How will they rule ??!

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The point is even Christians would be in agreement with not having people like shinsplints “teach” the Bible. The butchery of his out of context interpretation of the story of Lot is a great example of why.

The 10 Commandments on the other hand have significant historical value concerning US history.

Has nothing to do with “owning the libs” as much as you’d like for it to. You guys really aren’t that special.
What I find amazing is the people obsessed with Lot's story and whether to teach it in school, but they are "all in" with the gender-queer "teaching" all the way back to pre-school.

They are insane.
As Biden did yesterday. I believe you are very short sighted and I believe most people believed, post Fitzgerald, that Presidents could make executive decisions without the fear of civil or criminal liability, but with the understanding that they could be impeached.

Under your plan, every change in executive political power would beg the question as to whether the new administration would be filing charges for some executive decision of the predecessor, now that the Dems broke the ice and started this.
Seems like if the current admin is scared of a future admin putting them in jail for policy disagreements, then there will never be a "future admin" because the current admin will burn it all down to stay in power.

It almost seems familiar ...
hey DA, answer the question instead of spewing your ignorant hate. what part of this is untrue?

"most historically significant books and a cornerstone of Western civilization"?

And BTW, you inadvertently showed your true colors...
When have I ever been anything but honest on here? You just don't like my honesty.
Yes, there are historically relevant and significant portions of the Bible that are ALREADY taught in social studies/history/Western Civ classes.
I couldn't tell you how many times that I have taught middle schoolers about the Big 3 religions (Christianity, Islam and Judaism) and their major tenants....including the connection between the 10 Commandments and modern day written law. I taught about the major players in Christianity including Moses, Jesus etc. and their impacts on us today.
This is Already part of Kentucky education curriculum.
But this has always been done via the state board of ed, local schools and teacher input. The difference now is the making of MANDATORY indoctrination of ONE religion over all others.
Nobody is telling you and your kids not to go to church 24/7.... But you wanna force others to listen to your religious beliefs against their will via codified laws. That's BS.
Big difference between an overview of the world's major religions/influence on western civ. and your indoctrination using one above all others.
These are just a few of the actual Ky standards we taught as the basis for all of the lessons regarding religion/cultural influences/and basis for our modern laws. We have ALWAYS done this as long as I've been teaching. It just wasn't law hanging over our heads and wasn't skewed to favor one religion over all others. All of the major religions have had impacts on our civilization.

Compare the origins and development of
early world religions from River Valley
Civilizations to Classical Empires 3500-BCE-600 CE.

Analyze how historical, economic, geographic and cultural characteristics influence social and government structures in River Valley
Civilizations and Classical Empires between 3500-BCE-600 CE.

Analyze the purposes and effects of laws in River Valley Civilizations and Classical Empires between 3500 BCE-600 CE.
You're right I did, apologies. Now. Ha ha insults be funny. But actually seriously, why? If intent/motivation of the president can no longer be considered, what's to stop a president using his official powers corruptly? Sotomayor alluded to this in her dissent; it isn't just internet crazies. You were quick to jump in to flaunt your expertise so I'm sure you have something concrete to add.

Your question is stupid. First, the president doesn’t order FBI agents.

Second, if the President’s discussions with his vice president aren’t conclusively official acts (when the vp is acting as president of the senate) how do you definitively conclude the president directly ordering fbi agents to raid a house, presumably without a warrant, would be an official act?
If you're teaching it as part of a segment on various religions, sure. But human history has a long legal tradition of which the Bible is only a small part. Putting it singularly on a pedestal in that context risks running afoul of the First.
ONCE AGAIN ... it is a TRUE statement. That is what I asked.

See it wasn't hard.
Your question is stupid. First, the president doesn’t order FBI agents.

Second, if the President’s discussions with his vice president aren’t conclusively official acts (when the vp is acting as president of the senate) how do you definitively conclude the president directly ordering fbi agents to raid a house, presumably without a warrant, would be an official act?
He doesn't currently, but under Unitary Executive Theory as laid out in Project 2025 they would be under his purview.

Ok so you're referring to Section 2 of the decision which covers the communications with the VP and specifies that his role in that instance was as President of the Senate and so part of the legislative, not the executive branch. What would be operative though in this hypothetical is Section 1, which covers the president's communications with the Department of Justice officials who were part of the executive. Those were given absolute immunity.
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What I find amazing is the people obsessed with Lot's story and whether to teach it in school, but they are "all in" with the gender-queer "teaching" all the way back to pre-school.

