How will they rule ??!

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True Muslims are pacifist? Ok. Fine. Show me the true ones and how one tells the difference. It's impossible. Until it's possible, that constantly flow of refugees must be stopped and stopped immediately.

The basic concept of "Normal looks just like radical... right up until it doesn't" seems to have been lost on the left when it comes to Islamic immigration. Scream it at them with a bullhorn, they won't hear it.

The mere idea of cloaked-in-plain-sight, en masse infiltration is just the conspiracy to end all conspiracies.
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Curious, because I wrote a paper about a decade ago about the buildup in the South China Sea and a (potential) coming conflict, but what specific things would you have done regarding this that were not done? IIRC, we ran carrier groups in the area as shows of force, and I would guess that the US was involved (covertly or overtly) in the international ruling that said "no" to a lot of China's claims to the atolls. People like to get all blustery about what they'd do in foreign policy, but then have nothing aside from rhetoric to back it up. What specific, realistic proposals (not "make them know they can't do X," because that's meaningless) would you have enacted? Oftentimes in foreign policy there are just bad choices, and tough talk is just talk.

There has to be at least an appearance that if necessary military force is an option. Not the first or second, but an option. This President has proven over and over that isn't going to happen. The Chinese now know we are tied to the hip to their economy, we like cheap shit. Economic sanctions are off the table.
Without those options we have been effectively declawed on forcing a point.

War in the Pacific is coming, not because of Obama or Trump, but we just allowed the Chinese to build 3 unsinkable aircraft carriers. How long do you think it would take to turn all the factories we've put there into munition producers, not long.
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Tanks and snipers have surrounded a school in Utah due to someone walking in claiming to have a bomb. Zero media coverage.
Give me one two term president that wasn't considered garbage after his 2nd term in the modern area. After you've earned the second term your perception of any president changes. Take a look at ole "fool me once shame on you fool me twice well you're just fooled" his approval rating leaving office was a staggering 22% Obama is currently at 50. Not everything he's done I agree with but he did do one thing we can all agree on and that is ending bin laden.
Oh trust me, Obama has been bad in both terms.
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So much hyperbole and ignorance on all fronts. If this 'terrorist' is scary enough to turn the US into a militarized country, they've already won. People act like this is 9/11 all over again but the fact is this guy couldn't do anything right. Yet here we are cowering in fear again, wanting to limit our freedoms even more, all wrapped up in the American flag.

Freedom of religion, freedom of speech and freedom of press are all on the chopping block and you guys are cheering it on.

If this scares you to that point, maybe you should stay in those rural communities and your suburbs. There were thousands of bombings in the 70s and we somehow survived.

Just shaking my head. Intelligence is a dying value in this country. Which is why I said DT would win the election in July. Sadly I'm going to be right and James Buchanan will be having a party knowing he will no longer be considered the worst president in our history.
As I've said, I have no use for either of these candidates. Terrible choice. But see this below - it explains why I find myself pulling against Hillary. My distaste for HC and, more so, the people who support her > my distaste for Trump and the Trumpers.

This is what we will get the more we vote in these SJW like Clinton and Obama. In America you can protest the flag, anthem and disrupt political rallies as long as you agree with the left but, as soon as you side with the right, you have no rights. Libs on here please wake up. As soon as there are no more conservative leaders in a power position in this country, you will have a more communistic rule and, it would only take one time for you to disagree before you are shut out too. Don't continue to be duped.
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So much hyperbole and ignorance on all fronts. If this 'terrorist' is scary enough to turn the US into a militarized country, they've already won. People act like this is 9/11 all over again but the fact is this guy couldn't do anything right. Yet here we are cowering in fear again, wanting to limit our freedoms even more, all wrapped up in the American flag.

Freedom of religion, freedom of speech and freedom of press are all on the chopping block and you guys are cheering it on.

If this scares you to that point, maybe you should stay in those rural communities and your suburbs. There were thousands of bombings in the 70s and we somehow survived.

Just shaking my head. Intelligence is a dying value in this country. Which is why I said DT would win the election in July. Sadly I'm going to be right and James Buchanan will be having a party knowing he will no longer be considered the worst president in our history.
You say this and then defend and applaud a candidate who supports censorship.
So much hyperbole and ignorance on all fronts. If this 'terrorist' is scary enough to turn the US into a militarized country, they've already won. People act like this is 9/11 all over again but the fact is this guy couldn't do anything right. Yet here we are cowering in fear again, wanting to limit our freedoms even more, all wrapped up in the American flag.

