How will they rule ??!

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The fossil fuels that would have to be left in the ground. Coal has declined all on its own since it's more expensive that Ch4.

The energy companies are making money.

The models are already fine.

Since we're at 400ppm and temps have risen 1.4C, your premise is very odd.

We don't really need to continue "Is/Isn't". I understand your position. You're not anti-science. You're just anti-scientist.

1.4 degrees from what? What would it be otherwise? Fact is you don't know why the temps are increasing, but instead of it being natural you've latched onto it's man's fault.

The models have one thing going for them, they're wrong.

I'm not anti-scientist, I just realize they're human. When we want to see or believe something we will. We will read the evidence the way we think, in their mind they're saving the world.
Yeah, but I think there is another point in the absurdity in liberal behavior from her gaff. She obviously didn't mean to say she was going to raise taxes...however, imagine the explosion from msnbc, vox, huffy puffy post, on and on if Trump made that gaff. And they would, they are obsessed about soundbites.
If you say the same things over and over and one day you perhaps misspeak while giving the same speech then those who have paid attention know what you meant. Hell, YOU admit you know what she meant.
Trump has no discipline in his message because he doesn't believe in any message.
He says something new every day and most days he says something stupid or ill advised.
He repeats his gaffs, tries to explain them away usually shooting himself in the foot or completely contradicting what he said sometimes 5 minutes earlier while doing so.
You guys are really, really reaching so very hard. Even people who defend Trump admit he continues to follow stupid comments with more stupid comments. But I guess to people who could watch him shoot someone in the middle of Time Square and still support get what you deserve which will be nothing come election day.

The GOP could have nominated just about anyone else and easily defeated HRC. Hell, I would have voted for most of the GOP candidates over HRC, don't think I could have stomached Cruz but the others were all reasonable alternatives. Trump's one redeeming characteristic is that he is not HRC. Remarkably, he's worse.
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Most of the world is laughing their ass off at the notion of a liberal America. What is liberal in America is moderately conservative in the rest of the western world. That's why it's impossible to talk on this board or anywhere else in this country. My Finnish friends get a nice hearty laugh when I mention you guys.
Did your Finnish friends explain in any depth how tough they are on immigration?
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Your statement "what is liberal in America is moderately conservative in the western world" is generally correct, as long you limit the "western world" to Western Europe, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. There are many democratic nations in the other parts of the world for which your statement would not apply- Eastern Europe, the Caribbean, South America, East Asia. And you are not at all correct when you claim that "most of the world is laughing their ass off at the notion of a liberal America". The world includes a lot of places like Saudi Arabia, China, Russia, and Africa. Are people in those places laughing at the notion of a liberal America? How many gay marriages, for example, have recently taken place in the Middle East? Compared to the world at large, not just Western Europe, yes, on social issues, America is liberal, indeed.
Should have been more specific. But show me where labor party is here in the states? The voice of the workers? Show me that wonderful paid maternity leave? Show me the criticism of the amount of money we spend on military? The lack of money we invest in education. Foreign policy? But yeah gays and abortion. Liberal.
Gd, you, too? Pick up a map.

holy cow

Guys. I've said it before. You want to make a Findland? Let's go. Getchee guns. I'm down. That would truly be awesome, and it's inevitable....not necessarily Finland, but whatever we want to make of it. It will happen eventually. When govt gets shitty, you say F it and build a new one. Right? When checks an balances have failed miserably, when they control the ink, they are attempting to control the guns....well shit, boys? Do you see the writing on the wall? Course not. You can't even read a gd map. You're on this awful earth for not that long, wtf this have to do with me? Got any bath saltz?
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Always tickles me to hear liberals talk about "anti-science." The universe there is always and only global warming, evolution, stem-cell research. That's it. They always want to you to forget about:

  • The heritability of intelligence
  • The existence of fetal pain
  • The distribution of cognitive abilities among the sexes
  • The use of animals in scientific research
  • The use of nuclear power/energy
  • Genetically enhanced food/biotech crops
  • Disfavor of childhood vaccinations
  • Belief in UFOs/extraterrestrials
  • Belief in astrology/fortune telling
In all those matters, Dems are arguably or obviously more "anti-science" than Rs.

As George Will has said - 84% of scientists according to Pew Research believe in anthropomorphic climate change. Are the 16% of scientists who don't "anti-science"?
If you say the same things over and over and one day you perhaps misspeak while giving the same speech then those who have paid attention know what you meant. Hell, YOU admit you know what she meant.
Trump has no discipline in his message because he doesn't believe in any message.
He says something new every day and most days he says something stupid or ill advised.
He repeats his gaffs, tries to explain them away usually shooting himself in the foot or completely contradicting what he said sometimes 5 minutes earlier while doing so.
You guys are really, really reaching so very hard. Even people who defend Trump admit he continues to follow stupid comments with more stupid comments. But I guess to people who could watch him shoot someone in the middle of Time Square and still support get what you deserve which will be nothing come election day.

