How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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  • Poll closed .
Trouble is most folks don't watch Fox, Newsmax, or anything other thsn lib dominant news and they will just report a conviction an demonize him . . At least the centrist and moderates don't much. I do t think this helps alot and likely hurts Trump even though it's a farce .

People who watch news, whether lib dominated or Fox, had their minds made up years ago. They aren’t swaying either way.

With Elon owning Twitter, and the TikTok generation hating genocide Joe, I think there’s a chance reality shines through the democrat messaging.
No one has ever shown one shred of evidence that the election was stolen. Show us. Show anyone. You can't because you're a liar and a fraud.

Even that though, is a moot point. Trump organized fake electors in swing states and tried to get his VP to acknowledge those fake votes instead of the real ones as the Electoral Count Act instructs. That is a criminal conspiracy to illegally and unconstitutionally remain in power after you lost an election. Even if you grant there were shenanigans in the election(there weren't) Trump cannot do what he did with the fake electors. Only the EC votes that meet the Safe Harbor standard as laid out in the Electoral Count Act can be counted. Or we do not have a constitutional republic. The VP does not just get to unilaterally say whatever they want and crown us a king. You do not want Kamala Harris doing that. No one does. That is the end of America.

That is what Trump tried and you support. The end of America. That is not patriotic. You are traitors just like the Confederates before you.
Keep it classy, Kamala. [laughing]

Kamala Harris drops an f-bomb​

Democrats are stupid people who live in a bubble. They didn’t understand the lawfare was going to backfire, and are in too deep at this point to pivot.

The sole purpose of the trial at this point is to keep Trump off the campaign trail and try to control what he’s saying. The jury is going to convict him, but everyone knows this is a farce that’s going to be overturned on appeal.

So long story short, they are corrupt idiots with a strategy that would only succeed in their democrat bubble, but they’re too committed to their corruption to stop now.
All of that may well be, but I'm assuming, in order to bring a felony case, there has to be an actual, you know, FELONY charged. And I'll be damned if I can find out what it is...
If those numbers have any factual basis, it serves to show just how awful this administration has been. Trump has his core, no doubt. But how many outside of his core would picture him as their desired president? It is only when you stand him next to Biden that he starts to look like the option. Granted, my take.
Trump DOES lead in those states, but those numbers are ridiculously inflated. They're probably outlier polls, and not an average of all the polls. In fact, I'm positive of it.
Still trying to figure out the point of this Hush Money trial even 3 weeks in. What does Bragg want to accomplish legally ? Daniel's has made the trial an instant appeal , there's literally an ocean of reasonable doubt, their star witness is a person with a habitual record of lying under oath.

Only things they can be trying to accomplish is to piss Trump off enough to testify to get him for perjury on anything an they might get an initial conviction and keep the appeal hearing till after election so it is after election while keeping gag order over him somehow till after appeal hearing.

The records case they might actually have an legit case this , jsn 6, atl. Cases are garbage political attack like in banana republics.
why isn’t stormy being charged with extortion?
I know, for me personally; that if I'm going in to have a quadruple bypass (as a result of eating Chiffon margarine), my first concern is going to be that my surgeon is representative of a long overdue diversity movement. The last thing I want is "WHITEY" manning the rib spreader...
Still trying to figure out the point of this Hush Money trial even 3 weeks in. What does Bragg want to accomplish legally ? Daniel's has made the trial an instant appeal , there's literally an ocean of reasonable doubt, their star witness is a person with a habitual record of lying under oath.

Only things they can be trying to accomplish is to piss Trump off enough to testify to get him for perjury on anything an they might get an initial conviction and keep the appeal hearing till after election so it is after election while keeping gag order over him somehow till after appeal hearing.

