How will they rule ??!

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I'm stating facts about Trump's political leanings of all sizes and shapes while running for president multiple times. Why is he so immune to your argument Bill? Why do hypotheticals make your case instead of historical facts?

You haven't stated any fact where Trump actually did anything for sole reason to get him to this point James. In fact you haven't stated an example of anything Trump did for the sole purpose of becoming president.

Hillary has a record James, we can follow her career and see the moves she made.
It's real simple to follow her career along, if you can show me a pattern where trump has done comparable I'm all ears.
Show us a link that proves he was considering running in 2012. Then show us how that equates to him actually running. Are you black or just an extraordinarily stupid white guy?

If you are black, then I want to help you. Not the kind of help the dems want to give you. Not the kind that ensures you remain a second class citizen. I want to help you become a person that needs no help.
Learning to read will save your life someday.
I wouldn't say it's the only thing but I know it'd push me over the edge. I've been clear about how much I hate Hillary Clinton and her allies on the left. I just feel like Trump doesn't fit a lot of my values and I'd rather not vote for him. I completely understand those they vote for him because of their disdain for Clinton. It's a rational decision. Election Day isn't here yet so it's easy for me to say I won't be voting for him. It'll be a tough decision I think. I absolutely can guarantee you Hillary will not have my vote.

Ok. Fair enough. Just think it's interesting that BLM riots in Cincinnati is a breaking point for you, but uncovering the insanity documented in her emails isn't (a breaking point).

From my perspective it's hard to rationalize that.
That's a bullshit blanket comment. I will mock dumb people that are armed, criminal, and refuse to listen to police officers.

How about the cop in Cincinnati? That guy deserves life in prison. But he is guilty, while the cops in Baltimore were found innocent. Riot, riot, riot
I'm not quite as sure as you are about the officer in Cincinnati, though that's another issue altogether. If he maliciously murdered the victim, yes, he deserves life, or close to it, in prison. If he completely panicked and made a colossal error, that's another thing entirely. If it was justified, that's another thing. The trial is set for October. There is no telling which way it will go.
You haven't stated any fact where Trump actually did anything for sole reason to get him to this point James. In fact you haven't stated an example of anything Trump did for the sole purpose of becoming president.

Hillary has a record James, we can follow her career and see the moves she made.
It's real simple to follow her career along, if you can show me a pattern where trump has done comparable I'm all ears.
Read Wiki, read The Paddock, Google him, visit the library. I have faith in your cognitive abilities!
Don't know Wikipedia huh?

Involvement in politics, 1988–2015

Trump first expressed interest in running for office in 1987, when he spent $100,000 to place full-page ads critiquing U.S. defense policy in several newspapers.[250][251]
Trump floated the idea of running for president in 1988, 2004, and 2012, and for Governor of New York in 2006 and 2014, but did not enter those races.[252][253] He was considered as a potential running mate for George H. W. Bush on the Republican Party's 1988 presidential ticket but lost out to future Vice President Dan Quayle. There is dispute over whether Trump or the Bush camp made the initial pitch.[254]

In 1999, Trump filed an exploratory committee to seek the presidential nomination of the Reform Party in 2000.[255][256] A July 1999 poll matching him against likely Republican nominee George W. Bush and likely Democratic nominee Al Gore showed Trump with seven percent support.[257] Trump eventually dropped out of the race due to party infighting, but still won the party's California and Michigan primaries after doing so.[258][259][260][261]

In February 2009, Trump appeared on The Late Show with David Letterman, and spoke about the automotive industry crisis of 2008–10. He said that "instead of asking for money", General Motors "should go into bankruptcy and work that stuff out in a deal".[262]

As Trump publicly speculated about seeking the 2012 Republican presidential nomination, a Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll released in March 2011 found Trump leading among potential contenders, one point ahead of former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney.[263] A Newsweek poll conducted in February 2011 showed Trump within a few points of Barack Obama, with many voters undecided in the November 2012 general election for president of the United States.[264] A poll released in April 2011 by Public Policy Polling showed Trump having a nine-point lead in a potential contest for the Republican nomination for president while he was still actively considering a run.[265][266] His moves were interpreted by some media as possible promotional tools for his reality show The Apprentice.[267][268][269]

Know about it and know anyone can edit it. Why it is not a valid source of information. Learned that the hard way in English 101 at UK. While I'm sure most of it is true, you can't prove it.

