How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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That was an ass whooping. Joe finally looked every bit the senile old man that we knew he was. The media could spin most of his gaffes because most people don't watch that stuff. Too many eyes on this to lie about it. Just imagine that our government has been lying to protect this guy. Freaking sad.
This debate was probably a Democrat setup to justify taking Uncle Joe off the table as candidate.

Why isn't article 25 invoked immediately is the big question. He is unfit.

I said months ago, I think their plan is to time the replacement just right.. not too late that they have no chance, and not too soon so the repubs can pick their opponent apart. Feels like replacing Biden in the next month or two would be the perfect time to do it IMO.
Same. It would be in a conservatives best interest if he remains. And the longer they stick with him the better.

But I'm afraid this might move quickly.
Yeah, a replacement plan is going to come together over the coming days/weeks. Would not be shocked at all if they insert Newsome and then also find a replacement for Kamala. Maybe Michelle.
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What happens when you don't have age limits. Embarrasing. This should be the biggest evidence we have. For imposing age limits for political positions.
F off. Not a damn thing wrong with Trumps cognition. You simply fell for the ‘orange man bad’ narrative and want to tie him in with Biden to cope.

Willfully ignorant/blind if you can’t see the difference.

Trump said his VP was at the debate. I see Gaetz and Vivek. I know probably a few of these people are advisors to him. Gaetz or Vivek is VP? Probably missing somebody in that crowd but it's hard to tell who everyone is.

I hope it's Vivek (and Vivek is who he has been saying he is the last year) because it's going to take more than 4 years to fix this mess. Trump will have a shit show the first 2 years because a recession is coming.
Same. It would be in a conservatives best interest if he remains. And the longer they stick with him the better.

But I'm afraid this might move quickly.
Yea, i think he will resign by next weekend. Only depends on HOW much of a narcissist he is.

John King just admitted biden lost the debate. (But trump didnt win.) And saying wait for the battleground polls next week before ditching the old f***er.