How will they rule ??!

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OMG you watching the Afro chick lol! You have no argument you are scum. You are going to cause the United Nation to come into our country! That is what the maggot Liberals want! Death to our Constitution and our liberty! They want us to fall in line with globalism!! WTF people this is sick!! Grow up go home!!
That's not we're discussing, I said Hillary was obsessed with being President going back close to 20 years. That her actions both public and private were all to get her to this point. Staying with Bill, moving to NY, War in Iraq, SOS, Server in house was all to ensure this moment came.
There is zero evidence Trump made calculated moves to get him here, none.

Theres w difference in "I really wanted to go out with that woman" and " I really wanted to go out with that woman so I tied her up in my closet for the past 5 years". The first is Trump, the second is Hillary, that clearer?

I'm stating facts about Trump's political leanings of all sizes and shapes while running for president multiple times. Why is he so immune to your argument Bill? Why do hypotheticals make your case instead of historical facts?
OMG you watching the Afro chick lol! You have no argument you are scum. You are going to cause the United Nation to come into our country! That is what the maggot Liberals want! Death to our Constitution and our liberty! They want us to fall in line with globalism!! WTF people this is sick!! Grow up go home!!

If only you had something more powerful than a gun to kill them all.
Honest question. Do blacks care about black life's?

Call me a racist but I really do wonder.
In all honestly, I do not know who or what outlet to believe if I did not see it or experience it myself.

Just had a conversation about this recently with guy at work. We all seem to put more stock in information that aligns with our beliefs.

Just a rule of thumb here. When the guy who spouted the BS originally disowns it, don't pick it up.
I'm stating facts about Trump's political leanings of all sizes and shapes while running for president multiple times. Why is he so immune to your argument Bill? Why do hypotheticals make your case instead of historical facts?

When did Trump run for president before this year?
I'm stating facts about Trump's political leanings of all sizes and shapes while running for president multiple times. Why is he so immune to your argument Bill? Why do hypotheticals make your case instead of historical facts?

lol, when conjecture becomes facts. Only in your world Jameslee
Honest question. Do blacks care about black life's?

Call me a racist but I really do wonder.

Black people are extremely tribal. What people do not understand is our govt has studied them and they clearly know how to incite them. It is well known they are by far the most lawless group of people based on percentages whether they are targeted or not.

By putting this shit in our homes as often as possible on TV it is inciting a hateful(regardless of justified or not) lawless, sheepish movement that will cause more situations of the same nature.

Whites don't do this because we don't care, Hispanics aren't tribal enough, and no other nationality/race matter enough or care enough to incite these situations.

It is racial, but it's more political and sadly a nation of people are going to cause even more of what they hate......more ruthless law!

Defend this all you want as their freedom, cool! Thanks! GFY.
I'm discussing Trump's political experience. I have asked direct questions along those lines. You're seem to want to discuss Hildagarde instead. lol

If you don't believe Trump ran for president in 2000, you're definitely a rookie batting .000 in the majors.
You are discussing Trumps political experience because you are a dumbass. He is not a politician. He is a citizen. He is a business owner who provides a service for a price. He is not a politician who provides favors for a price. As far as his tax report goes, he has absolutely NO responsibility to provide that to us. You don't have a responsibility to show yours, nor I mine. Once he becomes an employee of ours, then yes, he should show it upon request. You, and your ilk, are too stupid to see the obvious.
Let me guess, you don't recall the birther controversy and of course why The Donald used it?

He was considering running for president in 2012 and many other times in the past.

So that's your facts?

I think people in this thread have already pointed to documented evidence that Hillary started the birther movement. You're making shit up is what methinks.
You are discussing Trumps political experience because you are a dumbass. He is not a politician. He is a citizen. He is a business owner who provides a service for a price. He is not a politician who provides favors for a price. As far as his tax report goes, he has absolutely NO responsibility to provide that to us. You don't have a responsibility to show yours, nor I mine. Once he becomes an employee of ours, then yes, he should show it upon request. You, and your ilk, are too stupid to see the obvious.
Try reading. You might really enjoy it!
I never said everyone killed was either. But some were, and tons of whites, latinos are unjustified killed. But stop acting like this shit is acceptable. It's not. You say police state?

I say innocent until proven guilty. Maybe BLM should pick up a copy of the Constitution.

BLM isn't a monolithic organization.

BTW, presumption of Innocence in criminal cases isn't in the Constitution. At one point, IIRC, Louisiana had the requirement that the accused had to prove their innocence. The Napoleonic Code that Stanley Kowalski famously ranted about in A Streetcar Named Desire.
So that's your facts?

I think people in this thread have already pointed to documented evidence that Hillary started the birther movement. You're making shit up is what methinks.

People can point to stuff but it isn't so. She never used it. Donald Trump did.
blacks and whites* and media are feeding into the political game our leaders are playing and setting up.

