How will they rule ??!

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You cant compare countries of that size to the US.
Try India, China, Russia, etc.
So we can't compare to countries with 1/4 the population but we can compare to those with 4 times the population?
In other words you can only use examples if they fit your narrative.
I see.
So we can't compare to countries with 1/4 the population but we can compare to those with 4 times the population?
In other words you can only use examples if they fit your narrative.
I see.
Our population is 60x Norway. Clearly (to humans with more than one working brain cell) that's not a valid comparison.

4x is a reasonable comparison, unless it doesn't fit your narrative.
It is also scary that some in this thread seem to favor socialism.
Let's be real here. The level of socialism we are discussing is that which exists in the UK, Germany, Sweden, Canada, etc. Their health care systems are socialized, that's it.
Another car bomb is detonated in (NATO member) Turkey.
Its obvious the ISIS problem will have to be resolved sooner or later. As usual, the US will have to take the lead, but nothing is going to happen until Obama is out of Washington. The crapfest the next POTUS is inheriting is something to behold and that is saying something after the mess Bush left.
Anyone who helped put the current resident into the white house really should abstain from throwing stones at any other candidate
Truer words cannot be spoken. You can say what you want about Trump, but his "resume" is lightyears more accomplished than Obama's. Obama and most others in Washington could not run a small business successfully yet they are in charge of this country's economy. Trump filed bankruptcy, but what can you say about Obama, Clinton's, etc.? Not much because none of them have ever truly worked in the real business world and taken the risks that someone like a Trump has. He may be a disaster if elected, but he can't be any worse than the last several POTUS and clowns in Congress that have run this country into the ground.

Have no idea who I am voting for, but I am pretty sure if given the choice its not going to be a career politician this time around.
Kudos to Bobby Jindal. Asked on FTN today about Westboro Baptist loons showing up at the funerals he said if they did, he would throw their a$$es in jail. got a love it.
For me, communism is socialism with a fist.

Your observation of socialism is well validated by almost every historical standard, as indeed it eventually requires strict enforcement to sustain itself before it runs out. And run out it always does. As Ayn Rand attempted to teach us decades ago, the tax revenues of rich people are available because rich people make them available. They don't have to be profitable it they don't want to be. The form of socialism that is taking shape in this Great Nation of ours will depend on our most productive people's ability to possess this one nasty quality: Guilt. A guilt that will hopefully shame them into (just to make a few examples) continuing to employ labor, continuing to produce products, continuing to purchase raw materials, other goods and services, continuing to pay taxes, etc., regardless of the fact that their ability to reward themselves has been considerably compromised if not eliminated completely. But eventually this guilt will not last and they will quit. Enter socialism with a fist.
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Libertarian here but Trump is by far the most interesting and is light years ahead of the Cruzs and Walkers on the right, what clowns they are..
When one side is losing, they scream fascism. When the other side is losing, they scream socialism. Same face, different name. It's quite amusing.

I suppose that depends on what you consider entertaining, what you look for in a face, a name, and so forth. As for fascism, while using the National Worker's Party hi-jacking of Germany as an example, the real losing occurred not with the sentiment (nationalism), but with the takeover (nationalization). The real losing that is happening here in the States is a nationalization of people, where more and more productive capable citizens are selecting to become dependent upon the government instead of being dependent upon themselves.
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Kudos to Bobby Jindal. Asked on FTN today about Westboro Baptist loons showing up at the funerals he said if they did, he would throw their a$$es in jail. got a love it.

so this was pretty excellent. I love a good public execution of a troll.

IVe noticed other GOP candidates have started to take more brash stances, in an attempt to steal some of Trumps thunder. While it is a little questionable, since its almost surely an adjustment to whats popular; its still a positive to see candidates taking off their PC gloves.

Your observation of socialism is well validated by almost every historical standard, as indeed it eventually requires strict enforcement to sustain itself before it runs out. And run out it always does. As Ayn Rand attempted to teach us decades ago, the tax revenues of rich people are available because rich people make them available. They don't have to be profitable it they don't want to be. The form of socialism that is taking shape in this Great Nation of ours will depend on our most productive people's ability to possess this one nasty quality: Guilt. A guilt that will hopefully shame them into (just to make a few examples) continuing to employ labor, continuing to produce products, continuing to purchase raw materials, other goods and services, continuing to pay taxes, etc., regardless of the fact that their ability to reward themselves has been considerably compromised if not eliminated completely. But eventually this guilt will not last and they will quit. Enter socialism with a fist.

Excellent post. Theres undoubtedly an Atlas Shrugged event in the very near future.
i'd take a Shrug event over a pitchforks event any day of the week. You can't have essentially fifty straight years of worker productivity massively outpacing wages and expect people to tolerate it.
Truer words cannot be spoken. You can say what you want about Trump, but his "resume" is lightyears more accomplished than Obama's. Obama and most others in Washington could not run a small business successfully yet they are in charge of this country's economy. Trump filed bankruptcy, but what can you say about Obama, Clinton's, etc.? Not much because none of them have ever truly worked in the real business world and taken the risks that someone like a Trump has. He may be a disaster if elected, but he can't be any worse than the last several POTUS and clowns in Congress that have run this country into the ground.

