Prop for Jewish votes - very effective, don't doubt it.
[insert Renfield laugh]
Prop for Jewish votes - very effective, don't doubt it.
On Fox, the Donald not only mentioned stop and frisk but advocated taking guns away from anyone the police deemed suspicious. What about that? Even after literally months and months of telling us the democrats will do that if elected. Hell the NRA is running ads about it supported this clown. lmfao
My scarecrow is alive and talking to the media he hates only every single day, about a variety of things that tie his talking points into knots. Pity.
Prop for Jewish votes - very effective, don't doubt it.
Leftists, who generally are the first to remind us that the First Amendment only protects us against government action, have turned on a dime recently and have been saying "First Amendment" a lot lately, thanks to Colin. I wonder if they will again turn on a dime over this catcher.
Yep.Other day 538 had a story about how the jewish vote is breaking Dem.
Huh? I see where you get it from. Surprising you didn't bring up Hildagarde again in a Trump discussion.
Look Bill, I know you read and are intelligent but you know all suspicious people aren't criminals. Yet anyone carrying is vulnerable. It simply doesn't bother the far right because of WHO said it. End of story.
One of the strangest facts of all."breaking"? Hasn't the Jewish vote been Dem for quite some time?
"breaking"? Hasn't the Jewish vote been Dem for quite some time?
obama has thrown Israel under the bus for 8 years but the Jews still support him. Don't think the Iran deal will change that. Doesn't make sense to me.Maybe Jewish dems will have a change of mindset after Israel is nuked because of the Iran deal.
Maybe Jewish dems will have a change of mindset after Israel is nuked because of the Iran deal.
all I know about the debate is that it touching pisses me off I cant spend my normal enjoyable Monday night flipping back & fourth from RAW & NFL. touch you, 'bipartisan' debate commission who couldnt put these things on non-football Tues & Wed nights in the fall. touching football has been broadcast on Thurs, Sat, Sun & Mon for the last 30+ years.
This is THE ballgame; Hilldawg will be pumped with so much drugs & receive so much treatment starting days ago when she canceled appearances & cleared her calendar this week & through the weekend to prevent game-ending physical issues. So I doubt she has a misstep like that.
And sadly as someone already predicted, it doesnt matter what ACTUALLY happens in the debate, afterwards the MSM & social media tamperers & entertainment industry will proclaim that Hilldawg trounced the stage with him. Even if she gets in a very bad place in the debate one of the moderators will pull a Crawley & give her a lifeline, surest bet ever.
obama has thrown Israel under the bus for 8 years but the Jews still support him. Don't think the Iran deal will change that. Doesn't make sense to me.
Have never understood why Jews vote democrat. Democrats have been anti semetic for decades. Just goes to show libs and the media can brainwash anybody.
Not to mention Obamas pastor for almost 30 years was an anti semite. Hes also personal friends with jew haters. For some reason jewish dems still don't care. Its mind boggling.obama has thrown Israel under the bus for 8 years but the Jews still support him. Don't think the Iran deal will change that. Doesn't make sense to me.
What word?You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
Does anyone know what the hell Moe is talking about half the time?
"That didn't occur last time they debated"
"All the stuff that's come out about Trump the last two days"
Absolutely no idea what he is talking about. And those are the posts where he tries to articulate a thought, doesn't just post some random ass youtube video.
I think you are right. But as in the case with most liberals, they don't understand how ordinary people view things.
Does anyone know what the hell Moe is talking about half the time?
"That didn't occur last time they debated"
"All the stuff that's come out about Trump the last two days"
Absolutely no idea what he is talking about. And those are the posts where he tries to articulate a thought, doesn't just post some random ass youtube video.
The MSM didn't come to HRC's defense the last time. The moderator bored into her and gave Trump softballs.
Hope that helps
I think a lot of republicans are fed up with the GOP. For years now they have not done what they were elected for and that is why they have gone for Trump. The establishment politicians all ganged up on him and that appealed to upset voters who in turn started voting for Trump.Well it is nice to reach common ground.
What did I say that was wrong?
Interesting. Obama is about to veto a bill that would allow citizens to sue Saudi Arabia over 911. Yet he signs TTIP/TTP so that corporations can sue countries.
Have never understood why Jews vote democrat. Democrats have been anti semetic for decades. Just goes to show libs and the media can brainwash anybody.
Well, we'll see the wisdom of the measure since it has virtually unanimous support in Congress.
There have been a few on here who have said they are independent and middle of the road that constantly attack the right then, when you bring up points against Hillary, they swoop in like Mighty Mouse singing "Here i come to save the day"! defending her as if she was their mother.He specifically said Chicago, James. In Chicago it is against the local law to have a hand gun on you, so if you stop and frisk a suspicious person, and they do in fact have a handgun I would imagine protocol is to impound it. No, I don't think all suspicious people are criminals, but when thousands of people are getting shot in one city, and that city has strict gun laws, it might be time to enforce those laws. Now, you can twist that however you like to fit your contrarian point of view, but there's a serious issue in Chicago right now that needs to be straightened out.
All you talk about is Trump, James. There's 2 people that are realistically running for President, and all you do is bring up points about one, all the while claiming to be an independent. I think you're a young, smart guy, but I think you're a little wet behind the ears still.
Not really a big Cruz guy but this is a huge endorsement for Trump. This will almost surely bring more never trumpers to Trump.Ted cruz to vote Trump
Glen beck has killed himself