How will they rule ??!

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Interesting bit of spin here from 538. They always lean left, but never quite this much.

Among other things, they claim claim clinton is under valued in polls because it's more likely her voters are hesitant to admit they'll vote for her, as opposed to trump supporters. Clearly, it's the other way around.
These days they are not as separate as intended or in any substantial way.
Please provide facts to back that up. Not because I think you dont know, I think you do, I would just like to be better informed. Now, this chart is just from June 2016, but I assume you are referring to executive orders:

Are we rehashing the old "numbers of executive orders are the only thing that matters, not the unprecedented things the POTUS was issuing executive orders to do" argument from the left.
The same thing could be argued against Trump from his 124 distinct policy shifts on 20 major issues, tracking only his stated views since he announced his candidacy on June 16, 2015 (NBCNEWS) to his anti-muslim rhetoric, anti-mexican rhetoric, to his shady business dealing with Russia, his multiple bankruptcies, his issue of not paying income tax, he doesnt know the issues, he gets baited very easily, foundation being investigated, shady business dealings (Trump University, Panama, Housing discrimination), etc. So yes, there are reasons not to like trump. However, I listed above reasons to, hes powerful, inspires, successful, speaks to people.

Clinton, has Bengazhi, emails, shady foundation, killing probably 100s of people (lol), years of insider politics, smells like moth balls, but she is qualified from senator, to secretary of state (which is huge, because a few on here dont understand how big a position that is).

You cant really argue that one candidate is clean, theyre both dirty.
LEK, some good points but I would argue that while Trump has some shady business deals (what developer doesn't?), his tough talk about Mexicans/Muslims is striking a nerve and rightfully so. I don't like the name calling but we obviously have a HUGE immigration/border problem.
Hillary's problems are real-life things that matter to the safety of our country and you listed many of them. Trumps issues are shady but are not of national security concern as all is from the private sector.
like mentioned before, those pesky republicans sure obstructed to the tune of 10 trillion dollars of spending more than we take in by this administration. damn, if they just got out of the way what would that national debt look like now?

You really don't know how gov't spending works. If money is spent, if taxes are collected (or not), Congress is the branch of government that determines how that happens.

Civics 101.
Sounding like obama is going to be handed his first override on his latest veto.

Also, love how all these dems, like LEK are trying to bash trump for paying as little tax as possible. Im sure you claim no exemptions and pay every single cent allowable.

Me, on the other hand, moneys important to me so i look for every single deduction i can possibly get. Call me unethicap or as lek stated above call it a "bad business dealing".
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Please provide facts to back that up. Not because I think you dont know, I think you do, I would just like to be better informed. Now, this chart is just from June 2016, but I assume you are referring to executive orders:

I will try but you get very upset if someone even mildly disagrees with you.

BC beat me to punch on the EO argument. Just not a intelligent basis to argue on the quantity.

But my bigger reason for the comment is that with few centrists in Congress and the veto threat hanging over the legislature which is more divisive and with the parties holding super pac money over their heads there is very little autonomy. Obama has played this beautifully. He tells congress to pass what he wants or he will veto and do via EO if he can. He also controls the media in that if the GOP congress uses their funding powers he knows they will get blamed in a shutdown. Like I said it not operating as intended, not sure how anyone could argue otherwise.
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Everyone knows how the government is supposed to work.

That's not a reason to shove your head up your own ass and ignore how the government has been working under Obama.

Among other things, he flat out unilaterally rewrote Obamacare to delay as many of the negative impacts as he could until after elections. Just changed a law Congress passed in blatant violation of the separation of powers. The Republicans were and are too chicken shit (and complicit) to do anything about it.
Ok but what about your candidate?

Seriously do you even like her? When Michelle runs against her for experience in 2020 will you still support Hilliary?

Let's leave Trump alone for a brief second and tell me about your girl!

HRC is a technocrat. A terrible public speaker. She does, however, use complete sentences. After that, I have no idea.

