How will they rule ??!

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Obama supporters act like Obama went into the house Rambo style and took out Bin Laden himself.

What president would not have okay'd getting that guy? If anything, this country and the families deserved to see Bin Laden's corpse. But yeah, Obama gets credit for anything perceived as good and if anything bad happened, it's someone else's fault.
I would have made the call too, but there was a lot of pressure involved. The implications of authorizing the raid and him not being there could be enough to make him think twice. From what I understand it wasn't clear that we knew bin Laden would be there. Either way, he gets far too much credit for it, if he wants to blame Bush for anything.
I would have made the call too, but there was a lot of pressure involved. The implications of authorizing the raid and him not being there could be enough to make him think twice. From what I understand it wasn't clear that we knew bin Laden would be there. Either way, he gets far too much credit for it, if he wants to blame Bush for anything.
The Army of Northern Virginia had their eyes on him. They were positive he was there.
The Army of Northern Virginia had their eyes on him. They were positive he was there.
Fair enough, you are probably right. Just from what I remember, I thought there was some doubt. That could be wrong, or more information has come out. I haven't watched any of the movies/documentaries on it so I wasn't completely sure. Just going off my memory of how it happened so may have gotten that detail wrong.
Depends on what you call terrorism


You saw your moment and you took it. There will probably never be another chance to use this joke and pic.

Well done.
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This country needs an enema when it comes to its politicians and media. The corruption and propaganda is so crazy and out of hand.

The fact that we have a media that supports and is in the backpocket of Hillary shows how bad things are. No respectable journalist should ignore Hillary's career of lies and corruption. They would bury her. How this scumbag even got the nominee shows how sick and evil the left is.

Is Trump flawed? Damn right. Is he less dangerous and better than Hillary? No question
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This country needs an enema when it comes to its politicians and media. The corruption and propaganda is so crazy and out of hand.

The fact that we have a media that supports and is in the backpocket of Hillary shows how bad things are. No respectable journalist should ignore Hillary's career of lies and corruption. They would bury her. How this scumbag even got the nominee shows how sick and evil the left is.

Is Trump flawed? Damn right. Is he less dangerous and better than Hillary? No question

Now msm and social media is running wild with trump Jr's skittles analogy; even though it's spot on.

All the cool kids want anonymous, islamic refugees, I guess. If so, then they should have to feed and house them, and be responsible for any wrongs they commit. Sounds fair.
Now msm and social media is running wild with trump Jr's skittles analogy; even though it's spot on.

All the cool kids want anonymous, islamic refugees, I guess. If so, then they should have to feed and house them, and be responsible for any wrongs they commit. Sounds fair.

The Skittles trend on Twitter is why I posted this. Every day there is a leftist trend while they bury the conservative ones.

Never mind that we had yet another Muslim psycho in this country and that we just proved Hillary's IT guy was trying to delete emails intentionally two years ago. Let's talk about an ACCURATE skittles meme.

That's why I hate the left so much. That and the fact that the majority of them are so uninformed on everything.
Fair enough, you are probably right. Just from what I remember, I thought there was some doubt. That could be wrong, or more information has come out. I haven't watched any of the movies/documentaries on it so I wasn't completely sure. Just going off my memory of how it happened so may have gotten that detail wrong.
How do you think the intelligence is gathered that is the basis for the drone strikes? SIGINT has it's limitations and satellite imagery is not enough. Google the Army of Northern Virginia special forces. News Flash! Your government lies/withholds information to serve our purpose. A Delta sniper team had OBL in their sights in 2008 in the Tora Bora area but was ordered to stand down because there was no way to exfiltrate the team. The Army isn't into suicide missions. Oh, this was in Afghanistan, not Pakistan. If you'll recall at the time he was killed the reports all said he'd been in Pakistan all those years.....not true.
Sorry. Been on the golf course all day. Played like a POS. But seriously WTF. If you vote for HRC.... are you part of ISIS?
Yes, a sleeper cell since these people have been asleep at the voting booth lately.
When Hillary says better intelligence and monitoring you can bet your ass she isn't talking about overseas. She's talking about the Govt keeping closer tabs on us.
Exactly, yesterday she said that Trump is basically recruiting ISIS terrorist. Like always, her and Obama do not want to blame radical Islam, they are blaming the right and the deplorable people who actually work and love this country. Once she eliminates the scourge (the right) how is she going to pay for everything. You libs are so dumb sometimes.
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Welp.......looks like Hillary was diagnosed with Parkinson's in 2009.

