I disagre - that took off with social media
I disagre - that took off with social media
Yeah....It had nothing at all to do with the Clown President calling out to all his followers to meet there on that day, speech after speech filled with lies/rage and telling them Pence could overturn the election results that day.The mostly peaceful J6 protests erupted from being CHEATED out of a fair election. The protest was incited by the leftists changing the rules all across the landscape, taking advantage of Covid. Had the election been run as all others prior....Trump wins. You know that and all your crying about J6 is just an effort to distract.
Hand over your money and liberty, folks. They’re gonna fix the weather.What does this mean? If we continue on our current trajectory of doing nothing and not giving a F then this will get worse and worse faster and faster until we won't be able to stop it.
Yeah....It had nothing at all to do with the Clown President calling out to all his followers to meet there on that day, speech after speech filled with lies/rage and telling them Pence could overturn the election results that day.
It was the leftists.
Sadly, another American family destroyed by unchecked illegal immigration.Another casualty in Biden’s war on you.
Did the Feds send out mass emails and organize a massive rally on election certification day???Probably had more to do with all the Feds there.
But, Trump telling everyone to peacefully protest may have done more to rile up the crowd than the Feds that were setting up gallows and unlocking doors. That’s possible. And Twitter scrubbed his video telling everyone to calm down, so I can see how you’d be confused.
What kills about that dude is that he's role playing. Im not even talking about the woman thing.... He's never been in the military. His job title is admiral as an honorific and he wears the uniform to pretend to be military. It would be like the surgeon general wearing a military outfit with medals.I’m glad someone stood up to this
Woke VA officials ban iconic WWII kiss photo over ‘values’ — and are forced to reverse it when boss finds out via tweet
“Let me be clear: This image is not banned from VA facilities — and we will keep it in VA facilities,” Veteran Affairs Secretary Denis McDonough wrote on X.nypost.com
These room temp iq leftist think they can work with those people once all the conservatives are gone. LOL. They don't seem to realize how far right their government is going to go in about 10 years.
Is it too much, or unfair, of me to believe that the flipping leader of free world ought to be able to stand up and do an SOTU address without a detailed script to read? I mean, I know all Presidents do it this way. But good grief… shouldn’t the POTUS be able to just have a few note cards with topics to be covered on them, and then stand up and tell everyone how things are going?
You act like they were all sent instruction sheets on exactly what to do. Last I checked people have a constitutional right to peacefully protest on whatever damn day they please. They were asked to make their voices heard “peacefully and patriotically.” Why did the Feds feel the need to have an inordinate amount of plants in the crowd? Why were they inciting the crowd? Ray Epps was a Fed plant and anyone who claims otherwise is a moron.Make who listen? The mob of thousands of people that are only there because you got groups to change their protests to specifically Jan 6th, the day of the reading of EC votes? Thousands of angry Trump supporters didn't just happen to be there organically...
Kinda thought property rights would have all that regardless. Kinda ridiculous he was charged. People aren’t allowed to protect their own property?
Yet illegals being brought to these cities are living high on the hog.
Democrat city. When they keep telling you there are no slippery slopes... This is what they want you to ignore.
They are illegal trespassers. People have a right to protect their property.I am very anti illegal immigration but this is too far imo if it actually allows what the headline says.
What should happen if the GOP ever wins again is a full on investigation with no holds barred into why an entire administration intentionally let it millions and millions directly against their top priority as commander in chief. Then everyone involved in that decision making should be tried for a slew of crimes.
Fully understand BB We are on the same page brother..
Will of the people be damned.Yeah, if you don’t think these commie scum have something else up their sleeves then you haven’t been paying a lick of attention for the last 8 years. And I’m not even talking about the current lawfare.
They’ll do whatever it takes. As already shown.
