How will they rule ??!

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Didn't feel like going back pages....but didn't your Mom have it too? She works still but Dad's retired?
If so, how is she?
Yeah dad is disabled now. Was a farmer for 50+ years prior. Mom had zero issues except a short term loss of smell and taste and a little fatigue. They’re both doing good now. Thank you for asking sir.
Need to take Tucker, Ingram, Waters, Gutfeld
They could build a ratings machine. Then funnel that money into other media ventures, movies, documentaries and such. Build their own conservative movie studios, put people like James Woods and a John Voight back to work. They could build an entire counter culture to the radical left Hollywood. people really do this?

They could build a ratings machine. Then funnel that money into other media ventures, movies, documentaries and such. Build their own conservative movie studios, put people like James Woods and a John Voight back to work. They could build an entire counter culture to the radical left Hollywood.

Just finished watching Ray Donovan.. Jon Voight was awesome in his part..
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Every POTUS gets their challenges, some handle it well, others not so great. Maybe had Trump attacked the problem instead of trying to make a public health crisis political by attacking Democratic governors and mayors while being silent about GOP governors doing the same... you see Trump always want to blame others for bad news even when bad news is sometimes the fault of nature. He is his own worst enemy.

I remember Trump attacking China, and getting blowback. I remember Trump shutting down the border and travel from other countries and getting blowback. I remember Trump wanting to unshackle the bio-pharma industry and federal health agencies and getting blowback...

You're right that nothing can be done about naturally occurring events, which is why the strategy of the shutdown and hide until after the election was always curious to me.

The shutdown agenda would never have come about under any other President, everybody knows it. Not just any other lib President but any other Swamp Rhino Globalist President too. Jeb Bush, Mitt Romney, etc...

How exactly does one attack a new virus? Aids is still wreaking havoc throughout the world and all the science, medicine, pharma, etc industries of the developed world have had 40 years to figure it out.

What exactly was Trump going to do in 6 weeks, 6 months to this virus?

Well, social distance and masks help flatten the curve and overflooding the hospitals.

The hospitals and health care system have been overflooded for decades, if the ultimate goal is to help that issue out, we would be focusing on Heart disease, diabetes, obesity because I reckon those 3 things and the numerous issues that spawn from them are why hospitals and the health care system are overworked and have little room left for epidemic and pandemic events.

The fact the health care system couldn't handle a pandemic event was a long time coming due to many other health issues that have stacked up over 50-60 years...that isn't on Trump or folks who don't want to wear a mask...
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“Super-Spreader” is the new DNC buzzword. I bet there could be one of those montages to prove it. I accidentally left the TV on NBC when we ran out to do some errands yesterday. I was checking the score of the UofL game. Anyway, when we got home the National News was in and they were doing this big segment on Trump rally’s being these big “super-spreader” events all over the country. Zero mention of protests. Zero mention of the women’s march. Even mentioned Vernon Jones crowd surfing as problematic. They refuse to apply their standards equally.
And if Biden wins I hope every single one of these women marching becomes unemployed. They'll be in the unemployment line but thank God that they still won't be "offended" by Trump.
Equality = special treatment now. That’s the way it’s been for a few years. This doesn’t pertain to just women, but everything other than your white male.

We have laws against discriminating and affirmative action, and most businesses are so afraid of not appearing woke and facing law suit that they bend over backwards to accommodate that crowd. Plus the point you make is a great one. But common sense isn’t prevalent in 2020.

Colleges are graduating more women, accepting minorities (minus Asians) over whites who are more qualified, and still complain about “equality” and “fairness”.

Just like racism and sexual preference, equality is another term that has had its meaning changed by the woke crowd. In their minds equality means more special rights.
And it's all about making White Males extinct from this country. It's been the plan since LBJ was in office.
Of course maybe they do want WMs to be their mind 2 lesbians can have kids. Right?
And how many times have you heard the " I don't need a man" from these angry women? We'll see about that when you need your car serviced, grass mowed, plumbing and/or A/C repaired and dead rodents removed from the house. If men would stop helping women like this things would change in a hurry.
This is a very interesting question. The clintons are already too old and toxic to be the face of anything. Pelosi, Schumer, Bernie, and the other older guard will just be even older or dead. Kamala is unlikeable and can't even win a primary.

