How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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I wish Tucker would leave and join either OANN or Newsmax, both are much better options than Fox news. Fox news is Not even a shadow of them former selves.
Yep. I am done with Fox News as well. After that cluster fvck with Newt on outnumbered followed by Chris Wallace awful debate performance, then all of Fox was defending Wallace, I cut them out of my life.

Any msm calling this a super spreader event?
These are some of the worst members of our society and they are involved in some of our most important institutions. For example this lady below teaches at a private university that claims to be "very conservative". It is located in East Tennessee and is a Christian university, associated with one of the most fundamental pentecostal denominations.

This professor was voted Professor of the Year and is a flaming feminist, Trump hater and activist. She took this selfie at the 2016 women's march in D.C. I would imagine 99% of the parents who send their children to this school would be appalled of her actions. But there she is and the administration praises her.

Need to take Tucker, Ingram, Waters, Gutfeld
That would be a home run for the networks, both OANN and Newsmax. As they gain in strength their finances will grow and they should be able to hire a few away. I would go for Tucker first and add others as the audience grows. That Foursome would be awesome and really put a dent in Fox. A hit they deserve

I have seen quite a few ex-Fox faces on these networks and it is refreshing.
Brian Kilmeade had a guy on his radio show a week or so ago who is on the commission. Typical RINO. Said that the comm. picks the venues and moderators. The campaigns have no say in it. Totally surprised me....I have always thought it was a negotiation between each campaign and the comm.

“You agreed to these rules!”
This kind of summarizes the Covid argument in a nutshell.....

The public image of the Villages is a little misleading as most of America thinks it is nothing but an old timers retirement center. It is much more than that.

There are more than 3,200 students in the little village. They have excellent charter schools and their high school has a 99% graduation rate and scores are above the state average.


Apparently neither the Russian or the hacking angle is polling well. So now they're probing this fraud angle. If course the Bidens don't have to actually defend themselves. They coordinate with msm to do it for them.

This kind of summarizes the Covid argument in a nutshell.....

Anytime I see a person refusing to wear a mask it's an older person. I thought that odd but after talking to people it made sense. Look at all the much more deadly diseases they lived through with no mask, no lockdown, etc.

For us this is new. But they've been through it before a few times and lived. Without mask mandates

Apparently neither the Russian or the hacking angle is polling well. So now they're probing this fraud angle. If course the Bidens don't have to actually defend themselves. They coordinate with msm to do it for them.

Anytime I see a person refusing to wear a mask it's an older person. I thought that odd but after talking to people it made sense. Look at all the much more deadly diseases they lived through with no mask, no lockdown, etc.

For us this is new. But they've been through it before a few times and lived. Without mask mandates
I was 12 years old when they came up with a polio vaccine. Polio was feared and a horrible disease but at no time did America react they way society does today. We lived our life, dad went to work and mom raised the family. Schools were not closed and nobody wore a mask. We survived and moved forward.

Most important it did not become a political disease. Nobody blamed the president when the girl across the street died while in an iron lung. This is a different generation and fear rules. Everything turns into politics when socialism is allowed to flourish and controls one political party.
It’s absolutely equal. Which law is in place that prevents equality?

Remember, verifiable inequality, not something based on feelings.

This is what they mean by equality.

What they don't understand is all their arguments are as ridiculous as this one,...they (the leftist idiots who post here) are just capable of understanding how stupid this one is because of their familiarity with sports.

This is a very interesting question. The clintons are already too old and toxic to be the face of anything. Pelosi, Schumer, Bernie, and the other older guard will just be even older or dead. Kamala is unlikeable and can't even win a primary.

Michelle I think is the best option for them. Otherwise I don't see anyone in the bullpen. Based on demographics (ie latinos reproducing like crazy) there may be a push for a Hispanic rising star
Cardi B. Has been taking an interest in Politics. Maybe She will start the WAP party.

Apparently neither the Russian or the hacking angle is polling well. So now they're probing this fraud angle. If course the Bidens don't have to actually defend themselves. They coordinate with msm to do it for them.

Anytime I see a person refusing to wear a mask it's an older person. I thought that odd but after talking to people it made sense. Look at all the much more deadly diseases they lived through with no mask, no lockdown, etc.

For us this is new. But they've been through it before a few times and lived. Without mask mandates

Is it even about the other “deadly diseases” they’ve lived through, or just the amount of bullshit they’ve heard spewed over and over throughout their lifetimes and they aren’t gullible dumbasses anymore?
MIA. So I got curious as to what happened to a few posters that were here LeadBelly, NW50, 420bro, and all his other names?

Any msm calling this a super spreader event?
“Super-Spreader” is the new DNC buzzword. I bet there could be one of those montages to prove it. I accidentally left the TV on NBC when we ran out to do some errands yesterday. I was checking the score of the UofL game. Anyway, when we got home the National News was in and they were doing this big segment on Trump rally’s being these big “super-spreader” events all over the country. Zero mention of protests. Zero mention of the women’s march. Even mentioned Vernon Jones crowd surfing as problematic. They refuse to apply their standards equally.
This is such a dumb argument. (Not you per se, but the argument that women aren't treated equally.) Take the "wage gap" as an example. Businesses are always trying to lower their labor costs. IF it were true that women made 20% less than men, then ALL businesses would replace ALL male employees with females. There are more arguments on this topic, but this one sums it up so well.

The "pink tax" has been debunked countless times too.

This is a bunch of ppl with too much time on their hands and looking for an excuse to be upset. Sigh ...
Equality = special treatment now. That’s the way it’s been for a few years. This doesn’t pertain to just women, but everything other than your white male.

We have laws against discriminating and affirmative action, and most businesses are so afraid of not appearing woke and facing law suit that they bend over backwards to accommodate that crowd. Plus the point you make is a great one. But common sense isn’t prevalent in 2020.

Colleges are graduating more women, accepting minorities (minus Asians) over whites who are more qualified, and still complain about “equality” and “fairness”.

Just like racism and sexual preference, equality is another term that has had its meaning changed by the woke crowd. In their minds equality means more special rights.