How will they rule ??!

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The planet has, in fact, greened and for many people and other life in the world, that is a good thing. The problem with the climate cult is that they never want to address any positive from generalized warming, but always want to accentuate the bad that is often not a consensus, but is parsed from research. That makes the climate cult incredible and why so many donā€™t want to hear what they have to say.
There are hysterics on both sides. Many on the right say man-made climate change isn't even real. The most extremes on both ends shouldn't be defining the conversation. The future and our planet are what we make them, and who knows, some warming could possibly be good for humans. It sure as shit ain't for polar bears, but we aren't polar bears. The issue is we need to be having this conversation with intentionality, not just blindly pumping carbon into the atmosphere around us and hoping everything'll be good. Remember hairspray and the ozone layer? Or lead paint/gasoline? We banned them and solved the problem. 80s hair kicked ass, but sadly sometimes we have to be adults.
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There are hysterics on both sides. Many on the right say man-made climate change isn't even real. The most extremes on both ends shouldn't be defining the conversation. The future and our planet are what we make them, and who knows, some warming could possibly be good for humans. It sure as shit ain't for polar bears, but we aren't polar bears. The issue is we need to be having this conversation with intentionality, not just blindly pumping carbon into the atmosphere around us and hoping everything'll be good. Remember hairspray and the ozone layer? Or lead paint/gasoline? We banned them and solved the problem. 80s hair kicked ass, but sadly sometimes we have to be adults.

Climate change is real. Manā€™s involvement is debatable, even though you will say it is decided. The good news is that it is not life threatening calamity the hysterical left will claim. So, if some people reject that emissions are the driving force, it hurts little. If the hysterics of the climate cult get their way, great harm is done. Itā€™s an easy choice.
I guess if global warming alarmists were able to objectively evaluate their position, certainly with the benefit of hindsight to see the way the exact same people crushed the economy and censored science during Covid, they wouldnā€™t be global warming alarmists to begin with.
Just trade the brown shirts for the red hats.
Red Hats do not call for the genocide of the Jewish people. Your favored class of thugs on the left are the true brown shirts. From the river to the sea. You do realize that their hatred is being supported by you and yours. Denounce their genocidal calls. Unless you are an anti-Semite. Do you personally hate Jews too?
Red Hats do not call for the genocide of the Jewish people. Your favored class of thugs on the left are the true brown shirts. From the river to the sea. You do realize that their hatred is being supported by you and yours. Denounce their genocidal calls. Unless you are an anti-Semite. Do you personally hate Jews too?
I denounce ALL violence towards any group of people.
Only thing I hate is stupidity and there's a sh** ton of it on here.
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GOP for a Safer KY.

"The wide-ranging 74-page proposal would increase penalties for violent crime and fentanyl trafficking convictions along with acts that harm first responders, limit charitable bail organizations, allow shopkeepers to use force against suspected shoplifters and place new restrictions on outdoor camping, among other measures.

Outside of the budget proposal, HB 5 may be the most high-profile piece of legislation in the 2024 General Assembly. Itā€™s already advanced through the House with heavy support from Republicans and is awaiting a hearing in the Senate."

Want a good laugh?

"Comley said measures in the bill that would require longer sentences, including life in prison for individuals convicted of three violent crimes, take discretion away from judges and prosecutors who can examine unique circumstances behind each case. Those measures would also remove incentives for people in prison to work toward reentering society and take part in programs to reduce recidivism."

Does the CJ seriously think that any GOPer or thinking person would trust a Soros funded judge or prosecutor to keep criminals in jail? Seriously. The laws need no wiggle room. When you get wiggle room you get California judges who can decide a 24yo Teacher can sex up his 14yo 8th grader and its not a crime worthy of sex offender status. Soros is the most dangerous villain out there....unless you are a criminal.

