How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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    Votes: 9 18.0%

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The biggest problem I have with trump is the fact he’s gotten half the country to completely believe that all intelligence agencies can’t be trusted, all because he doesn’t like them. It’s unreal. He’s such an embarrassment
Maybe illegally altering emails to then illegally obtaining warrants through the FISA courts to then illegally spy on his campaign, delegitimize his presidency, and accuse him of treason for 4 years has something to do with his dislike for them.
Election security, efficiency, accuracy is an absolute top of list item for the GOP going would think it should be a bi-partisan concern and effort...but it probably won't be...

It's not just because of the results of this past election, and the apparent shenanigans, but because there are always shenanigans during every election cycle at every level. Every few years there's always a story about questionable elections...whether is a county sheriff, mayor, governor, senator, or President.

I think early voting is good for turnout. I'm okay with 3-6 months of early voting for national elections, maybe a month for state and local.

However, mail-in voting is obviously disastrous. Laws that allow for counting votes past election day are stupid and make no sense, especially if you have early voting. A couple of months is plenty of time for everyone to vote and for votes to be tallied.

Not one vote should be counted after midnight on election night. If your local and state election apparatuses cannot be prepared to carry out elections and count ballots by deadlines we all know are coming every few years then those officials and apparatuses need to be cleaned out.

It's that simple.
Agree with all but early voting. No more than 2 months tops.
That should help all of the old dead people feel much better. Does this really make sense to you?

Maybe they should stop cancer too. How about heart disease? How about those dead from floods and tornadoes? Surely we can blame trump for that too while we're at it. These people aren't any more or less dead than covid deaths.

Virus and ills happen. It's unfortunate but life. The only nation with a chance to stop this was china. Not only did they fail, but their lies exacerbated the problem and caused panic which lead to shut down.

Utopia is fiction for a reason. Unfortunately a ln ever growing portion of our society cannot grasp that fact.
How did he botch it, seriously. It is impossible to stop a virus.

Whatcould’ve been done that would’ve lessened the impact? Now, compare how different nations determine deaths differently.
Every nation that has relatively low death counts do not count elderly deaths as Covid deaths. They don’t count with Covid and from Covid as the same thing.
Change that one recording feature and our deaths would fall dramatically.

That should help all of the old dead people feel much better. Does this really make sense to you?

Makes a lot more sense than your response.

EDIT: Your response to LowCountryCat is even worse. [eyeroll]
That should help all of the old dead people feel much better. Does this really make sense to you?

Yes, it makes perfect sense, it’s how you prevent a nationwide panic, shutting down the economy and schools.
It’s the difference between poor handling and good handling of the virus.

Dying and testing positive is not the same as dying because of testing positive. It’s a disingenuous form of tracking a disease in order to push other desired ends.
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I live out in Taylorsville. Any house in my area that goes on the market is either pending or contingent within a day or two. A quick Zillow search will verify that. A house at the end of my street had an open house. That was the only day a sign was in the yard. It sold that day. I’ve been in my place since April 2019. I could sell my house this week for a decent profit if I wanted and I haven't hardly put anything into it yet. People are fleeing Jefferson County fast.

Bullitt County is the same.
sorry. Little busy working.

I think we should have done a hard lockdown for one month back in February. Letting it spread made it that much harder to contain. Past that I’m not sure. I’m not a virologist and I don’t think there are many on here. I’d like to see ya all pull together to figure out solutions. Trolling does nothing but give you a little fleeting endorphin rush. But you do you.
Asking people screaming OMB to explain the blue state data and deaths per millions in Europe is not "trolling". And your candidate and other prominent Dems called him a xenophobe for even limiting China flights in the time you mentioned. Nancy and NY leaders were grandstanding in their respective Chinatowns at that point saying all was good. And Fauci, the now-saint, was saying much different things then. But Trump, sure. So lazy.
sorry. Little busy working.