Surprised no one has replied to your post, Dallas. This is pretty big news. I think it was speculated, but it's getting to be all to a certain now.

She won't win the presidency with that. I doubt she will even do the debates. I'll be shocked if Monday's debates happen.
This is impossible!

If he wasn't so smug, he'd eat his plate of crow. Because it's coming.

I hate effing Parkinson's. Hate it. Deal with a lot of older adults with it (suffering the dementia side of it). There is no way she can run the most elite job in the world with Parkinson's. Especially if she has had it since 2009. Whoa. If that's true. Game over.
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If you're talking about the fake Stonetear post claiming he had a client with Parkinson's, come on guys.

Let's stick to the stuff that's actually real so we don't muddy the waters.

Clinton's IT guy was on reddit asking how to alter emails that were the subject of a Congressional investigation. He asked about changing the email retention policy. He asked how to get a log of IPs that had accessed the server.

Who told him they needed to alter emails? Why did they tell him that? When he realized that wasn't possible in that system, did he use other means to alter the emails? Did they delete emails rather than producing cleaned/altered copies? Why did he need to change the email retention policy? Who told him...
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Jamo never understood anything about this election; I had to place him on Ignore.
You put most people on ignore because you dont like to listen to alternative view points. It scares your world view. It is a very emotional response, very much a timid little woodland creature, who is scared of the world. It is a good thing to have your opinions challenged.

Also, I do find it hilarious when people with no formal education say people dont understand something.
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I find it a bit ironic that the same individuals who have scorned, mocked, ridiculed and blamed the Bush family for over a decade are now celebrating their possible support of Hillary.

You'd think they'd be embarrassed and in denial.
Libs celebrate the new poll showing clinton at 50 and trump at 45.'s a 2 candidate poll, not 4; which is beyond stupid.

Of course its already being latched onto by msm, despite the fact it's stupid to not include all 4 candidates.

Surprised Jamo hadn't posted it already
I know its not First Action News Good Time Reporting Action News or the other prestigious news sources but...

From the birther movement to this, you wonder why people dont take you seriously.

"Hey, HRC and Trump are aliens!" I have video proof that when they shake hands, their thumbs separate just barely an inch.
Counter- "Uhm, no, thats not real."
Counter- "You cant not not prove theyre not from Mars!"
Counterpoint: that ain't Hillary's IT guy. Get real. We have no damn clue, and never will. Much higher chance that's a troll/joke from the e-webs, imho.

Not that it matters, or makes her any less inept as a leader of this country. I'm just tired of all this bullshit that amounts to nothing....

Snowden/wiki been dropping the hammer for a while now. Lmao. Guess what? They won't. Unless they wanna give up stuff (as if they have that...) that will make the local evening news, nothing matters. I firmly believe they are just paid media mercenaries, tbh. Ie: Snowden's lil journalism company or whatever is wack af and 10000% establishment. These guys are bought, too. I'll change my tune when/if they do something that amounts to shit.
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you guys throw more crap against the wall than your boy DT does. None of the terrorists attacks have come from Syrians, but let's call them killers anyway. I'm also curious how you do extreme vetting on a 6 year old.

Sounds like the constitutionalists on here are a-ok with limiting our rights in the name of 'security'. Is that gonna stop all the white male shootings in this country? That kill more people than those scary mooslims? We should stop importing white people by your alls rationale.

