How will they rule ??!

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I don't know what it means to say a "a portion of Dems turned into anarchists". By definition, those two ideologies are diametrically opposed. The only cross over would be an effort like defund the police, which was actually a convenient cross over of the far left and extreme libertarian fringe.
Not prosecuting selected types of crimes in various lib jurisdictions is anarchy. That includes border enforcement.
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So now blue states want to secede?

I accept your terms.
Blue states have no desire to secede. They don't view their fellow Americans as evil vermin like the nutty right does. The left sees these arguments as political debates....not apocalyptic battles battles between good and evil.
It's the dofference between logic and religious fanaticism.
A bunch of grown men who bitch and moan about a president who last served almost seven years ago and is still in their head two presidents later? ODS is strong with the unhinged and hysterical righties on this board.
#1. We need daily immigration. The US is currently at a Zero birth rate. No country can grow like that. It ends in economic disaster.
#2. Biden is now doing by EO what the Republicans stopped him from doing via the Border Bill.
You obviously can read but not always comprehend what you read.

***prohibits DHS from processing the entry of non-U.S. nationals (aliens under federal law) arriving between ports of entry;
***limits asylum eligibility to non-U.S. nationals who arrive in the United States at a port of entry;
***authorizes the removal of a non-U.S. national to a country other than that individual's country of nationality or last lawful habitual residence, whereas currently this type of removal may only be to a country that has an agreement with the United States for such removal.
***The bill would force the Department of Homeland Security to shutter the border if daily illegal crossings top 5,000 migrants on average or 8,500 in a single day.

#1 We don't need population growth. Our economy can improve productivity and thus GDP growth even with a future population decline. Your economic disaster claim is fictious. Also, you think the world needs more people? What about climate change?

#2 Biden could have issued that EO 3+ years ago. It's clear that it was political when he didn't then & is political now when he does. Those two timings are not an accident. Dollars to donuts he'll rescind this new one as soon as he wins again, maybe even if he loses.
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Blue states have no desire to secede. They don't view their fellow Americans as evil vermin like the nutty right does. The left sees these arguments as political debates....not apocalyptic battles battles between good and evil.
It's the dofference between logic and religious fanaticism.

Nonsense. Ever heard of “Calexit” ???

And guess when this movement started?

2016, on the wake of Trumps election.

Goes back to my point in the last several posts. Dems don’t like election results and they throw a fit and want to destroy the country.
I’ll vote for Biden, exclusively due to who he is running against, but, quite frankly, my vote is worthless in Kentucky.

Your vote is never worthless...if you believe it is, then don't vote.

If you vote for a candidate, it should ALWAYS be for what that person can bring to the table. In the case of your vote for Biden...

~border/illegal immigration....FAIL
~foreign policy....FAIL
~national security...FAIL
~judicial appt's...FAIL

So....why are you voting for Biden? If you are simply voting against Trump, then you are essentially voting for an oatmeal brain dementia patient for no reason whatsoever.
Your vote is never worthless...if you believe it is, then don't vote.

If you vote for a candidate, it should ALWAYS be for what that person can bring to the table. In the case of your vote for Biden...

~border/illegal immigration....FAIL
~foreign policy....FAIL
~national security...FAIL
~judicial appt's...FAIL

So....why are you voting for Biden? If you are simply voting against Trump, then you are essentially voting for an oatmeal brain dementia patient for no reason whatsoever.
This is why I never subscribe to the headline that everyone should vote.
No, everyone should cast an informed vote.
Voting for Biden because you are overcome with TDS is absolutely moronic to me when we see what this country has looked like for the last 3 years.

Amazing to me that someone would vote to continue the trainwreck we have had simply because Orange Man hurt muh feelins....
This is why I never subscribe to the headline that everyone should vote.
No, everyone should cast an informed vote.
Voting for Biden because you are overcome with TDS is absolutely moronic to me when we see what this country has looked like for the last 3 years.

Amazing to me that someone would vote to continue the trainwreck we have had simply because Orange Man hurt muh feelins....

Idiots irresponsibly exercising their right to vote have done far more damage to this country than idiots irresponsibly exercising their second amendment right to keep and bear arms could ever do.

I don’t want every dumbass in the country buying guns just because they can, and similarly don’t want all dumbasses voting just because they can.
Conservative pundits are saying that the jurists can do what they want in these cases. Ignore the law, go with their political leanings regardless of the facts. This might be the case to prove that. Clearly broke the law. We will see if it matters.
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#1. We need daily immigration. The US is currently at a Zero birth rate. No country can grow like that. It ends in economic disaster.
#2. Biden is now doing by EO what the Republicans stopped him from doing via the Border Bill.
You obviously can read but not always comprehend what you read.