I vote on ideas. For me there's nothing more of a threat to our civilization than AGW. I'll vote for the candidate who'll address that.
(3.5C -- the best figure now for how much the Earth will warm due to a doubling of CO2. I read that the other day. That's 40 years from now. Slightly less. I won't be here but my kids' generation will be. We've warmed around 1.4C and in a few years we'll pass 2C of warming. The magic number at which terrestrial sources of CO2 from oceans and melting tundra will match human contributions. You and your generation will be right in the thick of it. The warming you denied.

We now return to our regularly scheduled ranting.)
I commend Moe for stepping up and putting the proper blame on the Dem Congress for the Iraq War and the economic crash.
What does that have to do with creditors?

Moe is case and point why Trump releasing his tax returns doesn't make sense. The only people who want them released know nothing about tax returns, as exemplified by Moe.

We'll know the scope of his investments. We'll know which are struggling. We;ll know which needed money to shore up. We know American banks have quit doing business with him so we'll know the amount of foreign money that he's beholden to. Contracts don't end when you get elected. He'll have to make decisions that pit his fortune vs the good off the country.

Hope that helps.
Sounding like obama is going to be handed his first override on his latest veto.

Also, love how all these dema, like LEK are trying to bash trump for paying as little tax as possible. Im sure you claim no exemptions and pay every single cent allowable.

Me, on the other hand, moneys important to me so i look for every single deduction i can possibly get. Call me unethicap or as lek stated above call it a "bad business dealing".
Im not bashing Trump, I am stating its an issue. Please try and keep up if you are going to participate. TIA.
I will try but you get very upset if someone even mildly disagrees with you.

BC beat me to punch on the EO argument. Just not a intelligent basis to argue on the quantity.

But my bigger reason for the comment is that with few centrists in Congress and the veto threat hanging over the legislature which is more divisive and with the parties holding super pac money over their heads there is very little autonomy. Obama has played this beautifully. He tells congress to pass what he wants or he will veto and do via EO if he can. He also controls the media in that if the GOP congress uses their funding powers he knows they will get blamed in a shutdown. Like I said it not operating as intended, not sure how anyone could argue otherwise.
What specifics are you speaking of? Can you site more than one example of this? Seems like a general claim. I honestly dont know this. It sounds like EO is an issue.
The pendulum has swung too far the other way Moe, and I think you realize it.

You're of the "we can't drill our way to cheaper gas" crowd, so let's just not do anything.
It's insanity that people like you sit back and think there is nothing we can do so just accept the way things are, not very progressive of you.

What "pendulum"? There's no pendulum. Capital chases profits and usually do that by chasing lower wages. There's no pendulum whereby capitalists favor their own countries. If you erect tariff barriers you subsidize products. All products? For how long. Amazingly enough to keep that from becoming a free-for-all, countries enter into trade agreements.
I wonder how many folks continually calling for Trump's tax info carry a flame for a US phone company that hides the majority of its money in off-shore money market accounts for the sole purpose of tax evasion...
That's because they don't like her - nobody does.

Gewn Ifill turned that around and after the debate and asked if Trump is likable. The panel was stunned for a moment. Well, no. Nobody likes Trump.


Except, sadly, people who actually like bullies. ("Whoth nextht")
HRC is a technocrat. A terrible public speaker. She does, however, use complete sentences. After that, I have no idea.

I vote on ideas. For me there's nothing more of a threat to our civilization than AGW. I'll vote for the candidate who'll address that.
(3.5C -- the best figure now for how much the Earth will warm due to a doubling of CO2. I read that the other day. That's 40 years from now. Slightly less. I won't be here but my kids' generation will be. We've warmed around 1.4C and in a few years we'll pass 2C of warming. The magic number at which terrestrial sources of CO2 from oceans and melting tundra will match human contributions. You and your generation will be right in the thick of it. The warming you denied.