They are insane.

And defend a man who did Lord knows what to his daughter in the shower. At least Lot was too drunk to know what was going down.

Only a matter of time before they start pushing for incest anyway. Already pushing for normalizing pedos or “MAP” (minor attracted persons). We are still a ways from rock bottom yet but well on our way.
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I know you know the answer but I'm going to say it anyway. The left knew their insane ideas would never fly with the masses. So they developed the strategy of convincing marginalized groups that they were "there for them" in conjunction with fear tactics, keeping them afraid of everyone else so that they believe their only defense is to vote for them. The left's target audience are the fringe groups because they are the only ones this tactic works on. But instead of calling it what it is, they coined it "inclusion" because hey, that sounds pretty nice. It's actually a genius strategy and has worked well for them. I do think some of these marginalized groups (African Americans and Hispanics) are starting to see through the bullshit though.
And defend a man who did Lord knows what to his daughter in the shower. At least Lot was too drunk to know what was going down.

Only a matter of time before they start pushing for incest anyway. Already pushing for normalizing pedos or “MAP” (minor attracted persons). We are still a ways from rock bottom yet but well on our way.
I had a gf who once thought it wasn’t fair that the US has nuclear weapons and other countries were not allowed. Same mindset as the above. “It’s not fair society treats pedos harshly; they can’t help how they feel”.

No dumbass… it’s a danger to society. North Korea and the pedos can go to hell.
I know you know the answer but I'm going to say it anyway. The left knew their insane ideas would never fly with the masses. So they developed the strategy of convincing marginalized groups that they were "there for them" in conjunction with fear tactics, keeping them afraid of everyone else so that they believe their only defense is to vote for them. The left's target audience are the fringe groups because they are the only ones this tactic works on. But instead of calling it what it is, they coined it "inclusion" because hey, that sounds pretty nice. It's actually a genius strategy and has worked well for them. I do think some of these marginalized groups (African Americans and Hispanics) are starting to see through the bullshit though.
You just described the communist manifesto of the early 20th century and how they came to power. Being such a small group themselves this is how they separated society into marginalized groups then used the usefuls to take down the establishment.

The part left out is what the communist did these groups once power was achieved. The useful idiots were now useless and not needed so they offed them one by one as a threat to their new society.

The modern day communist need the antifas, blms, lgb's, trannies, along with their own control of agencies to create chaos in an attempt to bring revolution. Once achieved the subgroups through media coercion get turned from heroes to the enemy of the new state. That's what the useful idiots don't understand. They are nothing more than props that will be eliminated once their own side wins.

It's history repeating itself
I know you know the answer but I'm going to say it anyway. The left knew their insane ideas would never fly with the masses. So they developed the strategy of convincing marginalized groups that they were "there for them" in conjunction with fear tactics, keeping them afraid of everyone else so that they believe their only defense is to vote for them. The left's target audience are the fringe groups because they are the only ones this tactic works on. But instead of calling it what it is, they coined it "inclusion" because hey, that sounds pretty nice. It's actually a genius strategy and has worked well for them. I do think some of these marginalized groups (African Americans and Hispanics) are starting to see through the bullshit though.
Yes. Democrats cannot win elections if the African American vote doesn't show up. That's why they call everything racist...they're trying to manipulate that voting bloc. Race relations aren't as bad as democrats portray them either...the only people that think they are are the ultra white libs who feel offended for everyone.
You're right I did, apologies. Now. Ha ha insults be funny. But actually seriously, why? If intent/motivation of the president can no longer be considered, what's to stop a president using his official powers corruptly? Sotomayor alluded to this in her dissent; it isn't just internet crazies. You were quick to jump in to flaunt your expertise so I'm sure you have something concrete to add.
What ive taken from today...Democrats dream about killing everyone. Sotomayor dissent is absurd bc no president is immune from being charged with murder.

Everyone else is thinking more along the lines of can biden ignore law and forgive loans or should he go to jail?