This is what it all boils down to.

Divide and conquer. Fats v non fats. Men v woman v Trans. Gays v straights. Smokers v non smokers. ORGANIC OR DIE YOU POOR MFERS GET SOME CASH WIT YO BROKE ASS. Rich v poor. Black v white. ETC ETC ETC
Watching the riots in Charlotte. Disgrace what is happening. I've been against voting for Trump for a while, but I promise you if they ever do that in my hometown (Cincinnati) I will be voting for Trump simply to make them mad and because Hillary aligned with them. I understand they're angry and the Crutcher shooting was terrible but looting businesses in the city is just ridiculous.
We are headed for Marshall law

Smile when you say that.

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Watching the riots in Charlotte. Disgrace what is happening. I've been against voting for Trump for a while, but I promise you if they ever do that in my hometown (Cincinnati) I will be voting for Trump simply to make them mad and because Hillary aligned with them. I understand they're angry and the Crutcher shooting was terrible but looting businesses in the city is just ridiculous.

Wait. So an all out racial riot in Cincinnati is the only thing keeping you from voting Trump? Which candidate is spreading what fear again? I am confused.
Smile when you say that.


Moe you are beyond naive if you think me saying this BS feeds to your party's goal, and I'm happy about it.

I hate the law. I hate when I get a speeding ticket, and and I am always late on my tags so I get pulled over and have to explain my weapon in the car and respect the law regardless of how much they annoy the shot out of me.

I am conservative by nature and believe in respect, discipline, and working my ass off to get ahead.

I don't want the govt in my pocket, my life, or giving me any handouts.
ah yes. I thought you were going to go back to 87,88. But technically you are right. While I think this time around is alittle different.

But I can accept being wrong. Apparently liberals cannot.
He registered to vote republican, considered running in 1987 and many other times. Fairly common knowledge for a person of his media stature all these years.
Let me guess, you don't recall the birther controversy and of course why The Donald used it?

He was considering running for president in 2012 and many other times in the past.
Show us a link that proves he was considering running in 2012. Then show us how that equates to him actually running. Are you black or just an extraordinarily stupid white guy?

If you are black, then I want to help you. Not the kind of help the dems want to give you. Not the kind that ensures you remain a second class citizen. I want to help you become a person that needs no help.
Wait. So an all out racial riot in Cincinnati is the only thing keeping you from voting Trump? Which candidate is spreading what fear again? I am confused.
I wouldn't say it's the only thing but I know it'd push me over the edge. I've been clear about how much I hate Hillary Clinton and her allies on the left. I just feel like Trump doesn't fit a lot of my values and I'd rather not vote for him. I completely understand those they vote for him because of their disdain for Clinton. It's a rational decision. Election Day isn't here yet so it's easy for me to say I won't be voting for him. It'll be a tough decision I think. I absolutely can guarantee you Hillary will not have my vote.
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Please God no more Liberals,and far left scum running our country! They have turned it into a joke!! Clinton is a maggot Obama is scum !!!
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Since when is considered running, running? Please stop making shit out of thin air.
Don't know Wikipedia huh?

Involvement in politics, 1988–2015

Trump first expressed interest in running for office in 1987, when he spent $100,000 to place full-page ads critiquing U.S. defense policy in several newspapers.[250][251]
Trump floated the idea of running for president in 1988, 2004, and 2012, and for Governor of New York in 2006 and 2014, but did not enter those races.[252][253] He was considered as a potential running mate for George H. W. Bush on the Republican Party's 1988 presidential ticket but lost out to future Vice President Dan Quayle. There is dispute over whether Trump or the Bush camp made the initial pitch.[254]

In 1999, Trump filed an exploratory committee to seek the presidential nomination of the Reform Party in 2000.[255][256] A July 1999 poll matching him against likely Republican nominee George W. Bush and likely Democratic nominee Al Gore showed Trump with seven percent support.[257] Trump eventually dropped out of the race due to party infighting, but still won the party's California and Michigan primaries after doing so.[258][259][260][261]

In February 2009, Trump appeared on The Late Show with David Letterman, and spoke about the automotive industry crisis of 2008–10. He said that "instead of asking for money", General Motors "should go into bankruptcy and work that stuff out in a deal".[262]

As Trump publicly speculated about seeking the 2012 Republican presidential nomination, a Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll released in March 2011 found Trump leading among potential contenders, one point ahead of former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney.[263] A Newsweek poll conducted in February 2011 showed Trump within a few points of Barack Obama, with many voters undecided in the November 2012 general election for president of the United States.[264] A poll released in April 2011 by Public Policy Polling showed Trump having a nine-point lead in a potential contest for the Republican nomination for president while he was still actively considering a run.[265][266] His moves were interpreted by some media as possible promotional tools for his reality show The Apprentice.[267][268][269]