How will they rule ??!

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At one point I mused that Screwduke must be Heisman, and the response I got was to challenge both my native intelligence and powers of observation. Which is ok - in the end, it's all just lines of text on a screen....

But is it? Are you talking virtual diary?
Libs are social engineering demons that never stop trying to convert our society in their vision. They are never held accountable when the damage is done & slither away to other destructive endeavors.

Wait and see what a leftist stacked Supreme Court is going to look like. Just wait and see what happens to the second amendment and what they may even try to do to the first. The Libs on here will say "Oh that will never happen" but you watch. Dems do it a little bit at a time.
Under Duterte, you could plant a bag of flour on that bitch and call it cocaine and she would be dead.
Wait and see what a leftist stacked Supreme Court is going to look like. Just wait and see what happens to the second amendment and what they may even try to do to the first. The Libs on here will say "Oh that will never happen" but you watch. Dems do it a little bit at a time.

Great news. This country is becoming more progressive and some of us could not be happier!
I get all of my news from the twitters these days, but just out of curiosity I went to CNN. Holy mother of god propaganda . . . literally every link was "Trump said pussy" "Republicans hate Trump you should too". The only mention of Wikileaks was "Wikileaks claims to have released Goldman transcripts". WHAT! I can't believe the propaganda is this out of control. A Venezuelan couple happened to be visiting yesterday, and they thought it was ridiculous (true story).

For the Libertarians out there, I don't understand you anymore. Look what the media is doing to the Republican nominee. You think a third party has a chance at anything in this system? The first step in your quest for Libertarian Utopia, should be to destroy the insane propaganda machine and the two party system. Trump is the only chance at doing both. Establishment Republicans are jumping ship so fast, and if Trump somehow wins how could any of these people have a shred of credibility left? How is that not a better cause than getting Gary Johnson another couple percent?

Democrats used to always at least be anti-war. What the hell happened to that? What is more likely to bring us to war: openly taunting the Russian, giving them credit for the hacks, and imposing no fly zones on a country we have no business in - or - I respect Putin. I met him once. I think we would get along fine. I know the latter sounds fully retarded, but the former sounds insane, and it sounds like something the democrats would have been fervently against 8+ years ago.
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The latest Trump dust up has always been the greatest concern for many who have decided to hold their nose and vote for him because he ain't Hildabeast. He's lived his entire life like the rich spoiled playboy who could basically say or do anything. Having said that, I'm not offended by his comments because I've heard guys making crude comments like this for years. Locker room banter, or in my case Marine banter, has never offended me because I'm not a pussy!! In private conversations, most men say stupid, rude and crude things. I'm shocked, shocked that Trump is in that category.

Regardless, when you are a politician these type's of things just aren't something that is acceptable like it or not. Doesn't matter whether you or I agree with it but the political arena and the accompanying hypocrisy will not allow for this type of behavior. And that has always been the danger for the reluctant Trump voter. When was the "bombshell" of the billionaire playboy going to hit? And if you think there aren't other examples of boorish locker room behavior just waiting to hit the scene then I've got some swamp land I want to sell you.

What pisses me off the most is the sanctimonious indignation of this whole thing as it's mostly an idiotic conversation of a guy who thought he was having a private conversation and was doing what he does best; Spouting off about his prowess and power. Now if you watch him as he got off the bus he actually acted in a very cordial and respectful manner but it is completely overshadowed by his preceding comments.
This is truly a stupid scandal and because Trump has totally pissed off the establishment, the Republican power brokers and establishment are tripping over themselves to show their righteous indignation. I'm waiting for somebody to actually say the truth. Yes it was stupid and crude but most American men, in private, are stupid and crude human beings. That's the truth!
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So the two moderators tonight are even more biased than Lester Holt is. Jesus, I think even Megyn Kelly would be a better moderator at this point. He needs to come out fighting, not playing defense and letting her bait him like she did in the 1st debate. :popcorn:
So the two moderators tonight are even more biased than Lester Holt is. Jesus, I think even Megyn Kelly would be a better moderator at this point. He needs to come out fighting, not playing defense and letting her bait him like she did in the 1st debate. :popcorn:

I'm assuming since it's CNN led that Anderson Cooper will be one, who is the other?
The outrage on this is just so over the top. Don't tell me about JFK, Bill Clinton, Anthony Weiner, Ted Cruz, John Edwards nope this conversation is the worst thing I've ever heard and disqualifies the Republican candidate.