So like many dumbass liberals refuse to believe anything fox news reports I will take a play out of your book and claim he only ran once Officially before.
He is not only an ignoramus, but he’s a dangerous ignoramus who doesn’t know the first thing about foreign policy and doesn’t care and has some very dangerous instincts,” Cohen, who served in the George W. Bush administration, told The Washington Post in a recent interview. “Part of what is so dangerous about him is not just his ignorance and contempt for our alliances, but his failure to understand how important these have been to our security since 1945. And he has already done a lot of damage. Our allies are deeply shaken by this election"
Let me guess, you don't recall the birther controversy and of course why The Donald used it?

He was considering running for president in 2012 and many other times in the past.

We know why he used it, there was a question where Obama was born, and he wouldn't release it. Trump got on it and wouldn't get off, and what happened? Obama released it.

Almost like the Dems are on Trump about his taxes. He's playing the same game Obama did, and the media and democrats are playing the role Trump did. There isn't jack in his taxes, he knows it, but the same people appalled by the birthed movement are the same ones crying about his taxes.
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Ok. Fair enough. Just think it's interesting that BLM riots in Cincinnati is a breaking point for you, but uncovering the insanity documented in her emails isn't (a breaking point).

From my perspective it's hard to rationalize that.
It's nothing about Hillary that's stopping me from Trump. I think everything about Hillary is, in her words, deplorable. I will never vote for her. I despise Hillary and if a gun was pressed to my head I'd choose Trump. I'd just rather not vote for him. I understand it's not a popular opinion and I admit it's probably not the most rational, I just don't like Trump enough to vote for him. Another thing that could get me to move to Trump is the continued blatant media bias against Trump. The editing of interviews to cover for Hillary and Twitter deleting the wiki leaks tweets can't continue. That's creating a system that is potentially very dangerous for society.
I'm not quite as sure as you are about the officer in Cincinnati, though that's another issue altogether. If he maliciously murdered the victim, yes, he deserves life, or close to it, in prison. If he completely panicked and made a colossal error, that's another thing entirely. If it was justified, that's another thing. The trial is set for October. There is no telling which way it will go.

Valid point. Innocent until proven guilty. But the video is pretty damming.
It's nothing about Hillary that's stopping me from Trump. I think everything about Hillary is, in her words, deplorable. I will never vote for her. I despise Hillary and if a gun was pressed to my head I'd choose Trump.
hahaha. so your impending murder would have you voting Trump. What if it was Hillary holding that gun to your head like she did Vince Foster?
He is not only an ignoramus, but he’s a dangerous ignoramus who doesn’t know the first thing about foreign policy and doesn’t care and has some very dangerous instincts,” Cohen, who served in the George W. Bush administration, told The Washington Post in a recent interview. “Part of what is so dangerous about him is not just his ignorance and contempt for our alliances, but his failure to understand how important these have been to our security since 1945. And he has already done a lot of damage. Our allies are deeply shaken by this election"

If you post one more Washington Post garbage I might just block you.
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He is not only an ignoramus, but he’s a dangerous ignoramus who doesn’t know the first thing about foreign policy and doesn’t care and has some very dangerous instincts,” Cohen, who served in the George W. Bush administration, told The Washington Post in a recent interview. “Part of what is so dangerous about him is not just his ignorance and contempt for our alliances, but his failure to understand how important these have been to our security since 1945. And he has already done a lot of damage. Our allies are deeply shaken by this election"
Well, he's anti-war, and America First, and the neocons HATE, HATE, HATE that. The neocons, of course, are the same knuckleheads that helped get us into the Iraq War (as did Hillary), and who advocate for war after war after war. No wonder they support Hillary, who will make Dubya look like a dove- anyone expecting a continuation of Obama's foreign policy is delusional.

