How will they rule ??!

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I could of gone a lifetime without knowing we've stooped to this level but come on the marketing of politicians has gone too far

but Biden has had his likeness out there for a while longer

Someone please show this to Queen Elizabeth .... maybe she'll take us back because obviously independence was a mistake... lol
Republicans not happy that Trump wants to do an almost full drawdown in the ME in The next 2 months. Screw that shithole, let the ME kill itself off.

what happens to this board now that their 2 daddy's are fighting? Its obvious what trump is doing. this is his threat to the republicans to get back on his fraud claim bandwagon
so guys...... this bit of info made me laugh because the last 4 years really did feel like some comic book darkest timeline world

"In the 1986 limited series The Man of Steel, John Byrne redesigned Lex Luthor from scratch, intending to make him a villain that the 1980s would recognize: an evil corporate executive. Byrne intentionally chose to base this new depiction of Luthor on businessmen Donald Trump "
LOL hope these Dems bet exposed for the frauds they truly are. No way you really think that Trump lost this election to Sleepy Joe Biden. He’s a joke.
Just because you live in a red bubble of ignorance doesn’t mean everyone does. Yeah, he lost in a landslide. 306-232.... lost the popular vote by over 6 million.
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Exactly! I have 3 friends with varying stages of Covid right now. 2 wear masks religiously and even pack sanitizer and constantly wash their hands. They avoid public as much as possible. The other has taken zero precautions. Their cases are also unrelated to each other. If you’re gonna get it, you’re gonna get it. Live your life.
Mask don't work. Simple test, sit in a room over 6ft apart from friends, family, or whoever. Fart (SBD one) and see how many people react. Guaranteed that everyone will smell it. Jeans or most pants in general are thicker than the mask people wear.
The suit was literally over people not making enough money, that was it. They said Trump promised they’d become wealthy.

That suit would’ve been laughed out of court if Trump wasn’t the President. If he’dhave lost in 16 it never gets filed.

You’re a partisan hack, anyone that wishes for recession when the economy is bringing people out of poverty is f*cked up.
Why would you want that?
One word. SOCIALISM. That's what he/they want.
China just signed the world's largest trade deal with Asia partners.
Guess US pulled out of the Trans-Pacific partnership and China steps in.
Does not mean it is a good deal. People sign contracts everyday and many turn out to be bad moves. But hey, let's worry about the world when the left here is trying to destroy our country.
Can we lay yet another democrat lie to rest. The lie were they say that if an election has a heavy turnout that it favors democrats. OH REALLY? This election had more people to vote than any election in history. And besides from stealing the presidents' race & the senate seat in Michigan. This heavy turnout didn't seem to help the demoncrats much now did it.
They say that because their primary constituency are the lazy and ignorant, the completely uninformed and selfish mouthbreathing leaches on society.

They can't be bothered to get up and vote.

Conservatives vote out of patriotic duty, but they understimate how many people love this country and are immune to their incessant hateful brainwashed bigotry.
All this talk about Sidney Powell having some bombshell lawsuit has me nervous. I HATE the Project Veritas strategy of talking shit up in the media before releasing it. It never pans out.
Yeah, it's almost as if the deep state does not want to really get to the bottom of things (the truth). They would rather give the opposition to time prepare a defense (Lies/cover up). It gives the appearance that they are doing their job all the while protecting the interest of the deep state.
Haha you wrote this when I was in the middle of writing a post. Been busy working and tired of all sides when it comes to this election crap. Like John said a few posts up, Im with the belief of there was some corruption but I also think many on the right fall for any kind of news of fraud and go overboard with it. I feel like everyday is the same thing. So just been relaxing and working.

But once I saw a post talking about how attractive someone is, Im all in haha. Im always down for a good convo on who is and isnt hot haha.
It's almost impossible to overstate the level of fraud that took place.

