Meanwhile. back in the real world. Lemme check on Gassy.Do you use the same “breeding like flies on dead meat” rhetoric about the Duggars? Why not? Because they’re white Christians. Even when one is a literal convicted pedo. This ‘battle for western civilization’ crap is just repackaged white supremacist nonsense. Developed countries’ birth rates fall as kids go from a necessity to a luxury. If you want fewer Arabic Muslims, focus on lifting them up, not holding them down. Same is true of religious extremism. Lot fewer people willing to strap bombs to themselves when they’re sitting on the couch eating Cheetos watching TV rather than sifting through rubble for scraps of bread and body parts of family members.
If Trump somehow pulls out the win in Nov you can almost bet your life they will use every single thing possible to keep him from getting the votes certified and try and create another Jan 6 moment to set Trump and his supporters up again.Raskin's comments signal that they aren't going to let him take office even if he wins.
I see a bad storm brewing come later in the year.
Progressive liberal Democrats are shitty people…. Case closed.These traitorous bastards are now openly fighting to destroy our system of government
Raskin and the Agents of Chaos: Democrats Prepare to Resume Disqualification Efforts in Congress
Calling it “one on a huge list of priorities,” Rep. Jamie Raskin (D., Md.) announced that he will be reintroducing a prior bill with Reps. Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Eric Swalwell to …
Same turd that created a fake slate of electors....told Pence he had the power to overturn the results....and told an angry mob they had to "fight like hell."
I'm beginning to come around to your clown way of doing things as the election gets closer.
I think Trump was right. Kamala can reject the American votes and Biden can create his own alternate electors. I like it!!!
Kamala has the power to overturn the election if Trump wins. What in the world was I thinking to argue that all this time. Vice President Kamala says suck it losers....We do what we want!!!
I'm all in now. Trump said so.
There are 2 key differences in my argument with the kooks on this site....
This would be another good way to incite a civil war.I thought that was why so many pubs were retiring all the sudden. They are hoping to have the house and senate and if Trump wins they will just remove him through impeachment. If the VP doesn't play ball they just remove him too. Speaker becomes president and that is likely Jamaal Bowman just guessing. LOL.
To mix metaphors, this was the can of worms that SCOTUS opened by kicking it down the road. It’s now Congress’s job to enforce the 14th, which as we all know means nothing will ever happen as Congress never does a thing. They effectively neutered the 14th. Still, better than some of the alternatives, like creating a presidential exception. Regardless, it’s unlikely to be relevant for this particular political cycle as it’s extremely unlikely Dems win Congress but lose the presidency. If that craziness happens though they’ll almost assuredly try to not seat him after he won, which would be even more of a shitshow than keeping him off the ballot in the first place.
An important, but subtle, distinction he's 100% spot on: folks argue that Southern Dems voted for Jim Crow laws, and then turned into Repubs... but what's really key is that existing Republicans weren't voting for the Jim Crow laws.
Mush brain ruined the economy, but now its election time and the old fool is blaming others..
Biden announces ‘strike force’ to crack down on ‘unfair and illegal’ …
Umm wtf argument is this? If you’re arguing what Trump tried to do was constitutional and SCOTUS would’ve said so, then the law you’re talking about them changing is patently unconstitutional and so irrelevant. If Pence could do it, Kamala can too, despite any unconstitutional law saying otherwise. Duh.Good God, Village Idiot.
They changed the law. She does not have that option any longer, and guess what?
They changed the law after Trump was trying it. It would have been a question for the SCOTUS.
Not anymore, but it's no surprise you, of all the Village Idiots in the world, would still think she can.
The Brownshirts carried out Hitler’s intimidation tactics.There are 2 key differences in my argument with the kooks on this site....
Number 1....I condemn ALL riots and violence.
I condemn BLM violence. I condemn Jan 6th violence.
I won't and don't defend attacking police in Minneapolis.
I won't and don't defend attacking police at the US Capitol.
You do.
Key difference #2....
Only ONE of these violent riots was incited by the sitting President of the US.
Pathetic. Absolutely pathetic.
Funny thing is that the things that's doing all the anti Jewish, anti Israeli protests, college professors & their little brainwashed students are 99% demoncrat voters...... Now, what were you saying about brown shirts?Just trade the brown shirts for the red hats.
Mush brain ruined the economy, but now its election time and the old fool is blaming others..
Biden announces ‘strike force’ to crack down on ‘unfair and illegal’ …
They aren't traitorous bastards. Don't you remember, they're trying to save democracyThese traitorous bastards are now openly fighting to destroy our system of government
Raskin and the Agents of Chaos: Democrats Prepare to Resume Disqualification Efforts in Congress
Calling it “one on a huge list of priorities,” Rep. Jamie Raskin (D., Md.) announced that he will be reintroducing a prior bill with Reps. Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Eric Swalwell to …
I have condemned many actions of Biden, the Clintons, and Obama. I have a posting history here of doing so. Just like Trump, both Bush's, and Reagan. The rest are before my time but I've criticized plenty of the actions of them too, you don't get through all that history schoolin' without writing many a critique of the handling of a particular incident or crisis. It's exactly that study and criticism that led me to my democratic socialist position that is not in line with either party, Democrats or Republicans. Democrats are terrible, the accusation I worship them is nauseating. I'm just so far to the left of them that when an election happens and I only have two options I'm never going to pick HORRIBLE over HORRIBLE-lite.
