How will they rule ??!

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The deep state is in war mode on it's on people. I'm really starting to understand why so many foreign nations despise U.S. politicians.
Notice the deep staters are globalist and One World Order disciples. It is a reason they want open borders. If you are America first they brand you "racist" and silence you.

I wonder how the thousands of boys who gave their life for this country would feel if they could come back to life and see where we are headed. I guess they died in vain.
If it’s easier for you to believe that the FBI, CIA, NSA, DoD and hundreds and hundreds of politicians on both sides of the aisle are in a grand conspiracy to overthrow Trump versus the idea that he botched the response to the biggest crisis of our lifetimes resulting in his loss what’s the point of discussion? If you think everyone and everything is against you there’s a diagnosis for that.

How did he botch it, seriously. It is impossible to stop a virus.

Whatcould’ve been done that would’ve lessened the impact? Now, compare how different nations determine deaths differently.
Every nation that has relatively low death counts do not count elderly deaths as Covid deaths. They don’t count with Covid and from Covid as the same thing.
Change that one recording feature and our deaths would fall dramatically.

"out of context clips of DC violence"

Yes CNN, what we really need is context as to why old people were getting sucker punched by a group of masked thugs more than half their age...or why those same masked idiots harassed a family with small kids.

The same network that had to pay a settlement to Nick Sandmann is preaching about context.
Trump supporter or not...if you have trust in any intelligence agencies...well, then that would explain how you voted for a man that was in favor of the Iraq war
The biggest problem I have with trump is the fact he’s gotten half the country to completely believe that all intelligence agencies can’t be trusted, all because he doesn’t like them. It’s unreal. He’s such an embarrassment
The only transparent thing about Trump is his lack of intellect. How can you call someone who stonewalls every investigation, “transparent”? Someone who refuses to comply with subpoenas, refused to allow people to testify, as “transparent”?

Bill, it took the Trump U lawsuit 3 yrs to get settled,,,that is rather typical especially when one party purposely draws things out. Trump has been sued like 3600’s what he does

Hows that repeal and replacement of ObamaCare coming? Where is that wall? Mexico paid for anything yet? We’ve discussed NAFTA...the new agreement is nearly identical and has made very little difference. Come Jan 21 there will be little left of Trump’s so-called accomplishments. A lot of EOs that will disappear. How has China been held account for anything? Because he mean Tweeted them?

Trump insulted our allies and gave comfort to dictators who knew to stroke him with kind words to sooth his ego and they can get away with anything.
He has lied to the American people non-stop even before he was elected... how many conspiracies did he give life?
He told you what you wanted to hear so you would give him unconditional loyalty. He played to his base, I guess acting like a jackass made them all feel better about thems

Unbelievable, he did t stonewall investigations. He allowed the Mueller investigation access to everything they asked, that’s per Mueller.
What he did stop was people that had already testified to Mueller from having to testify again to Congress, congress already had access to their testimony.

Obamacare would’ve been repealed if McCain, who had just made repealing Obamacare a campaign platform in 16, had voted for it. It’s not a coincidence his daughter is on the view.

The wall is being built, Mexico is paying with the USMCA, I posted a link on here about how it will long term cost Mexico. They cannot send a check marked “ the wall” to the federal reserve.

Trump did much more than mean tweet China, you know that. In fact, he’s changed the direction of the foreign policy toward China, dramatically.

Do you honestly think large corporations don’t have thousands of lawsuits filed against them? Calipari paid off a 200000 dollar fraud lawsuit when he left Memphis over a recruit. He didn’t admit it was true, but he wanted it to go away because it would hurt him to drag it out at UK. That is what happened with Trump University.
The teetotalers from the early 20th century are happening again now with masks and not seeing family for the holidays.
They can stay in their cities. I think I speak for most "hillbillies" when I say we don't want them.

  • Belgium is a mess. If the US had the same amount of deaths per day you'd see 6K people dying.
  • I think inner-cities are SCREWED. The last thing people in those areas should have been doing is burning down the cities. You are going to see flight to the burbs and country like never before.
How did he botch it, seriously. It is impossible to stop a virus.

