How will they rule ??!

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Chemical Warfare?

Don't worry we're not at war. You heard directly from the White House -- This is actually just a war of narratives.

That's funny because there's a conspiracy theory in my town where the tons if killer mustard gas is that says the govt has been trucking out the killer mustard gas, and not's not that far fetched for many reasons. 1. The govt wanted to truck it out. When my Podunk town found out, it hit the news, town threw a hissy fit. 2. In comes multi billion mess of a project that would "neutralize" the gas on site. 3. Project total disaster. New unknown process being headed by an incompetent company.

I really almost believe it. Why would you destroy something so valuable?

Also funny a lot of chemical warfare training and PSA's started within the last two weeks. They've had drills at Jacobson park and multiple radio spots about "sheltering in place"...lmao, which is basically just making your coffin and waiting to die.

Happy Thursday you guys. Can't wait to see what response we have for these mustard gas using clowns. Maybe we can talk about it once the Brangelina wounds heal. Rough time for our country.
Also, white people are not going into the ghettos and destroying the black community's lives. That's all on them. They keep pushing this victim BS and claiming their plight is due to "white supremacy" all while Asians are smoking everyone in education and income (Indians do well too).

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More than 50 former government officials and national security and military figures have signed an open letter to Donald J Trump urging him to disclose details of his overseas business investments before Election Day.
“Donald Trump still has not revealed to the American public his international business relationships, even as it becomes increasingly clear that his overseas ties could well constitute significant conflicts of interest when it comes to charting U.S. foreign policy,
“On the campaign trail, Mr. Trump has repeatedly praised Vladimir Putin’s authoritarian leadership, while outlining policies that read like a Kremlin wish list,” the letter reads, referring to the president of Russia.


This is a joke, right? Hell if the bold part were true then I guess the only two people eligible to run are Jill and Johnson.

Yes, he has praised Putin...he's a man with a set of balls who knows how to lead. He is the exact opposite of that weak, cowardly, race baiting, pssy we have as a president.
don't these riots just prove that you can take the African out of the jungle, but you can't take the jungle out of the African? I mean is there a less civilized group in the civilized world? They are like one rung below jihadist.
If they put have the effort into improving their communities as they dead rioting, killing, stealing...they'd all be damn Doctors and Lawyers.

Meanwhile in podunk, U.S.A. a white cop shot a white man...shhhhhhh

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You know what, maybe if people started kneeling during traffic stops they would walk away alive.

I'm not against the kneeling really because I don't care what people do during the national anthem. But it is disrespectful since a lot of blacks also died for that flag too.

I liked the Wilbon response on PTI yday. After being asked about the impact he said he was torn because he feels about 50 different ways ranging from good to pissed off but in the end he feels like saying ok we hear you, now what!!

And that there is the problem. It's easy to act out against something since all you have to do is recognize the problem but it's a completely different process to figure out solutions.

Do not bring me problems unless you have a solution, right wrong or indifferent bring me a solution.
Does anyone have the clip of hillary asking "why aren't i up 50 points you ask"?

Shes losing it, folks. Yelling at her own support... if shes uses 1 second of that tone monday night, stick a fork in her.
Moe you are beyond naive if you think me saying this BS feeds to your party's goal, and I'm happy about it.

I hate the law. I hate when I get a speeding ticket, and and I am always late on my tags so I get pulled over and have to explain my weapon in the car and respect the law regardless of how much they annoy the shot out of me.

I am conservative by nature and believe in respect, discipline, and working my ass off to get ahead.

I don't want the govt in my pocket, my life, or giving me any handouts.

Martial law only happens when there is no access to the courts. As a result, it's been declared a total of 0 times. (Lincoln's grab of several Confederate sympathizers was illegal.) Yet it remains some kind of dreaded fantasy always just around the corner.

Why do you think people who disagree with you are naive?

Few people, liberal or conservative, want handouts or interference. Why do you imagine the belief in hard work to be conservative. I missed working between junior year high school and retirement a total of 2 weeks. My kids started working outside the home at 15. You shouldn't project or fantasize about the motives, virtue, or even sanity of people who disagree with you about political matters.
Martial law only happens when there is no access to the courts. As a result, it's been declared a total of 0 times. (Lincoln's grab of several Confederate sympathizers was illegal.) Yet it remains some kind of dreaded fantasy always just around the corner.

Why do you think people who disagree with you are naive?

Few people, liberal or conservative, want handouts or interference. Why do you imagine the belief in hard work to be conservative. I missed working between junior year high school and retirement a total of 2 weeks. My kids started working outside the home at 15. You shouldn't project or fantasize about the motives, virtue, or even sanity of people who disagree with you about political matters.

Martial Law may be an extreme, but until blacks start being civil 100% of the time when they are stopped by cops riots won't stop. Add to that we are taking on more risk to terrorism by taking in refugees and something just short of martial law may just be upon us. I think you'd be a little short sighted to not see it.

That said, have you ever seen sheep in a herd run off a cliff in a cartoon? Why does that happen? Because they don't have the ability to think about what they are running toward. You like many liberals are the same in the sense that you are just ruining along side fellow democrats defending yourselves at every point no matter what laughing at those not running in the same direction.

Maybe that isn't "naive" to you, but it is to me. I don't care if you have different views as me I'm just not sold that you know where your party is taking you.
So the Washington Post continues to compare Trump to Hitler. I'm watching Patton right now because no basketball or football on tonight. Trump reminds me of Patton.

So if Trump is Hitler who is Obama or Clinton? I just can't believe how pathetic and sold out the media and left are.
Idi Amin and Lilith.
We did see what happened when police don't bother coming around to black neighborhoods. In 2015, Baltimore had a record-high number of murders. A lot of these people just wait for any opportunity to commit violence and rob. Why do you think this always occurs with the black community after some career scumbag gets killed by a cop (even if the cop isn't white). They seize the opportunity.

I don't know if many of you look at twitter or social media but we have many radicalized people out there especially within the black community and white liberals (idiots) that calls for the deaths of cops and white genocide. You don't hear about that on the news but you'll hear about anything that be construed as a racist slight against someone else.

Studying history, you always wonder "How did these people fall for this lie and propaganda?" but we see it now ourselves. Our media (the biggest culprit), our universities and our Democratic Party politicians have told so many lies, radicalized groups of brainwashed nut-jobs out there to hate whites, hate cops, hate America, U.S. military, Christians, western civilization and capitalism.

It will end badly for this country, I'm afraid.
A survival of the fittest mentality is what they are somewhat advocating. If the left had their way it would eventually result in that. Not a bad thing if you wanted to get rid of liberals because, they would be the first to bite it.
Martial Law may be an extreme, but until blacks start being civil 100% of the time when they are stopped by cops riots won't stop. Add to that we are taking on more risk to terrorism by taking in refugees and something just short of martial law may just be upon us. I think you'd be a little short sighted to not see it.

That said, have you ever seen sheep in a herd run off a cliff in a cartoon? Why does that happen? Because they don't have the ability to think about what they are running toward. You like many liberals are the same in the sense that you are just ruining along side fellow democrats defending yourselves at every point no matter what laughing at those not running in the same direction.

Maybe that isn't "naive" to you, but it is to me. I don't care if you have different views as me I'm just not sold that you know where your party is taking you.

Do you know the Zoo Effect? Who is watching whom?
the Charlotte riots are occurring over a black police officer shooting a suspect who approached the police with a gun, and was shot after repeated instructions to lay down the gun? And this is all verified by dash vid cam?

if that is where we are at in a society, we are so f'ed. we are at the point where I ask why would anyone with the means to live elsewhere voluntarily live in a huge populated city where you could be subjected to these violent riots at the drop of a hat? is the entertainment options worth it?
Dear Democratic Party,

You pandered to these race baiting assholes known as "Black Lives Matter" and now you have successfully elected Donald Trump president. You know what, I have been a Democrat my entire life. I am to the left of Dennis Kucinich but I have gradually grown away from my own party since MSNBC gave a platform to Al Sharpton and the entire party itself devolved into race pandering and division as you cannot successfully govern a country that way as simply looking at the middle east should tell you what happens when you do that.

So I'm sitting on my hands. I'm going to watch you choke on what you've allowed to happen. Hopefully after 4 years of Donald Trump I'll get a party back based on a strong LIBERAL agenda that embraces blue collar values and work ethic instead of pandering to the lowest common denominator and praising looters, murderers, and thieves as they make a mockery of law and order in this country. I never signed up for that shit.

BLM is a terrorist organization. I am not joining people that openly hate white people and advocate racial violence against anyone at anytime. I hope you enjoy watching Donald Trump get sworn in as even though the very thought of him makes me puke, I would rather endure that or anything else than join those lawless thugs in Charlotte last night that in multiple instances attacked white people. That's not a future I want to be a part of..

Adios, morons.
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Dear Democratic Party,

You pandered to these race baiting assholes known as "Black Lives Matter" and now you have successfully elected Donald Trump president. You know what, I have been a Democrat my entire life. I am to the left of Dennis Kucinich but I have gradually grown away from my own party since MSNBC gave a platform to Al Sharpton and the entire party itself devolved into race pandering and division as you cannot successfully govern a country that way as simply looking at the middle east should tell you what happens when you do that.

So I'm sitting on my hands. I'm going to watch you choke on what you've allowed to happen. Hopefully after 4 years of Donald Trump I'll get a party back based on a strong LIBERAL agenda that embraces blue collar values and work ethic instead of pandering to the lowest common denominator and praising looters, murderers, and thieves as they make a mockery of law and order in this country. I never signed up for that shit.

