How will they rule ??!

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Really? Trump has spent very little on this campaign. Hillary is at a $1 billion. Who's the real whore here, Jameslee?

I answered your question in the very first sentence James.
Maybe you're just too naive to understand.

Aren't you an independent?
The implication seems to be that Trump is new to this. That he hasn't been a candidate for president until recently. That he's the political outsider never having done fundraising or ran a campaign.

I can assure you, this cannot be further from the truth. The Donald ran for president in 2000 and was considering doing so as far back as the 80's. You realize this guy was born into wealth and is 70 years old right?

Being in the political, media and entertainment spotlight for at least 28 years, switching party allegiances first from republican to independence party to democrat, back to republican to independent and back to republican again, is about as whoring as it can possibly get.

Yup, registered Ind. Happily so.
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The implication seems to be that Trump is new to this. That he hasn't been a candidate for president until recently. That he's the political outsider never having done fundraising or ran a campaign.

I can assure you, this cannot be further from the truth. The Donald ran for president in 2000 and was considering doing so as far back as the 80's. You realize this guy was born into wealth and is 70 years old right?

Being in the political, media and entertainment spotlight for at least 28 years, switching party allegiances first from republican to independence party to democrat, back to republican to independent and back to republican again, is about as whoring as it can possibly get.

Yup, registered Ind. Happily so.

Those are assumptions on your part, there is absolutely no history of him making decisions in life and work to help him become President prior to the last election.
Hillary on the other hand has made decisions with national interest and security at stake to get her to this point James.

She was elected to do the bidding of the people of NY as a senator, and as SOS the interest of the nation. It was simply a platform for her, and SOS was set up between her Husband and Obama over lunch.

She also happened to suck at both of them.
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Those are assumptions on your part, there is absolutely no history of him making decisions in life and work to help him become President prior to the last election.
Hillary on the other hand has made decisions with national interest and security at stake to get her to this point James.

She was elected to do the bidding of the people of NY as a senator, and as SOS the interest of the nation. It was simply a platform for her, and SOS was set up between her Husband and Obama over lunch.

She also happened to suck at both of them.
Bill, focus here! I know you don't remember. Fine. So do some Trump research, ask your mom, click on a link.

Denial is not just the longest river in Egypt apparently.
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If Donald is so deplorable and mean, why did the Clintons hang out with him so much? They even went to his wedding.

You indeed remember the pic I posted a few weeks ago of Bill and Hillary at Donald's wedding. Heh. They all still gonna remain friends after this show is over.

Honestly, I think Hill is a much better speaker/debater than The Donald. She should come out ahead.
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Wasn't Cardkilla just on here yesterday lecturing people about giving up freedoms?

I don't want to give up an ounce of freedom in the name of "keeping America safe" and I sure as shit don't want to give up an ounce of freedom to knock America down a few pegs for the rest of the world.

But I guess it's good too clearly see Obama's intentions with giving up control of the internet, the TPP, global warming alarmism, etc.
Too late. Your privacy was given up when The Program began under Dubya in response to 9/11 and despite tinkering, is alive and well today.
Bill, focus here! I know you don't remember. Fine. So do some Trump research, ask your mom, click on a link.

Denial is not just the longest river in Egypt apparently.
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Bill, focus here! I know you don't remember. Fine. So do some Trump research, ask your mom, click on a link.

Denial is not just the longest river in Egypt apparently.

There's better ways to get out of a discussion James, you're not playing with rookies in the paddock. Lol
All things involving race are playing right into Trump's hands. It has been a catastrophic mistake for the Clintons to play along with him. Now all of these riots and BLM stuff are driving away white voters in droves in key swing states to Trump. Hillary's campaign strategy is so incompetent I don't want to stain my unvarnished brilliance by being associated with it. They are getting so much wrong. Losing to Boris Yeltsin v2 when they have the entire demographics of the nation shifting to their favor but were dumb enough to fall into the trap of polarizing it along racial lines.

Yes, Dems are moving towards a demographic dominance but you don't want that blatantly to fall along racial lines. Should have steered clear on all things race but instead they've foolishly waded headlong into it. The more this is black vs white, the more you see anything to do with BLM, the more you see racial strife, the closer Trump gets to stealing the Presidency in an election any random Democrat off the street could have easily defeated Trump in.
I don't know where you work or what you do for a living, but the company I work for is "profit focused". "Profit focused" has provided many jobs in this company over the years. It's pretty simple. No profits, no company. No company, no jobs.

