How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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If they just gave an opinion it wouldnt have merit. They used cold hard factd that can be verified .

And you know their auditing methodology? You know how foundations classify expenses? You know that Republican political operatives are pure as the driven snow, right. Never embellish or shade anything.

What a world that has such neglected angelic figures in it.
Ah, belief in a Golden Age. Now there are parasites sapping our strength from within. People who would betray us. Who have every intent to betray us. Who are betraying us even as we speak. While the intelligentsia dither, our enemies are gaining a foothold. We must act. That is the secret. Act now. Gather together as one. Find the leader who can unite us and save us.

Now there are corporations and CEO's making more money than the high school educated, functional alcoholics that actually do all the work, police are killing all the negroes, people in other countries don't have it as good as we do, we need to welcome them here and pay them to come if we have to, wealth needs to be redistributed, health care needs to be free, only police and security teams have a need for firearms, government offices should be treated as private enterprises. We have found a leader to make our ideological dreams come true.
And you know their auditing methodology? You know how foundations classify expenses? You know that Republican political operatives are pure as the driven snow, right. Never embellish or shade anything.

What a world that has such neglected angelic figures in it.
Are you skipping the part about the tax filings of the foundation?
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Lol, i give up. Moe it either too dumb or too much of a cli ton nut hugger to even comprehend facts.
Now there are corporations and CEO's making more money than the high school educated, functional alcoholics that actually do all the work, police are killing all the negroes, people in other countries don't have it as good as we do, we need to welcome them here and pay them to come if we have to, wealth needs to be redistributed, health care needs to be free, only police and security teams have a need for firearms, government offices should be treated as private enterprises. We have found a leader to make our ideological dreams come true.

Good luck with that.
No. I believe I asked if wossisname was familiar with charitable foundation accounting principles.
You would have to be very familiar with accounting principles to explain how you spent over 6% of your budget on office supplies. Unless your budget was about $100.

And again, why does a "charitable" foundation become involved in an international deal involving uranium? From the evidence at hand, it would seem the "charitable" aspect of the foundation is to merely satisfy a pesky need to qualify for tax exempt status. They actually give out very little money, percentage wise, in the form of charitable grants.
Good luck with that.
Good luck with yours. You based yours on hyperbole. Mine is based in the headlines of the day and the rallying cries of the left.

Both you and Z have a way with words. It's like a cake covered with fondant. It looks all pretty, but when you taste it you are reminded of sugar coated cardboard.

31 votes per billion. It's an fairly large expense to fix a relatively teensy issue. Making it rational is all well and good, but it's reasonable to assume that the GOP pushed the issue for the non-reasonable tweaks they could use. Like purging the voter rolls in Florida. Well, if non-felonious poor were purged in the process, well, you can't make an omelet without breaking some eggs. 537 votes elected George Bush. So, the GOP is not above searching the couch for change, so to speak.

"Voter Fraud" meaning in most cases "them damn minorities who won't vote for our guy."
my feelings on voter ID:
-- I've always thought it should be federalized, not a patchwork. I don't like the idea of presidential elections being affected by state-by-state gamesmanship; the current variation (mail-in voting, etc) already drives me insane
-- It should to be free for everyone. And I'm talking state-funded programs to get people to the office, etc., if they can prove a need. It's much easier to get to a polling station than a DMV, courthouse, etc.
-- It should be available at least one calendar year before the first election for which it would be required. Ideally, it would be two years due to the federal elections.
-- The state should go to incredible lengths to make sure every citizen is aware of the changes and the process. We're talking commercials, mail, everything.

Additionally, it should be a stand-alone intervention. Too many of these state-level bills include changes in voting periods, polling places, etc. Voter ID is a unique issue, in my mind. Should be treated as such.

voting is THE fundamental right in our society (it delineates every other "right" we assert for ourselves). Changing the status quo should be treated with great caution and seriousness.
When like to see Congress propose a simple law straight up with no attachments while implementing your proposals. Bill would be no more than 2 pages if even that. Would be interesting to see who would support and who wouldn't.
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You would have to be very familiar with accounting principles to explain how you spent over 6% of your budget on office supplies. Unless your budget was about $100.

And again, why does a "charitable" foundation become involved in an international deal involving uranium? From the evidence at hand, it would seem the "charitable" aspect of the foundation is to merely satisfy a pesky need to qualify for tax exempt status. They actually give out very little money, percentage wise, in the form of charitable grants.

Most of that 6 percent was for white out.
You would have to be very familiar with accounting principles to explain how you spent over 6% of your budget on office supplies. Unless your budget was about $100.

And again, why does a "charitable" foundation become involved in an international deal involving uranium? From the evidence at hand, it would seem the "charitable" aspect of the foundation is to merely satisfy a pesky need to qualify for tax exempt status. They actually give out very little money, percentage wise, in the form of charitable grants.

Or just very familiar with what the program was.

If you had to bet that the Clinton Foundation was actually involved in the uranium deal, how much would you be comfortable losing?
Or just very familiar with what the program was.

If you had to bet that the Clinton Foundation was actually involved in the uranium deal, how much would you be comfortable losing?
"But the untold story behind that story is one that involves not just the Russian president, but also a former American president and a woman who would like to be the next one.

At the heart of the tale are several men, leaders of the Canadian mining industry, who have been major donors to the charitable endeavors of former President Bill Clinton and his family. Members of that group built, financed and eventually sold off to the Russians a company that would become known as Uranium One.

Beyond mines in Kazakhstan that are among the most lucrative in the world, the sale gave the Russians control of one-fifth of all uranium production capacity in the United States. Since uranium is considered a strategic asset, with implications for national security, the deal had to be approved by a committee composed of representatives from a number of United States government agencies. Among the agencies that eventually signed off was the State Department, then headed by Mr. Clinton’s wife, Hillary Rodham Clinton.

As the Russians gradually assumed control of Uranium One in three separate transactions from 2009 to 2013, Canadian records show, a flow of cash made its way to the Clinton Foundation. Uranium One’s chairman used his family foundation to make four donations totaling $2.35 million. Those contributions were not publicly disclosed by the Clintons, despite an agreement Mrs. Clinton had struck with the Obama White House to publicly identify all donors. Other people with ties to the company made donations as well."

No reason to cite that info, it can be found in many places. I also know that since I can't produce a signed contract between HRC and Putin that there is no absolute proof as far as you're concerned. How much would you be willing to lose if I bet you that you can't prove the foundation wasn't involved?
In his defense though, O'bama did send a strongly worded letter of condemnation for the storm. So there's that.
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If anything, a shitton of emails about the RNC trying to take Trump out.

Fine. Most conservatives on here (and everywhere) can't stand the RNC. Screw them. Perfect opportunity with Trump this year to give them the middle finger too. Would be fine with an overhaul away from the establishment.

See how easy that is to do, Dems? It's refreshing, you should try it. Oh, guys are all voting Gohnson.
There was a time, a long time, when immigrants came to this country with the idea that they were going to work hard and provide a better life for themselves and their families. There were no welfare programs for them to rely on. Those people were taking advantage of America due to its "opportunity" for success. Now we have people pouring in who have no inclination to work and take advantage of America due to its "convenience".
Spot on post. Couldn't have said it any better.