Juanita Broaddrick @atensnut
How many times must it be said? Actions speak louder than words. DT said bad things!HRC threatened me after BC raped me.

Mehhhhh who cares, apparently.

Right now, a total of 12 sitting GOP senators have publicly called for Trump to step down or be removed from the ticket. I've lost track of the number of congressmen and party leaders who've done the same.

That number is probably less than half of the amount who'd back such a move by the RNC.

It's no coincidence that her campaign and the media waited to fire these shots (tax returns, Access Hollywood, Cuba dealings, etc) until after ballots had been printed and early voting had begun. This was a booby trap that was set months ago and they purposely waited until it was too late for the GOP to replace Trump.

But that shouldn't take away from all of the hard work you Trumpsters put in. Good job! Good effort!

Really love living in a country where your elected officials joking about murdering someone for publishing leaked documents is acceptable, but joking about grabbing a woman's pussy warrants the death penalty.

Of course Clinton literally getting people killed for political purposes is worse than Trump admitting to sexually assaulting women.

But guess what, if you're a sentient American, you know a Republican is always going to get more scrutiny than a Democrat. That's why you don't nominate a walking spewer of verbal diarrhea with no coherent grasp of policy on any subject. Is it fair that Republicans/Libertarians start behind the 8 ball? No, but again, you have to know that going in. The anti-Hilldawg Trump guys have no one to blame but the primary voters

Romney was roasted over "binders of women", "47 percent" remark, putting his dog on the roof of his car & cutting a kid's hair when he was 15. It doesn't matter how seasoned you are. The slightest thing a Republican says gets around the clock treatment of outrage and coverage.

Meanwhile actual scandals and corruption from Dems gets nothing. Our nation is like the movie Idiocracy.

Folks, an entire party turned on a man one month out who, according to some polls, was about to win the election. All because he said THAT; 11 years prior.

And you really think there's a GOP candidate who can possibly withstand such scrutiny? Tell me who this angelic human with a halo might be? Who is it that's never said or done anything regrettable in their entire life? Because this shows us, if it's anything - they're done for; and faux outrage will make sure they never win. All while a video released just days prior, shows bill Clinton actually doing what trump merely talked about.

I'll be waiting on that list of candidates from @jamo0001 and others who feel intellectually vindicated by this outcome.
The outrage on this is just so over the top. Don't tell me about JFK, Bill Clinton, Anthony Weiner, Ted Cruz, John Edwards nope this conversation is the worst thing I've ever heard and disqualifies the Republican candidate.

This is what political flailing looks like... which is why nobody except those who want it to matter most give it even 2 shits worth of concern.

I'm enjoying it.
What we're seeing is unprecedented. A political party pulling all support from a candidate in position to win the presidency a month out. Think about that. Money cut off, field offices shuttered. Done. Over.

If you told someone even two years ago such a thing would happen, they'd guess the person murdered someone, caught red handed taking bribes (the irony), something blatantly treasonous (again), or something so terrible and awful it shocks the conscious.

But, this is it. So what does this tell us?

This tells us, this was in the works for awhile. The GOP was never going to let trump win. No way decisions of this magnitude were made so quickly following such an underwhelming release; on a Friday night no less.

This was coordinated. Clintons and the GOP establishment had this all worked out. They were always going to back her. No way an outsider would be allowed to win. Can you imagine the consequences otherwise? Campaign finance reform, restrictions on speaking fees, and term limits? All possible. No way career politicians could or would allow such things.
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What we're seeing is unprecedented. A political party pulling all support from a candidate in position to win the presidency a month out. Tbilisi know about that. Money cut off, field offices shuttered. Done. Over.

If you told someone even two years ago such a thing would happen, they'd guess the person murdered someone, caught red handed taking bribes (the irony), something blatantly treasonous (again), or something so terrible and awful it shocks the conscious.

