How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I understand liberals. I know what they think and how they'll vote. Despise the lot of them. What I despise more are RINOs. We voted these people in with the expectations that they'll stand up for our beliefs. When they don't then I get angry. A wasted vote for the swamp. The problem? Too many of them out there. Tough battle ahead. Sorry to be so negative. I'm a realist. As Rush would say "I live in Realville".
Go get 'em!! Tell all the rinos to vote for Harris and not Trump. That should work.
They can't be hated enough

Putting an abortion bus outside the D&C is not politicizing people, but being kind to the mourning families is?

Gosh, I wonder why Kamala did not think to politicize this issue first. Maybe it is because her team is responsible for botching the withdrawal so horribly leading to the deaths of many people. Ya think?
Two main factors. Policy and age. Biden was down as far as he was because people who voted from him in 2020 were abandoning him. For those two reasons, his decline and Gaza. Kamala isn't a hundred years old, so that brought back all those voters. She was VP so has plausible deniability on Gaza. Remains to be seen whether she'll put her foot in her mouth there, but so far many of that demographic are back onboard too just because she isn't Biden.

Maybe a few percent due to not being legit brain dead but no way there was that much movement. It isn't possible. Its the exact same everything except younger and 5 more brain cells

One of those sets of polls are clearly wrong. One just as likely as the other.

I haven't seen the Harris +8 polls. By whom?

Cant remember. Nate silver had her up 7 nationally iirc. Of course it isn't a national election but still.
Was at Crested Butte first week in Dec. on first day a run was open & friend hit one & lost her ski. Didn't find it after 2 hours of looking.
Hit a rock? Ouch! Correct me if I'm wrong but does that area get their "good" snow after Dec? Just a general question.
American healthcare means we are #40 in life expectancy and spend 3 or 4 times what most other developed countries spend to get it. With added Health Care Bankruptcy goodness!!
There are reason well beyond healthcare for that number:
- drug dealers shooting each other is a biggie
- high auto deaths because we drive so much & many find seat belts a nuance and so say screw em.
- High teen births with premies
- High military numbers that involve high risk.
- Drugs
- Suicides?

I'm sure others can think of others.
I just can't imagine spending this much time on a political board, if it's mostly against my beliefs. What's the point? It would be like a UofL fan who just continues to post on a UK forum. That literally cant be good for your mental state, to wake up every day and treat this forum like your 9-5 job, constantly arguing a topic that you're just so severely outnumbered on (regardless of who is right or wrong), getting absolutely no where, and getting frustrated at every turn. (I mean, this guy is a liberal and just made fun of another poster for sucking cock? lol)

I don't know how you do it Dion.. There's zero chance this thread doesn't go home with you to your
I understand liberals. I know what they think and how they'll vote. Despise the lot of them. What I despise more are RINOs. We voted these people in with the expectations that they'll stand up for our beliefs. When they don't then I get angry. A wasted vote for the swamp. The problem? Too many of them out there. Tough battle ahead. Sorry to be so negative. I'm a realist. As Rush would say "I live in Realville".

That'll offend some RINOs on here! Lol. Love it
The rock was buried. As far as I've experienced, all West ski areas' best snow is Feb-Mar. I was just anxious to get a trip in.
I'm not a skier but it was always my impression that Late Jan/Mar was the time to go out there. I know in my prior life Park City Utah was hot during that period.
I lived at over 7k. People always joke about Denver being the Mile High City, we were close to half again higher. Whenever friends and relatives came to visit it was a crapshoot as to whether they'd be down the first few days with altitude sickness lol. Documentary on Marvin Heemeyer called Tread follows his rampage in Granby, CO. Interesting documentary for many reasons, but lots of shots of Granby and interviews with the locals. Gives a great snapshot of smalltown mountain life. We would go to the ski place called Silver Creek there.
Sweat spot in CO IMO. Tucked away enough from Denver and away from Steamboat Springs and Breckinridge. But hell, I'm just a Geographer...
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no biggie, just discrimination against whitey. perfectly ok.

No offense but this is the ticket Trump needs to run.

You want to be black and support black? Kudos!

Also be American and support America instead of China and India and the Middle East.

Absolutely play that into your favor as you should and as should they, and yes they being black Americans!
And that's the way it should be. I'm not a fan of theML either. Wouldn't mind seeing the original one day, but I won't go out of my way to see it, if there's a stone sculpture by Michelangelo I had to miss for it. Group think is bullsht, but Marx and Hitler alike knew most people want to belong to something and/or be validated by shared belief, as well as wanting a scapegoat to blame for their own negatives.