It wasn’t “the main issue before the Court,” there were a panoply of issues. They just picked one. And I have no idea what your second sentence is supposed to mean.And, yet, on the main issue before the Court, every justice agreed. Hard to think that mix all agreed and those who say they got it wrong are correct.
Israel is the Nazi equivalent in that scenario.Funny thing is that the things that's doing all the anti Jewish, anti Israeli protests, college professors & their little brainwashed students are 99% demoncrat voters...... Now, what were you saying about brown shirts?
Umm wtf argument is this?
As dishonest/deluded as you and your side are, as decidedly mediocre in every aspect as well, you still understand the argument against you.. And I have no idea what your second sentence is supposed to mean.
Then pray tell what's incorrect about what I said? If what Trump asked Pence to do was constitutional then blocking it with a law is unconstitutional and Kamala can still do it. That's basic civics.As dishonest/deluded as you and your side are, as decidedly mediocre in every aspect as well, you still understand the argument against you.
You just know you can't contend it.
CO2 is a greenhouse gas. The more of it in the atmosphere the more heat we trap, just like a greenhouse trapping hot air. It isn't about an "even more fertile" planet, there have been times in Earth's history when there were entire forests covering the poles that are frozen now(And more CO2 doesn't directly mean more plants anyway, as they need other things to grow. There's plenty of dirt and water on the planet too, but plants live in the balance of those resources, increasing the density of one only will no more cause plants to thrive than drowning them in too much water.). It's about keeping the planet in the temperature range it naturally would be in, which is what we and all life on the planet evolved to cope with. By artificially pumping billions of tons of CO2 into the air we're trapping more and more heat, warming the planet extremely quickly from a geological/ecological perspective. Yes, that will mean Canada is more temperate, and hence more habitable. Good for them. But it will mean catastrophic changes elsewhere, here, the ME, Africa, Asia, that will make current habitable areas much less habitable. 'Destroying the planet' is figurative, not literal. The planet is fine, it's about what type of environment we want that planet to be since we, you know, have to live on it.
It wasn’t “the main issue before the Court,” there were a panoply of issues. They just picked one. And I have no idea what your second sentence is supposed to mean.
Israel is the Nazi equivalent in that scenario.
There is nothing cuter than the libs getting bent out of shape about Jan 6 when they condoned mass riots for an entire summer. I recall when Jan 6 was going down. My thought was, "gee, is anybody surprised? They "normalized" rioting."The Brownshirts carried out Hitler’s intimidation tactics.
I simply point out the obvious: you’re a fool to think that the actual brownshirts in this country are the rubes who staged a ONE DAY RIOT as opposed to the hundreds of thousands of Antifa, BLM, and other leftists groups who torched this country in 2020. And let’s be clear, they are getting ready to do it again very soon because the lawsuits against Trump aren’t working.
Decide what side you’re on.
The 2020 election was stolen. Most Americans now believe it. The amazing thing is the republicans have had 3 years to address the widespread election corruption but at least IMO have done nothing. Look around at the comments, does anyone really think there will not be even more cheating this fall. The democrats are at the point of pretty much admitting that if we have to cheat to keep Trump out, we will.Yeah, if you don’t think these commie scum have something else up their sleeves then you haven’t been paying a lick of attention for the last 8 years. And I’m not even talking about the current lawfare.
They’ll do whatever it takes. As already shown.
Some time soon I hope you and others realize Biden is doing NOTHING. It is those controlling and signing , and enacting policy for him that are controlling a lot of this country now. Biden doesn't realize he is in the world much, they dope him up around the time he has to "speak". Communists are in charge of a lot right now in this country and it keeps getting blamed on others. (That is their game plan until it is too late.)
Quit drinking the koolaid that Biden is doing any of this.. he is a disgusting human being for his life but is now not knowingly in the world much... This is not his doing.... Could Blame Ole Jill a lot though. I guess she's "frightened"...
Exactly what laws infringing on your bodily autonomy and forcing state control over it have been passed by those scary college professors??Funny thing is that the things that's doing all the anti Jewish, anti Israeli protests, college professors & their little brainwashed students are 99% demoncrat voters...... Now, what were you saying about brown shirts?
Oh gotcha. Yeah I don't see many taking issue with the justification of the ruling, as you said it was 9-0, just complaining about Trump not being disqualified. Like I've previously said I think it's the correct ruling. Was just laying out the possible futures in the post you responded to now that the ruling is here. Nowhere in there did I say it was bad/incorrect, didn't mean to imply that.The court all agreed on what the main issue was before it. So, read the case and the concurrences and you too will know.
The mix on the court is patent. Three very liberal judges, a couple more moderate and the rest more conservative. And, on that main issue (read the case) they all agreed.
So, if you disagree with them on that main issue, you are the fringe.
It's anti-Israel, not anti-Semitic. We've been over this. Repeatedly.Hard to make that sound anything but antisemitic.
I 1000% agree with you, but Biden is the visual somebody chose to stand in front of the country and take the fallout of failed decisions. Never drank that Kool-Aid from the start. Personally, I think his wife and family, should burn for letting whoever do this to that old man. Even with that, I still despise the old bastard for being the "face" representing this country.