But, this is it. So what does this tell us?

This tells us, this was in the works for awhile. The GOP was never going to let trump win. No way decisions of this magnitude were made so quickly following such an underwhelming release; on a Friday night no less.

This was coordinated. Clintons and the GOP establishment had this all worked out. They were always going to back her. No way an outsider would be allowed to win. Can you imagine the consequences otherwise? Campaign finance reform, restrictions on speaking fees, and term limits? All possible. No way career politicians could or would allow such things.

Great post and I agree with everything.
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What we're seeing is unprecedented. A political party pulling all support from a candidate in position to win the presidency a month out. Tbilisi know about that. Money cut off, field offices shuttered. Done. Over.

If you told someone even two years ago such a thing would happen, they'd guess the person murdered someone, caught red handed taking bribes (the irony), something blatantly treasonous (again), or something so terrible and awful it shocks the conscious.

But, this is it. So what does this tell us?

This tells us, this was in the works for awhile. The GOP was never going to let trump win. No way decisions of this magnitude were made so quickly following such an underwhelming release; on a Friday night no less.

This was coordinated. Clintons and the GOP establishment had this all worked out. They were always going to back her. No way an outsider would be allowed to win. Can you imagine the consequences otherwise? Campaign finance reform, restrictions on speaking fees, and term limits? All possible. No way career politicians could or would allow such things.

I will say this. Who does the GOP think they are going to win the WhiteHouse? None of the turds they propped up could beat Hillary. None. This outcry by the old guard will cost them future votes. Apparently they didn't understand the message that was sent by electing Trump.
Unless Rand runs in 2020 under GOP, I'll be voting Libertarian. But in the big scope of things, my vote doesn't really matter
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What Trump said is politically damaging to a career politician, Trump is not that. The ones pulling endorsement are generally in an election year.

This was meant as cover for the email leak, and clintons comments to Goldman Sschs, and it worked. However, I'm sure the Dems wanted to save this for closer to election because then it could've had a real impact.
Although it's entirely possible there are more recordings.
Trump can recover from this, but it's imperative he has a good debate tonight.
I will say this. Who does the GOP think they are going to win the WhiteHouse? None of the turds they propped up could beat Hillary. None. This outcry by the old guard will cost them future votes. Apparently they didn't understand the message that was sent by electing Trump.
Unless Rand runs in 2020 under GOP, I'll be voting Libertarian. But in the big scope of things, my vote doesn't really matter

Totally agree. Doubt I'll ever vote GOP again because of this.

What Trump said is politically damaging to a career politician, Trump is not that. The ones pulling endorsement are generally in an election year.

This was meant as cover for the email leak, and clintons comments to Goldman Sschs, and it worked. However, I'm sure the Dems wanted to save this for closer to election because then it could've had a real impact.
Although it's entirely possible there are more recordings.
Trump can recover from this, but it's imperative he has a good debate tonight.

If that were all, I'd agree. But the entire national party pulled all funding and closed field offices. It's almost surely over
Bill said "How bout you Z?" because he places no value in your ignorant redneck backwoods Texas opinion working on your mighty Enable spreadsheets you uneducated hack Killeen dimestore grunt. I was actually hoping you'd be dead by now but I guess the cucumbers and bicycle riding are paying off. Maybe they'll stuff you with quiche for your wake.
Learn sentence structure, resident loon.

As usual, you are dismissed.
This can't be stated enough...Hilary Clinton let 4 Americans die in Benghazi b/c she didn't give a shit.

But hey, let's roast Trump b/c he likes pu$$y. Heaven forbid we let someone in the White House who likes pu$$y. That guy might even be tempted to smoke pu$$y scented cigars. Or sleep with a famous movie star.


