How will they rule ??!

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There is no amount of liberal brainwashing that will get Americans to believe that muslims aren't unsafe.

The more they push this, the more it will blow up in their face. You can't go from Bush (at war with islam) to Obama (islam is safe) within 8 years and seeing continued islamic attacks and expect American to buy this bullshit.

Americans are stupid, but they aren't THAT stupid.
How does a person hack a voting machine to make sure a certain candidate wins?


You don't have to hack a voting machine, just where the votes are tallied in a centralized location.
I'm not stating that they will, but do you think the media would investigate very deep with the way they've treated the 2 candidates so far?
You gotta admit the 19 yes 19 candidates the gop put up as nominees were awful. Especially Cruz and Rubio. I'm not saying Hillary is the answer either. But if she does win I have no problem with bill in office again. Call him what you want but he has more charisma than that of the Donald which is saying a lot. He left office with a 60% approval rating and the forgotten word surplus. Sure he got a bj in office big deal. Kennedy was nailing everything he could. Point is I can't trust a guy like him whether it's his horrible act on wwe or his I'm better than you personality. Take your pick on stupid shit he's said. Look at my African friend to hottier wives and big hands. He forgot to mention he's a lso the biggest dick.

But you CAN trust a person that has continually shown she will skirt the law to protect herself as an elected official, and then lie about it under oath?
Newest poll: Big Foot +3 over Hillary. I'm not making this shit up...

"Today, the American people agree. A recent NBC News poll found that just 11 percent of Americans say Clinton is honest and trustworthy. To put that in perspective, 14 percent of American voters believe in Bigfoot. In other words, more Americans believe that a large, hairy, hominoid creature inhabits the forest of North America than believe that Hillary Clinton tells the truth."
You gotta admit the 19 yes 19 candidates the gop put up as nominees were awful. Especially Cruz and Rubio. I'm not saying Hillary is the answer either. But if she does win I have no problem with bill in office again. Call him what you want but he has more charisma than that of the Donald which is saying a lot. He left office with a 60% approval rating and the forgotten word surplus. Sure he got a bj in office big deal. Kennedy was nailing everything he could. Point is I can't trust a guy like him whether it's his horrible act on wwe or his I'm better than you personality. Take your pick on stupid shit he's said. Look at my African friend to hottier wives and big hands. He forgot to mention he's a lso the biggest dick.

Lol wow this is full of juicy stuff. Bill has charisma so we'd be good with him?

And noone cared he got a bj. Just dont lie about it under oath. While president of the United States.
But you CAN trust a person that has continually shown she will skirt the law to protect herself as an elected official, and then lie about it under oath?
I never said that I don't think hilldog is the answer either but she's the lesser of two evils. Nor have I made up my mind on who I'm voting for
go quiet .

Or, it may simply be that it's becoming almost impossible to defend Hillary with any rational response. She has no real accomplishments to promote and with each new revelation about her lies and up and waving the white flag may be the only option.
Lol wow this is full of juicy stuff. Bill has charisma so we'd be good with him?

And noone cared he got a bj. Just dont lie about it under oath. While president of the United States.
All I'm saying is he can work a room. When he talks people listen. When trump talks people listen to what dumbass thing he will say next from the Megan Kelly thing to "look at my African friend over there" stay classy Donald
I never said that I don't think hilldog is the answer either but she's the lesser of two evils. Nor have I made up my mind on who I'm voting for

Everyone's entitled to their opinion, but I don't see how you think she's the lesser of 2 evils.

