Is Donald Trump qualified to be president?
"1. Does he actually know — or care to know — the basic information needed to competently run the country?
2. Does Trump understand and respect the basic principles and traditions of American Constitutional government?
3. Why won’t Trump forthrightly answer the most basic questions about his businesses and debts?
But if Trump is to be vetted for the presidency, he needs to be asked not only about individual statements he’s made in the past, but his pattern of lying, stretching the truth and bungling facts.
Hillary Clinton (“Crooked Hillary” in Trump’s parlance) it bears repeating, is no saint — far from it — and her early answers on the email scandal were misleading, bordering on the untruthful, and flat-out lies in the view of GOP congressional investigators.
But it’s a crowning irony of 2016 that the Republican Party, whose base revolted against its leadership for untruthfulness — especially George W. Bush’s claims about Iraq — would nominate the most brazenly truth-challenged candidate in recent history."