I think we should have done a hard lockdown for one month back in February. Letting it spread made it that much harder to contain. Past that I’m not sure. I’m not a virologist and I don’t think there are many on here. I’d like to see ya all pull together to figure out solutions. Trolling does nothing but give you a little fleeting endorphin rush. But you do you.
From what I've read on the other boards I like your takes on stuff. On this board though you don't seem to know what you're talking about. If you say he botched it give specifics and countermeasures to those goofs. When called out you've had nothing
It's almost impossible to overstate the level of fraud that took place.
Again I think there was a good amount of fraud. I also think many on the right jump on every single thing they find and it ends up getting exaggerated. Its like the right's version of "This is the thing that is going to destroy Trump" from the left. How many times over the last 4 years have we seen the left grab at every straw they can find and say, "this is the thing that will finally end Trump" and everyone on the right laughs it off and it ends up being nothing.

I think the same is happening to the right with this election stuff. I think the second they find something that looks fishy, people jump on it and claim "This is the thing that proves massive voter fraud!". Then within a day or two its completely forgotten.

Again to be crystal clear, I think some really shady crap went down. Things like the acceptance rate of mail in ballots compared to the previous years and a lot more. But it seems like many on the right fall hook line and sinker on every single rumor.
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From what I've read on the other boards I like your takes on stuff. On this board though you don't seem to know what you're talking about. If you say he botched it give specifics and countermeasures to those goofs. When called out you've had nothing

Thanks. Well just have to agree that we disagree on this one. The facts are too disputed to come to any sort of consensus.
Maybe they should stop cancer too. How about heart disease? How about those dead from floods and tornadoes? Surely we can blame trump for that too while we're at it. These people aren't any more or less dead than covid deaths.

Virus and ills happen. It's unfortunate but life. The only nation with a chance to stop this was china. Not only did they fail, but their lies exacerbated the problem and caused panic which lead to shut down.

Utopia is fiction for a reason. Unfortunately a ln ever growing portion of our society cannot grasp that fact.

He said that we shouldn’t count elderly people that died from COVID as COVID deaths. Which seems ridiculous to me. Do we count heart disease deaths for old people or is that slanting the numbers too much? I didn’t even mention Trump. The rest of your post just seems like an unrelated rant. Not sure what your point is but best of luck to you.
Maybe they should stop cancer too. How about heart disease? How about those dead from floods and tornadoes? Surely we can blame trump for that too while we're at it. These people aren't any more or less dead than covid deaths.

Virus and ills happen. It's unfortunate but life. The only nation with a chance to stop this was china. Not only did they fail, but their lies exacerbated the problem and caused panic which lead to shut down.

Utopia is fiction for a reason. Unfortunately a ln ever growing portion of our society cannot grasp that fact.
They DO blame Trump for Floods and Tornadoes. Hurricanes too. Hell even earthquakes in some instances. It started when he withdrew from the Paris Accord and eased regulations on industry. And fracking is what they try to blame earthquakes on.
He said that we shouldn’t count elderly people that died from COVID as COVID deaths. Which seems ridiculous to me. Do we count heart disease deaths for old people or is that slanting the numbers too much? I didn’t even mention Trump. The rest of your post just seems like an unrelated rant. Not sure what your point is but best of luck to you.

No I didn’t, I said dying with Covid is not the same as dying from Covid.

I stated that countries that have Low numbers of deaths do not count elderly deaths at all. Germany has low numbers, Merkel has been claimed to as having done a good job. Germany only counts those that die directly from Covid and completely ignore nursing home deaths.

In reality the virus has hit every country the same, save possibly the Far East nations as they had been exposed to SARS.
The difference is in how it was reported to the public, how data was recorded.
sorry. Little busy working.

I think we should have done a hard lockdown for one month back in February. Letting it spread made it that much harder to contain. Past that I’m not sure. I’m not a virologist and I don’t think there are many on here. I’d like to see ya all pull together to figure out solutions. Trolling does nothing but give you a little fleeting endorphin rush. But you do you.