She's a puppet, that's been bought and paid for. She allowed that to happen because she's had one singular goal to be President since the 90's. To me the notion she's been obsessed with being President for 20 years is far scarier than Trump.
Our nation is sliding downhill, it's time to shake up the system and make those in Govt realize that they work for us, we don't live to serve them.
There is absolutely zero reason at this point in time we should be bringing thousands of young Muslim men into the nation. If that offends people, tough shit.
There is no reason we have let illegal immigration get to this point, reps and Dems are to blame, something has to be done, it's going to upset some people, too bad they should've done something sooner, but it's up to us to ensure its fixed.
The middle class is shrinking and wilting on the vine, we all know what is causing that, it's not complicated, those in govt depend on wealthy people to get elected, wealthy people need low cost workers to ensure growth. Something needs to be done to help square the deck for the little guy, so again we're going to have to force a change.
The problem is that people have let politicians get comfy in their seats, it's time to scare them a little.
That ain't Hillary my friend.
Everyone's entitled to their opinion, but I don't see how you think she's the lesser of 2 evils.

She's a puppet, that's been bought and paid for. She allowed that to happen because she's had one singular goal to be President since the 90's. To me the notion she's been obsessed with being President for 20 years is far scarier than Trump.
Our nation is sliding downhill, it's time to shake up the system and make those in Govt realize that they work for us, we don't live to serve them.
There is absolutely zero reason at this point in time we should be bringing thousands of young Muslim men into the nation. If that offends people, tough shit.
There is no reason we have let illegal immigration get to this point, reps and Dems are to blame, something has to be done, it's going to upset some people, too bad they should've done something sooner, but it's up to us to ensure its fixed.
The middle class is shrinking and wilting on the vine, we all know what is causing that, it's not complicated, those in govt depend on wealthy people to get elected, wealthy people need low cost workers to ensure growth. Something needs to be done to help square the deck for the little guy, so again we're going to have to force a change.
The problem is that people have let politicians get comfy in their seats, it's time to scare them a little.
That ain't Hillary my friend.


Couldn't pick just one, they all fit. EXCELLENT POST!
You gotta admit the 19 yes 19 candidates the gop put up as nominees were awful.

Maybe awful candidates, but the GOP field had a few that would have been just fine as presidents - Walker, Kasich, and Christie come to mind. Regardless of policy, they're competent. But awful candidates, even though Christie's thing with Rubio (calling him out for the repeated "Obama knows exactly what he's doing") was one of the top 5 political things I've ever seen. Perfectly accurate, perfectly deadly.

The more they push this, the more it will blow up in their face.

You sly dog.

Everyone's entitled to their opinion, but I don't see how you think she's the lesser of 2 evils.

There is no reason we have let illegal immigration get to this point, reps and Dems are to blame, something has to be done, it's going to upset some people, too bad they should've done something sooner, but it's up to us to ensure its fixed.

Add this to the list of subjects that have become so toxic through politics that it's almost impossible to imagine a solution - immigration, abortion, tax policy, and probably a few others. Internet seems to make it worse.
Working a room means nothing. Obama has charisma and can work rooms, but hes garbage as a President.
Give me one two term president that wasn't considered garbage after his 2nd term in the modern area. After you've earned the second term your perception of any president changes. Take a look at ole "fool me once shame on you fool me twice well you're just fooled" his approval rating leaving office was a staggering 22% Obama is currently at 50. Not everything he's done I agree with but he did do one thing we can all agree on and that is ending bin laden.
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"ending bin laden"?

Obama had about as much to do with that as I did.....just fortunate to have it finally happen while he was President. Don't listen to his "I" speech where he announced Bin Laden's death, but read a few unbiased reports of the political positioning and decision making processes where Obama almost let him slip away simply because of potential political repercussions if the engagement went bad. Obama covered his ass so many ways he was at no risk if it failed.
Everyone's entitled to their opinion, but I don't see how you think she's the lesser of 2 evils.