Quite frankly, it's absolutely hilarious to suddenly see leftists quoting neocons. Put another way, when Bill Kristol and Hillary Clinton can agree on anything, it's imperative to oppose it.
For almost everyone here, the blue words and numbers in brackets are also links. You can click on them and read stuff. Intellectual jerks might call them footnotes.
Know about it and know anyone can edit it. Why it is not a valid source of information. Learned that the hard way in English 101 at UK. While I'm sure most of it is true, you can't prove it.

So like many dumbass liberals refuse to believe anything fox news reports I will take a play out of your book and claim he only ran once Officially before.
Nice! The post of the day!

If memory serves, most of it is true fwiw.
More than 50 former government officials and national security and military figures have signed an open letter to Donald J Trump urging him to disclose details of his overseas business investments before Election Day.
“Donald Trump still has not revealed to the American public his international business relationships, even as it becomes increasingly clear that his overseas ties could well constitute significant conflicts of interest when it comes to charting U.S. foreign policy,”
“On the campaign trail, Mr. Trump has repeatedly praised Vladimir Putin’s authoritarian leadership, while outlining policies that read like a Kremlin wish list,” the letter reads, referring to the president of Russia.
More than 50 former government officials and national security and military figures have signed an open letter to Donald J Trump urging him to disclose details of his overseas business investments before Election Day.
“Donald Trump still has not revealed to the American public his international business relationships, even as it becomes increasingly clear that his overseas ties could well constitute significant conflicts of interest when it comes to charting U.S. foreign policy,”
“On the campaign trail, Mr. Trump has repeatedly praised Vladimir Putin’s authoritarian leadership, while outlining policies that read like a Kremlin wish list,” the letter reads, referring to the president of Russia.
Must suck knowing your witch is going to lose huh?
Nice! The post of the day!

If memory serves, most of it is true fwiw.

I would post about Benghazi and the email scandal on wiki but it won't do any good. Just prove how much of a Hippocratic liberal you are. Because most of it is true right?
Learning to read will save your life someday.
Check the timeline again. I posted my request prior to your assertion of your dumbassery. Regardless of the word on the street in your ghetto, by the way, Wiki and Snopes are not reliable resources for political rebuttals.
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It's nothing about Hillary that's stopping me from Trump. I think everything about Hillary is, in her words, deplorable. I will never vote for her. I despise Hillary and if a gun was pressed to my head I'd choose Trump. I'd just rather not vote for him. I understand it's not a popular opinion and I admit it's probably not the most rational, I just don't like Trump enough to vote for him. Another thing that could get me to move to Trump is the continued blatant media bias against Trump. The editing of interviews to cover for Hillary and Twitter deleting the wiki leaks tweets can't continue. That's creating a system that is potentially very dangerous for society.
You're not voting FOR Trump. You're voting AGAINST the political establishment and what it has become. Why are people too shallow to see this? I wish it was someone else besides Donald Trump as well, but if that is the person I need to vote for to interrupt the freight train that is running over our rights, then so be it. Maybe next time we'll have a better option, but as for now, he is our best chance to try and regain some of our control.
It's nothing about Hillary that's stopping me from Trump. I think everything about Hillary is, in her words, deplorable. I will never vote for her. I despise Hillary and if a gun was pressed to my head I'd choose Trump. I'd just rather not vote for him. I understand it's not a popular opinion and I admit it's probably not the most rational, I just don't like Trump enough to vote for him. Another thing that could get me to move to Trump is the continued blatant media bias against Trump. The editing of interviews to cover for Hillary and Twitter deleting the wiki leaks tweets can't continue. That's creating a system that is potentially very dangerous for society.
I understand everything you are saying. For me, I like Trump's platform a lot- the only way it could realistically be improved would be if he was more libertarian on certain issues like marijuana legalization (though it's clear that he is the most socially libertarian Republican that could be expected, and is probably more libertarian than his opponent). I think he's a good person at heart, for what that's worth. That said, hee is a very flawed candidate in many respects, and, if Scott Walker or Marco Rubio were running right now, this would be such a landslide that California and Maryland might be in play. (one more edit- an utter milquetoast like Romney would have a tough time even beating someone as beatable as Clinton, so, in that respect, Trump is not the worst candidate that would be against her).

