How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
While it doesn't seem like an attack, just based on the things that would have been "targeted" here along with the fairly easy fix (for some things).. It is a pretty damn big issue though. Maybe the biggest non-attack outage we've had in quite some time.

Hope no one is traveling.

I woke up at 5:30 AM to this news.

Taking a train from NYC to DC later.

Have my doubts, but at least thankful I’m not trying to fly home.

At one point had legit concerns about even being able to get out of Manahattan. If I can do that, getting home is easy.
We’re talking about the voters, not the machine. Bernie is beloved, even by many who don’t agree with him.
Elizabeth Warren claimed to be an Indian. Biden's claimed to be from every state and worked every job and attended every church.

.... and was basically raised in every ethnic culture, so much so, that if you didn't vote for him "you weren't black." This is quite literally the sociopath that liberals voted for and yet can't understand why liberalism is mental illness. You just can't make this stuff up more crazy than real life liberalism
I woke up at 5:30 AM to this news.

Taking a train from NYC to DC later.

Have my doubts, but at least thankful I’m not trying to fly home.

At one point had legit concerns about even being able to get out of Manahattan. If I can do that, getting home is easy.

If anyone with purple hair sticks something in your face don’t sneeze or pull it. Get away from it, heard in those areas they’re growing weird new body parts after removing the old ones.

Hope you make it out of those hell holes keep us posted. Said a prayer for ya UKUGA.
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- By national electorate, you mean the entire country at once? Agree. He's certainly affected the electorate in many states with campaign support of other Pubs, particularly Senate candidates. JD Vance says hello. But, so what?

Agreed , so what? Did some dispute that MM has had influence? I missed that post.

- How often do incumbents get seriously primaried anywhere? Net, useless commentary in a bogus attempt to make the rest of your post logical. BTW, what serious competition did Trump did Trump have in the primaries this year when he wasn't even the incumbent? So serious he didn't even debate the others. LOL.

You responded to a post claiming that it was relevant that MM had won 8 elections to Trump’s 1. You made that comment, as ridiculous as we all now see it to be.

- It's good national voters wouldn't vote for an 82 yr old don't you think?

That is your irrelevant point, not mine.

We both know, however, there was never a time in his long political career when MM had national appeal with voters.

- How serious is anyone's competition if the voters strongly favor them? LOL, but keep reaching.

This suggests a real lack of contact with Kentucky voters.

Kind of like you saying you will hold your nose and vote for Trump, so did many Kentuckians with Mitch. Only Elaine would contest that.
Another reason to hate Duke:

“White supremacy culture is the idea (ideology) that white people and the ideas, thoughts, beliefs, and actions of white people are superior to People of Color and their ideas, thoughts, beliefs, and actions,” the Duke report explains, before providing specific instances of what can supposedly contribute to so-called “white supremacy culture.”

“In the workplace, white supremacy culture explicitly and implicitly privileges whiteness and discriminates against non-Western and non-white professionalism standards related to dress code, speech, work style, and timeliness,” the report continues. “Some identifiable characteristics of this culture includes [sic] perfectionism, belief that there’s only one right way, power hoarding, individualism, sense of urgency and defensiveness.”

“Duke Medical’s DEI plan says ‘timeliness’ is white supremacist,” Steve McGuire, Paul & Karen Levy Fellow in Campus Freedom at the American Council of Trustees and Alumni, posted to X on Tuesday. “The same plan identifies a lack of timely responses to discrimination complaints as a top concern among constituents.”
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I woke up at 5:30 AM to this news.

Taking a train from NYC to DC later.

Have my doubts, but at least thankful I’m not trying to fly home.

At one point had legit concerns about even being able to get out of Manahattan. If I can do that, getting home is easy.
If you guys haven't read Atlas Shrugged (written in 1959) or seen the movies, NOW is the time. We just had a crowdstrike attack and also parts are falling off jet planes. Atlas Shrugged's ORIGINAL STARTING POINT is where Americans can no longer afford car or air travel and everything is done by rail. And the things going on in the country in the book/movie are scarily similar to what's going on now. Ayn Rand must have had a view into the future somehow.
I'm traveling again next month to Scotland via London Heathrow (aka "London Thief-row"). Hopefully resolution by then.

I woke up at 5:30 AM to this news.

Taking a train from NYC to DC later.

Have my doubts, but at least thankful I’m not trying to fly home.

At one point had legit concerns about even being able to get out of Manahattan. If I can do that, getting home is easy.

This should all be fixed in a day or two.. and I would imagine big systems are being worked on now. Servers should be fine, because they are most likely not bitlockered.. go into Safemode and delete the CS file, reboot and you're good.

The problem is, workstations and work laptops really. I just spent two hours basically doing Helpdesk duties to get management back up and running. My whole department did. All hands on deck.
Agreed , so what? Did some dispute that MM has had influence? I missed that post.