We now return to our regularly scheduled ranting.)
This is the biggest issue where I am conflicted. How do we reduce global emissions of CO2? While I normally do NOT want excessive government intervention, I would be in support of subsidies/rebates/discounts for companies and people that use 'cleaner' products whether it be solar, wind power, electric/hybrid vehicles, etc... Plenty will debate the whole climate change topic and I don't want to get into that but I'm pretty sure nobody wants to go backwards on this issue.
The democratic party is not what it was. It was at one time the working man's party but now it's the social justice party. It is more interested in appealing to angry black voters, illegal immigrants and transvestites. My vote for Trump is not a vote for him but a vote against a party that has said f*ck you to it's former base.
Im not bashing Trump, I am stating its an issue. Please try and keep up if you are going to participate. TIA.

Lol, im not going to get in an argument with you again because you: fail yo admit anything and continuously fail in your attempts at spin.

You listed a few posts above:
LEK: T7same thing could be argued against Trump from his 124 distinct policy shifts on 20 major issues, tracking only his stated views since he announced his candidacy on June 16, 2015 (NBCNEWS) to his anti-muslim rhetoric, anti-mexican rhetoric, to his shady business dealing with Russia, his multiple bankruptcies, his issue of not paying income tax, he doesnt know the issues, he gets baited very easily, foundation being investigated, shady business dealings (Trump University, Panama, Housing discrimination), etc. So yes, there are reasons not to like trump.

So in conclusion. Stop being such an arrogsnt POS douche. Keep up and dont forget what you said 5 minutes prior. Thanks.
in California. All media is reporting is the man was unarmed and his family claims his hands were in the air. Any bets on what the real facts are?

Hands really up? Black cop or white cop? Mental illness? Regardless-we need to protest and scream about racist cops until facts are presented.
I wonder how many folks continually calling for Trump's tax info carry a flame for a US phone company that hides the majority of its money in off-shore money market accounts for the sole purpose of tax evasion...

Basically, we're being asked to vote for a man with his short little fingers in hundreds of financial pies, a man who has a history of screwing the people who go into business with him, while knowing no more about him than "Trust me."

The man turned a debate into an ad for one of his hotels!!

The right wing's sudden reticence on the issue shows that they're afraid of what we'll find. But that's not the beauty part. The beauty part is that they're eager to vote for him!!!

[Insert "Leave Donny Alone" meme]

Sounds like a classic case of not being able to take the stuff you dish out.
I've seen few people "eager" to vote for Trump. There are some and that's their choice. For most it's the lesser of two evils and most will openly admit it.

But if you want to talk about "history", Hillary has that in and then some and is completely void of any achievements beyond riding on the coattails of her husband. And, I'll save you the keystrokes,

"25 years of false accusations and she's never been found guilty of anything."

Not one person posting in this thread believes she's not without guilt, no one. So don't bother.
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Basically, we're being asked to vote for a man with his short little fingers in hundreds of financial pies, a man who has a history of screwing the people who go into business with him, while knowing no more about him than "Trust me."

The man turned a debate into an ad for one of his hotels!!

The right wing's sudden reticence on the issue shows that they're afraid of what we'll find. But that's not the beauty part. The beauty part is that they're eager to vote for him!!!

[Insert "Leave Donny Alone" meme]

Sounds like a classic case of not being able to take the stuff you dish out.

And he's going against an opponent who's the most corrupt candidate in the history of our country by a mile, has never had her Little fingers in any business of any kind and also turned the debate into a promotion for her book.

And your apparently you're to vote for that. Cool.
so this happened about 20mi from where i work. no unrest here. the man was walking in the middle of traffic and refused to put his hands up or comply with the police. likely due to psychiatric condition and possibly drugs---both have to be confirmed. it was certainly a tragedy that it ended this way, but this doesn't seem to have any racial underpinnings--which is what the media is trying to suggest.
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Voting for Hillary is simply voting for the most dishonest candidate in the history of US politics... period.