I used to think Salvador Dali was awesome as an artist. Very creative. My friend told me to go see his work at the museum in Florida, Tampa maybe, can't remember. He SUCKED technically as a painter. It was massively disappointing to see how badly he had painted, but at the same time really opened my eyes to the bullsht of the art world even beyond what Warhol revealed.

Didn't diminish his creativity, but made me realize among other things how high simple deviance had been elevated in the minds of the elite in the art world, regardless of real, lasting value.
I’ve been to the Dali museum in St Petersburg, FL. Actually twice. Once in its old location and then again in the new building. You say he suck’s as a painter, but you also haven’t seen the scale of some of those paintings you see online or in a book. Yes, you have to have an eye for the surreal, and see the hidden elements within the art, then you see it differently. A number of his most famous pieces are huge. Like 10’ to 12’ tall.

An artist I never understood was Jackson Pollock.
Here's an article that I've only read about half of - but it states that our Navy may have to 'sideline' something like 17 support ships - due to a lack of available personnel

that seems kind of - bad

and they go on to mention that they're considering using civilian personnel to help with the gap

"what if they threw a war -- and no one came" , right?

wow -


The scary part about this that isnt immediately obvious: this will be challenged and then who hears it? Current scotus or the new packed scotus?

It is almost certain to be the packed scotus.

Hopefully pubs will file in a non lib district and circuit so the matter can proceed to scotus before its packed which is the only chance. Libs will be ready for this, as they are ever the pros at treachery. So they will have names that will be rammed through and on the bench waiting to rule in favor of the bill.

Even if somehow that doesn't happen, a lib somewhere in the district or circuit court process will delay and stall giving time for it to happen. Theyre all one step short of fanatical islamists which is maybe why they make good bed fellows.

Lets say best case somehow sitting scotus strikes it down. There will still be turmoil and a more insane question to their legitimacy. So much there will be immense pressure to let it pass so to preserve the appearance of the court's legacy. Even striking it down the turmoil and more insane question to their legitimacy will be even stronger.

Let's be clear- There is no coming back from this if it happens. This will shred whats left of this Republic and we will be thrown into a literal fascist state, which we are mostly anyway. Dems will do anything for power.
Here's an article that I've only read about half of - but it states that our Navy may have to 'sideline' something like 17 support ships - due to a lack of available personnel

that seems kind of - bad

and they go on to mention that they're considering using civilian personnel to help with the gap

"what if they threw a war -- and no one came" , right?

wow -

Underway replishment is one of the capabilities that makes the US Navy stand out in the world. At least, it was at one time. :(
Mail in ballots will fix any lead Trump has. Pennsylvania is gone. Not in play at all, just like Wisconsin and Michigan.

Yeah speaking of Michigan, what Dems have done there make it unwinnable for Trump. He would have it to win it by 10 points to overcome their cheating.

Dems changing 70 years of election laws in June cause they didn't like the polling proved it.
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Here's an article that I've only read about half of - but it states that our Navy may have to 'sideline' something like 17 support ships - due to a lack of available personnel

that seems kind of - bad

and they go on to mention that they're considering using civilian personnel to help with the gap

"what if they threw a war -- and no one came" , right?

wow -


Well on the bright side, as czar of the border Kamala brought in 10s of millions of fighting age males that can be used in the forever wars in exchange for citizenship, and replace all those “unvaxxed” heathens that wouldn’t participate in the medical experiments.
Mail in ballots will fix any lead Trump has. Pennsylvania is gone. Not in play at all, just like Wisconsin and Michigan.

Very true. IN penn, ballots don't even have to have matching signatures.

Really is amazing we have allowed these people to foist such an "election" process on us through the hysteria and mass delusion that was covid. I have no respect for these people. These power-obsessed people are playing with fire if we can not be absolutely sure of election integrity. THere's no excuse.
Here's an article that I've only read about half of - but it states that our Navy may have to 'sideline' something like 17 support ships - due to a lack of available personnel

that seems kind of - bad

and they go on to mention that they're considering using civilian personnel to help with the gap

"what if they threw a war -- and no one came" , right?

wow -

In the past few years, all of the military has been struggling to meet recruitment requirements to the point that there has been an adjustment to the numbers now required to do the job to give the appearance that it is not as bad as it is. They are still not meeting the numbers to meet the new standard. Go woke, Go Broke. In this case broke means hurt and incapable of meeting real mission requirements.
You guys really need to stop and think for a minute. Kamala Harris, the communist, is the new face of the Democrat party. The Democrat party is now the communist party of the United States. Even if Trump wins this election, there will be a democrat who wins eventually. We are going to see a communist president in our country in our lifetimes. Are we going to live with that or are we going to stop it? We really do need a national divorce or a Civil War, or we are going to become China or North Korea.