Whatcould’ve been done that would’ve lessened the impact? Now, compare how different nations determine deaths differently.
Every nation that has relatively low death counts do not count elderly deaths as Covid deaths. They don’t count with Covid and from Covid as the same thing.
Change that one recording feature and our deaths would fall dramatically.
In addition, how many deaths are attributable to Cuomo? I have seen estimates as high (due to contact tracing) as 40%.
Every nation that has relatively low death counts do not count elderly deaths as Covid deaths. They don’t count with Covid and from Covid as the same thing.
Change that one recording feature and our deaths would fall dramatically.
This should be required reading for ANYONE involved in a Covid death discussion.
New study: Lockdowns & masks are useless and might even increase COVID-19 spread
November 16, 2020 12:03 am Robert Zimmerman
A recently completed research study by Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in cooperation with the Naval Medical Research Center and published in the New England Journal of Medicine has found that strict quarantine, tightly controlled social distancing, and continuous use of masks did absolutely nothing to contain the spread of COVID-19, and might even have increased its spread.
First, the study used 1,843 Marine volunteers, individuals well trained to follow orders as well as the required procedures. Second, their quarantine took place at Marine facility under the supervision of the military. Both factors meant that the volunteers were going to follow procedures much more correctly than the general public.
Third, no one could enter the study without undergoing 14-days of quarantine beforehand, plus a test to prove they were negative of COVID-19 at the study’s start. The study itself was held in a tightly controlled quarantine campus run by the Marines.
The volunteers then had to follow this incredibly strict quarantine regiment:

The result? The virus still spread through this population. As they noted in the paper:

None of these strict lock down mandates, including continuous mask use, did anything to prevent transmission.
More significantly, the control group of Marines who did not participate in this study, and thus were not under the same strict lock down rules, actually saw fewer infections, as shown on the table from the study to the right. While the difference wasn’t very large, it existed nonetheless. One could argue that the overuse of masks probably contributed to the higher numbers in the study group, since even in this tightly controlled setting it is still impossible to expect people to wear masks properly. Even if they replaced them regularly, it is unrealistic to expect people to never touch them while they wear them. Over long periods the masks will become havens for the virus, where the person breathes.
The study also demonstrated once again the relative harmlessness of the disease. Almost all of these young healthy Marine recruits who tested positive were asymptomatic, meaning that they wouldn’t have even known they were infected if they had not been participating. Furthermore, it appears no one even got very sick.
Once again, this data continues to reinforce the very very early data from March. COVID-19 is not dangerous to the young or healthy, and it will spread no matter what you do. The best way to beat it and thus protect the vulnerable older and sick population is to have it spread as fast as possible through the young and healthy population, so that it will die out quickly and thus no longer be a threat.
This is how humans have handled these respiratory diseases since time immemorial. Darwin’s rules made us do it that way, with good results. Too bad our bankrupt political leaders and health officials have decided to abandon these well-proven practices. The result has not only been more COVID-19 deaths, but more deaths overall, from the bad consequences of economic loss, depression, reduced medical treatment available for other illnesses, and numerous other issues caused by the lock downs, not the virus..
Sadly, I fully expect that our fans of lock downs and masks will either refuse to read this study, or if they do, will find any excuse to dismiss it.


I think hindsight being 20/20 a few things should be very clear.

1) Colleges should not have shut down nor should 20 million kids (college population give or take) have been sent back to their hometowns all across the nation.

2)Coastal port cities, and states should have locked down immediately. Not a stay in your house lockdown, but don't cross county or state lines lockdown. Live your lives in your towns/cities, do not travel anywhere else. That's where the fines and even arrests should have been immediately implemented and enforced...leaving your state at the very least, if not city.

3)No protests. No marches. No riots. All should have been met with greater regulation, and enforcement.

4) America needs to be healthier. By the time you need to "flatten the curve" during a's too late. Hospitals and the health care system are not overburdened because of a couple of million people with covid. They're overburdened with 10s of millions of people with heart, lung, organ, issues stemming from heart disease, diabetes, and obesity. That's a cultural thing that has to be addressed at every level. From better health, nutrition, fitness education to more taxes and penalties on companies that sell shitty processed, sugary, bad food...and the people who choose to consume too much of it. The money from the taxes goes to education and to help pay for the actual health care costs of those diseases.

Maybe then, in 10-20 years when another pandemic pops up, hospitals will be a bit less crowded and people will be a bit healthier and able to fight off and infection.
Notice the deep staters are globalist and One World Order disciples. It is a reason they want open borders. If you are America first they brand you "racist" and silence you.

I wonder how the thousands of boys who gave their life for this country would feel if they could come back to life and see where we are headed. I guess they died in vain.

