How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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If they're not accompanied by equal spending cuts, they just put the country more in debt.
- He wants to restore state & local taxes deductions, rewarding big spending states. That's F-ed Up.
- He wants to help the wealthy pay for their cars with loan interest deduction. Great. A) Why not give to the poor vs. the wealthy? B) Back to itemizing again. So lovely.
- Says he want to eliminate double taxation on those living out of the country. Guess what? Couples overseas pay no income tax on first $253K. So it amounts to a gift to the wealthy.
- Happy to keep SS & Medicare running a deficit.
- I'm sure waiters in high end restaurants are happy to learn they have no income tax on their $100K tips.

Because wealthy people pay monthly car payments instead of just paying cash?

You clearly don't know anything about wealth and how the wealthy get wealthy. It ain't paying interest rates, old top.

Just bitching like an old man screaming at clouds.
Because wealthy people pay monthly cat payments instead of just paying cash?

You clearly don't know anything.

Just bitching like an old man screaming at clouds.

Oh, and tell the dummy (If you want to...) The BS about not paying taxes while you work overseas is BS. (Worked in Korea and Japan for three years. Ole Uncle GOT that tax dough...) (Oh, back then I was making 73k or so annually...) It needs to "parrot" something else...
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Physically. Never maintained otherwise. Think we’ve been over the sports issue enough times for you to know that.

And emotionally, intellectually, and on and on.

We all know of Marie curie right? Why? Do we know the names of the 100+ male scientists who discovered a new element?

What have women invented?

I could go on, but I think the point stands.
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Can any of you resident Libs explain why it will need to take that long when a responsible state can get it done in one night?
It is the most ridiculous thing about our election… that we have somehow allowed it to become normalized the if the margin is “close,” it must somehow take days/weeks to count the votes. It shouldn’t make the slightest bit of difference. If the difference in vote totals is one vote, or a million votes, it should take the same amount of time to count regardless.

And if they’re trying to make the argument that if it’s that close, they need to take time and make sure the count is correct… that does NOT inspire great confidence in the system in place. That just makes it obvious they are admitting the vote counting can be prone to inconsistencies, and they can’t trust it without manually double checking everything.
Are they all wearing masks to hide their shame at being coerced into doing this shit? 🤔

Or is it just a further sign of the mental damage done to them by people like sambowieshin? 🤨
It's a statement. No more no less. I have no idea about these young kids but when I see adults wearing masks I know. Same for the sad souls that still have BLM yard signs.
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I actually view you as a decent poster despite the fact we disagree on a lot. I don’t think you’re a troll like many on here. That said, I’ll go through this with my view and try to better understand.

1. Completely agree we need not just equal, but more spending cuts. That’s why I’m stoked at his idea of a gov’t efficiency program run by Musk, who is quoted as saying more than 75% of federal gov’t programs are waste and can get the ax. Let’s go!!!

2. I’m mixed on reinstating the Salt deductions. It does reward high tax/big spending states, but it also helps MANY middle class workers who need any tax break they can get their hands on. So that’s a debate worth having.

3. The idea that car loan interest deduction helps the wealthy is a fallacy. Wealthy people by definition do not carry car loans. This only makes a tiny bit of sense if you consider middle and upper middle class wealthy, which they are not. Also, “give to the poor” vs tax the wealthy are 2 separate conversations. Poor do not pay tax, so tax break and deduction conversations can only be about those that pay taxes. We can have a totally separate debate about some sort of safety net for the poor. I can promise any program like that will not be dependent on taxing the wealthy more.

4. Those earning out of country should not pay tax in country just like those earning in KY shouldn’t pay tax in CA. Also $253k is not by any stretch of the imagination “wealthy”.

5. Not up to date in his SS and Medicare policy, but I’m sure they will continue being the failed and mismanaged programs they’ve been since inception. Just further proves the gov’t sucks at everything and the fewer programs and gov’t intrustion, the better.

6. How many waiters make $100k per year as a % of all waiters? I’d venture a guess it’s very very small. I also really hope you aren’t claiming $100k is “wealthy”. In today’s world, someone making that can barely afford to buy a low end home. It just seems odd that you’d focus on an extreme minority to say a policy is bad for everyone.

You come across as someone that can’t get past this tired idea pushed by the left that the wealthy “don’t pay their fair share”. It’s a myth and outright lie to create class warfare. The reality is it doesn’t matter one tiny bit what anyone pays in taxes, the gov’t will waste damn near all of it and those in need will stay in need.

I’m all for the lowest amount of income tax paid by EVERYONE regardless of income level and we go to a consumer based tax system, which was how it was always supposed to be. Income tax is the only thing the left focuses on publicly and politically as a way to divide and conquer. The truth of the matter is the gov’t can generate even more income in a robust economy with consumerism. The problem is that removes their ability to create class warfare, which they so love. Along with race, gender, sex, etc etc etc.
The poorer can't afford a car. Give them money over giving a deduction to those with a loan. If there's no interest cost on a loan, why pay cash?

Taxes were lowered as part of the removal of the salt taxes.

I guarantee you 95% of people would be tickled with $250K AGI.

I told you what his SS policy is: Do nothing & let it run dry.

So waiters making $20/hr with tips shouldn't pay as much tax as $20/hr burger flippers ( That's not an insult to B-fers.)?

I have no idea what fair share means, so I can hardly push for it. Please explain fair share.

Trump's high tariffs are consumption based. Should really help those paying no income tax, LOL.

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