Really? Trump has spent very little on this campaign. Hillary is at a $1 billion. Who's the real whore here, Jameslee?
The implication seems to be that Trump is new to this. That he hasn't been a candidate for president until recently. That he's the political outsider never having done fundraising or ran a campaign.I answered your question in the very first sentence James.
Maybe you're just too naive to understand.
Aren't you an independent?
I can assure you, this cannot be further from the truth. The Donald ran for president in 2000 and was considering doing so as far back as the 80's. You realize this guy was born into wealth and is 70 years old right?
Being in the political, media and entertainment spotlight for at least 28 years, switching party allegiances first from republican to independence party to democrat, back to republican to independent and back to republican again, is about as whoring as it can possibly get.
Yup, registered Ind. Happily so.