Have no idea who I am voting for, but I am pretty sure if given the choice its not going to be a career politician this time around.
but here's the catch, trump himself all but admitted voting for the guy in 2008.
The stock market has doubled since W's recession. Are you guys too proud to give the WH some credit?
Yet the unemployment and poverty rates have kept going up. The rich have gotten richer, corporations are doing more with less, and Washington has gotten richer in the process. My thing with Trump is that sooner or later he has to start laying out his plans on how he will fix it and not keep giving sound bites. I think he is as qualified as anyone else on the economy side of things, but after that not so sure. Clinton, who really thinks she has the intelligence, experience, and desire to fix this economy? Even if I was a hardcore Democrat, I would laugh at the notion of her or Sanders having the ability to do it.

All that said,whoever gets elected still has to deal with Congress and the leadership on that side of things needs a complete re-boot. I would like to see anyone in a leadership position kicked out the second the new POTUS takes the oath of the office.
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Its obvious the ISIS problem will have to be resolved sooner or later. As usual, the US will have to take the lead, but nothing is going to happen until Obama is out of Washington. The crapfest the next POTUS is inheriting is something to behold and that is saying something after the mess Bush left.
So what do you suggest the next POTUS do?
And why is it incumbent on the US taking the lead?
The reason no one else ever spends their treasury and blood to solve these issues is because they know that the US will come along and do so. That and perhaps they know this isn't a problem that can resolved with guns and bombs. Muslim extremism isn't about religion, it's a symptom of the economic deprivation that exists in the region. The reason 98% of those who are drawn into it is because they see no other hope. We can squash ISIS and something similar will take its place.
IVe noticed other GOP candidates have started to take more brash stances, in an attempt to steal some of Trumps thunder. While it is a little questionable, since its almost surely an adjustment to whats popular; its still a positive to see candidates taking off their PC gloves.

Excellent post. Theres undoubtedly an Atlas Shrugged event in the very near future.

Yea but there's really good statements like Jindal's and then there's idiotic ones like Huckleberry Hound talking about Isreal being "marched to the ovens".
Trump (sorry for the formatting); from RCP

2016 Republican Presidential Nomination
National: GOP, Dem | Iowa: GOP, Dem | New Hampshire: GOP, Dem | South Carolina: GOP, Dem | General Election Match-Ups
CNN/ORC 7/22 - 7/25 18 15 10 6 5 4 7 6 4 4 3 2 2 1 1 Trump +3
PPP (D) 7/20 - 7/21 19 12 17 10 8 10 4 4 3 3 1 1 1 4 0 Trump +2
ABC/Wash Post 7/16 - 7/19 24 12 13 7 8 6 4 6 3 2 4 1 2 0 0 Trump +11
FOX News 7/13 - 7/15 18 14 15 7 4 6 4 8 3 2 1 2 0 1 0 Trump +3
USAT/Suffolk 7/9 - 7/12 17 14 8 5 4 4 6 4 3 1 1 1 1 1 0 Trump +3
Monmouth 7/9 - 7/12 13 15 7 6 7 6 9 6 2 1 2 2 2 1 0 Bush +2
All 2016 Republican Presidential Nomination Polling Data
So what do you suggest the next POTUS do?

Have a reality tv show competition among contestants who will try to become his/her vice-presidential candidate.

When voting off a vice-presidential candidate each week, the President will use the catch line "You're not hired!"
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Have a reality tv show competition among contestants who will try to become his/her vice-presidential candidate.

When voting off a vice-presidential candidate each week, the President will use the catch line "You're not hired!"
This might be more prophetic than you think lol
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So tell me, do you see communism without a fist in the UK, Germany, France, Sweden, Belgium, Switzerland, Austrailia, Austria, etc?

Not up close and personal, but from afar, I would say yes. As I understand it, the Mensheviks wanted a social democracy in Russia, before the Bolsheviks took over. It seems like the fist always shows up eventually.
We have a lot of problems, and we will continue to have lots of problems.

But if Hillary gets in there...........if you vote for that, you can't justify that one!
Obama and any future president will always be choosing from the lesser of 2 evils in the ME.

Republican Hawks always want to use military force.

I prefer the Rand Paul strategy of staying clear of the ME.

Every since the US took over to fill the void of influence that Britain and France had in the ME , it's been nothing but a headache for us.
Toppling democratically elected governments like Iran isn't what our nation should have done. US should be a bastion for freedom, not supporting tyranny of dictators and monarchs.
Thought this was interesting:

"Gallup has kept regular track of presidential approval since the Truman administration. It reports that the most popular postwar presidents were Dwight Eisenhower, John F. Kennedy, Ronald Reagan, George H. W. Bush, and Bill Clinton; their job approval ratings were 50 percent or better for at least two-thirds of their tenures. The least popular presidents were Harry Truman, Gerald Ford, and Jimmy Carter; theirs were below 50 percent for at least two-thirds of their tenures. Lyndon Johnson, Richard Nixon, and George W. Bush fall somewhere in between.
To date, Obama has been unpopular for more than two-thirds of his tenure. If he stays under 50 percent for the remainder of his term, he will have been unpopular for longer than any postwar leader."