Michelle I think is the best option for them. Otherwise I don't see anyone in the bullpen. Based on demographics (ie latinos reproducing like crazy) there may be a push for a Hispanic rising star

I'm banking on another loss to Trump, and loss of even just a couple of seats on the hill will force actual democrats to banish the shrill fringe characters of their party and renounce the shit house rat crazy ideologies and rhetoric that they've been spreading.

I'm not worried about Michelle, because Joe losing means the Obama machine is done. It's not radical enough for the fringe to rally behind, but not appealing enough to the common blue-collar/working/moderate/independent everyday people that care about economics, law, and order, national security.

The gains into black and Latino communities that appear to be coming, even if it is just minimal, will change the game. Voting blocks aren't temp workers who moonlight.

They will not vote Trump and GOP on the hill this election cycle, and then go right back to the left.

The black and Hispanic rising stars are on the right, GOP would be wise to seize upon the momentum and start propping them up.
Of course maybe they do want WMs to be their mind 2 lesbians can have kids. Right?
I read an article a few years back in some magazine while waiting for a haircut. The article was about the future world without men. The plan was to develop a giant sperm bank and select women only through insemination. Something similar to the way we produce cattle.

The male gender would be eliminated which sounds a lot like a book I had to read in high school, Brave New World by Huxley. At the time it sounded far out crazy but now some of it is main stream.
I'm banking on another loss to Trump, and loss of even just a couple of seats on the hill will force actual democrats to banish the shrill fringe characters of their party and renounce the shit house rat crazy ideologies and rhetoric that they've been spreading.

I'm not worried about Michelle, because Joe losing means the Obama machine is done. It's not radical enough for the fringe to rally behind, but not appealing enough to the common blue-collar/working/moderate/independent everyday people that care about economics, law, and order, national security.

The gains into black and Latino communities that appear to be coming, even if it is just minimal, will change the game. Voting blocks aren't temp workers who moonlight.

They will not vote Trump and GOP on the hill this election cycle, and then go right back to the left.

The black and Hispanic rising stars are on the right, GOP would be wise to seize upon the momentum and start propping them up.

Could be. But imo Biden was just their cannon fodder this election as they had no expectations of winning. They wanted to protect Michelle and others as trump was unbeatable. Then covid struck and they saw their opportunity.

I agree it looks like all the minority rising stars are in the right. Will be interesting to see what the left does if they lose
The bottom message of that sign is contradictory which shows what fools those kids are.

"Something (can't read first word) for socialism and liberation

Liberation from what? An easier life? They would not have what they do now if it were not for capitalism. Exchange student these little know-it-all's to a socialist country like cuba or venezuela for a year without being able to come home until after that year and see how they feel.
If Biden wins it will be neverending hell unleashed on any trump alley and especially the Trumps themselves

This will definitely happen. How dare anyone try to expose the corruption of the Swamp. And while this is being done, all of the sheep will celebrate in the streets, and their Swamp Creature masters will be cackling in their mansions at how easily the sheep are manipulated.
Close, but I don’t think Nancy would be Veep. I think it would be Michelle Obama with eyes on 2024 or 2028. She/he is young enough that they can work that angle to keep power. Pelosi will die of alcohol poisoning long before then.
True.... also Pelosi is 81 and only somewhat more mentally alert than ole Joe. Plus, for all of her many faults, she is clearly opposed and frankly afraid of the emerging younger progressive wing of the Democratic Party. Assuming the Dims retain control of the House, it will be interesting to see how much longer she will be House Speaker.
Liberation to them is basically freedom not to work, not to have a boss, not to generate profit. Socialist "freedom" is freedom to serve the party, to do what they tell you.

It's a bs philosophy made for mediocre people, by mediocre people. College these days is just an indoctrination factory, people aren't smart enough to be there so they are "taught" BS ideology, then those idiots just go teach what they "learned" to impressionable highschoolers like the gyero moron Vern whatever his name was that popped in to this thread.

If they were teaching my children this and they came spouting that nonsense to me I'd put morons like Vern in the hospital.