No, its that angry white men have become the new emotional drama queens. For example, literally every stat shows crime is down (obviously some exceptions) and we live in one of the safest times in human history but the hysterics of the angry white right think its the most dangerous. Like your quote, you think you are showing causal evidence of a relationship existing between black president and black unrest.
You think correlation equals causation. It does not. For example, I could say its obvious you represent one of the largest populaces of uneducated white males due to your lack of understanding of logic and basic understanding, but that would be logically incorrect. You are just uneducated. Also, the fact that you are trying to equate a black man in power with social unrest, and its the cause of the black man in power, well, you can figure it out. Its like being a closet homosexual. Its no longer socially acceptable to be what you are. You are the last bastion of hold out.
I get it though. You wish society could except who you are, and you dont get it. Almost a twinge of jealousy. I mean the blacks, the gays, the immigrants get theirs, why not you?
This pretty much sums up your line of thought: