Chemical Warfare?
Don't worry we're not at war. You heard directly from the White House -- This is actually just a war of narratives.
That's funny because there's a conspiracy theory in my town where the tons if killer mustard gas is that says the govt has been trucking out the killer mustard gas, and not's not that far fetched for many reasons. 1. The govt wanted to truck it out. When my Podunk town found out, it hit the news, town threw a hissy fit. 2. In comes multi billion mess of a project that would "neutralize" the gas on site. 3. Project total disaster. New unknown process being headed by an incompetent company.
I really almost believe it. Why would you destroy something so valuable?
Also funny a lot of chemical warfare training and PSA's started within the last two weeks. They've had drills at Jacobson park and multiple radio spots about "sheltering in place"...lmao, which is basically just making your coffin and waiting to die.
Happy Thursday you guys. Can't wait to see what response we have for these mustard gas using clowns. Maybe we can talk about it once the Brangelina wounds heal. Rough time for our country.