I have never seen such a xenophobic bunch of mouthbreathers in my life. Without bringing in immigrants, this country will fall further behind. There are not enough smart people with 21st century skills in this country. How you gonna replace the retiring workforce? There's already several tech industries that are begging for smart people. They can't fill the jobs without immigration.

And yes, ISIS has used DT's rhetoric to recruit. Their stated goal is to turn Westerners against good Muslims and bring them to their side. I know facts are optional when it comes to DT and his supporters, but it is what it is.

Meanwhile DT's immigration plans and potential trade wars would kill upwards of 5 million jobs. His tax plans will benefit the 1% and cost 4-6 TRILLION dollars. Not a peep though. Trickle down STILL doesn't work, it's been proven over and over and over again.

Every single tax idea benefits him and his family. Not you or me.
I know its not First Action News Good Time Reporting Action News or the other prestigious news sources but...

From the birther movement to this, you wonder why people dont take you seriously.

"Hey, HRC and Trump are aliens!" I have video proof that when they shake hands, their thumbs separate just barely an inch.
Counter- "Uhm, no, thats not real."
Counter- "You cant not not prove theyre not from Mars!"
give it up, they are scared of their own shadows. They take AR-15s to Wal-Mart to buy soda cause they skeered. They blame everyone else for their problems. Or their lies. They tell everyone else to take responsibility while doing nothing of the sort. They can't stand the truth. Their leader whines about meanies and the debate moderators.

In one post, Cardkilla says people on the right want to take away Constitutional rights.

In the next post, he mocks people on the right for opposing the abolition of Constitutional rights, and calls them "scared" because they won't give into the fear mongering from the left about people having Constitutional rights.

As I posted yesterday, the delusion it takes to be a Clinton supporter really is mind boggling.
AG loretta lynch is speaking live to my whole damn county of children....

first thing i hear..."we're working with drug companies to address the oxycodone has actually made a new drug, a slower release drug..."


If you've followed this stuff, you know how hilarious that is.

Man f our govt. Kids, don't ever listen to them.
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There are not enough smart people with 21st century skills in this country.


There ain't enough teachers, plumbers, carpenters, etc etc etc etc etc etc etc
Also, jesus christ, Cardkilla complains about Trump's "rhetoric" supporting ISIS a day after Obama bombs the Syrian army in support of ISIS. And while he supports a POTUS candidate who was actively involved in supporting, arming and strengthening ISIS.
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George H W Bush to vote for Hillary.

I mean, can you count how many items in this one paragraph that is sickening & disgusting?

Bush, 92, had intended to stay silent on the White House race between Clinton and Donald Trump, a sign in and of itself of his distaste for the GOP nominee. But his preference for the wife of his own successor, President Bill Clinton, nonetheless became known to a wider audience thanks to Kathleen Hartington Kennedy Townsend, the former Maryland lieutenant governor and daughter of the late Robert F. Kennedy.

frack these self-set up pretend ruling dynasties of Clintons & Bushes & Kennedys. if this were more widely reported it would absolutely have the exact opposite of the intended result.
AG loretta lynch is speaking live to my whole damn county of children....

first thing i hear..."we're working with drug companies to address the oxycodone has actually made a new drug, a slower release drug..."

... slow release Oxycodone is Oxycontin. It's been out for a long time, it's recently been re-released as a generic when they added the abuse deterrent to it. Read that last part again.

You know you used to be able to get 160mg pills of Oxycontin? They had to quit making them b/c of the OD's. Go figure.
They did that shit a few years ago with the crush proof stuff...

At the same time, they also released a new 100mg pill


It's just business. Flood em with product and then also flood them with govt funded treatment. Brilliant business! If street dealers could get into sales and recovery??? Wow.

That's what AG Loretta is mainly taking about... Treatment. Guarantee she will talk about Passport and free healthcare/treatment. Wkyt has a live link of anybody is interested. It's pure bullshit, I turned it off.