If you really believe that, then you are stupid. Not only are they are not wearing masks but they are hooting and howling at each other like rabid wolves as they buy their lottery tickets and probably spreading their Corona right and left not that I give a shit. And they are not making fun of me as I walk out- they are asking me for money and/or cigarettes when I walk out.
Exactly! I have 3 friends with varying stages of Covid right now. 2 wear masks religiously and even pack sanitizer and constantly wash their hands. They avoid public as much as possible. The other has taken zero precautions. Their cases are also unrelated to each other. If you’re gonna get it, you’re gonna get it. Live your life.Theres masks everywhere, that’s how we should know that they don’t do anything to prevent Covid. It’s like a comfort animal on a plane, only everyone must have one to make the nervous comfortable.
If you make a claim it’s your responsibility to prove it true. It is impossible to ever prove something never happened.I've noticed the best the media can say is that 'there's no evidence', not that it didn't happen. They covered their tracks.
Trump lost, get over it.so how is that onion you have been peeling for 4 yrs? anything left of it?
Bill, you are so full of shit. Trump U was about over selling and under delivering. Having people pay for basic, elementary information while promising all of the “real” secrets in the next class at additional cost. There’s a good reason that every Trump business goes belly-up.
CPD does not, and will not, enforce the mask ordinance and most police think it's a joke anyway. And by the way, this "area" is one of the highest income areas of Cincinnati, fool, but the bums flock here and parasite, just as liberals such as yourself parasite on America itself.lol your freaking city has a mask ordinance you quack. You’re basically saying you and some bums don’t follow it, but get away with it, while areas with more money do...and to that I say...ok. Why do I care?
Dude, they had two candidates separated by 10 votes with 139 possible discrepancies.
I now know about 25 people that have it- and there's not a single thing wrong with a single one of them. One did have to go to the hospital for one day.Exactly! I have 3 friends with varying stages of Covid right now. 2 wear masks religiously and even pack sanitizer and constantly wash their hands. They avoid public as much as possible. The other has taken zero precautions. Their cases are also unrelated to each other. If you’re gonna get it, you’re gonna get it. Live your life.
Went to inland Cali the other day to drink some beers and off-road the gator and fish with my brother at his place. Out on the coast pretty much 99.9% of the stores have mask requirements and everyone walks around outside with masks on.
Went about 2 hours inland, a ton Trump flags and no masks at all haha. It was no doubt a nice change.
CPD does not, and will not, enforce the mask ordinance and most police think it's a joke anyway. And by the way, this "area" is one of the highest income areas of Cincinnati, fool, but the bums flock here and parasite, just as liberals such as yourself parasite on America itself.
What "areas" here with more money? Answer me that, fool, downtown is one of the highest income areas in the city.
Bill, the lawsuit was filed in August 2013, 39 months before he was elected. Trump did what he always does and tries to draw it out as long as possible running up the legal fees of the plaintiff.The suit was literally over people not making enough money, that was it. They said Trump promised they’d become wealthy.
That suit would’ve been laughed out of court if Trump wasn’t the President. If he’dhave lost in 16 it never gets filed.
You’re a partisan hack, anyone that wishes for recession when the economy is bringing people out of poverty is f*cked up.
Why would you want that?
Bill, the lawsuit was filed in August 2013, 39 months before he was elected. Trump did what he always does and tries to draw it out as long as possible running up the legal fees of the plaintiff.
You call me a partisan hack yet you lie and make excuses for the inexcusable. There’s a reason Trump has been sued over 3600 times. He’s a POS and you know it.
If you really believe that, then you are stupid. Not only are they are not wearing masks but they are hooting and howling at each other like rabid wolves as they buy their lottery tickets and probably spreading their Corona right and left not that I give a shit. And they are not making fun of me as I walk out- they are asking me for money and/or cigarettes when I walk out.
