How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Pfizer isn't german. They funded the vaccine r&d with german money and created it with biontech, a german company.
Where have we heard this before? Seriously, you guys should compensate us.

You are not worth talking to. I've seen no one celebrating Trump getting shot. I've gone off on no one. You are just trying to fight becaue you are not intelligent enough to discuss anything. You are the problem and I hope the others on this board recognize that. I've tried three times to have a fair intelligent conversation with you and all three times you responded by calling me names and just taking the "my team" approach. My days are better ignoring people like you.

I can go on and on and on....
Unfortunately Biden will not be the dim candidate. Because China Joe would not last 1/2 that time ... and that would be a clear distinction.

Having said that, I would not have minded if he ended at 20 min. That first part was very powerful.

Agree 100%

But he made all the way until the midnight NCAA25 midnight drop so I ain’t for real mad.

I did make my first drink when he started, and my fourth around the end. It was that long.

Regardless I voted once in my life and that was for John Kerry because I hated bush, but my second cast vote will be donald Trump this year.
It's quite funny watching The Village Idiot/SCIENCE DUDE flail about, looking to troll, and everyone just ignoring his idiocy.

Makes my soul feel good.
If you had read it, you’d understand. You must not use Twitter. There’s so much porn posted through bots, it’s impossible to wade through it to read comments on any post. Ads everywhere. It’s a mess. I didn’t say anything politically about it. From a user perspective it’s just a mess.
I use twitter and don't see porn and only a few bots per post. What is search history that you can't see news for the porn?
Am I getting it right that people think JD is lying about being from Eastern KY in order to appeal to voters.....? Ho Lee Chit????? Being a redneck is popular.
Still no proof.... 4 years later. The Great Pumpkin will rise from the pumpkin patch and bring that proof soon right?

People that can’t see through propaganda at the mass level become leftist. The people that want what’s best for America and see propagandist as a threat, vote right.

If you can’t see by now how dangerous your Marxist lobby is at this point Sam, you’re never going to admit it. This isn’t your grandad’s Democratic Party, they are a disgusting, immoral, corrupt party. It couldn’t be more clear. What in the world are you doing? Didn’t dude cutting his junk off and walking into the little girls room not explain enough to you? Get real man, it’s reached the point where you should wise up and stop supporting it. That’s not even getting into the weaponization of government entities which is 100% clear, the ties between the media, leftists, and the military industrial complex, and socially backward ideology. Using those social issues to shield themselves from being Bought off by the war machine and big pharm, big tech, and big business is another thing you should easily be able to diagnose. If I were an older Democrat. I would say there was a time when it made some sense but it’s gone too extreme in multiple directions. I wouldn’t want to risk meeting God as a believer in modern leftist values either. Make no mistake we can call it what we want, but ripping a baby out of a stomach, scrambling it, and sucking it through a tube is MURDER. Think about the things you vote for sir, in 100 years we’ll advance past it and all of you will be considered mass murderers.

Stop enabling evil and change some of those beliefs. It’s time you came on over and supported a better America without the mental insanity.
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