Freedom of religion, freedom of speech and freedom of press are all on the chopping block and you guys are cheering it on.

If this scares you to that point, maybe you should stay in those rural communities and your suburbs. There were thousands of bombings in the 70s and we somehow survived.

Just shaking my head. Intelligence is a dying value in this country. Which is why I said DT would win the election in July. Sadly I'm going to be right and James Buchanan will be having a party knowing he will no longer be considered the worst president in our history.
Well for one thing, it's not just "this terrorist". How many does it take for you to admit there is a problem?
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So much hyperbole and ignorance on all fronts. If this 'terrorist' is scary enough to turn the US into a militarized country, they've already won. People act like this is 9/11 all over again but the fact is this guy couldn't do anything right. Yet here we are cowering in fear again, wanting to limit our freedoms even more, all wrapped up in the American flag.

Freedom of religion, freedom of speech and freedom of press are all on the chopping block and you guys are cheering it on.

If this scares you to that point, maybe you should stay in those rural communities and your suburbs. There were thousands of bombings in the 70s and we somehow survived.

Just shaking my head. Intelligence is a dying value in this country. Which is why I said DT would win the election in July. Sadly I'm going to be right and James Buchanan will be having a party knowing he will no longer be considered the worst president in our history.

Hyperbole is right. But it's all on your end.

Anyone who's ever locked a door doesn't do it because they're scared. They do it because they're smart. Same here.

We don't have to fear radical islam. But we do have to identify it, respect it's danger, and be smart in how we protect ourselves against it.
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hahaha, you actually think Hillary has good foreign policy? At least Donald doesn't kill our troops. What part of taking "millions from your enemies into a bullshit foundation to hide the money" is not making sense to you? You're so full of shit Wall2Boogie.

If you're gonna use that "land found on illegals" then that can be applied to every country except Africa (with the migration out of Africa 150K years ago)

All muslims are terrorist. The ones you don't suspect are just playing a good game.

And you're citing her husband who pretty much put the nail in the U.S economy coffin when he penned NAFTA.
Come on willy, I'm by no means saying she's an expert but I think she knows a little more about it. So many people want the gop to go in a different direction which is fine but I wouldn't start with one who has had nothing to do with politics till now. Hell trump was a Clinton supporter when bill ran. Had Hillary not been a nominee Donald very well could of been on the democratic ticket. Some of the shit Donald gets away with is priceless. I would love to see him tell a county like China to go fu*k themselves. I'll be shocked if this so called wall is ever built if he makes office, and if it does it won't happen till he tries running for a second term. Saying all Muslims are terriosts is an ignorant statement. there are bad apples in all religions. Look at the radicals like the hardcore cathlothics that blow up abortion clinics same damn thing it's about religion so you can't say they are all bad
So much hyperbole and ignorance on all fronts. If this 'terrorist' is scary enough to turn the US into a militarized country, they've already won. People act like this is 9/11 all over again but the fact is this guy couldn't do anything right. Yet here we are cowering in fear again, wanting to limit our freedoms even more, all wrapped up in the American flag.

Freedom of religion, freedom of speech and freedom of press are all on the chopping block and you guys are cheering it on.

If this scares you to that point, maybe you should stay in those rural communities and your suburbs. There were thousands of bombings in the 70s and we somehow survived.

Just shaking my head. Intelligence is a dying value in this country. Which is why I said DT would win the election in July. Sadly I'm going to be right and James Buchanan will be having a party knowing he will no longer be considered the worst president in our history.

It's not this one single act Cardkilla, this is just one more act in a much broader play, and it shows no sign of slowing down.
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There has to be at least an appearance that if necessary military force is an option. Not the first or second, but an option. This President has proven over and over that isn't going to happen. The Chinese now know we are tied to the hip to their economy, we like cheap shit. Economic sanctions are off the table.
Without those options we have been effectively declawed on forcing a point.

War in the Pacific is coming, not because of Obama or Trump, but we just allowed the Chinese to build 3 unsinkable aircraft carriers. How long do you think it would take to turn all the factories we've put there into munition producers, not long.

