How will they rule ??!

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Sure, but it still doesn't decide the case as to the underlying conduct.

In terms of the delays, why would you be celebrating running out the clock on justice? Wouldn't you want a just, and timely, verdict in the case? As our Constitution instructs? Seems like you're openly rooting for circumventing it.
False. When you know as we do that all of these accusations are politically motivated then this ruling helps stave off the corrupt attempts at politically jailing the opposition. It is just your adherence to this third world communistic style of governance that shows what kind of evil and terrible person you are.
“Quoting SCOTUS” implies it was the opinion of the Court that was quoted. He quoted the dissent of a lunatic radical that contained no legal analysis.

These are the same justices that attempt to uphold Roe for political and social reasons. Both published dissents are premised upon fear. Jackson claims that America has traditionally relied on the law to keep its presidents in line. Really?

These are the same politicals who suppressed a rape victim’s claims with regard to Bill Clinton. Do they want to see Biden charged with reckless homicide as it relates to the withdrawal from Afghanistan? Obama charged with killing citizens via drone attack without due process?
These are the same justices that attempt to uphold Roe for political and social reasons. Both published dissents are premised upon fear. Jackson claims that America has traditionally relied on the law to keep its presidents in line. Really?

These are the same politicals who suppressed a rape victim’s claims with regard to Bill Clinton. Do they want to see Biden charged with reckless homicide as it relates to the withdrawal from Afghanistan? Obama charged with killing citizens via drone attack without due process?
Speaking of hyperbole, that 2nd paragraph is full of it.
These are the same justices that attempt to uphold Roe for political and social reasons. Both published dissents are premised upon fear. Jackson claims that America has traditionally relied on the law to keep its presidents in line. Really?

These are the same politicals who suppressed a rape victim’s claims with regard to Bill Clinton. Do they want to see Biden charged with reckless homicide as it relates to the withdrawal from Afghanistan? Obama charged with killing citizens via drone attack without due process?
If you take off the partisan hat, wouldn't you want those things to happen? Just as a neutral American?
Stakes are even higher now that the SCOTUS have said we are electing a King in November instead of a President.

Years from now people are going to wonder how the institutions of this country came tumbling down for of all people the host of a reality TV show and not an important person. Crazy times.
Show me that quote or you will be called a liar. Never lie at every turn. You must be a dim.
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If you take off the partisan hat, wouldn't you want those things to happen?

Let me put the partisan hat on so that I may take it off, as requested.

Okay, done.

No. Presidents have to make tough discretionary decisions while wielding their executive constitutional power and should not be motivated by how the next administration or some politically bent prosecutor is going to criminally charge them.

In fact, if you want me to agree with you about Biden and Obama, I have to wear a partisan hat.
Stakes are even higher now that the SCOTUS have said we are electing a King in November instead of a President.

Years from now people are going to wonder how the institutions of this country came tumbling down for of all people the host of a reality TV show and not an important person. Crazy times. can't be this stupid.

BTW, didn't this case come about bc the current president prosecuted his political rival during an election year

Remember, that time @Dionysus444 hero FDR interned Japanese Americans...since we're talking about ppl playing king...yet you guys are believing a dissent where a lunatic talls about seal team 6 bc she must gather her legal knowledge from podcasts

And here's the obvious thing their brains cannot comprehend:

@sammysdad05 why isn't biden being prosecuted for murder and negligence for the death of US soldiers for the Afghan withdrawal.? You just said no immunity!!!!
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The USSC ruling is one of those where when looked at in terms of the present conditions with Donald Trump that many on the right may celebrate, but where 10 years from now when a Democrat is in power and possibly nefarious that they will deeply regret. I don't see how it's a good thing for the country to admonish the actions of a President by simply deeming them as an "official" action.
The USSC ruling is one of those where when looked at in terms of the present conditions with Donald Trump that many on the right may celebrate, but where 10 years from now when a Democrat is in power and possibly nefarious that they will deeply regret. I don't see how it's a good thing for the country to admonish the actions of a President by simply deeming them as an "official" action.