The records case they might actually have an legit case this , jsn 6, atl. Cases are garbage political attack like in banana republics.
They had a dem on CNN say that defense should ask for the case to be thrown out because the prosectution hasn't even presented a witness that says Trump broke a law. When a liberal on CNN admits it's bunk... It's bunk.
If those numbers have any factual basis, it serves to show just how awful this administration has been. Trump has his core, no doubt. But how many outside of his core would picture him as their desired president? It is only when you stand him next to Biden that he starts to look like the option. Granted, my take.
maybe true. but hopefully enough voters will choose the best option. i’ve voted for candidates who weren’t my desired candidate but were the best option on the ballot.
Trump DOES lead in those states, but those numbers are ridiculously inflated. They're probably outlier polls, and not an average of all the polls. In fact, I'm positive of it.
Pretty sure they are an avg of several polls. Trump typically performs better than his polling says. Past performance doesn't predict future results but I'd bet he's actually better in most of those states.
“You got the money to spend, Jack. Vote for Biden! He’s promised to let the Trump tax cuts expire which will be a direct tax increase on the middle class, ensuring they can buy less food and save money not having to purchase Ozempic! Win win!!”
I don't make over 400k. Not worried about it.
“The president is honoring his ironclad commitment to not raise taxes on anyone making less than $400,000 and will cut taxes further for workers and families."
Democrats are stupid people who live in a bubble. They didn’t understand the lawfare was going to backfire, and are in too deep at this point to pivot.

The sole purpose of the trial at this point is to keep Trump off the campaign trail and try to control what he’s saying. The jury is going to convict him, but everyone knows this is a farce that’s going to be overturned on appeal.

So long story short, they are corrupt idiots with a strategy that would only succeed in their democrat bubble, but they’re too committed to their corruption to stop now.
If these people are willing to go to these lengths in a court of law (justice WAS blind??), then why is it "beyond them" to cheat on the vote? If they are so corrupt, they are willing to throw away the judicial system, then they will easily trample on the voting system.

These f***s are evil.
Still trying to figure out the point of this Hush Money trial even 3 weeks in. What does Bragg want to accomplish legally ? Daniel's has made the trial an instant appeal , there's literally an ocean of reasonable doubt, their star witness is a person with a habitual record of lying under oath.

Only things they can be trying to accomplish is to piss Trump off enough to testify to get him for perjury on anything an they might get an initial conviction and keep the appeal hearing till after election so it is after election while keeping gag order over him somehow till after appeal hearing.

The records case they might actually have an legit case this , jsn 6, atl. Cases are garbage political attack like in banana republics.
They are actually worse than that. They are "Stalin=esque".
Your Biden-pumping on this board is an abject embarrassment.

No embarrassment for supporting this right??

Are you slow? Trump argued in court today that the documents found were classified but that should have been expected. Because he can't lie his ass off in court, he is scared of prison.
You need to read up on privilege case law because you are horribly misinformed. Read the Nixon scotus cases. Privilege is not held by the president or ex president, it is held by the office of the president. Whoever currently sits in that office controls the privilege. It's very ****ing simple. Retroactively removing privilege is exactly what presidents do all the time. Obama did it to Bush with his torture shit. Trump did it to Obama with the gun running shit and some of the Hilary and Russia shit. Biden has done it to Trump over pretty much everything. Reagan did it to Nixon as they settled his impeachment proceedings. Did you miss the scotus ruling on Jan 19th were they voted 8-1 that trump had no claim to executive privilege over his documents?