BLM is a terrorist organization. I am not joining people that openly hate white people and advocate racial violence against anyone at anytime. I hope you enjoy watching Donald Trump get sworn in as even though the very thought of him makes me puke, I would rather endure that or anything else than join those lawless thugs in Charlotte last night that in multiple instances attacked white people. That's not a future I want to be a part of..

Adios, morons.

Lol its the LIBERAL agenda that took YOUR party to the shitcan it is today.
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Martial law only happens when there is no access to the courts. As a result, it's been declared a total of 0 times. (Lincoln's grab of several Confederate sympathizers was illegal.) Yet it remains some kind of dreaded fantasy always just around the corner.

Why do you think people who disagree with you are naive?

Few people, liberal or conservative, want handouts or interference. Why do you imagine the belief in hard work to be conservative. I missed working between junior year high school and retirement a total of 2 weeks. My kids started working outside the home at 15. You shouldn't project or fantasize about the motives, virtue, or even sanity of people who disagree with you about political matters.
You are completely out of touch on most of this.
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The worst (and best) part about the last few weeks is I want to know what the hell else Assange has, but he can't get an opening between stories or events that negatively impact Clinton to get them out for maximum impact.

Honestly looking forward to a quiet week at some point so he can release everything.
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Nationalizing these local police incidents has been horrible for the country. Why can't we take them case by case instead of throwing big political blankets over every one of them? Not saying there isn't an issue at times with shooting unarmed black suspects, but POTUS has thrown gasoline on this fire and made it worse for the country IMO. My default setting is to side with police first, from a law and order standpoint.
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the Charlotte riots are occurring over a black police officer shooting a suspect who approached the police with a gun, and was shot after repeated instructions to lay down the gun? And this is all verified by dash vid cam?

if that is where we are at in a society, we are so f'ed. we are at the point where I ask why would anyone with the means to live elsewhere voluntarily live in a huge populated city where you could be subjected to these violent riots at the drop of a hat? is the entertainment options worth it?
Just pull the cops and big businesses out of the problem areas and let the chips fall where they may. Perhaps then, reality will hit enough of them to figure it out.

Looking forward to next month when Z's once again writing lengthy erotic novels staring the Clinton family.

Haha. Exactly. If something swings this back to the sick, his post will read something like this:

My plan worked. I came up with it. I made you idiots think we had all but given up. Trump got comfortable because of my post on a kentucky athletic message board and thr election swung right back to the killary. Suck it. I am the smartest campaign manager created. I literally just causex the entire destruction of the right for 100 years.
The day Obama made his infamous "If I had a son...." Trayvon Martin speech the country's race relations went right into the toilet and it's never recovered since. That was so glaringly inappropriate that I still cannot believe he did that. The single worst dumbest thing a US President has even done from the bully pulpit right in the middle of an ongoing criminal case. I wish to God the judge had declared Zimmerman couldn't get a fair trial after that. I wanted that one to stick in the case history until the end of time.
I gotta admit, part of me loves the liberal mentality. I mean if our country really is fcked and we are on the verge of a revolt, do you really think they have the backbone to fight? They use words, and teachings from liberal scholars to back all their reasoning and views, but very very few would actually take a stand and fight for what they believe.
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The day Obama made his infamous "If I had a son...." Trayvon Martin speech the country's race relations went right into the toilet and it's never recovered since. That was so glaringly inappropriate that I still cannot believe he did that. The single worst dumbest thing a US President has even done from the bully pulpit right in the middle of an ongoing criminal case. I wish to God the judge had declared Zimmerman couldn't get a fair trial after that. I wanted that one to stick in the case history until the end of time.
Just pull the cops and big businesses out of the problem areas and let the chips fall where they may. Perhaps then, reality will hit enough of them to figure it out.
If we continue on this trend, the big liberal cities will look like something out of "Escape From NY".

Snake Plissken lives!
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Just pull the cops and big businesses out of the problem areas and let the chips fall where they may. Perhaps then, reality will hit enough of them to figure it out.

I agree but some of "them" do have some common sense honestly. I mean what 1M blacks in Charlotte and maybe 500-1000 idiots out last night?

Even Don Lemon had people on his show saying arrest them and stop this now!
the Charlotte riots are occurring over a black police officer shooting a suspect who approached the police with a gun, and was shot after repeated instructions to lay down the gun? And this is all verified by dash vid cam?

if that is where we are at in a society, we are so f'ed. we are at the point where I ask why would anyone with the means to live elsewhere voluntarily live in a huge populated city where you could be subjected to these violent riots at the drop of a hat? is the entertainment options worth it?
Yeah, they are acting like children. They're mad but not sure who to be mad at, so whitey is the easy target.

Maybe it was one of those black, white cops that did the shootings?? Or white black cop?
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