Over the past 200+ years, we’ve never seen the type of lawfare being waged against political opponents as we’ve seen by the Biden admin. With the new, unprecedented targeting of political rivals, it’s important presidents are able to take the actions they feel are best for the country, without fear the next corrupt administration will imprison them.
No. Presidents have to make tough discretionary decisions while wielding their executive constitutional power and should not be motivated by how the next administration or some politically bent prosecutor is going to criminally charge them.
Makes sense, coming from the "I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose voters, ok?" crowd.
Over the past 200+ years, we’ve never seen the type of lawfare being waged against political opponents as we’ve seen by the Biden admin. With the new, unprecedented targeting of political rivals, it’s important presidents are able to take the actions they feel are best for the country, without fear the next corrupt administration will imprison them.

Let’s assume everything you typed is correct. You’re arguing that to let limit presidential powers, presidents must have unfettered power. This power does not just apply to the next president.

It’s completely contradictory.
The USSC ruling is one of those where when looked at in terms of the present conditions with Donald Trump that many on the right may celebrate, but where 10 years from now when a Democrat is in power and possibly nefarious that they will deeply regret. I don't see how it's a good thing for the country to admonish the actions of a President by simply deeming them as an "official" action.

LOL - “ten years from now” 🤪
Hilarious to see the outrage about trump getting the same absolute immunity as every other president. What did they think would happen?

This was only ever the correct application of law. However the real issues left to be decided: which of the complained acts are official acts?

This won't be the last time scotus sees this issue with trump imo.
Over the past 200+ years, we’ve never seen the type of lawfare being waged against political opponents as we’ve seen by the Biden admin. With the new, unprecedented targeting of political rivals, it’s important presidents are able to take the actions they feel are best for the country, without fear the next corrupt administration will imprison them.
So much hyperbole.
Hilarious to see the outrage about trump getting the same absolute immunity as every other president. What did they think would happen?

This was only ever the correct application of law. However the real issues left to be decided: which of the complained acts are official acts?

This won't be the last time scotus sees this issue with trump imo.
Yep he does so much crazy shit that this is going to come up again.
LOL - “ten years from now” 🤪

Okay, assume it’s today. Away from being “cute”, Joe Biden now has ability to make any “official” decision or action w/ out accountability. It’s an indefensible ruling only supported because of litigation against Donald Trump. Very short sighted
Let’s assume everything you typed is correct. You’re arguing that to let limit presidential powers, presidents must have unfettered power. This power does not just apply to the next president.

It’s completely contradictory.

Can you try and restate that in a coherent manner?
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Whether he’s the one teaching it or not, what’s your point? Most public school teachers aren’t also pastors on the side so who is qualified to teach the 10 commandments in school? Also he’s only pointing out that there’s tons of messed up stories and lessons in the Bible but you’re nitpicking a few things from it that you want plastered on the walls to own the libs. You can grab a couple of the 10 that relate to kids and reword them because they’re decent life lessons but not really groundbreaking. You know, like don’t kill, etc. But the ones about not having other gods, etc., we don’t need those in school. That’s not going to keep kids from misbehaving. Grow up.

The point is even Christians would be in agreement with not having people like shinsplints “teach” the Bible. The butchery of his out of context interpretation of the story of Lot is a great example of why.

The 10 Commandments on the other hand have significant historical value concerning US history.

Has nothing to do with “owning the libs” as much as you’d like for it to. You guys really aren’t that special.
Obama authorized the drone striking of many targets, including American citizens (without trial) in the name of protecting the US from terrorism.

I am fine with him not being charged with murder.

Impeachment is on the table - which would likely label any impeached action as (unofficial) - which then again puts a President in jeopardy for legal issues.

The panic from high ranking liberals is manufactured fear-mongering as they believe their supporters are ignorant.
The point is even Christians would be in agreement with not having people like shinsplints “teach” the Bible. The butchery of his out of context interpretation of the story of Lot is a great example of why.

The 10 Commandments on the other hand have significant historical value concerning US history.

Has nothing to do with “owning the libs” as much as you’d like for it to. You guys really aren’t that special.
Except that’s what happened with Lot so what’s the point? Again who is good enough to teach the Bible in public schools. Again, we’re talking public schools.
Okay, assume it’s today. Away from being “cute”, Joe Biden now has ability to make any “official” decision or action w/ out accountability. It’s an indefensible ruling only supported because of litigation against Donald Trump. Very short sighted

Do you think Trump should be able to have his DOJ and friendly courts imprison Joe Biden for his administrations criminal negligence at the border? (As an example)

There are plenty of things the Biden admin has done that are far less of a stretch to get to criminality than making a constitutional argument about electors.