How will they rule ??!

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This is just a sad illustration of the secular liberal progressive inculcation of our young people in our public education system. That is all...
True.... also Pelosi is 81 and only somewhat more mentally alert than ole Joe. Plus, for all of her many faults, she is clearly opposed and frankly afraid of the emerging younger progressive wing of the Democratic Party. Assuming the Dims retain control of the House, it will be interesting to see how much longer she will be House Speaker.
I think the ultra-crazy wing is happy to keep her in as speaker. They have proven that they can control her and she remains the face, meaning she takes the face punches while the squad doesnt.
Why would he cancel when the moderator is in his pocket and will just be pushing any attempt by Trump to bring up the mess with Hunter as a “Russian disinformation campaign”.

Agree 100%. If any of these debates were moderated by a known Republican who had worked with other Republican candidates in the past, Biden would not attend a single one of them. It would be excuse after excuse. We already see how the top Democrats lose their minds when any media member even pushes back a little bit. If Biden faced one press conference like Trump does on a daily basis, he would be ranting and raving about how everyone is a dog faced pony soldier Republican apologist.
This will definitely happen. How dare anyone try to expose the corruption of the Swamp. And while this is being done, all of the sheep will celebrate in the streets, and their Swamp Creature masters will be cackling in their mansions at how easily the sheep are manipulated.

Honestly if I'm Trump and his family, I would watch this election from my private plane. I'd just not even return if he loses. It'll be the collision witch hunt x 100 and empowered by libs/globalists wanting to send a message.

Same thing if I'm rudy, flynn, barr, etc.
Liberation to them is basically freedom not to work, not to have a boss, not to generate profit. Socialist "freedom" is freedom to serve the party, to do what they tell you.

It's a bs philosophy made for mediocre people, by mediocre people. College these days is just an indoctrination factory, people aren't smart enough to be there so they are "taught" BS ideology, then those idiots just go teach what they "learned" to impressionable highschoolers like the gyero moron Vern whatever his name was that popped in to this thread.

If they were teaching my children this and they came spouting that nonsense to me I'd put morons like Vern in the hospital.
Problem with that thought process is that if they get their way, they will have to work hard to have a lot less than they have now.
here is what's wrong with the world. Who in their right mind lets an 8 year old make life changing decisions/ choices ? At one time parents were held accountable for their children's actions until they were 18 yrs old. Is that not true anymore. Most kids at 8 years old cannot pick what flavor ice cream they like yet they want us to believe this crap...Our world is full of these ****ing idiots...I guess if abortion never changes, these types of people will eventually be gone as it's their kind that believe in abortion...

Parent of transgender child questions Biden on trans rights
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I think every Sunday @ 5 Lara Trump hosts this on Facebook live. I've been looking where I can catch an episode of a similar feed by that good 'catholic' Joe Biden, hosted by his DIL (is Hunter still married to his dead brother's wife, or is he just screwing around now?)....but I can't find it.

Joe Biden: 8-year-olds should be able to decide they’re transgender … ’zero discrimination’
The Democrat presidential candidate promised to change transgender laws and eliminate 'every' Trump administration executive order.
Fri Oct 16, 2020 - 5:21 pm EST

By Calvin Freiburger
October 16, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) – Democrat presidential nominee Joe Biden came out in favor of reinforcing gender confusion in children as young as eight years old, and for eliminating “every” executive order President Donald Trump has signed related to transgenderism.
The declaration came during ABC’s Biden town hall Thursday evening, in response to an audience question:

“I’m the proud mom of two girls, 8 and 10. My youngest daughter is transgender,” Mieke Haeck began. “The Trump administration has attacked the rights of transgender people, banning them from military service, weakening non-discrimination protections, and even removing the word transgender from some government websites. How will you, as president, reverse this dangerous and discriminatory agenda and ensure that the lives and rights of LGBTQ people are protected under U.S. law?”
“I will flat out just change the law,” Biden answered. “Every -- eliminate those executive orders, number one.”
He then told an alleged story from his youth, about his father explaining to him the sight of two men kissing in Wilmington, Delaware with “It’s simple. They love each other.” Biden has used the anecdote in speeches for years, despite lingering doubts about the plausibility of two men kissing in a crowded public place at a time and place where homosexuality was illegal, or that, as writer Alex Griswold wrote in 2015, “Biden was so touched by his father’s insanely prescient approval of homosexuality… he went on to oppose gay marriage for nearly his entire career, right up to the exact moment public opinion flipped?”
“The idea that an 8-year-old child or a 10-year-old child decides, ‘you know I decided I want to be transgender, that's what I think I'd like to be, it would make my life a lot easier’ – There should be zero discrimination,” Biden continued. I promise you there is no reason to suggest that there should be any right denied your daughter … that your other daughter has a right to be and do. None, zero.”
The public image of the Villages is a little misleading as most of America thinks it is nothing but an old timers retirement center. It is much more than that.

