.