You responded to a post claiming that it was relevant that MM had won 8 elections to Trump’s 1. You made that comment, as ridiculous as we all now see it to be.

That is your irrelevant point, not mine.

We both know, however, there was never a time in his long political career when MM had national appeal with voters.

This suggests a real lack of contact with Kentucky voters.

Kind of like you saying you will hold your nose and vote for Trump, so did many Kentuckians with Mitch. Only Elaine would contest that.
It's simpler than that. The local Kentucky Democrat voter machine is corrupt. Bevin lost by 5k votes to Beshear? Uh uh. They stole that one.

But they're liars and cheats, the most evil group.

I called what would happen before it happened and it did. You can try to silence, mock, and even imprison people who call BS on the 2020 Election but it doesn't make it any less true. Biden did not get 81M actual voters. It did not happen. I am so confident about this that I would wager anything. Because if you legitimately got that many votes despite the obvious that an old corrupt geezer who didn't campaign whatsoever and couldn't get a crowd to come hear him speak (all while his same supporters were willing to go burn buildings down for George Floyd) and somehow got more black voters than Obama, why would you spend all of your time trying to imprison your opponent, get him off the ballot, and try to kill him?

I mean, you're the most popular candidate ever apparently and everything is awesome right now so why go to these lengths?
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This should all be fixed in a day or two.. and I would imagine big systems are being worked on now. Servers should be fine, because they are most likely not bitlockered.. go into Safemode and delete the CS file, reboot and you're good.

The problem is, workstations and work laptops really. I just spent two hours basically doing Helpdesk duties to get management back up and running. My whole department did. All hands on deck.
Had a report about PowerShell not functioning for a user, but works fine for me.

My director mentioned something about a Crowdstrike global outage earlier this AM.
Back when SNL was funny vibes. Would have been a good outline for a "behind the campaign" skit for Ole Sniffy Joe

The politics on SNL used to be my favorite. Then it just turned mean. I can’t even begin to imagine either Bush was really offended by Dana Carvey and Will Ferrell because they were clearly just goofy and having fun.
If you guys haven't read Atlas Shrugged (written in 1959) or seen the movies, NOW is the time. We just had a crowdstrike attack and also parts are falling off jet planes. Atlas Shrugged's ORIGINAL STARTING POINT is where Americans can no longer afford car or air travel and everything is done by rail. And the things going on in the country in the book/movie are scarily similar to what's going on now. Ayn Rand must have had a view into the future somehow.
Who is John Galt?
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If you guys haven't read Atlas Shrugged (written in 1959) or seen the movies, NOW is the time. We just had a crowdstrike attack and also parts are falling off jet planes. Atlas Shrugged's ORIGINAL STARTING POINT is where Americans can no longer afford car or air travel and everything is done by rail. And the things going on in the country in the book/movie are scarily similar to what's going on now. Ayn Rand must have had a view into the future somehow.

Rand/Orwell ‘24
Amazing looking back at that 2008 VP debate. I realize it was a while ago but damn, Biden aged like milk on a hot summer day.

Also I can’t help but think about how many times Biden talked about how much the middle class has was getting screwed. 15 years later, after 4 decades as a senator, 2 VP terms, and a 4 year term as president, the situation has gotten worse and worse and worse. WHO tf would vote for this corrupt pos. He’s been a personal part of making this country unsustainable. Now he’s opened the border and is changing the entire dynamics of the country for the worst, and making America totally incapable of ever regaining its power. These are the most evil men in history.

But don’t forget what really matters. Focusing on allowing kids to have personal choice to cut their d**** off. Imagine the party of JFK seeing what his party has become. Those men wouldn’t recognize it at all.
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The fact that the Dems think Obama is some kind of genius, and that they allow him to run the party, warms my heart.

This bumbling moron is completely responsible for the clusterfvck that has become the Democratic party, and I look forward to more of his incompetence.
It would've been nice if the Democrat Party put even 25% into vetting Obama like they did Trump instead of running cover for this guy forever. The least amount of info ever about a candidate's past and you're told to just shut up or you're racist. Pay no attention to Obama getting started in Chicago with funding from criminal Tony Rezko and then having Bill Ayers organize fundraisers for him.

The early to mid 2000s was when Soros got really involved in US politics as well and was an early and significant supporter of Obama. What a coincidence that our society went to utter shit after these two were given such a foothold of the Democrat Party.

The GOP displayed their genius to combat this huge shit from the far left by giving the world the options of McCain, Romney, and Jeb Bush.
It's simpler than that. The local Kentucky Democrat voter machine is corrupt. Bevin lost by 5k votes to Beshear? Uh uh. They stole that one.
A number of years ago when the media pundits all started talking about how we (the USA) was a 50/50 country I smelt something fishy. How in world with hundreds of millions of people does it conveniently split 50/50?
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