She's a puppet, that's been bought and paid for. She allowed that to happen because she's had one singular goal to be President since the 90's. To me the notion she's been obsessed with being President for 20 years is far scarier than Trump.
Our nation is sliding downhill, it's time to shake up the system and make those in Govt realize that they work for us, we don't live to serve them.
There is absolutely zero reason at this point in time we should be bringing thousands of young Muslim men into the nation. If that offends people, tough shit.
There is no reason we have let illegal immigration get to this point, reps and Dems are to blame, something has to be done, it's going to upset some people, too bad they should've done something sooner, but it's up to us to ensure its fixed.
The middle class is shrinking and wilting on the vine, we all know what is causing that, it's not complicated, those in govt depend on wealthy people to get elected, wealthy people need low cost workers to ensure growth. Something needs to be done to help square the deck for the little guy, so again we're going to have to force a change.
The problem is that people have let politicians get comfy in their seats, it's time to scare them a little.
That ain't Hillary my friend.
People wanna shake up the political system which is fine but trump knows dick about foreign policy. The first time he feels disrespected he will start a war with his do you know who bs. Build a wall and have Mexico pay for it? Lol I'm dying to hear that stragtic plan. This country was found on illegals. You tell me are you gonna work the fields all day for 5 bucks an hr? Hell no your not. As for the Muslims the true ones are hard working pacifists. You can't lump them all together all religions have radicals and bad people so you have zero argument on that subject. I'm not for everything Hillary stands for either, but I feel a little at ease if she wins knowing her husbands can call the shots when he's not being blown
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W2Boogie I saw the WaPo poll that put him at 58% - that's right up there with Reagan's final numbers. There's no doubt he's popular with a lot of Americans.
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As I've said, I have no use for either of these candidates. Terrible choice. But see this below - it explains why I find myself pulling against Hillary. My distaste for HC and, more so, the people who support her > my distaste for Trump and the Trumpers.

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Looks like death eating a cracker. The only room this dude is working is a life insurance convention.
People wanna shake up the political system which is fine but trump knows dick about foreign policy. The first time he feels disrespected he will start a war with his do you know who bs. Build a wall and have Mexico pay for it? Lol I'm dying to hear that stragtic plan. This country was found on illegals. You tell me are you gonna work the fields all day for 5 bucks an hr? Hell no your not. As for the Muslims the true ones are hard working pacifists. You can't lump them all together all religions have radicals and bad people so you have zero argument on that subject. I'm not for everything Hillary stands for either, but I feel a little at ease if she wins knowing her husbands can call the shots when he's not being blown

You question Trumps foreign policy after 8 years of Obama? Obama has shown over and over he has no clue on foreign policy, how many times has he been bent over by Putin? Iran just got finished with him, Cuba took their turn, and China is building effing military islands in the middle of the South China Sea. When a US President shows weakness the world takes advantage of it.

No, a US worker won't work in the field for $5 an hour, but your short sightedness blinds you of why it's $5 an hour. That's because of ILLEGAL ALIENS. You take them out of the picture and the wage would go up.

No, Mexico isn't going to send Trump a check marked for THE WALL. However, if you threaten to renegotiate NAFTA in terms that would be to Mexico's detriment to pay for the wall, well then they might get a little tougher on their side of the border. It's called negotiating W2B, it's all about having leverage, and our leaders have forgotten that the US has ALL the leverage.
Give me one two term president that wasn't considered garbage after his 2nd term in the modern area. After you've earned the second term your perception of any president changes. Take a look at ole "fool me once shame on you fool me twice well you're just fooled" his approval rating leaving office was a staggering 22% Obama is currently at 50. Not everything he's done I agree with but he did do one thing we can all agree on and that is ending bin laden.

People wanna shake up the political system which is fine but trump knows dick about foreign policy. The first time he feels disrespected he will start a war with his do you know who bs. Build a wall and have Mexico pay for it? Lol I'm dying to hear that stragtic plan. This country was found on illegals. You tell me are you gonna work the fields all day for 5 bucks an hr? Hell no your not. As for the Muslims the true ones are hard working pacifists. You can't lump them all together all religions have radicals and bad people so you have zero argument on that subject. I'm not for everything Hillary stands for either, but I feel a little at ease if she wins knowing her husbands can call the shots when he's not being blown

hahaha, you actually think Hillary has good foreign policy? At least Donald doesn't kill our troops. What part of taking "millions from your enemies into a bullshit foundation to hide the money" is not making sense to you? You're so full of shit Wall2Boogie.