Wouldn't have worked. Thing is you will never get 100% compliance. It’s a statistical impossibility. So even though the lockdown slows it, lowers cases, etc it’s all negated the moment you open up again. So you must live with it or hide from it forever. They either aren’t smart enough to figure that out or it’s something more nefarious going on, you can decide that yourself.

It’s like partially trying to put out a fire. You can reduce it. Slow it down. Etc. But as soon as oxygen and fuel are reintroduced you’re right back where you were.
Sweden has the highest per capita death rate for covid....... twice the US's.... but sure..... go ahead and just advocate for herd immunity......... even though Sweden's guy that pushed for herd immunity has said so far it hasnt worked.
I know this was earlier in the day and probably has been corrected by now, but Sweden does have a lower death per capita rate than the US.

But lets say Sweden had a slightly higher per capita death rate than the US. So what? I would still say Sweden handled it better than most US states. Lets be real, the best way to handle a virus like this, would be a total totalitarian government that had complete control of its citizens. They could force everyone to stay inside until this was over and any time a new wave would hit, they would force everyone inside again.

What kind of life is that? Who would want to live in a country like that? With freedom comes risks. I dont want to live in a total totalitarian government just so I could feel safe with crap like this. I want my government to tell me all the available information so I can calculate the risk involved with whatever I want to do and let me make the choice on what risks I want to take. Does that mean we will have a higher death per capita over a totalitarian country? Yup. Am I willing to take that risk to live in a free country? Without hesitation.

That is why I think Noem handled this better than any governor and why I think Sweden handled it better than any other country. They gave their people the information, set very basic guidelines and allowed their people to calculate and take what risks they wanted.
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Thanks. Well just have to agree that we disagree on this one. The facts are too disputed to come to any sort of consensus.
IOW, Orange Man Bad. Typical low info, emotion driven lib. Can't be bothered with thinking to justify your position.

When the democrats are in power, you won't hear anything but sunshine and roses from the media as they implement more corrupt big government bureaucracy and further destroy our liberties. But their sweet lies will make you feel better while the country goes to shit, and for you, that's what's important. Thanks.

More from Liz Harrington:

The software would "function in such a manner that if the voter were to place their thumbprint or fingerprint on a scanner, then the thumbprint would be tied to a record of the voter's name and identity of as having voted, but that voter would not be tracked to the changed vote..

"He made it clear that the system would have to be set up but not leave any evidence of the changed vote for a specific voter, and that there would be no evidence to show and nothing to contradict that the name or the fingerprint or thumb print was going with a changed vote...

"Smartmatic agreed to create such a system and produce the software and hardware that accomplished the result for President Chavez. "One such election was December 2006 when Chavez...won w/a landslide...a margin of nearly 6 million votes for Chavez vs 3.7 million for Rosales...

"The voting results were fed into that room and onto the displays over an internet feed...connected to a...system created by Smartmatic. People...were able to see in real time whether the vote that came through the electronic voting system was in their favor or against them...

"...persons controlling the vote tabulation computer had the ability to change the reporting of votes by moving votes from one candidate to another by using the Smartmatic software." "And Smartmatic -- the chairman is Admiral Pete Neffinger." Who is on Biden's "transition" team

"Here's the other kicker. "When somebody's losing -- like, when Maduro realized the size of the other guy's lead? They were worried that they were in crisis mode and would lose the election... "[Maduro] ordered the network controllers to take the internet itself offline...

"It took the voting operators approx 2 hours to make the adjustments in the vote from Radonski to Maduro. Then when they turned the internet back on and the online...they checked each screen, state by state, to be certain they could see each vote was changed in favor of Maduro."

So the question everyone must ask: On Nov. 4th did we wake up in Venezuela or the United States of America?
That is why I think Noem handled this better than any governor and why I think Sweden handled it better than any other country. They gave their people the information, set very basic guidelines and allowed their people to calculate and take what risks they wanted.

