How will they rule ??!

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My apologies if this has already been mentioned, but I found this quote quite succinct...

"If I had a bowl of Skittles and I told you just three would kill you, would you take a handful?" - DT, Jr.
The liberal elites are crucifying him over that quote. Can't compare kids to skittles according to them. Completely missing the point.

I wish I could just ask them how many refugees they plan on taking in their neighborhood?

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The liberal elites are crucifying him over that quote. Can't compare kids to skittles according to them. Completely missing the point.

I wish I could just ask them how many refugees they plan on taking in their neighborhood?

Yeah, I just read, "Trump Jr likens Syrian refugees to poisoned Skittles"

LMAO, he never said 'poisoned'... You could always choke.
So now someone give me a link explaining how skittles are racist.

Also, jesus christ, Cardkilla complains about Trump's "rhetoric" supporting ISIS a day after Obama bombs the Syrian army in support of ISIS. And while he supports a POTUS candidate who was actively involved in supporting, arming and strengthening ISIS.

lol can we talk about this and why it isn't being talked about? What I heard on the news was "oops, our bad. We didn't know who we were bombing".

you guys throw more crap against the wall than your boy DT does. None of the terrorists attacks have come from Syrians, but let's call them killers anyway. I'm also curious how you do extreme vetting on a 6 year old.

Sounds like the constitutionalists on here are a-ok with limiting our rights in the name of 'security'. Is that gonna stop all the white male shootings in this country? That kill more people than those scary mooslims? We should stop importing white people by your alls rationale.

I have never seen such a xenophobic bunch of mouthbreathers in my life. Without bringing in immigrants, this country will fall further behind. There are not enough smart people with 21st century skills in this country. How you gonna replace the retiring workforce? There's already several tech industries that are begging for smart people. They can't fill the jobs without immigration.

And yes, ISIS has used DT's rhetoric to recruit. Their stated goal is to turn Westerners against good Muslims and bring them to their side. I know facts are optional when it comes to DT and his supporters, but it is what it is.

Meanwhile DT's immigration plans and potential trade wars would kill upwards of 5 million jobs. His tax plans will benefit the 1% and cost 4-6 TRILLION dollars. Not a peep though. Trickle down STILL doesn't work, it's been proven over and over and over again.

I have never seen such a xenophobic bunch of mouthbreathers in my life. Without bringing in immigrants, this country will fall further behind. There are not enough smart people with 21st century skills in this country. How you gonna replace the retiring workforce? There's already several tech industries that are begging for smart people. They can't fill the jobs without immigration.

Every single tax idea benefits him and his family. Not you or me.
So, they are all 6 year olds? In bold is just stupid, see Europe. Nothing has been shown to back up that ISIS is using Trump as a recruiting tool. You are a leftist tool for buying that crap. Lemming is as Lemming does.
There are not enough smart people with 21st century skills in this country.


There ain't enough teachers, plumbers, carpenters, etc etc etc etc etc etc etc
Yeah, his logic is to bring in more people who are less educated to do the job.[eyeroll]
I've always said that if the left actually had to live with or around these groups they're always pandering to, they'd sing a different tune.

They don't send their kids to public schools
They don't live in black neighborhoods
They don't live near Muslim migrants
They don't take in Muslim "refugees"
They don't live by Mexicans

But they "care so much."
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I've always said that if the left actually had to live with or around these groups they're always pandering to, they'd sing a different tune.

They don't send their kids to public schools
They don't live in black neighborhoods
They don't live near Muslim migrants
They don't take in Muslim "refugees"
They don't live by Mexicans

But they "care so much."
Heh, my neighborhood is 70% hispanic.
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I've always said that if the left actually had to live with or around these groups they're always pandering to, they'd sing a different tune.

They don't send their kids to public schools
They don't live in black neighborhoods
They don't live near Muslim migrants
They don't take in Muslim "refugees"
They don't live by Mexicans

But they "care so much."
The left includes all of these backgrounds, so not sure what you are saying. Are you just talking about rich, white people?

This is exactly the kind of stereotypes that lives on in Republicans minds. Why would we change our tune by living near blacks, Mexicans, or Muslims? In big cities, we live by all of these people. They are called our neighbors and fellow Americans. When I lived in NY and NJ I rather enjoyed interacting with people who come from different backgrounds and don't have the same skin color as me. I guess I'm just pandering.

Republicans evidently don't interact with anyone other than whites based on the stereotypes and fear they have. If they did they wouldn't act with such hate.

Is DT pandering to black people? Seems like he is if he is addressing their issues.
Cardkilla is so full of shit.

There's no way he's ever lived in a traditionally black neighborhood, muslim migrant community, taken in muslim refugees or lived in a traditionally Hispanic community.

The only one on that list that might be believable would be he couldn't afford to send his kids to private school.
Bush Sr. announces he is voting for HRC and people act shocked. Are people really this misinformed and stupid. She is part of the establishment, he is part of the establishment, Trump is NOT...the math is easy.

It is no secret the Bush's and Clintons have become good friends over the years, and they are both filthy rich, done nothing but be in government and had taxpayers paying for their lifestyle. Why would he NOT vote for her?
Bush Sr. announces he is voting for HRC and people act shocked. Are people really this misinformed and stupid. She is part of the establishment, he is part of the establishment, Trump is NOT...the math is easy.

No that I really care, but...

Bush Sr. didn't announce a damn thing.

He was making it a point to stay out of the race and allegedly told some assclown in confidence he was voting for Clinton. She announced it.

Right. For all we know, it may not even be legit. But we all know how the MSM ran with it. By the way, when has the MSM discussed Obamas brother voting for Trump?

As noted, even if he did announce for Clinton it would make total sense. An old establishment member voting for another old establishment member; and against the man who ended Jebs career.
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The debates are going to be strange.....the verbal sparring will be interesting enough, but Hillary's physical appearance, eyes, stamina, coughing, etc. may be even more telling. She's going to be under intense scrutiny which means she not only has to be up to the verbal sparring, but also pre-occupied with every physical nuance at the same time.

And then, how will the network react if she goes a bit haywire.....will they let the camera run or pan away to give her time to recover? Still won't be shocked if the "pneumonia" forces her to cancel her appearance.
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The debates are going to be strange.....the verbal sparring will be interesting enough, but Hillary's physical appearance, eyes, stamina, coughing, etc. may be even more telling. She's going to be under intense scrutiny which means she not only has to be up to the verbal sparring, but also pre-occupied with every physical nuance at the same time.

And then, how will the network react if she goes a bit haywire.....will they let the camera run or pan away to give her time to recover? Still won't be shocked if the "pneumonia" forces her to cancel her appearance.

I don't think that debate happens. I bet we'll be lucky to see 1 debate. I think for the first time in history we will not have a presidential debate. If she debates him, it will drop her in the polls.

She is a murderer, not a troll. He's gonna troll that ass like she has never been trolled before.

This is bad for her.
Libs celebrate the new poll showing clinton at 50 and trump at 45.'s a 2 candidate poll, not 4; which is beyond stupid.

Of course its already being latched onto by msm, despite the fact it's stupid to not include all 4 candidates.

Surprised Jamo hadn't posted it already
If it's the SnopesMonkey poll, it's an online poll, and shouldn't even be considered. At this point, I'd have to say that it's a tie, late in the third quarter. Somehow, Trump managed to erase a four touchdown lead.