So we'll have war in the Pacific that is in neither country's best interests because ...? But all I see here is more vague stuff that's not policy, it's bluster. Make sure they know military force is an option for building up a few atolls in the Pacific. Okay, how? Besides shows of force (already done), and continuing to arm Taiwan (done) and support the Philippines (done), what specific things? Does he call Xiaping (or whoever it is now) and say, "Look, if you build anywhere in the South China Sea we're going to __________?" And then, when they do build, do we bomb it with a drone? And China is also economically dependent on the US, and they are facing some economic issues of their own.

Again, what specific steps? What do you do if Obama (or any other president) says we're going to bomb military outposts if they build them, then they build them? 'Cause now you've severely escalated or put yourself in a bind (which Obama did with Syria).
Hillary response to this weekend's terrorism is to defeat Isis.

Trump's is to limit immigration.

Wonder which of these will work?

Hillary's policy reminds me of Sherman saying about Forrest " if he will go to the Ohio River I will give him rations." In other words the fight is where she is not. Defeating Isis does Nada in stopping domestic Islamic extremists.
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"ending bin laden"?

Obama had about as much to do with that as I did.....just fortunate to have it finally happen while he was President. Don't listen to his "I" speech where he announced Bin Laden's death, but read a few unbiased reports of the political positioning and decision making processes where Obama almost let him slip away simply because of potential political repercussions if the engagement went bad. Obama covered his ass so many ways he was at no risk if it failed.

I also bet you Bin Laden's body isn't tossed in the ocean without a single pic if there were any other president in office other than Obama.

Obama gets no GD credit for that. If anything, the tactics used under the Bush administration are what led to his capture/death.

But what I like about Obama is he gets credit for Bin Laden but has nothing to do with anything bad that occurred under him. Ha.
How could anyone continue to be for immigration? It is killing us. These are not productive and assimilated individuals coming over here. The brightest aren't over here. We get third world rodents who replicate the crap hole they just left, their crime, their 10 kids and we all get to pay for it.
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I also bet you Bin Laden's body isn't tossed in the ocean without a single pic if there were any other president in office other than Obama.

Obama gets no GD credit for that. If anything, the tactics used under the Bush administration are what led to his capture/death.

But what I like about Obama is he gets credit for Bin Laden but has nothing to do with anything bad that occurred under him. Ha.
Obama supporters blame Bush for everything bad that's happened during Obama's term but it's Obama who got bin Laden. It's remarkable how that's an accepted view for the left. I'll give him credit for making the decision to authorize the mission but Obama didn't "get bin Laden" in the sense he and his supporters will lead you to believe.
I also bet you Bin Laden's body isn't tossed in the ocean without a single pic if there were any other president in office other than Obama.

Obama gets no GD credit for that. If anything, the tactics used under the Bush administration are what led to his capture/death.

But what I like about Obama is he gets credit for Bin Laden but has nothing to do with anything bad that occurred under him. Ha.
Next thing you know is that morons will start giving credit to Obama for getting us out of the housing crisis of 08-09. SMH...
So we'll have war in the Pacific that is in neither country's best interests because ...? But all I see here is more vague stuff that's not policy, it's bluster. Make sure they know military force is an option for building up a few atolls in the Pacific. Okay, how? Besides shows of force (already done), and continuing to arm Taiwan (done) and support the Philippines (done), what specific things? Does he call Xiaping (or whoever it is now) and say, "Look, if you build anywhere in the South China Sea we're going to __________?" And then, when they do build, do we bomb it with a drone? And China is also economically dependent on the US, and they are facing some economic issues of their own.

Again, what specific steps? What do you do if Obama (or any other president) says we're going to bomb military outposts if they build them, then they build them? 'Cause now you've severely escalated or put yourself in a bind (which Obama did with Syria).

War is profitable bigblue....if you win. That's why Countries have always gone to war, and will continue too. Look at how wealthy the US became after WWII, we got everything Germany and Japan were after, and they started it.

Has this administration shown that's it's going to support allies? We had an agreement with Ukraine that if they turned over nukes we would protect them, that wasn't worth the paper it was written on. Israel pleaded with us not to make a deal with Iran, because Iran wants nothing more than to wipe Israel from the Earth, we sure had their back.
What do you think China is thinking? If we build these military bases that just so happen to be strategically located in main shipping channels, sure the US will bitch and flex, but will they really do anything?

