How will they rule ??!

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Today in liberal media:
HRC calls millions of people deplorable suggesting they are hateful and violent. Oh HRC your so right.

DT Jr says a few refugees could be terrorists....OUTRAGE
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If it's the SnopesMonkey poll, it's an online poll, and shouldn't even be considered. At this point, I'd have to say that it's a tie, late in the third quarter. Somehow, Trump managed to erase a four touchdown lead.

Ya the survey monkey poll. Of course its garbage. But the MSM started running with it. Anything positive for hillary gets plastered everywhere.
The left includes all of these backgrounds, so not sure what you are saying. Are you just talking about rich, white people?

This is exactly the kind of stereotypes that lives on in Republicans minds. Why would we change our tune by living near blacks, Mexicans, or Muslims? In big cities, we live by all of these people. They are called our neighbors and fellow Americans. When I lived in NY and NJ I rather enjoyed interacting with people who come from different backgrounds and don't have the same skin color as me. I guess I'm just pandering.

Republicans evidently don't interact with anyone other than whites based on the stereotypes and fear they have. If they did they wouldn't act with such hate.

Is DT pandering to black people? Seems like he is if he is addressing their issues.
You stereotype with just about every other post but, like normal, you missed his point.
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Bush Sr. announces he is voting for HRC and people act shocked. Are people really this misinformed and stupid. She is part of the establishment, he is part of the establishment, Trump is NOT...the math is easy.
Not for leftcons aka decepticons.
The left includes all of these backgrounds, so not sure what you are saying. Are you just talking about rich, white people?

This is exactly the kind of stereotypes that lives on in Republicans minds. Why would we change our tune by living near blacks, Mexicans, or Muslims? In big cities, we live by all of these people. They are called our neighbors and fellow Americans. When I lived in NY and NJ I rather enjoyed interacting with people who come from different backgrounds and don't have the same skin color as me. I guess I'm just pandering.

Republicans evidently don't interact with anyone other than whites based on the stereotypes and fear they have. If they did they wouldn't act with such hate.

Is DT pandering to black people? Seems like he is if he is addressing their issues.
We get it. You hate white people.
The left includes all of these backgrounds, so not sure what you are saying. Are you just talking about rich, white people?

This is exactly the kind of stereotypes that lives on in Republicans minds. Why would we change our tune by living near blacks, Mexicans, or Muslims? In big cities, we live by all of these people. They are called our neighbors and fellow Americans. When I lived in NY and NJ I rather enjoyed interacting with people who come from different backgrounds and don't have the same skin color as me. I guess I'm just pandering.

Republicans evidently don't interact with anyone other than whites based on the stereotypes and fear they have. If they did they wouldn't act with such hate.

Is DT pandering to black people? Seems like he is if he is addressing their issues.

I'm talking about ideologues and people who have money (elite and politicians) who spew this BS about needing Muslim refugees but would never live near them or the folks like Hillary and SJWs who act like they're with the cause but then would never want to live in an all black neighborhood. Heck, you think Obama would want to have his girls go to an inner city black school?

Basically, it's virtue signaling and a false portrayal of caring. It's easy to be for these things when you're not around it to a large extent. It's easy to be for illegals and refugees because you're not around it. Oh, you sat next to one on a bus? Yeah, that's totally the same as living in a neighborhood where they're the majority.
George Soros pledges 500 million for rapefugees.

Seriously, can this guy please just die already?

Most evil person walking the planet.

If course he does. He needs the American civilization, and therefore economy, to fail so he can reap billions. Every move he makes is with the intent to destabilize our nation.

What a joy it would be to see Trump win, and to know that Soros will likely go to his grave with his life's work of destroying our country go unfulfilled.
Newsflash to any liberal that still beats the drum of wanting more refugees without proper vetting:

If you've ever locked a door in your life, home, car, hotel, etc; stayed behind any gate whether it be at a hotel, in a garage, at home, etc - you're a hypocrite.

You lock doors and build gates not because everyone is dangerous. You did it because you knew that SOME people are dangerous. And in an attempt to keep out that small percentage of dangerous people, you also kept out the safe people.

It's the exact same with the refugees. If you want the refugees here, unvetted, then you should have to remove all security measures you enjoy in your personal life.
Newsflash to any liberal that still beats the drum of wanting more refugees without proper vetting:

If you've ever locked a door in your life, home, car, hotel, etc; stayed behind any gate whether it be at a hotel, in a garage, at home, etc - you're a hypocrite.

You lock doors and build gates not because everyone is dangerous. You did it because you knew that SOME people are dangerous. And in an attempt to keep out that small percentage of dangerous people, you also kept out the safe people.

It's the exact same with the refugees. If you want the refugees here, unvetted, then you should have to remove all security measures you enjoy in your personal life.

I think this is just one of the many things that will cost her.

There are people who just don't effing understand. Mainly those little entitled millennials.

You can't go from 50 to 60 years of serious hard lining American society against Islam and the middle east to NOW force society into a pro-Islam. Are they are out of their GD minds???

Think about about that. Obama has tried to shift the mindset of 300+ Americans within 8 years for Islam.

If I'm Black, I'd be absolutely pissed. America has done more for Islam in 8 years than they have for the Black Community in 60 years.

60 years to shift AMerican minds

8 years to shift AMerican minds
Is DT pandering to black people? Seems like he is if he is addressing their issues.

Did you know Hillary keeps only 1 thing with her all the time, and it just so happens to be hot sauce!

Not medicine for when she passes out, not a cane to help her up stairs, not the secret sauce!