I will say this. Who does the GOP think they are going to win the WhiteHouse? None of the turds they propped up could beat Hillary. None. This outcry by the old guard will cost them future votes. Apparently they didn't understand the message that was sent by electing Trump.
Unless Rand runs in 2020 under GOP, I'll be voting Libertarian. But in the big scope of things, my vote doesn't really matter

Great point. I wonder how different the conversation would be right now if someone else won the Republican primary. My guess is we would have the same stupid "lesser of two evils" conversation that we are having now, but not actually mean it. Joe GOP candidate would be passingly compared to Hitler and endorsed by the KKK, but nobody would care. Joe GOP candidate would get shit for delaying the release of his taxes. Joe GOP candidate would reject and not give credence to anything the Russian funded Wikileaks had illegally obtained. Monica Lewinsky would be brought up, but nobody would listen to claims Bill is an outright rapist. Hillary would be a model of a healthy person. Hillary would somehow be the candidate for peace.
Great point. I wonder how different the conversation would be right now if someone else won the Republican primary. My guess is we would have the same stupid "lesser of two evils" conversation that we are having now, but not actually mean it. Joe GOP candidate would be passingly compared to Hitler and endorsed by the KKK, but nobody would care. Joe GOP candidate would get shit for delaying the release of his taxes. Joe GOP candidate would reject and not give credence to anything the Russian funded Wikileaks had illegally obtained. Monica Lewinsky would be brought up, but nobody would listen to claims Bill is an outright rapist. Hillary would be a model of a healthy person. Hillary would somehow be the candidate for peace.

It would be the same BS as the past 5-6 elections. Abortion is murder!! No it's a woman's choice!! Guns are the devil!! No, they're a protected right!! Transvestites need to use any bathroom they want!!! No, they need to use their birth gender associated bathroom!!! And on and on BS that doesn't mean jack shit!!
Yeah, he did and he got destroyed in the election, which tells you it doesn't matter what you do or who it is now: Dems are running things and have total control.

With the help of the media. I won't even call them "news" any more because they are nothing but a wing of the Democratic Party. We have no real "news" outlets in this country.
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Attitudes like that are exactly why your loser candidate has almost no ground game in any state of importance. His only chance to break 225 votes is due entirely to those RINO cucks Portman and Rubio....and he still might not get there.

Damn. I never knew you were this liberal.
Than what?

That it's over, there is a month until the election.

The shock value of what he said will quickly wear off. That's why I wrote this would be more damaging if it was released the days leading up to the election. People have time to digest it, and realize that compared to what Hillary has done and said this really isn't squat.
If he has a good debate this will be quickly forgotten, and we'all know that he did if the left keeps hammering this storyline.

This was a bullet the Dems were trying to hold on to, but what was in the emails was pretty bad. Notice how Obama came out Friday and said they were confident Russia was behind the hacks? That was damage control, as was this.
There may be more, who knows, but this won't carry all the way to the election.
There's a subplot afoot, Bill. Autism is drunk and admitting things he normally lies about.

But you're right, Hillary's little speech to Wall Street about her "private" agenda is a million times more problematic for me than a billion Trump bimbos. Our sovereignty is my primary concern. I did swear to protect it, you know.

So how can you vote for her?
With the help of the media. I won't even call them "news" any more because they are nothing but a wing of the Democratic Party. We have no real "news" outlets in this country.

That's what going to linger no matter the outcome of this election. They have removed all doubt about being impartial.
Their reason for protection under the constitution was to give the citizens an unbiased look. It's not to champion once side, it's the exact opposite of what the Founders wanted.
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That's what going to linger no matter the outcome of this election. They have removed all doubt about being impartial.
Their reason for protection under the constitution was to give the citizens an unbiased look. It's not to champion once side, it's the exact opposite of what the Founders wanted.

you are victims of propaganda war. little different from the 3rd Reich and Goebbels. Learned so much from them did they. Learned so little from them did you.
Great news. This country is becoming more progressive and some of us could not be happier!

There's nothing progressive about your party. You are ideologues that lack common sense to see what you're doing. Your party can't run on successful policies so they create division and dwell on social issues to appeal to morons. The truth is, they don't care about any of these people. They are a means to an end.

Any party that wants bigger government, wants to import the third world by 550%, constantly wants to take guns away, enforces speech codes, wants to grow the welfare state and is as corrupt as the Dems are, is a cancer.
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