There are more than 3,200 students in the little village. They have excellent charter schools and their high school has a 99% graduation rate and scores are above the state average.

Those are the kids of those that work there as I understand.
Joe Biden: 8-year-olds should be able to decide they’re transgender … ’zero discrimination’
Fvck that. These nut jobs are either about control of fear. If an 8 year old child gets a sex change, that’s because the parents wanted them to get a sex change. They care more about being PC or not appearing transphobic than they do about their child’s health and development. It should be considered straight up child abuse.

Of course the same people call 25 year olds children and women sir... so maybe they could plead insanity.
Joe Biden: 8-year-olds should be able to decide they’re transgender … ’zero discrimination’
The Democrat presidential candidate promised to change transgender laws and eliminate 'every' Trump administration executive order.
Fri Oct 16, 2020 - 5:21 pm EST

By Calvin Freiburger
October 16, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) – Democrat presidential nominee Joe Biden came out in favor of reinforcing gender confusion in children as young as eight years old, and for eliminating “every” executive order President Donald Trump has signed related to transgenderism.
The declaration came during ABC’s Biden town hall Thursday evening, in response to an audience question:

“I’m the proud mom of two girls, 8 and 10. My youngest daughter is transgender,” Mieke Haeck began. “The Trump administration has attacked the rights of transgender people, banning them from military service, weakening non-discrimination protections, and even removing the word transgender from some government websites. How will you, as president, reverse this dangerous and discriminatory agenda and ensure that the lives and rights of LGBTQ people are protected under U.S. law?”
“I will flat out just change the law,” Biden answered. “Every -- eliminate those executive orders, number one.”
He then told an alleged story from his youth, about his father explaining to him the sight of two men kissing in Wilmington, Delaware with “It’s simple. They love each other.” Biden has used the anecdote in speeches for years, despite lingering doubts about the plausibility of two men kissing in a crowded public place at a time and place where homosexuality was illegal, or that, as writer Alex Griswold wrote in 2015, “Biden was so touched by his father’s insanely prescient approval of homosexuality… he went on to oppose gay marriage for nearly his entire career, right up to the exact moment public opinion flipped?”
“The idea that an 8-year-old child or a 10-year-old child decides, ‘you know I decided I want to be transgender, that's what I think I'd like to be, it would make my life a lot easier’ – There should be zero discrimination,” Biden continued. I promise you there is no reason to suggest that there should be any right denied your daughter … that your other daughter has a right to be and do. None, zero.”
That lady that asked the question, who is the mother, wife of a big Dem operative in Pa......was a weirdo.
Joe Biden: 8-year-olds should be able to decide they’re transgender … ’zero discrimination’
The Democrat presidential candidate promised to change transgender laws and eliminate 'every' Trump administration executive order.
Fri Oct 16, 2020 - 5:21 pm EST

By Calvin Freiburger
October 16, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) – Democrat presidential nominee Joe Biden came out in favor of reinforcing gender confusion in children as young as eight years old, and for eliminating “every” executive order President Donald Trump has signed related to transgenderism.
The declaration came during ABC’s Biden town hall Thursday evening, in response to an audience question:

“I’m the proud mom of two girls, 8 and 10. My youngest daughter is transgender,” Mieke Haeck began. “The Trump administration has attacked the rights of transgender people, banning them from military service, weakening non-discrimination protections, and even removing the word transgender from some government websites. How will you, as president, reverse this dangerous and discriminatory agenda and ensure that the lives and rights of LGBTQ people are protected under U.S. law?”
“I will flat out just change the law,” Biden answered. “Every -- eliminate those executive orders, number one.”
He then told an alleged story from his youth, about his father explaining to him the sight of two men kissing in Wilmington, Delaware with “It’s simple. They love each other.” Biden has used the anecdote in speeches for years, despite lingering doubts about the plausibility of two men kissing in a crowded public place at a time and place where homosexuality was illegal, or that, as writer Alex Griswold wrote in 2015, “Biden was so touched by his father’s insanely prescient approval of homosexuality… he went on to oppose gay marriage for nearly his entire career, right up to the exact moment public opinion flipped?”
“The idea that an 8-year-old child or a 10-year-old child decides, ‘you know I decided I want to be transgender, that's what I think I'd like to be, it would make my life a lot easier’ – There should be zero discrimination,” Biden continued. I promise you there is no reason to suggest that there should be any right denied your daughter … that your other daughter has a right to be and do. None, zero.”

well thats a gift to Trump. Needs to call him out on that on Twitter and at debate.

Think how monolithic science really is. We know the basics of the scientific method which include the theory having to hold up to scrutiny. Basically if your theory is good enough, you should welcome challenge because it sharpens the thought and idea. Perhaps the theory had a minor flaw exposed by such challenge, and now corrected is law.

Not today and it started with global warming. Anyone challenging it was shouted down and called a science denier. Now it's covid. Next is racism.

Challenges are shouted down, challengers cancelled and now any evidence of such challenge gets deleted and erased.