When you add in the fact that she let Americans die, has no accomplishments despite 30+ years of "public service"... you get the picture.
The democratic party is not what it was. It was at one time the working man's party but now it's the social justice party. It is more interested in appealing to angry black voters, illegal immigrants and transvestites. My vote for Trump is not a vote for him but a vote against a party that has said f*ck you to it's former base.
This is exactly what the Democrats need to be addressing.

If Hillary manages to allow the Republican Party to morph away from the party that caters to the rich into the party that gives lip service to the working class and still caters to the rich then she has done more damage to the Democratic Party than any Republican could ever hope to do. This was also Bernie Sanders' gravest concern... that Hillary would flub it and hand working class Americans over to the Republicans.
UN says that the United States owes reparations to Blacks.[/QUO
Z, luckily for trump, the presidency and the winner of a debate isnt determined the same way as say the debater of the year for harvard would be.

I dislike both candidates.

That said, I agree with this. There were a lot of people sitting on their couch saying 'Yeah', and 'Damn right', that the political pundits don't understand.
Lol, im not going to get in an argument with you again because you: fail yo admit anything and continuously fail in your attempts at spin.

You listed a few posts above:
LEK: T7same thing could be argued against Trump from his 124 distinct policy shifts on 20 major issues, tracking only his stated views since he announced his candidacy on June 16, 2015 (NBCNEWS) to his anti-muslim rhetoric, anti-mexican rhetoric, to his shady business dealing with Russia, his multiple bankruptcies, his issue of not paying income tax, he doesnt know the issues, he gets baited very easily, foundation being investigated, shady business dealings (Trump University, Panama, Housing discrimination), etc. So yes, there are reasons not to like trump.

So in conclusion. Stop being such an arrogsnt POS douche. Keep up and dont forget what you said 5 minutes prior. Thanks.
Reading comp is tough huh? I guess where it clearly states he has an issue, and this is an objective stated issue by others, doesnt mean he has an issue with this? I am not bashing him for it, merely citing that others have issues. :rolleyes:

As stated before, if you are going to participate, please try and keep up. TIA!
The democratic party is not what it was. It was at one time the working man's party but now it's the social justice party. It is more interested in appealing to angry black voters, illegal immigrants and transvestites. My vote for Trump is not a vote for him but a vote against a party that has said f*ck you to it's former base.

X 100000000000000000000000000000000000
This is exactly what the Democrats need to be addressing.

If Hillary manages to allow the Republican Party to morph away from the party that caters to the rich into the party that gives lip service to the working class and still caters to the rich then she has done more damage to the Democratic Party than any Republican could ever hope to do. This was also Bernie Sanders' gravest concern... that Hillary would flub it and hand working class Americans over to the Republicans.

This is one of the biggest lies that exist today: the Democrats are for the working class. How is that exactly? Bad trade deals resulting in the loss of millions of working class jobs? The creation of a huge welfare state where people have lost hope?
The good thing about this election is that for all intents and purposes the nutty religious right has been thrown to the curb and rendered pointless in presidential elections. We basically have a contest of liberal ideas running for president with Trump sprinkling in fake nuggets to the Bubba vote that he knows he'll never do.

So Liberal A or Liberal B with bullshit on top. Lose - lose for those nutty right wingnuts and that is a good thing. I always knew they were liberal at heart anyway. Hell, Trump has them practically joining BLM right now. At least in the end we know Liberal ideas are where American is clearly heading as the Republicans are laughably forced to throw their whole party over the side and pretend to be liberals just to be competitive in the presidential elections now.

My feet are being licked by so many of these Republicans that I might catch gangrene from their airport bathroom stall breath on my delicate toes.
So if I get this straight, you are getting mad at people for jumping to conclusions without all the facts, yet you are jumping to conclusions without all the facts?

Got it.
Name one conclusion Ive drawn? The only thing that I've seen this morning is a black unarmed man was shot by police and the family claims he did not have a gun. Again give me a conclusion Ive drawn.
Probably was too dark to have the tazer or stun gun or baton work on him. Those things are ineffective when you hit a certain amount of pigmentation.
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