How will they rule ??!

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You guys are so cute. When you’re all in, you’re all in. Just a matter of time till you’re all sporting your Make Twitter Great Again gear. I can see it now: Elon ball caps, Elon bumper stickers, and Elon yard flags.

Getting rid of all the kiddie porn on Twitter and bringing to light those who support it, act on it, use the site to traffic, abuse etc is something that everyone should be thanking Musk for. Shouldn’t be a right or left “thing” but very telling that is.
The Freedom from State and local income taxes. With a $250,000 income that puts a lot more money in your pocket and you enjoy another freedom.

Your son will like the fact tourist pay the taxes
FL has an effective rate of 9.1%. KY has an effective rate of 9.5%. Add in the fact that cost of living in florida is way higher. your paycheck isnt going any further down there. if you want beaches and minimal impact on your pocket move to georgia or louisiana.
I love this argument. Yes, corporations suddenly got greedy on Jan 20, 2021.

They were never greedy monolithic swine before then!

If that is the case, why did they wait until Biden was in office?
They were always greedy. they just found a new opportunity to get away with it with minimal consumer backlash.
What a word salad.

Putin wanted Ukraine. That is a “duh”’fact. He wanted Ukraine when Trump was president. He attacked and won during the Obama administration. Did so again when Biden looked weak.

Oil producers stopped producing because Biden made it difficult and basically said repeatedly he was going to shut the industry down. The Dems, whether it is mining for solar panels, storage batteries, or drilling for oil don’t mind buying from countries who do the dirty work, they just politically don’t want it to happen here. It’s a charade.

After Dem governors shut down the states and killed economies in the name of Covid, the Dem federal congress printed a bunch of new money and pumped it into the economy. The two combined ensured inflation. The Dems did both for politics and virtue signaling.

By the way, Trump predicted NATO’s flawed reliance on Russian energy.
which oil producers stopped producing?
Sept, the last month on record atm, the US produced 12,268,000 barrels per day. 7th highest on record. We will be at record production by the time we get Dec data. 2023 will be the best year the US has ever had by a healthy margin.
I trust vaccines that have gone through all the proper trials and testing phases over the course of time. Nothing has ever been pushed through as quickly as the Covid vaccine and worst yet was made mandatory for many to take. Vaccines typically take 10-15 years to get through the normal process. This was less than a year, uh no thank you!!! I’d still bet every dollar I have that Fauci has never been injected with it nor would he allow anyone to give it to him. He knows the issues it can cause but he is also making a shit ton of money so he doesn’t care. But people like this you are ok with, trumps the one we should all worry about (smmfh)
You can thank Trump for letting it get shoved through without the proper testing phases. He was pretty proud of it
which oil producers stopped producing?
Sept, the last month on record atm, the US produced 12,268,000 barrels per day. 7th highest on record. We will be at record production by the time we get Dec data. 2023 will be the best year the US has ever had by a healthy margin.
And which sorry regime created a climate hostile to domestic oil production? Trump? Hell, no, Biden.

Your ass is again dismissed.
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which oil producers stopped producing?
Sept, the last month on record atm, the US produced 12,268,000 barrels per day. 7th highest on record. We will be at record production by the time we get Dec data. 2023 will be the best year the US has ever had by a healthy margin.
Thanks for your response. But, you must have missed this post, or you surely would have responded to it first.

Gas was cheap during the pandemic because nobody was using it. Consumption dropped to the lowest point in nearly 30 years. Oil prices went negative for a period of time due to a glut of oil with no place. Producers stopped producing, wells were capped.
Wasn't sure we would ever see anyone drive the left off the cliff of insanity quite like Trump did, but Elon is definitely getting there!

I popped some popcorn, too!

Bunch of deranged lunatics, that are unable to deal with truth and reality.

Liberals (so-called) were bullied as children. TDS/elon is reliving past trauma for them.

You will see it again anytime someone with power tells them "No!," you're FOS, you're done, it stops here and now.
😅 I remember seeing this moonbat on tucker carlson show.

Dark heart at the core of every "liberal," the adage scratch a liberal and you'll find a tyrant isn't an exaggeration.
At what point will the world leaders who have bought into this WEF Globalist tyranny and nonsense, look at what they are doing objectively and finally realize their ignorance. How far down this bizarro world road will they go before they wake up?
My guess is that most (if not all) of the world leaders that are on board with the WEF nonsense are compromised in some form or fashion. So it’s most likely that they will blaze an even hotter trail down the bizarro world road as we move forward.
While I don't remember this exactly (not sure how accurate it is)...I do remember newspaper/magazine articles back during the time (when they were actual news organizations) that opined basically the same thought of what the Soviet Union wanted to do and how they would do it.

Can't take credit. Saw this in the comments of a Fox article..........

In 1956, Nikita Khrushchev predicted something like the contemporary Democratic Party.
In 1963, ironically, the old Democratic Party warned us of the potential of something like the contemporary Democratic Party…
Congressional Record
Thursday, January 10, 1963
15. Capture one or both of the political parties in the United States.
17. Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda…
20. Infiltrate the press…
29. Discredit the American Constitution by calling it inadequate, old-fashioned…
30. Discredit the American Founding Fathers…
31. Belittle all forms of American culture and discourage the teaching of American history…
32. Support any socialist movement to give centralized control over any part of the culture…
36. Infiltrate and gain control of more unions.
38. Transfer some of the powers of arrest from the police to social agencies…
41. Emphasize the need to raise children away from the negative influence of parents. Attribute prejudices, mental blocks and the slowing in mental, emotional or physical development [can’t use the R-word] of children to suppressive influence of parents.
You can thank Trump for letting it get shoved through without the proper testing phases. He was pretty proud of it
And I do. A mistake compounded by not separating himself from the merchant of death (AKA Dr Fauci). All he did was remove all the red tape from the approval process and trusted the pharmaceutical industry to put a good product out. They failed!!!