There are hysterics on both sides. Many on the right say man-made climate change isn't even real. The most extremes on both ends shouldn't be defining the conversation. The future and our planet are what we make them, and who knows, some warming could possibly be good for humans. It sure as shit ain't for polar bears, but we aren't polar bears. The issue is we need to be having this conversation with intentionality, not just blindly pumping carbon into the atmosphere around us and hoping everything'll be good. Remember hairspray and the ozone layer? Or lead paint/gasoline? We banned them and solved the problem. 80s hair kicked ass, but sadly sometimes we have to be adults.
Climate change is real. Man’s involvement is debatable, even though you will say it is decided. The good news is that it is not life threatening calamity the hysterical left will claim. So, if some people reject that emissions are the driving force, it hurts little. If the hysterics of the climate cult get their way, great harm is done. It’s an easy choice.