Who is pandering to who?
Muslim bad- from 1950s to 2008

Muslim good 2008-2016

Let that set in. The only way you can shift society of 300 million people to favor Islam within 8 years is through manipulation, baised media, crooked money in bogus foundations funded by perceived enemy, outright fraud, treason. That is the only way to do it.
How effed in the head do you have to be to keep making excuses for Islam? How many more examples do we need from the past 18 months before even the left realizes how this always plays out?

Charlie Hebdo
Paris Attacks
San Bernardino
Orlando night club massacre
Attempted murder at Draw Muhammad Contest
French priest throat slit
Migrant in Germany with a hatchet

Honestly there's so many that it would take me hours to list. Just google the records that wikipedia and has. It's crazy as hell.

I'm sure the men and women in the armed forces who have been fighting Islamic terrorism will be surprised to find out that they've been making a fundamental mistake. They should have been calling them names. Then they'd just roll up and die. Silly soldiers.
I'm sure the men and women in the armed forces who have been fighting Islamic terrorism will be surprised to find out that they've been making a fundamental mistake. They should have been calling them names. Then they'd just roll up and die. Silly soldiers.
What units have you served in? Just curious.
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Here is a thought that perhaps the left and Soro's can answer. If there are 65 million refugees in the world, why give $600 million to organizations to help them and just give each one a million each and let them take care of themselves. Then, give the rest to those Americans who need help instead giving it to organizations like the Clinton foundation or any other organization that will keep over 90%.
The left always seems to be a step or two behind on world events. Romney 4 years ago called Russia a problem, the left's response? "Hey Romney, the 80's want their policies back". Now, Hillary and Barak are talking about the problems Russia is causing and not Islamic Terrorism and illegal immigration that is furthering problems we are now having in which Trump is trying to bring to the forefront. Since Obama has been president the progression of the black work force has regressed for young black men taking steps backwards. Race relations have taken steps backwards also due to Obama's race baiting agenda. Possibly by design to keep the black voter base. The left has been duped, why?
7 days and still not a single answer. Moe, Cardkilla, where yall at?

2 months waiting on a racist trump quote.

1 month at least on how he flip flopped on illegal immigration.

Don't hold your breath.

Here is a thought that perhaps the left and Soro's can answer. If there are 65 million refugees in the world, why give $600 million to organizations to help them and just give each one a million each and let them take care of themselves. Then, give the rest to those Americans who need help instead giving it to organizations like the Clinton foundation or any other organization that will keep over 90%.

Because if he did that, then they wouldnt come here and destabilize our society, which destabilizes our currency, which makes him more uber rich and powerful than he already is.

And they'll vote dem forever and ever, which is what the dems get out of the deal.

If you just help them there, none of this happens. That's why they don't want it
Be sure to not go to a doctor because there were some stories in the media about homeopathy in the 1970s.
Well my point is not all is known about climate change. In 1978 were you saying we needed to take measures to stop global cooling? Thank goodness we didn't take measure then, we would have wasted so much time and resources. Personally I think we are probably globally Luke warming. Nothing as exaggerated as the left wants to portray. The thing is, you have no solutions other than graphs and charts. Your answer is to just give the government money because they can figure it out, or let them make a bunch a regulation. Still no answer, since we all share the same atmosphere , if you plan to invade China to get them to stop, or any other emerging market. How much difference the US alone would make, compared to natural emissions...should we fill in volcanos? I mean every little bit would help, right? Are you going to be upset when Hillary the Hawk continues foreign policy to subsidize oil? I mean the use of that oil contributes.

The reality is, you have no answers...just let the government have control bc they know best.
Good work FBI. They never actually talked to him because he was in jail. lol

And today that idiot Obama tells us we need to come together and have global immigration.
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Letter From 50 Former Officials Urges Trump to Detail Foreign Dealings

"include prominent Republicans such as Michael Chertoff, who led the Department of Homeland Security under President George W. Bush, and Paul D. Wolfowitz, Mr. Bush’s deputy secretary of defense — add that Mr. Trump should “pledge that he will divest himself of his overseas business interests should he win the presidency.” guys wanted to send Chertoff and Wolfowitz to the gd gallows.

Amazing how many establishment R's will allow themselves to be useful idiots forbthe left. How'd that private conversation with a Kennedy go, HW Bush? Not so private, huh? Oh an I'm looking right at you,'s it taste?

Sorry, the people don't give a **** about what you're trying to shovel at us. Soooooo played.
Moe, i pointed out a few pages back that you need to be focusing on global windage. Not climate change. Thank me later
Further....was watching Morning Joe yesterday for the first time in forever lol (Frozen creeps into your conscious with kids)....used to watch a lot before it went from mostly propaganda to all propaganda. I digress.

So when Mika went in to typical DT is hitler type stuff and Joe was asked to explain why the people are favoring him, he shook his head and basically said "I think they are tired of every 4 years you saying their candidate is the devil. You can't say Mitt Romney killed a lady with cancer and Paul Ryan pushed a grandmother in a wheelchair off a cliff and hate everyone constantly without people becoming numb to it. They don't care what you say anymore"

Hear! Hear!
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Letter From 50 Former Officials Urges Trump to Detail Foreign Dealings

"include prominent Republicans such as Michael Chertoff, who led the Department of Homeland Security under President George W. Bush, and Paul D. Wolfowitz, Mr. Bush’s deputy secretary of defense — add that Mr. Trump should “pledge that he will divest himself of his overseas business interests should he win the presidency.”

This is why I like Trump. All these milk toast machine worshipping political puppets hate him because he's not like them.
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