This cannot be over-emphasized: allow people to make their own choices.

I played music gigs, basketball, went to the gym, Gatlinburg... it didn't slow me down at all... and I caught it.

Given that it was nothing more than the sniffles for me, I'd be PISSED if I locked myself up for no reason all summer.
So has the Weather Channel turned into a branch of CNN or what? I go there to get the weather for the day and have to sort through 10-15 articles that the earth is doomed from global warming, colliding with a comet or some other disaster. I need to take a Xanax just to see what the temp is going to be so I know if I need to grab a jacket.
sorry. Little busy working.

I think we should have done a hard lockdown for one month back in February. Letting it spread made it that much harder to contain. Past that I’m not sure. I’m not a virologist and I don’t think there are many on here. I’d like to see ya all pull together to figure out solutions. Trolling does nothing but give you a little fleeting endorphin rush. But you do you.
Fauci in February said we should be more worried about the Flu than the virus. Fauci in March said masks dont work. So if the "experts" were saying it was no worse than the flu in Feburay, why should we have expected Trump to do a hard lockdown? When Trump did the China travel ban he was mocked and called racist by Dems.

Then to the main part of all of this. Trump doesn't have the power for a nationwide hard lockdown. The dumbing down of American politics is getting to a ridiculous level. Remember when Trump said he wanted to make it that all states had to allow churches to stay open? Trump got vilified for just saying that, because the president doesnt have that kind of authority over states. So if Trump doesnt even have the power to keep churches open, he somehow has the power to force a hard nationwide shutdown?

Its not up to the president to tell states how to handle this. It is up to the president (administration) to get information and give guideline recommendations and to give any federal help when needed (medical equipment, and all that, things that he was praised for by Cuomo and Newsome). This is why South Dakota can have such drastically different COVID rules than California.

So pretty much the federal's responsibility in this is, collect information and give recommendations, give extra help when asked and do whatever it can to find a cure. Not sure how the administration botched it. Plus look at many other countries that are travel hubs, they were hit just as hard if not worse (per capita) than us.
He said that we shouldn’t count elderly people that died from COVID as COVID deaths. Which seems ridiculous to me. Do we count heart disease deaths for old people or is that slanting the numbers too much? I didn’t even mention Trump. The rest of your post just seems like an unrelated rant. Not sure what your point is but best of luck to you.


It isn't an unrelated rant at all. I'm just five steps ahead of where you're going and figured I'd skip ahead to stop you here and save us all time. You may be new here or "new" here, but to us this is old hat.
This cannot be over-emphasized: allow people to make their own choices.

I played music gigs, basketball, went to the gym, Gatlinburg... it didn't slow me down at all... and I caught it.

Given that it was nothing more than the sniffles for me, I'd be PISSED if I locked myself up for no reason all summer.
Yup. And when people are given the choice to take risks, guess what that means we will see a higher number of cases and deaths (in this example of the virus) compared to a country that took all freedom and risks away from its citizens.

That is just the choice of what country would you rather live in. One where your freedoms are limited but you might feel safer in, or one where you have the freedom to take risks, but with risks could come negative consequences. Give me the freedom and risks over no freedom but "safety".
Not really I guess.
Burlington Vermont school district raises blm flags at all schools.

Not really I guess.
Burlington Vermont school district raises blm flags at all schools.

Burlington is really an odd place. A bunch of isolated lily white people who have had little to no interaction with black people, and have been so brainwashed into loathing themselves that they can literally be talked into anything like flying a BLM flag at an elementary school.

The sad thing is, I wonder if they even fly the American flag. Probably, but the fact that I am not positive is telling.
sorry. Little busy working.

I think we should have done a hard lockdown for one month back in February. Letting it spread made it that much harder to contain. Past that I’m not sure. I’m not a virologist and I don’t think there are many on here. I’d like to see ya all pull together to figure out solutions. Trolling does nothing but give you a little fleeting endorphin rush. But you do you.