You think this administration would blink an eye if China decided it was time for Taiwan to come home? How big a burr do you think that is in their saddle? They still despise Japan with a passion.

To sum it up, you have to stop something like the islands before it starts. Those are nothing more than a power play. The US has been in control of the Pacific since WWII, China thinks they should be.
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Obama supporters blame Bush for everything bad that's happened during Obama's term but it's Obama who got bin Laden. It's remarkable how that's an accepted view for the left. I'll give him credit for making the decision to authorize the mission but Obama didn't "get bin Laden" in the sense he and his supporters will lead you to believe.

Obama supporters act like Obama went into the house Rambo style and took out Bin Laden himself.

What president would not have okay'd getting that guy? If anything, this country and the families deserved to see Bin Laden's corpse. But yeah, Obama gets credit for anything perceived as good and if anything bad happened, it's someone else's fault.
The left's view of this bombing is completely ridiculous. I saw people on twitter seriously say shit like "yes, this is a bombing, but keep in mind the scale this isn't international terrorism".

What the everliving hell? When did the world go retarded?

Also the newest controversy is Hillary's IT guy going on reddit to learn about bleachbit. How is this real?
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How could anyone continue to be for immigration? It is killing us. These are not productive and assimilated individuals coming over here. The brightest aren't over here. We get third world rodents who replicate the crap hole they just left, their crime, their 10 kids and we all get to pay for it.
You don't understand the Lib mind.
How could anyone continue to be for immigration? It is killing us. These are not productive and assimilated individuals coming over here. The brightest aren't over here. We get third world rodents who replicate the crap hole they just left, their crime, their 10 kids and we all get to pay for it.
At least pressure cooker sales will escalate. Yep, let's bring in another 100,000 or so.
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Sorry. Been on the golf course all day. Played like a POS. But seriously WTF. If you vote for HRC.... are you part of ISIS?
I'm all for strengthening privacy and increasing free speech, gun ownership and freedom of religion of US citizens in response to these terrorist attacks.

I'm also for banning the import of Muslims and poor people from other countries.

That's why I'm never Clinton. Don't want to give up more privacy, freedom and my right to own a gun simply because she wants to import terrorist from other countries.

So, in short, Cardkilla once again shows he's a dumbass.
I'm all for strengthening privacy and increasing free speech, gun ownership and freedom of religion of US citizens in response to these terrorist attacks.

I'm also for banning the import of Muslims and poor people from other countries.

That's why I'm never Clinton. Don't want to give up more privacy, freedom and my right to own a gun simply because she wants to import terrorist from other countries.

So, in short, Cardkilla once again shows he's a dumbass.

If I had my wish he would be at GITMO, which is funny because it is still open which his stupid idol said would be shut down.
I'm all for strengthening privacy and increasing free speech, gun ownership and freedom of religion of US citizens in response to these terrorist attacks.

I'm also for banning the import of Muslims and poor people from other countries.

That's why I'm never Clinton. Don't want to give up more privacy, freedom and my right to own a gun simply because she wants to import terrorist from other countries.

So, in short, Cardkilla once again shows he's a dumbass.

When Hillary says better intelligence and monitoring you can bet your ass she isn't talking about overseas. She's talking about the Govt keeping closer tabs on us.
Only Hillary could have an IT guy that is that stupid. IT guys are supposed to be smart about computers, apparently not this guy.
Come on willy, I'm by no means saying she's an expert but I think she knows a little more about it. So many people want the gop to go in a different direction which is fine but I wouldn't start with one who has had nothing to do with politics till now. Hell trump was a Clinton supporter when bill ran. Had Hillary not been a nominee Donald very well could of been on the democratic ticket. Some of the shit Donald gets away with is priceless. I would love to see him tell a county like China to go fu*k themselves. I'll be shocked if this so called wall is ever built if he makes office, and if it does it won't happen till he tries running for a second term. Saying all Muslims are terriosts is an ignorant statement. there are bad apples in all religions. Look at the radicals like the hardcore cathlothics that blow up abortion clinics same damn thing it's about religion so you can't say they are all bad

When was the last abortion clinic bombing?
I'm wondering how many terrorists have yelled "Jesus Christ" before committing their act of terrorism?

Depends on what you call terrorism
