How will they rule ??!

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Like Lexington's "non-profit" refugee program that is funded by the state, US dept of Health, US Homeland Sec, US Housing, and Louisville metro...


Can we follow that money? That's a lot of money. Amazing website, too.
there are something like 86 federal housing programs. I know a guy that ran one of them in lexington that lives in a $1.3m house, tmfs.


But how does lexington get all that? Who makes that call?
HUD I guess....I remember about 10 years ago they leveled the old BG Aspendale housing and built new units. When completed the final tally is the govt paid an average of something like $750k for each of the little townhouses. I have read some interesting articles about the Chicago Housing culture. Several of BOs people came from those programs.
Will be interesting to see when Assange drops the hammer. I guess it would make the most sense to at least wait until after the first debate in case she's able to sit in the chair without fainting or seizing, and therefore, declared victor by the media.
Hillary just stood on national TV & proved Trump is the man with the master plan again. She seriously just threw an extreme vetting process.

Next she's gonna propose a great, big, shiny wall. At this rate their policies may end up being identical come election day. He leads, she follows. Rent free. Big league.
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Feel free to link any of those interesting articles if you have them...

On a much, much, much larger scale, I assume the illegal Mexican trade has been extremely lucrative for large cities like Chicago, especially.
Just got back in country to hear of afghan immigrants bombing(exploding) new york. Smfh

Also, learned something interesting while watching an ice carving. 3 foot by 1.5 foot block of ice will take 4-5 hours to melt irregardless of the temperature.. 70 degreea or 90 degrees makes little difference. What matters is how hard the wind is blowing.

Global windage.. moe get on it
Will be interesting to see when Assange drops the hammer. I guess it would make the most sense to at least wait until after the first debate in case she's able to sit in the chair without fainting or seizing, and therefore, declared victor by the media.

Hillary is working with Elon Musk to fix her health problems. Here is the first protege.

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Hopefully people are starting to wise up about this problem. Then again, doubt it.

Trump winning is going to be the biggest middle finger ever raised.
Terror attacks will only help Trump get elected.

That muslim ban sounds pretty f****** great right about now.
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At least 858 immigrants were mistakenly granted citizenship.

Liez, false birthdays, fake addresses... #extremeVettingNOW
"Clinton's health issues last week once again prompted questions about the health of both candidates..."

"The bullshit Clinton releases was more detailed bullshit than the bullshit Trump released, prompting people to ask why Trump hadn't released more detailed bullshit..."

Um, one of the candidates is fainting and seizing on camera while having a doctor at arms length at all times, you morons. That doesn't raise concerns about both candidates' health. That raises concerns about the health of the candidate fainting and having seizures on camera.
Just shocking, SHOCKING, that it takes a random twitter user to show Clinton's IT guy was on Reddit in July 2014, the month when the State Department asked for Clinton's emails, asking if it was possible to strip/replace a "Very VIP's" email address on archived emails stored on a server to which he had full access.

I'm sure he was just talking about another one of his very VIP clients who needed to obstruct justice.
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Just shocking, SHOCKING, that it takes a random twitter user to show Clinton's IT guy was on Reddit in July 2014, the month when the State Department asked for Clinton's emails, asking if it was possible to strip/replace a "Very VIP's" email address on archived emails stored on a server to which he had full access.

I'm sure he was just talking about another one of his very VIP clients who needed to obstruct justice.

LOL boy the fbi really put tons of effort into this case huh. Bested by a random twitter user with 2k followers.
It is bad enough the Clintons had to pay off Loretta Lynch and the FBI, now, they have to pay this person off too. Now no one should wonder what the Clinton Foundation is for.

I'd love to be a fly on the hospital room wall when they give the info to hillary that this has been uncovered.

Between this, the bombing, the slide in the polls, the constant questions over her health; I'm sure she's livid. Like the Hitler meme video, except in real life
I like to go to Reddit, search "Clinton", then organize the posts by Top for the past 24 hours.

Sometimes you end up with great stuff like hundreds of people digging through a guy's post history to uncover all personal identifying information and trying to figure out where he lives, car he drives, names of pets, etc. to prove his identity.

And then you realize the DOJ and FBI know all of that already and still won't do a goddam thing.
I'm not sure how this gives them votes. Shit, if anything, downplaying a severe American threat should cost someone votes.
Not for those on the left, they are Hillary all of the way. Then, letting more in is more votes for them. That, and dead people, dogs, more illegals from other places, people who vote numerous times, etc....Without the cheating it would not even be close.
And just to tie it all together, the IT expert the Clinton's were paying used the exact same username on multiple websites (Reddit, Etsy, etc.) and was asking IT questions on Reddit such as "how to delete an email address in archived emails" and "how to change the automatic email retention policy." Also inquiring on how to get a log of the IP addresses that accessed a server.