Here's a real tell...the decision doesn't say Trump, it says president's. Meaning biden and future Democrat ones. Not a single R lost their mind with that knowledge
Yes. Democrats cannot win elections if the African American vote doesn't show up. That's why they call everything racist...they're trying to manipulate that voting bloc. Race relations aren't as bad as democrats portray them either...the only people that think they are are the ultra white libs who feel offended for everyone.
Yup. I live in small town Kentucky, a place most libs would probably think is the heart of racism. Nobody cares about skin color here and we all get along fine. Seems like the left are the ones that pay attention to race and are obsessed with it.
Actually by them splitting his terms they did strategically remove a massive grip hold he’d have created with 8 straight years.

Do not kid yourself in thinking the way it’s gone is going to be as productive as him continuing on what he was on pace to do.

After Trump the party is going to struggle very badly.
As opposed to…who do the Dems have waiting in the wings?
He doesn't currently, but under Unitary Executive Theory as laid out in Project 2025 they would be under his purview.

Ok so you're referring to Section 2 of the decision which covers the communications with the VP and specifies that his role in that instance was as President of the Senate and so part of the legislative, not the executive branch. What would be operative though in this hypothetical is Section 1, which covers the president's communications with the Department of Justice officials who were part of the executive. Those were given absolute immunity.

Your reading is stupid. No one would think the president going outside the chain of command to tell FBI agents to execute a warranties raid of a Justice’s house would be an official act. Like the VP not acting in his capacity as a member of the executive branch when president of the senate, the president’s Gestapo executing illegal raids is not a function of the executive branch.
Earlier in the day, Dion said “everyone knew” the president has immunity and it was being remanded to the lower courts to determine what were official and unofficial acts.

A couple hours of lefty drive later, and Dion is breathlessly whining about the new Reddit bogeyman, Project 2025, and making up stupid hypotheticals.

It’s amazing how programmed these people are and how quickly they snap back in line.
For every American capitalist imperial success story there are many more exploited African, South American, Middle Eastern, and South Asian countries who haven’t been on the winning end of capitalism. Ask a factory worker in Myanmar or a farmer in Haiti how amazing capitalism is.
Of course Trump should not be able to imprison Joe Biden unless Joe Biden broke the law and was found guilty of breaking the law by a jury.

However, with this ruling, now both actions are codified as being able to take place legally and lawfully as long as deemed an official decision. Not even via jury decision but by direct action from the executive at the behest of the judicial branch. So, if Joe Biden is in fact targeting political rivals, now it's fully with in his power to do so if deemed official.

And this applies both now and to every future President.

You merely celebrate it because as Trump supporter, it potentially absconds him from criminal proceedings involving his recorded phone calls to the Georgia prosecutor to "find votes". Essentially, any potential action for accountability is rolled into executive privilege (all because Donald Trump could potentially be found guilty by a jury of peers). No one should celebrate this and the only reason it is celebrated is because it may help the Trump campaign.
Codified refers to statutes. This is case law. Case law mind you that existed for probably 100 years. So yes it will apply to all future presidents, even without this decision because this elementary statement of law is far from anything new.

It isnt blanket immunity. Its limited to official acts, as it always was. So the real question as i said in another post, is how to define an official act.

On that note this situation is much different being there was never before lawfare and banana Republic attempts to jail all opposition, so I dont think the question of official act was ever litigated and defined. Maybe they did so in this opinion for guidance/guardrails for undoubtedly a rogue judge. So this very case will probably be back because the lawfare wont stop, the undoubtedly rogue judge will try to find no official act, and scotus will have to once again get involved.

The irony is I'm pretty sure the last time this issue even came up was with Clinton. Bill to be exact. Clarification needed because theyre both criminals but only he won the office. Although i cant remember if it was whitewater, perjury, or one of the other various litany of criminal acts.

Accountability is not removed. There’s the impeachment process, as well as criminal prosecution for acts that are outside the scope of official duties. Criminal prosecution for constitutionally mandated of official acts is no longer on the table.

Plus the remedy of the ballot box, which iirc was the ultimate remedy in mind when discussing the very few times this was ever litigated.

Of course they could never envision the level of fraud that goes on today.
Why not though? SCOTUS just ruled official duties have absolute immunity.

Exactly, this type of conduct is now officially covered. So why would domestic operations not be?

Because murder isnt an official duty. Its beyond the scope of the office. I know the left want to sensationalize everything, but this is consist case law thats been around forever. It has nothing to do with trump other than he was the one at issue this time.