The organizers and higher-ups were. Which then percolated down to the footsoldiers. It was a monumental day, of course the feds were there, they're everywhere.You act like they were all sent instruction sheets on exactly what to do. Last I checked people have a constitutional right to peacefully protest on whatever damn day they please. They were asked to make their voices heard “peacefully and patriotically.” Why did the Feds feel the need to have an inordinate amount of plants in the crowd? Why were they inciting the crowd? Ray Epps was a Fed plant and anyone who claims otherwise is a moron.
Judging by the rampant uncontrollable weed growth in my garden last year, I’d say more CO2 is doing its damn job with a vengeance.To be fair, he didn't specify WHICH decade. He could still be correct. One of the all-time biggest scams in US history. He made 10s of millions off of his joke of a movie and literally none of the 'end of the world' predictions have come true. Just keep moving the goalposts every time one of his 'facts' is disproven.
The climate is changing, no doubt, as it always has for literally billions of years. Mankind needs to be better at keeping our air, water, soil clean. But, destroying all of Western civilization for limited impact on an ecosystem that is almost assuredly infinitely more reactive to natural changes is insanity. Someone needs to explain to me how more CO2, which plants require to exist, is killing the planet. Biology 101 would suggest that an environment richer in CO2 would make the earth even more fertile and increase plant life. And that's bad how...?
So you admit that man isn’t the primary cause of this and that there is literally nothing we could ever do to change the course of the entire planets climate. You climate Nazis all act like we can get the planet to some sort of permanent state when there are forces far bigger and more powerful than humans on earth can ever control.CO2 is a greenhouse gas. The more of it in the atmosphere the more heat we trap, just like a greenhouse trapping hot air. It isn't about an "even more fertile" planet, there have been times in Earth's history when there were entire forests covering the poles that are frozen now(And more CO2 doesn't directly mean more plants anyway, as they need other things to grow. There's plenty of dirt and water on the planet too, but plants live in the balance of those resources, increasing the density of one only will no more cause plants to thrive than drowning them in too much water.). It's about keeping the planet in the temperature range it naturally would be in, which is what we and all life on the planet evolved to cope with. By artificially pumping billions of tons of CO2 into the air we're trapping more and more heat, warming the planet extremely quickly from a geological/ecological perspective. Yes, that will mean Canada is more temperate, and hence more habitable. Good for them. But it will mean catastrophic changes elsewhere, here, the ME, Africa, Asia, that will make current habitable areas much less habitable. 'Destroying the planet' is figurative, not literal. The planet is fine, it's about what type of environment we want that planet to be since we, you know, have to live on it.
It’s all a bunch of made up nonsense.😂🤡
And what the hell could skoliosexual possibly be?
**i googled. still confused
What Is Skoliosexuality?
Skoliosexuality means being attracted to people who are transgender or nonbinary. Learn more about skoliosexuality and what it means in relationships.www.webmd.com
You don’t have to side scroll a paper ballot. Especially one obtained with an ID on Election Day.This should 100% be changed. Shady AF. I had never heard of this, the article says it's literally the only state that does it, all 49 others use similar 'office block' formatting which is the one we're all accustomed to. Those NJ column ballots are trash and obviously biased, as his numbers point to. Especially on electronic voting machines, having to sidescroll to see other candidates offscreen is insane.
Sounds like a number of republicans do as well.There is a reason she has not dropped from the race. She has been told something. The democrats want to hand pick a President regardless of what side they are on.
What? Man is absolutely the cause of the speed of warming we're currently seeing. Where did you get anything different out of my post? There's tons we can do to change the climate, if we wanted to we could mess it up completely by dumping all sorts of contaminants. Are you dumb?So you admit that man isn’t the primary cause of this and that there is literally nothing we could ever do to change the course of the entire planets climate. You climate Nazis all act like we can get the planet to some sort of permanent state when there are forces far bigger and more powerful than humans on earth can ever control.
Are they with you now? Do they talk to you?The organizers and higher-ups were. Which then percolated down to the footsoldiers. It was a monumental day, of course the feds were there, they're everywhere.
Or one mailed in.You don’t have to side scroll a paper ballot. Especially one obtained with an ID on Election Day.