The past two corporations I have worked for are both well established "global" companies and leaders in their trade. Both companies make money hand over fist and pay their execs ridiculous amounts of money and hand out huge bonuses annually. They both would rather pay for cheap labor than quality labor by off shoring to minimally qualified people. They do this because it's cheaper than paying for quality work/workers. I've watch people with long loyal careers get shit canned to avoid paying retirement. The current company is going through a hiring freeze with wfr's left and right, yet signing new contracts to expand business on a monthly if not weekly basis.
Large corporations don't give two shits about the people actually doing the work. They only care about cutting corners and "saving" money at the expense of the employee while expanding business in other countries.
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There's better ways to get out of a discussion James, you're not playing with rookies in the paddock. Lol
I'm discussing Trump's political experience. I have asked direct questions along those lines. You're seem to want to discuss Hildagarde instead. lol

If you don't believe Trump ran for president in 2000, you're definitely a rookie batting .000 in the majors.
You act like these aren't related. People in Charlotte aren't just upset about the shooting there. People are tired of cops $hit. Like the CT cops caught on video making up charges so they could arrest a guy for filming them. Cops have been out of control for years and have literally gotten away with murder or planting evidence/making up stories for decades. Why you think they don't want body cams or that they magically stop recording at the most convenient times.

And the good ones help cover it up or stay silent.

Yeah it sucks to be a cop right now, but they are paying for decades of neglect and dishonest dealings with minority communities.

Why do terrorists always seem to get captured, while armed, without being killed? Yet a black kid moves to the left when they say move to the right and they are shot down.

There's more outrage from whites about Colin Kaepernick kneeling than unarmed black people being shot to death over jaywalking, car trouble, shoplifting, being compliant, whatever.

Hey man, snitches get stitches. Seems to work for certain groups of people anyway.
Tonight may very well seal the election for Trump. Democrats are seen as pandering to this shit while Trump is striking a hard line on this. White blue collar workers will not support these anti-police protesters. Clinton has wedded herself to this by hopping in the bed with BLM in an embarrassingly stupid move.
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I guess you are for people looting and attacking innocent people when cops shoot when they should not have. Is that pretty close? In other cases when it was warranted, they still should have let the thugs take and do what they want. Is that pretty close?

There are hand-wringing posts about government. There are posts mocking the people killled by police. These aren't the product of some exotic reasoning tease out the actual meaning. The contradiction in the posts baffles me.

There are no posts by me which advocate looting etc. It isn't even close.
I'm discussing Trump's political experience. I have asked direct questions along those lines. You're seem to want to discuss Hildagarde instead. lol

If you don't believe Trump ran for president in 2000, you're definitely a rookie batting .000 in the majors.

That's not we're discussing, I said Hillary was obsessed with being President going back close to 20 years. That her actions both public and private were all to get her to this point. Staying with Bill, moving to NY, War in Iraq, SOS, Server in house was all to ensure this moment came.
There is zero evidence Trump made calculated moves to get him here, none.

Theres w difference in "I really wanted to go out with that woman" and " I really wanted to go out with that woman so I tied her up in my closet for the past 5 years". The first is Trump, the second is Hillary, that clearer?
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UN Troops would be scared to death to walk our streets knowing at least half the households are armed and don't want them here. They aren't used to a full blown militia in every neighborhood.

That's silly. The in-their-own-minds warriors of the Branch Dildonians and their ilk would have been KOed in minutes by a professional military unit.
There are hand-wringing posts about government. There are posts mocking the people killled by police. These aren't the product of some exotic reasoning tease out the actual meaning. The contradiction in the posts baffles me.

There are no posts by me which advocate looting etc. It isn't even close.

That's a bullshit blanket comment. I will mock dumb people that are armed, criminal, and refuse to listen to police officers.

How about the cop in Cincinnati? That guy deserves life in prison. But he is guilty, while the cops in Baltimore were found innocent. Riot, riot, riot
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This shit going on in Charlotte what a bunch of Maggot pieces of Shit bastards in Charlotte.! TRASH MAGGOTS!!! What a joke!!!
That's a bullshit blanket comment. I will mock dumb people that are armed, criminal, and refuse to listen to police officers.

How about the cop in Cincinnati? That guy deserves life in prison. But he is guilty, while the cops in Baltimore were found innocent. Riot, riot, riot

Lots of the people killed haven't been criminal or armed.

Refusing to listen to police officers isn't usually considered a capital offense. We don't live in a police state.
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Tonight may very well seal the election for Trump. Democrats are seen as pandering to this shit while Trump is striking a hard line on this. White blue collar workers will not support these anti-police protesters. Clinton has wedded herself to this by hopping in the bed with BLM in an embarrassingly stupid move.

When I saw Don King on stage with Trump I knew it was over :100points:
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Lots of the people killed haven't been criminal or armed.

Refusing to listen to police officers isn't usually considered a capital offense. We don't live in a police state.

I never said everyone killed was either. But some were, and tons of whites, latinos are unjustified killed. But stop acting like this shit is acceptable. It's not. You say police state?

I say innocent until proven guilty. Maybe BLM should pick up a copy of the Constitution.
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Look cameramen being attacked and even Anderson Cooper has real black leaders calling this BS.

Yet LEK and Moe are all about this being ok because it isn't just about Charlotte.

Let this dumbass idiot here tell you what is going on.....

We are headed for Marshall law and the blacks and media are feeding into the political game our leaders are playing and setting up.

If you don't see what is going on and you defend this in any respect you are honestly too ignorant to know we are being played.