OK, I respectfully offer this feedback...

1. You're not a "virologist"
2. I don't recall any virologist calling for "hard lockdown"
3. We did "lockdown" - for months on end
4. We did "mask up" - for months on end
5. According to the virologists we have accomplished NOTHING....

6. So, maybe you're right because the virologists are dead ass wrong.

The hysteria and bs surrounding this junk makes it impossible to talk about. But one thing I believe deep down we all know is that 1) this virus doesn't kill people at rate that's really scary and 2) "the people" have complied with every single unlawful suggestion from our government.

This covid stuff was the absolute perfect storm for politicians. If you're looking to CHANGE THE WORLD or whatever....boy, you can't draw up a better plan. Destroy the economy, rip jobs out from under the lower class, send more money to the leaders....and do it all while the people are generally scared shitless and worried about catching this invisible monster that is around 99.99997% NON EFFECTIVE. Just imagine if something 95% effective were to start killing us. The govt would just authorize death camps so we can go in a "humane" way instead of at the hands of this horrific new virus.
sorry. Little busy working.

I think we should have done a hard lockdown for one month back in February. Letting it spread made it that much harder to contain. Past that I’m not sure. I’m not a virologist and I don’t think there are many on here. I’d like to see ya all pull together to figure out solutions. Trolling does nothing but give you a little fleeting endorphin rush. But you do you.
So you have no answer except ORANGE MAN BAD!!! Got it.

More from Liz Harrington:

The software would "function in such a manner that if the voter were to place their thumbprint or fingerprint on a scanner, then the thumbprint would be tied to a record of the voter's name and identity of as having voted, but that voter would not be tracked to the changed vote..

"He made it clear that the system would have to be set up but not leave any evidence of the changed vote for a specific voter, and that there would be no evidence to show and nothing to contradict that the name or the fingerprint or thumb print was going with a changed vote...

"Smartmatic agreed to create such a system and produce the software and hardware that accomplished the result for President Chavez. "One such election was December 2006 when Chavez...won w/a landslide...a margin of nearly 6 million votes for Chavez vs 3.7 million for Rosales...

"The voting results were fed into that room and onto the displays over an internet feed...connected to a...system created by Smartmatic. People...were able to see in real time whether the vote that came through the electronic voting system was in their favor or against them...

"...persons controlling the vote tabulation computer had the ability to change the reporting of votes by moving votes from one candidate to another by using the Smartmatic software." "And Smartmatic -- the chairman is Admiral Pete Neffinger." Who is on Biden's "transition" team

"Here's the other kicker. "When somebody's losing -- like, when Maduro realized the size of the other guy's lead? They were worried that they were in crisis mode and would lose the election... "[Maduro] ordered the network controllers to take the internet itself offline...

"It took the voting operators approx 2 hours to make the adjustments in the vote from Radonski to Maduro. Then when they turned the internet back on and the online...they checked each screen, state by state, to be certain they could see each vote was changed in favor of Maduro."

So the question everyone must ask: On Nov. 4th did we wake up in Venezuela or the United States of America?

The problem is that Sidney Powell's argument about our election being rigged is that it was rigged in Venezuela. Well that's great, but she apparently can't prove it was done here so it will go nowhere.
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The problem is that Sidney Powell's argument about our election being rigged is that it was rigged in Venezuela. It's great, but she apparently can't prove it was done here so it will go nowhere.

Depends on the goal that you are trying to accomplish. If the goal is overturning election results in some state for Trump, then that's one thing.

If your goal is to spread information to the general public, then that's another thing.

If your goal is show possible exploits to get loopholes closed in the future, then that's another thing.

You don't have to get everything to be effective.
The problem is that Sidney Powell's argument about our election being rigged is that it was rigged in Venezuela. It's great, but she apparently can't prove it was done here so it will go nowhere.

I agree that she needs to have some valid proof that votes were switched here and that it was enough to change the outcome. If not she's wasting everyone's time.
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