You are just beyond dense and incapable of accepting reality.
** KA -- BOOM **

Trump classified documents trial in Florida postponed indefinitely​

The records case they might actually have an legit case this , jsn 6, atl. Cases are garbage political attack like in banana republics.
The records case has blown up in their faces. Not only not following precedent with Hitlary and Stalin Joe, but the feds also falsified records with the photo op, per unsealed COURT RECORDS (which, according to some on here, are the ONLY ones that matter). Now ... why would Jack Smith want those court records sealed?
Everything is not as great as Biden says but it sure as hell isn't as dire as the far right makes it out to be.
I'm old enough to have actually been thru REAL economic downturns that resulted in lost jobs, tons of home foreclosures, factory shutdowns, high unemployment etc.
This is a historical jump in inflation that happens periodically. Covid, supply chain issues, stimulus $$$, oil shortages due to Ukraine War, and 3 percent interest rates etc. bumped this inflation up under Biden.
Guaranteed it would have happened if Trump was President too. Only way to slow it down is with the fed interest rate hikes which they did.
There's a reason that hamburgers aren't a nickel anymore and it's not all because of Biden.
I challenge you to show us any other point in American history where inflation jumped this quickly. This economy is a wreck and it is directly because of Marxist policies on energy, regulatory policy, but most damning it’s because of the sheer stupidity of keeping the economy shutdown (long after it was obvious that Covid had been overblown) and then borrowing and printing so many dollars once Biden took office.

Couple all that with the pressures that tens of millions of illegal aliens puts on housing prices.

You’re so, so silly.
Pretty sure they are an avg of several polls. Trump typically performs better than his polling says. Past performance doesn't predict future results but I'd bet he's actually better in most of those states.

I keep up with the polling data (not really sure what that says about me, LOL), and unless something drastic has happened in the last week, those are extraordinarily high margins. Believe me, I hope they're accurate.
I challenge you to show us any other point in American history where inflation jumped this quickly. This economy is a wreck and it is directly because of Marxist policies on energy, regulatory policy, but most damning it’s because of the sheer stupidity of keeping the economy shutdown (long after it was obvious that Covid had been overblown) and then borrowing and printing so many dollars once Biden took office.

Couple all that with the pressures that tens of millions of illegal aliens puts on housing prices.

You’re so, so silly.
Seriously? What are you, 12 years old?
"At the end of 1981, the annual inflation rate of 8.9 percent actually represented good news for consumers -- at that time, it was the lowest inflation figure since 1977, following increases of 13.3 percent and 12.4 percent in 1979 and 1980."

The current US Inflation Rate is at 3.48%, compared to 3.15% last month and 4.98% last year. This is higher than the long term average of 3.28%.
Not. Even. Close. 🤡
I don't make over 400k. Not worried about it.
“The president is honoring his ironclad commitment to not raise taxes on anyone making less than $400,000 and will cut taxes further for workers and families."

He’s promised to let the 2017 tax cuts expire, which will raise your taxes. Along with the vast majority of everyone making less than $400k per year.
He’s promised to let the 2017 tax cuts expire, which will raise your taxes. Along with the vast majority of everyone making less than $400k per year.
They will rewrite the tax laws just like they always do. Not worried as I don't make over 400k.
Still trying to figure out the point of this Hush Money trial even 3 weeks in. What does Bragg want to accomplish legally ? Daniel's has made the trial an instant appeal , there's literally an ocean of reasonable doubt, their star witness is a person with a habitual record of lying under oath.

Only things they can be trying to accomplish is to piss Trump off enough to testify to get him for perjury on anything an they might get an initial conviction and keep the appeal hearing till after election so it is after election while keeping gag order over him somehow till after appeal hearing.

The records case they might actually have an legit case this , jsn 6, atl. Cases are garbage political attack like in banana republics.
The records case lost all of it's legitimacy when they were exposed for planting evidence.
If Trump wins the Sun Belt, Biden's only path to win is a clean sweep of the Rust Belt. That's the long and short of it. Trump will just need to pick off one of MN, WI, MI, or PA
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Only people whining about the economy are the 3.6 percent of unemployed who aren't working because they are lazy.
Yes, I'm in Destin and living large on my piddly teacher pension. ⛱️🍻
Economy is poppin baby!!
* KA -- BOOM *

Indeed announces layoffs for 8% of staff, just over a year after its last layoffs​

Indeed is the most trafficked employment website in the USA.

Damn it, Joe!