If you're gonna use that "land found on illegals" then that can be applied to every country except Africa (with the migration out of Africa 150K years ago)

All muslims are terrorist. The ones you don't suspect are just playing a good game.

And you're citing her husband who pretty much put the nail in the U.S economy coffin when he penned NAFTA.
Lmao.....Just on the news....

Study finds codeine could be bad for children. Parents, doctors recommend oxycodone instead of codeine for your kids cough/cold.

What in the shit are we doing.
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Lmao.....Just on the news....

Study finds codeine could be bad for children. Parents, doctors recommend oxycodone instead of codeine for your kids cough/cold.

What in the shit are we doing.

Yep, and Fentanyl should be given for allergies
China is building effing military islands in the middle of the South China Sea.

Curious, because I wrote a paper about a decade ago about the buildup in the South China Sea and a (potential) coming conflict, but what specific things would you have done regarding this that were not done? IIRC, we ran carrier groups in the area as shows of force, and I would guess that the US was involved (covertly or overtly) in the international ruling that said "no" to a lot of China's claims to the atolls. People like to get all blustery about what they'd do in foreign policy, but then have nothing aside from rhetoric to back it up. What specific, realistic proposals (not "make them know they can't do X," because that's meaningless) would you have enacted? Oftentimes in foreign policy there are just bad choices, and tough talk is just talk.
Lmao.....Just on the news....

Study finds codeine could be bad for children. Parents, doctors recommend oxycodone instead of codeine for your kids cough/cold.

What in the shit are we doing.

Whatever happened to Vick's vapor rub? Or, like, not codeine and oxycodone? I know there are cases that require more than a menthol chest, but damn. Is consumption back? Will the afflicted have to move out west?
People wanna shake up the political system which is fine but trump knows dick about foreign policy. The first time he feels disrespected he will start a war with his do you know who bs. Build a wall and have Mexico pay for it? Lol I'm dying to hear that stragtic plan. This country was found on illegals. You tell me are you gonna work the fields all day for 5 bucks an hr? Hell no your not. As for the Muslims the true ones are hard working pacifists. You can't lump them all together all religions have radicals and bad people so you have zero argument on that subject. I'm not for everything Hillary stands for either, but I feel a little at ease if she wins knowing her husbands can call the shots when he's not being blown
So you are voting for Bill not Hillary? Is this an end run around the constitution? Seriously curious.
Curious, because I wrote a paper about a decade ago about the buildup in the South China Sea and a (potential) coming conflict, but what specific things would you have done regarding this that were not done?

That's a tough one, because direct military confrontation might very well start WWIII over a few islands not even in our hemisphere. But economic sanctions specifically directed at this aggression coming from multiple countries may deter their some point the Chinese should realize that it's not worth it. But they've always been hard to figure.

Doing nothing but chest thumping isn't going to make a difference.
People wanna shake up the political system which is fine but trump knows dick about foreign policy. The first time he feels disrespected he will start a war with his do you know who bs. Build a wall and have Mexico pay for it? Lol I'm dying to hear that stragtic plan. This country was found on illegals. You tell me are you gonna work the fields all day for 5 bucks an hr? Hell no your not. As for the Muslims the true ones are hard working pacifists. You can't lump them all together all religions have radicals and bad people so you have zero argument on that subject. I'm not for everything Hillary stands for either, but I feel a little at ease if she wins knowing her husbands can call the shots when he's not being blown

No foreign policy experience is better than tons of failed foreign policy.

This country was NOT founded on illegal immigrants. Immigrants and illegal immigrants are not the same thing. Not interchangeable.

True Muslims are pacifist? Ok. Fine. Show me the true ones and how one tells the difference. It's impossible. Until it's possible, that constantly flow of refugees must be stopped and stopped immediately.

Yes bill would be so awesome. Can't wait to sign up for more bank collapses, nafta, I did not have sexual relations with that woman, and I didn't inhale.
I know immigrants helped build this country but have we ever brought thousands here before? Maybe the Chinese to build the railroads but I can't remember other mass groups like that.