How will they rule ??!

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It's cool you got so many likes for repeating the same nonsense that gets repeated weekly.

The right said America was done after Obama won his second term.
The left said America was done after Trump won.
The right said America was done after Biden won.
The left says America is done if Trump wins again.
The right says America is done if Biden wins again.

In other words, the extremists on both sides are full of shit who just say the same thing every four years. America is not nor will it be done anytime soon just like dipshits who probably can't get laid aren't going to take over this country and start a civil war, over some overly tanned politician at that. What do moderates want the most (besides not having to choose between Biden or Trump)? Just be and act normal. Stop pretending the country will end because your favorite politician might not win. That's pathetic thinking and if you actually believe that, take several steps back and get some therapy. You sound cheesy with this "omg we're done I'm tellin' ya we're done if Donald loses!" stuff.

I went back to give his post another like after reading the first part of the Hall Monitor’s post.
I could care less but there’s no calling them countrymen.
Yes there is. Difference of opinion doesn't make someone less American than you. The far right has been convinced by Trump that EVERYONE is out to get them and the country is in shambles. Not true at all. It's a paranoid cult at this point.
Cowherd sums it up perfectly....
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Strictly hypothetical. What would any of you, including Dems on here think, feel, wonder, if you were to say…open your LinkedIn account and where it says “you appeared in “x” number of searches this week” and one of the “top companies your searchers work at” was the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Again, strictly hypothetical, but what would you think?
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#1. We need daily immigration. The US is currently at a Zero birth rate. No country can grow like that. It ends in economic disaster.
#2. Biden is now doing by EO what the Republicans stopped him from doing via the Border Bill.
You obviously can read but not always comprehend what you read.

***prohibits DHS from processing the entry of non-U.S. nationals (aliens under federal law) arriving between ports of entry;
***limits asylum eligibility to non-U.S. nationals who arrive in the United States at a port of entry;
***authorizes the removal of a non-U.S. national to a country other than that individual's country of nationality or last lawful habitual residence, whereas currently this type of removal may only be to a country that has an agreement with the United States for such removal.
***The bill would force the Department of Homeland Security to shutter the border if daily illegal crossings top 5,000 migrants on average or 8,500 in a single day.

5000x365= 1.825 million a year Village Idiot.

Blah, blah, blah, you are the dumbest human alive
I don't know what it means to say a "a portion of Dems turned into anarchists". By definition, those two ideologies are diametrically opposed. The only cross over would be an effort like defund the police, which was actually a convenient cross over of the far left and extreme libertarian fringe.

Unless you're using extreme artistic license, riots never happened in 2016. They happened after the BLM movement and in the middle of pandemics (and those two things aren't unrelated). Really not related to Hilary Clinton at all.

And yes, Trump committed a crime (actually multiple) when he banged the porn star and committed financial fraud to cover it up. He then blamed the justice system for him crimes.

We haven't even talked about the lead propagator of election fraud. Hint: The guy claiming the fraud actually has more evidence against him than any of the conspiracy theories propagated by the Jan 6 crew.

I've read enough of your insanity.

To ignore you go, leftist.
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Stop bullshitting. It's not a game.

I do agree if Trump wins this time around we are likely to see riots. Not like weirdo anarchists burning flags, but real riots. I'd expect real conversations about secession to take place honestly. Not sure I'd go as far as to say they will happen, but it wouldn't shock me.
I agree with you, and I'll make another prediction. If Trump does not win, I predict we will not see riots. So, what this say about the Left?
5000x365= 1.825 million a year Village Idiot.

Blah, blah, blah, you are the dumbest human alive
Unless the U.S. reaches 2,100 births per 1,000 — which works out to an average of 2.1 children per woman — the total population could shrink without other influxes of people.
In the United States in 2022, the population of women of childbearing ages 15-44 was 65,544,454.
65,544,454 times 2.1= 137,643,353

That means we need those women to produce 137,643,353 babies over their childbearing years to just maintain the current popuation.
U.S. births fell last year, resuming a long national slide. A little under 3.6 million babies were born in 2023. That's about 76,000 fewer than the year before and the lowest one-year tally since 1979.
Assuming 30 years is the average span for women giving birth....
30 years times 3.6 million(per year)=108 million over those 30 years of child bearing age.
At our current pace....That's 30 million less people than we need just to maintain at zero population growth.....much less increase it.

Now add the 2 million a year of immigration and that is an additional 60 million over 30 years.
The current 108 million plus the 60 million immigrants adds up to 168,000,000 new persons in America over that 30 year period.
We needed 137 million for merely replacing current population.
We are currently on pace for 108 million which is a death knell for growth and paying for SS and entitlements.
168 million with the addition of immigrants puts us right where we want to be.
You better pray we keep getting 2 million immigrants a year if you gaf about your social security not running out.
As always....facts....stats....and science over memes and BS.
If you think immigrants are going to exerting pressure on the powers that be I have a bridge to sell you.
Supporters also made their support clear when Trump announced he was joining TikTok. Within a few hours, he gained over two million followers, and he now has over four million.


That stands in sharp contrast to the Biden campaign, which has already been on the platform for months and still has less than 350,000 followers.

I don't know what it means to say a "a portion of Dems turned into anarchists". By definition, those two ideologies are diametrically opposed. The only cross over would be an effort like defund the police, which was actually a convenient cross over of the far left and extreme libertarian fringe.

Unless you're using extreme artistic license, riots never happened in 2016. They happened after the BLM movement and in the middle of pandemics (and those two things aren't unrelated). Really not related to Hilary Clinton at all.

And yes, Trump committed a crime (actually multiple) when he banged the porn star and committed financial fraud to cover it up. He then blamed the justice system for him crimes.

We haven't even talked about the lead propagator of election fraud. Hint: The guy claiming the fraud actually has more evidence against him than any of the conspiracy theories propagated by the Jan 6 crew.
False. LOL TDS infused thought process ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Headline talking points.
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