I wont hold my breath. But I pray he is right.
Me either. I am at the point I doubt anything will come of their criminal activity. It just goes to show how deeply corrupt we are as a nation. Our government is left wing insane and it starts at the top and runs all the way through to the lady cleaning the floors at night. The swamp is real and powerful.

The only thing way this can change is to start enforcing our laws and justice. But we have too many corrupt career people in high places to see that happen. Would love to be wrong.
This is exactly why the "politicians" hated Trump and tried to destroy his presidency. He didn't conform to their way of running the country based on their agendas and special interest.

Me either. I am at the point I doubt anything will come of their criminal activity. It just goes to show how deeply corrupt we are as a nation. Our government is left wing insane and it starts at the top and runs all the way through to the lady cleaning the floors at night. The swamp is real and powerful.

The only thing way this can change is to start enforcing our laws and justice. But we have too many corrupt career people in high places to see that happen. Would love to be wrong.
The Biden cancer charity sent no money to charity, none. It was a front to pay people back for nonexistent jobs.
This is typical for Democrats. Gore, Clinton (s), Obama, Biden, they all set these up and rake in millions. Hollywood and MSM throw their money at them and no one seems to care.

With the money donated to "Cancer Research" it should have been cured or at least successfully treated a generation ago. I honestly doubt medical science wants to find an answer to cancer. It is a huge money maker
All this talk about Sidney Powell having some bombshell lawsuit has me nervous. I HATE the Project Veritas strategy of talking shit up in the media before releasing it. It never pans out.

Yeah I'd take everything with a grain of salt. Powell and Lin seem like two lawyers out to make a name for themselves. Maybe they have a bombshell but I'll believe when I see it. These things just almost never pan out. Prepare to be disappointed.
So the country is over then
With the inauguration of Biden / Harris I would say it is on life support. If Democrats realize they can control the vote and get away with it, what is to stop them from doing this forever. Democrats do not like elections or our constitution.

The U.S. is over as founded.
Nothing will change. The right freaking out like the left did. And again nothing will change. Both sides have done a really good job of convincing their people that if the other side wins everything will go to hell despite over 200 years of evidence to the contrary.
The news went from “calm down this election will take months” to “Trump must let Biden move into the White House NOW or PEOPLE WILL DIE”.

Trump is literally Nazi Hitler who doesn’t care about corona—————-> TRUMP NEEDS TO TEACH BIDEN ABOUT CORONA NOW OR PEOPLE WILL DIE
The news went from “calm down this election will take months” to “Trump must let Biden move into the White House NOW or PEOPLE WILL DIE”.

Trump is literally Nazi Hitler who doesn’t care about corona—————-> TRUMP NEEDS TO TEACH BIDEN ABOUT CORONA NOW OR PEOPLE WILL DIE

Continuity of government is important for many reasons. If you can’t understand that you should probably be reading books and not message boards.
The news went from “calm down this election will take months” to “Trump must let Biden move into the White House NOW or PEOPLE WILL DIE”.

Trump is literally Nazi Hitler who doesn’t care about corona—————-> TRUMP NEEDS TO TEACH BIDEN ABOUT CORONA NOW OR PEOPLE WILL DIE

Also 14 days to flatten the curve to support fiery but mostly peaceful protests.

Anti news is more accurate than fake news at this point.
He needs to get “primaried” before the gubernatorial election.
I agree, surely Georgia can do better than this. I lived in Georgia for over 20 years and I have never seen a political party (the GOP) so afraid of the word racist. They will run like a deer to get away from being called that. And Democrats know it and use it over and over.

I honestly believe Kemp is scared to death of Stacey Abrams. She is running this election and has been planning for it a couple of years now. Kemp will not say a word and he needs to go.
Republicans not happy that Trump wants to do an almost full drawdown in the ME in The next 2 months. Screw that shithole, let the ME kill itself off.

Don't worry Joe Biden and the Rinos will have us back over there occupying countries, building schools, hospitals, delivering pallets of cash, "winning hearts and minds"...