But he's still probably going to win. At this point, the most important thing is that he's the only one who can win- except for Hillary Clinton. This election is not really about Trump. It's about Hillary Clinton. He's the only one who can stop her. If Gary Johnson, Jill Stein, or Mickey Mouse sported even numbers against her in the polls, then I'd support Johnson, Stein, or Mouse.
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It's nothing about Hillary that's stopping me from Trump. I think everything about Hillary is, in her words, deplorable. I will never vote for her. I despise Hillary and if a gun was pressed to my head I'd choose Trump. I'd just rather not vote for him. I understand it's not a popular opinion and I admit it's probably not the most rational, I just don't like Trump enough to vote for him. Another thing that could get me to move to Trump is the continued blatant media bias against Trump. The editing of interviews to cover for Hillary and Twitter deleting the wiki leaks tweets can't continue. That's creating a system that is potentially very dangerous for society.

Sounds like youve made your mind up and will probably realize it come election day... we/america needs you to realize it.
You're not voting FOR Trump. You're voting AGAINST the political establishment and what it has become. Why are people too shallow to see this? I wish it was someone else besides Donald Trump as well, but if that is the person I need to vote for to interrupt the freight train that is running over our rights, then so be it. Maybe next time we'll have a better option, but as for now, he is our best chance to try and regain some of our control.
I can be against the establishment and Trump at the same time. I hate that the election has come to this and it's caused, in part, for the candidates we have. Doesn't mean I have to vote for the product of it. I do understand your point and completely understand why someone would vote for Trump for what you say.
I understand everything you are saying. For me, I like Trump's platform a lot- the only way it could realistically be improved would be if he was more libertarian on certain issues like marijuana legalization (though it's clear that he is the most socially libertarian Republican that could be expected, and is probably more libertarian than his opponent). I think he's a good person at heart, for what that's worth. That said, hee is a very flawed candidate in many respects, and, if Scott Walker or Marco Rubio were running right now, this would be such a landslide that California and Maryland might be in play.

But he's still probably going to win. At this point, the most important thing is that he's the only one who can win- except for Hillary Clinton. This election is not really about Trump. It's about Hillary Clinton. He's the only one who can stop her. If Gary Johnson, Jill Stein, or Mickey Mouse sported even numbers against her in the polls, then I'd support Johnson, Stein, or Mouse.
That's fair and I understand why someone would think that. I agree with you about Trump, but for me I think Trump is dangerous in his own right. The debates still have yet to happen and there's things that could get me to suck it up and vote Trump.
That's fair and I understand why someone would think that. I agree with you about Trump, but for me I think Trump is dangerous in his own right. The debates still have yet to happen and there's things that could get me to suck it up and vote Trump.

It really only comes down to one simple thing for me. Well that's a bullshit lie. But maybe the most important issue for me.

The Supreme Court.
It really only comes down to one simple thing for me. Well that's a bullshit lie. But maybe the most important issue for me.

The Supreme Court.
Over on the cuck boards like Redstate and National Review, the cucks insist that there's nothing to fear, that the GOP will prevent her from nominating the wrong Supreme Court justices. Because, as we all know, the GOP has such a shining history in stopping Obamacare, etc, etc.
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I honestly have no idea why there is mass rioting in Charlotte, but not Tulsa. From what I can reasonably deduce from news reports, the shooting in Tulsa is much, much more questionable than the one in Charlotte.

Then again, there were no serious riots in Baton Rouge (which involved a police shooting that at least appeared to be questionable, though later reports sort of debunked that) and there were bad riots in Milwaukee, where the shooting was almost certainly justified.

Does anyone have an idea why there is the disparity? I honestly have no idea.
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