***prohibits DHS from processing the entry of non-U.S. nationals (aliens under federal law) arriving between ports of entry;
***limits asylum eligibility to non-U.S. nationals who arrive in the United States at a port of entry;
***authorizes the removal of a non-U.S. national to a country other than that individual's country of nationality or last lawful habitual residence, whereas currently this type of removal may only be to a country that has an agreement with the United States for such removal.
***The bill would force the Department of Homeland Security to shutter the border if daily illegal crossings top 5,000 migrants on average or 8,500 in a single day.

All Biden had/has to do is bring back Trump’s Remain In Mexico asylum law and end catch-and-release, you know, the policies that were successful and highly supported by Border Patrol/CBP. This Biden EO is a damn joke and you know it. No need to spin otherwise.

Why do you think the U.S needs more people? All for legal immigration but more people = more problems. We don’t need more people in this country unless they go through the proper legal channels or have a valid asylum claim of persecution, or have a niche skill set that is lacking here and needs to be filled. We have no idea who is here now and terror cells are undoubtedly here planning the next attack.

Canada used to be a nice place to live. Do you know why the vast majority there can no longer afford a house?
Her to the south, Trudeau to the north. Got to think WEF is licking their chops now to get Newsom installed and make it a commie three peat takeover.
The sad reality is we are certainly ripe for our next President to be just that...Installed...not voted in through a free and fair election. The will of the people is in a position to be subverted dramatically.
Blue states have no desire to secede. They don't view their fellow Americans as evil vermin like the nutty right does. The left sees these arguments as political debates....not apocalyptic battles battles between good and evil.
It's the dofference between logic and religious fanaticism.
Liberals: "We have no desire to secede".

Liberals: "We're leaving the country if Trump wins".

You can't make this stuff up.
Liberals: "We have no desire to secede".

Liberals: "We're leaving the country if Trump wins".

You can't make this stuff up.
Yeah....You can't make this sh** up either.
Can't imagine that anyone would be alarmed about a convicted felon threatening violence if he loses an election....and retribution on anyone that stood in his way. Hmmmm....
Mexico must be using Dominion voting machines or mail in voting now.
You're in a cult.
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Supporters also made their support clear when Trump announced he was joining TikTok. Within a few hours, he gained over two million followers, and he now has over four million.


That stands in sharp contrast to the Biden campaign, which has already been on the platform for months and still has less than 350,000 followers.

I don't (and won't) do TikTok, but this is great to see.
We need daily immigration.

We need legal immigration. Period.

Also there wouldn't be a zero birth rate if the deranged libs would stop convincing dudes to f**k each other and women to buy dogs instead of having kids.

As an aside, I remember when Elon musk first raised an alarm about population in developed nations, everyone acted like it was insanely stupid. Then they looked at the data and figured out - oh, he's right.
Blue states have no desire to secede. They don't view their fellow Americans as evil vermin like the nutty right does. The left sees these arguments as political debates....not apocalyptic battles battles between good and evil.
It's the dofference between logic and religious fanaticism.
You are so wrong with this statement......
We are in a manual labor shortage. immigrants are the number 1 provider of cheap manual labor. fix the completely broken path to full citizenship through jobs. We get labor, we get tax revenue, we get republicans to shutup about the border.

We're in a labor shortage because politicians won't stop giving out free money. Stop the handouts and that solves itself.
Your vote is never worthless...if you believe it is, then don't vote.

If you vote for a candidate, it should ALWAYS be for what that person can bring to the table. In the case of your vote for Biden...

~border/illegal immigration....FAIL
~foreign policy....FAIL
~national security...FAIL
~judicial appt's...FAIL

So....why are you voting for Biden? If you are simply voting against Trump, then you are essentially voting for an oatmeal brain dementia patient for no reason whatsoever.
Voting is an IQ test. That's why Dems fail 100% of the time lol.
Conservative pundits are saying that the jurists can do what they want in these cases. Ignore the law, go with their political leanings regardless of the facts. This might be the case to prove that. Clearly broke the law. We will see if it matters.

Jury nullification in gun purchase cases is evidently common, especially when the jury feels the law worked (when people lie and still don’t get the firearm). That is not this case, but there is no readily identifiable victim. He broke the law, but no one appears to have been harmed. That can matter to juries.

Nullification also occurs when the jury has a sympathy. Addicts lie. He was an addict. Being an addict is something most people would not choose. The idea that there was no real victim to his crime and he was “sick” can influence the jury.

It happens quite a bit.