Communism wants things world wide. See Climate Change movement, which is not about climate at all, but rather $.
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The biggest problem I have with trump is the fact he’s gotten half the country to completely believe that all intelligence agencies can’t be trusted, all because he doesn’t like them. It’s unreal. He’s such an embarrassment

I think over the course of history, governmental agencies have done plenty to erode the trust of the people.

An even bigger problem than a big chunk of the country being skeptical of government is a big chunk of the country believing that another big chunk of the country is racist, stupid, unable to decide what is best for them, their families, communities, and states.

Believing that if someone is pro-America, pro-national security, pro strong border security, pro-jobs for Americans in this country, etc...then they're stupid, were tricked by Russians, and hate brown folks of any kind...
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The only stat that matters: deaths per 1 mil population:

USA (crashed a $20t economy)- 11th
Sweden (did nothing other than social distancing)- 21st
And by crashing our economy it allowed the Democrats to claim COVID was too deadly for people to vote in person and took advantage of it by flooding the mail with ballots they knew would cause chaos and allow cheating on a scale never seen before. It seems to have worked.

Election security, efficiency, accuracy is an absolute top of list item for the GOP going would think it should be a bi-partisan concern and effort...but it probably won't be...

It's not just because of the results of this past election, and the apparent shenanigans, but because there are always shenanigans during every election cycle at every level. Every few years there's always a story about questionable elections...whether is a county sheriff, mayor, governor, senator, or President.

I think early voting is good for turnout. I'm okay with 3-6 months of early voting for national elections, maybe a month for state and local.

However, mail-in voting is obviously disastrous. Laws that allow for counting votes past election day are stupid and make no sense, especially if you have early voting. A couple of months is plenty of time for everyone to vote and for votes to be tallied.

Not one vote should be counted after midnight on election night. If your local and state election apparatuses cannot be prepared to carry out elections and count ballots by deadlines we all know are coming every few years then those officials and apparatuses need to be cleaned out.

It's that simple.
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ur right... sorry i looked up world o meter on my phone and i mixed up a number ...i thought it said 172 for the US.... that was the average for every country.... iphones suck at statistical pages like that....

or maybe it’s just you being careless In your rush to get up yet another shitpost.
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  • Belgium is a mess. If the US had the same amount of deaths per day you'd see 6K people dying.
  • I think inner-cities are SCREWED. The last thing people in those areas should have been doing is burning down the cities. You are going to see flight to the burbs and country like never before.
I live out in Taylorsville. Any house in my area that goes on the market is either pending or contingent within a day or two. A quick Zillow search will verify that. A house at the end of my street had an open house. That was the only day a sign was in the yard. It sold that day. I’ve been in my place since April 2019. I could sell my house this week for a decent profit if I wanted and I haven't hardly put anything into it yet. People are fleeing Jefferson County fast.
Seems to me that the biggest difference in attitudes on this have a lot to do with population density of where people live. I definitely think they should not have locked down small towns prior to there being cases. The general freak out at the beginning has burned a lot of people out and caused huge financial damage. The rest is just political bullshit from both sides. We needed a smarter approach and had the wrong people in charge on a bunch of levels.
How did he botch it, seriously. It is impossible to stop a virus.

Whatcould’ve been done that would’ve lessened the impact? Now, compare how different nations determine deaths differently.
Every nation that has relatively low death counts do not count elderly deaths as Covid deaths. They don’t count with Covid and from Covid as the same thing.
Change that one recording feature and our deaths would fall dramatically.
still no answer
How did he botch it, seriously. It is impossible to stop a virus.

Whatcould’ve been done that would’ve lessened the impact? Now, compare how different nations determine deaths differently.
Every nation that has relatively low death counts do not count elderly deaths as Covid deaths. They don’t count with Covid and from Covid as the same thing.
Change that one recording feature and our deaths would fall dramatically.

That should help all of the old dead people feel much better. Does this really make sense to you?
still no answer

sorry. Little busy working.

I think we should have done a hard lockdown for one month back in February. Letting it spread made it that much harder to contain. Past that I’m not sure. I’m not a virologist and I don’t think there are many on here. I’d like to see ya all pull together to figure out solutions. Trolling does nothing but give you a little fleeting endorphin rush. But you do you.
The biggest problem I have with trump is the fact he’s gotten half the country to completely believe that all intelligence agencies can’t be trusted, all because he doesn’t like them. It’s unreal. He’s such an embarrassment
Maybe illegally altering emails to then illegally obtaining warrants through the FISA courts to then illegally spy on his campaign, delegitimize his presidency, and accuse him of treason for 4 years has something to do with his dislike for them.