What we're seeing is unprecedented. A political party pulling all support from a candidate in position to win the presidency a month out. Tbilisi know about that. Money cut off, field offices shuttered. Done. Over.
If you told someone even two years ago such a thing would happen, they'd guess the person murdered someone, caught red handed taking bribes (the irony), something blatantly treasonous (again), or something so terrible and awful it shocks the conscious.
But, this is it. So what does this tell us?
This tells us, this was in the works for awhile. The GOP was never going to let trump win. No way decisions of this magnitude were made so quickly following such an underwhelming release; on a Friday night no less.
This was coordinated. Clintons and the GOP establishment had this all worked out. They were always going to back her. No way an outsider would be allowed to win. Can you imagine the consequences otherwise? Campaign finance reform, restrictions on speaking fees, and term limits? All possible. No way career politicians could or would allow such things.