How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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    Votes: 9 18.0%

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You & I agree on this, but most anywhere in KY either don't GAS about it or want the PP status quo. It's so sick. I take this amendment passing over DJT winning.

The only part i disagree on is trump. If he doesn't win, it won't much matter. If he does there is a chance he enacts change at the federal level. He eyed in the first time.
Im not into labels and descriptions, more into pragmatism and I believe that is indeed found toward the principles found away from leftist ideology. You could say if you were to describe my beliefs - a form of virtuous nationalism with principles in western liberal values.

When I say “independent” I mean a voter who goes from Bush to Obama, from Trump to Biden. It’s causing total gridlock and allowing the Marxist elements to slip through into our power structure. I would prefer they either vote toward the right or stay home. I do admit that to take part in our system I vote republican. It’s not something I enjoy.

At the very least it sounds really, really cool.

Vance has it right. People that have kids should carry the vote. Absolutely genius. Single people shouldn't have the same say as married people raising the future of the country.

Off subject but your post got me thinking about his stance.
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Trump more focused and composed than ever. Imo his best speech ever. I really thought he was close to getting emotional talking about that assassination attempt.

Strong brave man to get back on the horse so soon. Beyond that, this seems to have changed him. I say that even though he referenced stolen elections but at least it wasn't fixation he displayed so many times.
"Meaningless green new scam ideas"--Donald Trump

It would be nice, but that’s not how money is allocated to schools. There’s not a big pot where they pick and choose what they get to spend it on. The majority of districts in KY, with the exception of a few, have modest pay for admin positions. It’s actually low when compared to other states around us.

You misunderstand me there. I mean there are too many administrative positions in the city school districts.

Even if it was capped at a modest rate and all the money could be pooled, the average age of schools in the US is 49 years old. They weren’t designed with advancements in technology in mind.

They weren't designed for anything except having four walls, ceiling, floor and lights. Yep. Poorly designed at that. Most schools are designed horizontally, maximizing roof space and sprawl instead. They are less thoughtfully designed than prisons.

it doesnt make sense that few are of 2 or more stories and none are built for ease if access to utilities for repair and upgrading. There's little thought to insulation much less hvac efficiency. They are the most expensive per sq ft to operate of just about any govt buildings. It's ridiculously wasteful, yet that is the model that ALMOST EVERYONE continues to use in this country. Completely stupid

The plumbing is terrible, wiring & breakers are trash, and HVAC systems aren’t efficient. It costs schools near a million to operate some. In many cases it’s cheaper to build a new building than make updates needed. However, they only get enough funding to patch a fee things up at a time. US schools spend 6 billion a year on electricity alone. It’s sad to say but the entire US economy can function because schools are keeping kids 8-9 hours a day, 5 days per week when most people work during the day. It deserves money.

It should get money, but it also needs to manage it better. Part of that is dropping a failing curriculum and poor institutional governance, authority, and accountability. Part of it is not keeping entire buildings lit for more than 7 hours after students and teachers have left for the day. Part of it is the daily structure of classes and the methods of teaching. Quite a bit of it is the focus on testing and pushing students on without mastery of the subjects that are supposed to be taught.

It's one unhealthy smorgasbord of fast food "education" and made that way purposefully in opposition to what educators have known for over 500 years works best.
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She can be sued for $1.5B by the family members of the fireman who got killed or are the rules just for Alex Jones?

This is the most racist person on television. Her blog posts would've got her canned if she didn't check off boxes. She clearly hates white people and is rewarded with a national platform by MSNBC.
You misunderstand me there. I mean there are too many administrative positions in the city school districts.

They weren't designed for anything except having four walls, ceiling, floor and lights. Yep. Poorly designed at that. Most schools are designed horizontally, maximizing roof space and sprawl instead. They are less thoughtfully designed than prisons.

it doesnt make sense that few are of 2 or more stories and none are built for ease if access to utilities for repair and upgrading. There's little thought to insulation much less hvac efficiency. They are the most expensive per sq ft to operate of just about any govt buildings. It's ridiculously wasteful, yet that is the model that ALMOST EVERYONE continues to use in this country. Completely stupid

It should get money, but it also needs to manage it better. Part of that is dropping a failing curriculum and poor institutional governance, authority, and accountability. Part of it is not keeping entire buildings lit for more than 7 hours after students and teachers have left for the day. Part of it is the daily structure of classes and the methods of teaching. Quite a bit of it is the focus on testing and pushing students on without mastery of the subjects that are supposed to be taught.

It's one unhealthy smorgasbord of fast food "education" and made that way purposefully in opposition to what educators have known for over 500 years works best.
Agree with everything you said!
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Good lord who the hell votes for these freaks. Kids in this county are so screwed I feel so bad for them given the way some people won’t wake up and quit voting for the misfits of society. It’s gross, 🤮 and I don’t understand what normal and rational person looks at this shit and says yes voting for that! Mental illness is a very serious problem with the left and we’ve got to stop
Encouraging them.
Calls people on the left mentally ill - is voting for Trump.

Come on, dude.
Trump more focused and composed than ever. Imo his best speech ever. I really thought he was close to getting emotional talking about that assassination attempt.

Strong brave man to get back on the horse so soon. Beyond that, this seems to have changed him. I say that even though he referenced stolen elections but at least it wasn't fixation he displayed so many times.
The perpetual liar, nothing has changed.
You all might have wanted to tear up earlier, but an hour later this guy is rambling on and on and on and on………

Where TF is the teleprompter!
Unfortunately Biden will not be the dim candidate. Because China Joe would not last 1/2 that time ... and that would be a clear distinction.

Having said that, I would not have minded if he ended at 20 min. That first part was very powerful.
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@MidseasonTweak is having a mental breakdown I see.

But then again what do you expect at the week msnbc has had...with venom, assassination trutherism, claiming burial plots with your family is white supremecy, and having to take their on air talent off for a day as an admission of their rhetoric.

Also I'm sure this is nothing

Care to answer for this...dementia man keeps lying about say nothing

@MidseasonTweak is having a mental breakdown I see.

But then again what do you expect at the week msnbc has had...with venom, assassination trutherism, claiming burial plots with your family is white supremecy, and having to take their on air talent off for a day as an admission of their rhetoric.

Also I'm sure this is nothing

Thats their go to argument all the time because they know the two things boot strap one another and their opponent cant disprove it.

Its complete bs and I hate when they use that argument.
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