More from Liz Harrington:
The software would "function in such a manner that if the voter were to place their thumbprint or fingerprint on a scanner, then the thumbprint would be tied to a record of the voter's name and identity of as having voted, but that voter would not be tracked to the changed vote..
"He made it clear that the system would have to be set up but not leave any evidence of the changed vote for a specific voter, and that there would be no evidence to show and nothing to contradict that the name or the fingerprint or thumb print was going with a changed vote...
"Smartmatic agreed to create such a system and produce the software and hardware that accomplished the result for President Chavez. "One such election was December 2006 when Chavez...won w/a landslide...a margin of nearly 6 million votes for Chavez vs 3.7 million for Rosales...
"The voting results were fed into that room and onto the displays over an internet feed...connected to a...system created by Smartmatic. People...were able to see in real time whether the vote that came through the electronic voting system was in their favor or against them...
"...persons controlling the vote tabulation computer had the ability to change the reporting of votes by moving votes from one candidate to another by using the Smartmatic software." "And Smartmatic -- the chairman is Admiral Pete Neffinger." Who is on Biden's "transition" team
"Here's the other kicker. "When somebody's losing -- like, when Maduro realized the size of the other guy's lead? They were worried that they were in crisis mode and would lose the election... "[Maduro] ordered the network controllers to take the internet itself offline...
"It took the voting operators approx 2 hours to make the adjustments in the vote from Radonski to Maduro. Then when they turned the internet back on and the online...they checked each screen, state by state, to be certain they could see each vote was changed in favor of Maduro."
So the question everyone must ask: On Nov. 4th did we wake up in Venezuela or the United States of America?