I guess sometimes you pay for the lack of moral compass rather than IT knowledge.
Not for those on the left, they are Hillary all of the way. Then, letting more in is more votes for them. That, and dead people, dogs, more illegals from other places, people who vote numerous times, etc....Without the cheating it would not even be close.

With the shenanigans the media and Govt has let them get away with it wouldn't surprise me a bit to see them steal the election. Manipulate the vote count in certain states through a hack per se.
When Anonymous, Wikileaks and internet sleuths turn against you, everything changes. Everything. And it seems to be picking up steam...accelerating.

This election is turning into a main stream media vs. internet exposure battle. It's fascinating, and everything changes from here on out--everything. A few leaks here and there like the celebrity nude releases, Sony, etc.....but nothing like what will emerge over the coming years. Right now it's focused on this election, but regardless of whoever is elected they'll be dodging past leaks for their entire term in office. And this scrutiny will expand to virtually anyone, politician, athlete, celebrity, group, country, business, etc. that's in the spotlight.

I have to believe that right now, hundreds of entities are trying to figure out how to delete entire databases of past emails and correspondences that could come back to haunt them. The challenge is that most of the content exists on at least one or more receiving private servers or laptops making them virtually impossible to delete with certainty.

Fun times indeed.
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You're so right, nothing says "expert political analysis" like "Big_Blue79"

WTF does that have to do with whether this is just a repeat of something debunked a month ago? Or that you were linking to a website called I'm more skeptical of the .net part, really, but I certainly wouldn't go to a hotgas dot anything site from work. And nothing I said was in any way, shape, or form political analysis, nor was it claimed to be. I simply used Google and wondered whether the same type of claim debunked a month ago was legit this time. Thanks, though, I'll add "expert political analysis" to my CV under hobbies, and I'll keep the quotes so they know I'm joking. Someone in HR will appreciate it, and my CV will "accidentally" rise to the "top of the pile."

When Anonymous, Wikileaks and internet sleuths turn against you, everything changes. Everything. And it seems to be picking up steam...accelerating.

Seriously, changes everything. Running for high office sounds terrible, frankly, but then again I'm not sucking the souls of others in a quest for more power.
Just shocking, SHOCKING, that it takes a random twitter user to show Clinton's IT guy was on Reddit in July 2014, the month when the State Department asked for Clinton's emails, asking if it was possible to strip/replace a "Very VIP's" email address on archived emails stored on a server to which he had full access.

I'm sure he was just talking about another one of his very VIP clients who needed to obstruct justice.

Didn't Trump win the primary against sixteen other opponents? How did Hillary do in her primary? Oh that's right, she barely beat a 74-year old communist who combs his hair with a balloon, and then only because she had hundreds of superdelegates (Party Operatives who were secretly working from inside the DNC to support her) whose votes took her over the top.
You gotta admit the 19 yes 19 candidates the gop put up as nominees were awful. Especially Cruz and Rubio. I'm not saying Hillary is the answer either. But if she does win I have no problem with bill in office again. Call him what you want but he has more charisma than that of the Donald which is saying a lot. He left office with a 60% approval rating and the forgotten word surplus. Sure he got a bj in office big deal. Kennedy was nailing everything he could. Point is I can't trust a guy like him whether it's his horrible act on wwe or his I'm better than you personality. Take your pick on stupid shit he's said. Look at my African friend to hottier wives and big hands. He forgot to mention he's a lso the biggest dick.
As dumb as the Clinton camp is with email, you'd think Mr. Stonetear would have sent an email to Clinton, Huma, Sid, etc. along the lines of,

"Just to verify, you all told me to delete any emails including Clinton's name or classified information? Just don't want to delete anything I'm not supposed to delete."

Would probably have been worth the risk of suicide.
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Didn't Trump win the primary against sixteen other opponents? How did Hillary do in her primary? Oh that's right, she barely beat a 74-year old communist who combs his hair with a balloon, and then only because she had hundreds of superdelegates (Party Operatives who were secretly working from inside the DNC to support her) whose votes took her over the top.
Btw there's a difference between communism and socialism. Neither is would work in our capitalistic society.
If you have time, read some of the "Comments" section on the story about Hillary's (political) obit.

There's is some absolutely hilarious stuff in there.

Side note: I have long thought that we had some really stupid people posting here (on the liberal side). I now stand corrected as these Huff Po libs make even Moe, Lek, Jamo, et al seem reasonable.
And just to tie it all together, the IT expert the Clinton's were paying used the exact same username on multiple websites (Reddit, Etsy, etc.) and was asking IT questions on Reddit such as "how to delete an email address in archived emails" and "how to change the automatic email retention policy." Also inquiring on how to get a log of the IP addresses that accessed a server.

I guess sometimes you pay for the lack of moral compass rather than IT knowledge.

We have an old saying within IT circles: Server logs tell no lies unless you are the administrator. IP address access logs are basic stuff. This, ahem, IT expert sounds like a total beginner.