You apparently fail to comprehend that part of the post which noted that "bums flock here and parasite". They don't live here, fool. They are not my neighbors, but they are the majority of the people in the stores all day- have you ever lived in a city? Anyway, these fools are not wearing masks, and I am not, either. Most of the real people who actually live here, aren't really into this shit, either.now youre getting annoying tbh. rant about your black and mild smoking upper class folk who don’t wear masks because #citylife all you want....still don’t believe you.
It's fine, here, no low income housing. Severe homeless problems and other riffraff flocks downtown every day, but they don't live there.Sounds like you need to move out of the hood, Nati.
Bill, you are so full of shit. Trump U was about over selling and under delivering. Having people pay for basic, elementary information while promising all of the “real” secrets in the next class at additional cost. There’s a good reason that every Trump business goes belly-up.
Bill, the lawsuit was filed in August 2013, 39 months before he was elected. Trump did what he always does and tries to draw it out as long as possible running up the legal fees of the plaintiff.
You call me a partisan hack yet you lie and make excuses for the inexcusable. There’s a reason Trump has been sued over 3600 times. He’s a POS and you know it.
Not only that, I think the far more dangerous thing is their radicalizing both sides against each other.What's so sad and not really talked about is how America has lost the Media. We the people always depended on the media to investigate and report the news in a truthful manner. They're the one's that made the politicians accountable. That's gone now. They can and will do hit jobs and assassinate anyone's character for a buck.
Napa is winery country so the population density is pretty low, so it doesnt surprise me that people dont care that much.In Napa recently no one really gave a shit about masks.
China just signed the world's largest trade deal with Asia partners.
Guess US pulled out of the Trans-Pacific partnership and China steps in.
RCEP: Asia-Pacific countries form world's largest trading bloc
The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership covers nearly a third of the global economy.www.bbc.com
Exactly! I have 3 friends with varying stages of Covid right now. 2 wear masks religiously and even pack sanitizer and constantly wash their hands. They avoid public as much as possible. The other has taken zero precautions. Their cases are also unrelated to each other. If you’re gonna get it, you’re gonna get it. Live your life.
It almost seems like covid will eventually get you no matter what
Folks I'm pretty damn sure im having complete renal failure. I had it once before but this is 10x worse and can happen to covid patients. Im driving myself to the hospital. Please keep me in your prayers and just know I love all you guys no matter what.
Folks I'm pretty damn sure im having complete renal failure. I had it once before but this is 10x worse and can happen to covid patients. Im driving myself to the hospital. Please keep me in your prayers and just know I love all you guys no matter what.
Damn bro... I hope you feel better.I wear a mask everyday and still caught covid, but the masks protect others, not yourself. Again I wear one religiously as I work at a hospital. I was just devastated to be positive. Yesterday, about a week after being diagnosed, Saturday I mean, was literally the worst I've ever felt. 104.3 temperature when I woke up. It went down to normal. But today it's 102. I should add I have no spleen from the IED blast. That's why it's wreaking havoc on me.
If up to me I'd plead with you to wear one in public as the cases are multiplying exponentially. We were told up to 600,00 deaths by March. But the vaccines are coming soon so make your own mask decisions and be prepared to live with the repercussions. It almost seems like covid will eventually get you no matter what.
I'd rather have covid the rest of my life than continue down the dark road we've been hurtling towards for decades as a country. Im not getting political cause I couldn't care less at this point.
Folks I'm pretty damn sure im having complete renal failure. I had it once before but this is 10x worse and can happen to covid patients. Im driving myself to the hospital. Please keep me in your prayers and just know I love all you guys no matter what.
Prayers to you ! Im really sorry to hear that you are in pain and sick and hope the hospital helps you get better quick!Folks I'm pretty damn sure im having complete renal failure. I had it once before but this is 10x worse and can happen to covid patients. Im driving myself to the hospital. Please keep me in your prayers and just know I love all you guys no matter what.
Dang. Keep us updated. Prayers to you.They're about to take me phone
Blood pressure 178 over 131. Heartbeat 156 bpm. Scared to death fellas. Something's wrong. I can feel it.