How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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Pfizer isn't german. They funded the vaccine r&d with german money and created it with biontech, a german company.
Where have we heard this before? Seriously, you guys should compensate us.

You are not worth talking to. I've seen no one celebrating Trump getting shot. I've gone off on no one. You are just trying to fight becaue you are not intelligent enough to discuss anything. You are the problem and I hope the others on this board recognize that. I've tried three times to have a fair intelligent conversation with you and all three times you responded by calling me names and just taking the "my team" approach. My days are better ignoring people like you.

I can go on and on and on....
Unfortunately Biden will not be the dim candidate. Because China Joe would not last 1/2 that time ... and that would be a clear distinction.

Having said that, I would not have minded if he ended at 20 min. That first part was very powerful.

Agree 100%

But he made all the way until the midnight NCAA25 midnight drop so I ain’t for real mad.

I did make my first drink when he started, and my fourth around the end. It was that long.

Regardless I voted once in my life and that was for John Kerry because I hated bush, but my second cast vote will be donald Trump this year.
If you had read it, you’d understand. You must not use Twitter. There’s so much porn posted through bots, it’s impossible to wade through it to read comments on any post. Ads everywhere. It’s a mess. I didn’t say anything politically about it. From a user perspective it’s just a mess.
I use twitter and don't see porn and only a few bots per post. What is search history that you can't see news for the porn?
Still no proof.... 4 years later. The Great Pumpkin will rise from the pumpkin patch and bring that proof soon right?

People that can’t see through propaganda at the mass level become leftist. The people that want what’s best for America and see propagandist as a threat, vote right.

If you can’t see by now how dangerous your Marxist lobby is at this point Sam, you’re never going to admit it. This isn’t your grandad’s Democratic Party, they are a disgusting, immoral, corrupt party. It couldn’t be more clear. What in the world are you doing? Didn’t dude cutting his junk off and walking into the little girls room not explain enough to you? Get real man, it’s reached the point where you should wise up and stop supporting it. That’s not even getting into the weaponization of government entities which is 100% clear, the ties between the media, leftists, and the military industrial complex, and socially backward ideology. Using those social issues to shield themselves from being Bought off by the war machine and big pharm, big tech, and big business is another thing you should easily be able to diagnose. If I were an older Democrat. I would say there was a time when it made some sense but it’s gone too extreme in multiple directions. I wouldn’t want to risk meeting God as a believer in modern leftist values either. Make no mistake we can call it what we want, but ripping a baby out of a stomach, scrambling it, and sucking it through a tube is MURDER. Think about the things you vote for sir, in 100 years we’ll advance past it and all of you will be considered mass murderers.

Stop enabling evil and change some of those beliefs. It’s time you came on over and supported a better America without the mental insanity.
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Calls people on the left mentally ill - is voting for Trump.

Come on, dude.

Have no idea what this means. The left is mentally ill. They support the murder of the babies and embrace it to the point of anytime anywhere They’re in favor of and promote gender dysphoria and mutilation even in children. Pass laws to allow children to undergo gender resigning (bad enough in itself) without parental consent. If you look at left wing social and political gatherings you’ll see sexual deviancy that’s no doubt leading to child pedophilia. At the root it’s largely made up of mass gender and minority paranoia used to herd people to create political blocs. Also politically its core is made up of Marxist whose goal is to see the fall of the American system created by men who began with satanic tenets.

It’s not debatable it’s just that you’ve been propagandized to believe these realities are normal when in fact they are immoral and abnormal. By definition, these are mentally deranged and confused, sick individuals. Some are unaware and aren’t naturally bad individuals but make no mistake, regardless of what many on the left believe, these are at best extremely confused people.
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How tf is it "the same thing"? Jan 6th people did that shit. Whether you think they should be prosecuted for it is a legitimate question, but it isn't "the same thing" as holding and torturing people who did LITERALLY NOTHING and were completely falsely accused.
As the beat goes on....

I saw somewhere 27% of liberals think trump staged the assassination attempt to boost his ratings. At first i thought it sounded high. Then as i heard from more friends and colleagues, it sounds about right. Might even be low. Most libs absolutely believe it.

Its insane how many people literally think someone is crazy enough to hire a person to fire multiple shots at their head from 300 yards away.

Am I getting it right that people think JD is lying about being from Eastern KY in order to appeal to voters.....? Ho Lee Chit????? Being a redneck is popular.

I don't. Imo at the time vance was trying to make money. No harm in that. I don't think politics entered his mind until his cozy relationship with msm went downhill after they uncovered him lying. I think once he went back at them, he saw the same vein trump tapped into and saw the opportunity.

Trump doesn't have to worry about votes from Appalachia thats for sure. Of course some people wre crying about vance painting Appalachia as a drug riddled sh1thole but those are all bernie people anyway and barely even a single digit of the subject population.

Vance is the perfect pick for trump. Vance will play along and will not outshine him. Nothing either says or does will be too much for the other. I just don't want vance as president which gives me concern because trump is old.
You still think that time in DC is a positive... LOL.

Comparing MM’s wins in Kentucky to Trump’s national win is really pretty stupid. Voters in Kentucky have not had a real choice other than McConnell in years, many many years. Trump won two primaries. Does anyone think McConnell could ever win a presidential primary? AOC, Maxine Waters, Chuck Schumer, etc. also have won many congressional races. So what!? Apples to oranges.
So crowdstrike says this enormous interruption of service to many huge networks it isn't an attack or anything malicious? The issue was identified and is being fixed?

They make it sound like some jr developer pushed bad code or something but that doesn't seem to fit because its so widespread.

Its either a massive malicious attack from another country or ai run wild. Are there even any other possibilities? Either way we'll probably never be told.
So crowdstrike says this enormous interruption of service to many huge networks it isn't an attack or anything malicious? The issue was identified and is being fixed?

They make it sound like some jr developer pushed bad code or something but that doesn't seem to fit because its so widespread.

Its either a massive malicious attack from another country or ai run wild. Are there even any other possibilities? Either way we'll probably never be told.

Dealing with this now. I'd lean more towards just bad code and someone making a mistake. Most of this is fixable, especially from a server/service level. Now laptops are another story.