There are 2 key differences in my argument with the kooks on this site....
Number 1....I condemn ALL riots and violence.
I condemn BLM violence. I condemn Jan 6th violence.
I won't and don't defend attacking police in Minneapolis.
I won't and don't defend attacking police at the US Capitol.
You do.
Key difference #2....
Only ONE of these violent riots was incited by the sitting President of the US.
Pathetic. Absolutely pathetic.
The mostly peaceful J6 protests erupted from being CHEATED out of a fair election. The protest was incited by the leftists changing the rules all across the landscape, taking advantage of Covid. Had the election been run as all others prior....Trump wins. You know that and all your crying about J6 is just an effort to distract.
So, if some people reject that emissions are the driving force, it hurts little. If the hysterics of the climate cult get their way, great harm is done. Itā€™s an easy choice.
What does this mean? If we continue on our current trajectory of doing nothing and not giving a F then this will get worse and worse faster and faster until we won't be able to stop it. It won't screw up specifically your life too much as the thread's old, but future generations will inherit an unfixable mess of a planet. That's way more important than the debt or crime or anything else conservatives whine about. What "great harm" are you worried about that's worse than the destruction of human life on the planet?
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If we continue on our current trajectory of doing nothing and not giving a F then this will get worse and worse faster and faster until we won't be able to stop it. It won't screw up specifically your life too much as the thread's old, but future generations will inherit an unfixable mess of a planet. That's way more important than the debt or crime or anything else conservatives whine about. What "great harm" are you worried about that's worse than the destruction of human life on the planet?

Yeah. That is the hysteria we donā€™t need to bow to. Thanks.

The policies that originate from this type of hysteria do great harm, mainly to those who are already struggling to exist.

As bad, is this type of hysteria is readily manipulated by those with ill motivations that have little to do with the climate.
Yeah. That is the hysteria we donā€™t need to bow to. Thanks.

The policies that originate from this type of hysteria do great harm, mainly to those who are already struggling to exist.

As bad, is this type of hysteria is readily manipulated by those with ill motivations that have little to do with the climate.
I agree with you that the poorest and most vulnerable are always the ones ground up in the gears of change. Which is why we have to endeavor to make this shift equitably, not just stick our fingers in our ears and act like the problem doesn't exist. They'll be the same ones suffering if we do nothing too.

Take nuclear. A perfect example of what you're talking about where hysterics override sense. The left and right should be able to come to a common sense compromise to fund and develop safer American green nuclear tech. But the Karens on both sides yell about it because they don't understand it. People talking about the problem isn't the issue, uneducated voices being heeded is. Climate change is a big deal to a majority of the population, we need to inform them on the topic, not ignore and pooh-pooh it.
I agree with you that the poorest and most vulnerable are always the ones ground up in the gears of change. Which is why we have to endeavor to make this shift equitably, not just stick our fingers in our ears and act like the problem doesn't exist. They'll be the same ones suffering if we do nothing too.

Take nuclear. A perfect example of what you're talking about where hysterics override sense. The left and right should be able to come to a common sense compromise to fund and develop safer American green nuclear tech. But the Karens on both sides yell about it because they don't understand it. People talking about the problem isn't the issue, uneducated voices being heeded is. Climate change is a big deal to a majority of the population, we need to inform them on the topic, not ignore and pooh-pooh it.

Actually, many poor countries would benefit from coal powered plants and the greening of the world (two distinct things in this debate). The hypocrite elitist climate cultist in countries where the world economy for years has support for such energy have worked to keep that technology out of some poor countries under the guise of protecting the planet.
Actually, many poor countries would benefit from coal powered plants and the greening of the world (two distinct things in this debate). The hypocrite elitist climate cultist in countries where the world economy for years has support for such energy have worked to keep that technology out of some poor countries under the guise of protecting the planet.
The "greening of the world" is nonsense first off. Some places would be greener, others would be much less green in a hypothetical warmer future. And there are plenty of exceptions to carbon emissions for developing countries. This thread points at China's all the time. If you acknowledge the problem yet want to still proliferate fossil fuels what's your proposal to address the issue? So far you're just being vague.
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This should 100% be changed. Shady AF. I had never heard of this, the article says it's literally the only state that does it, all 49 others use similar 'office block' formatting which is the one we're all accustomed to. Those NJ column ballots are trash and obviously biased, as his numbers point to. Especially on electronic voting machines, having to sidescroll to see other candidates offscreen is insane.
False. You continue to mighty mouse every piece of evidence that comes in to try and cover the enormous cheat that was the last election. But that only happened in that one area defense has been you go to for 3 plus years now every time new evidence comes out.
Umm wtf argument is this? If youā€™re arguing what Trump tried to do was constitutional and SCOTUS wouldā€™ve said so, then the law youā€™re talking about them changing is patently unconstitutional and so irrelevant. If Pence could do it, Kamala can too, despite any unconstitutional law saying otherwise. Duh.