The GOP could have nominated just about anyone else and easily defeated HRC. Hell, I would have voted for most of the GOP candidates over HRC, don't think I could have stomached Cruz but the others were all reasonable alternatives. Trump's one redeeming characteristic is that he is not HRC. Remarkably, he's worse.

And you know Trump didn't mean assasinate Hillary, in fact he didn't even say that, yet it's being told as that.
You also know he didn't tell the Russians to hack the Government or Hillary, he said they probably had her lost emails, yet once again it was billed as he was asking the Russians to hack the Govt.
If you say the same things over and over and one day you perhaps misspeak while giving the same speech then those who have paid attention know what you meant. Hell, YOU admit you know what she meant.

But Clinton will raise taxes on the middle class. Everyone knows that. The reason her "misspeaking" is funny, is because she finally told the truth for once (and she claims she misspoke in telling the truth).

Just like Obama raised taxes like he said he wouldn't Clinton will do the same like she says she won't (until she says she does).
Gd, you, too? Pick up a map.

holy cow

Guys. I've said it before. You want to make a Findland? Let's go. Getchee guns. I'm down. That would truly be awesome, and it's inevitable....not necessarily Finland, but whatever we want to make of it. It will happen eventually. When govt gets shitty, you say F it and build a new one. Right? When checks an balances have failed miserably, when they control the ink, they are attempting to control the guns....well shit, boys? Do you see the writing on the wall? Course not. You can't even read a gd map. You're on this awful earth for not that long, wtf this have to do with me? Got any bath saltz?

Finland? Man we talking 'bout Finland. C'mon man. I mean it's Finland.

5 million people with 93% of the population being the homogeneous. Their largest immigration demographic comes from Sweden. So an all white country with half the people of New York are laughing at us. And we are supposed to care? If I wanted to go to Finland, I would just go to Maine. Probably about the same.
Did your Finnish friends explain in any depth how tough they are on immigration?
I suspect that Finland has fairly strict immigration policies. I've been there and I would estimate that Helsinki was about 98% white. Granted, that population could include a lot of immigrants from Russia or Sweden, but it clearly much more homogenous than other countries in Scandinavia. I suspect that if immigration to Finland increases, support for so-called far right parties will skyrocket, which is what is happening everywhere else in Scandinavia.
Finland? Man we talking 'bout Finland. C'mon man. I mean it's Finland.

5 million people with 93% of the population being the homogeneous. Their largest immigration demographic comes from Sweden. So an all white country with half the people of New York are laughing at us. And we are supposed to care? If I wanted to go to Finland, I would just go to Maine. Probably about the same.

I suspect our immigration policies are pretty strict, we just don't choose to use them.

Remember when the citizens test was all up in the news years ago? 75% OF AMERICANS CANT PASS COTIZEN TEST!!!?? OMG????? lmao

Maybe there's a problem, guys?

Nahhh no problems, just progress! Forget about problems! Here, bath saltz!!!

It comedic gold but this is real life.

Finland's population is half of New York State? Lmao

Uhhhhh, guys? You wanna just to strong arm rob Finland of their land? Pretty decent solution, imo.
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Btw, the DNC deaths are actually making mainstream news. Heard it in the radio. That's insane, tbh. Bookended heavy by disclaimers and such, but it's out there.
I suspect that Finland has fairly strict immigration policies. I've been there and I would estimate that Helsinki was about 98% white. Granted, that population could include a lot of immigrants from Russia or Sweden, but it clearly much more homogenous than other countries in Scandinavia. I suspect that if immigration to Finland increases, support for so-called far right parties will skyrocket, which is what is happening everywhere else in Scandinavia.

Damn, I didn't realize Finland was so racist.
I suspect our immigration policies are pretty strict, we just don't choose to use them.

Remember when the citizens test was all up in the news years ago? 75% OF AMERICANS CANT PASS COTIZEN TEST!!!?? OMG????? lmao

Maybe there's a problem, guys?

Nahhh no problems, just progress! Forget about problems! Here, bath saltz!!!

It comedic gold but this is real life.

Finland's population is half of New York State? Lmao

Uhhhhh, guys? You wanna just to strong arm rob Finland of their land? Pretty decent solution, imo.
No where did I say America should become more like Finland or that I wanted them too. I'm just saying if you think Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party are to the left of the political spectrum then you need to get out more.
Lmao you ain't too quick when someone turns the tables are you?


This is gd elementary. This is natural instinct shit that you dweebs just can't grasp. It's fundamental. Like nature. The other thing y'all just can't grasp.

Now I'll ask me a question. Lmao

You just eat a badger? Or you only have the one gear?

And you know Trump didn't mean assasinate Hillary, in fact he didn't even say that, yet it's being told as that.
You also know he didn't tell the Russians to hack the Government or Hillary, he said they probably had her lost emails, yet once again it was billed as he was asking the Russians to hack the Govt.
Bill, people who back Trump say it was a stupid, wreckless comment. "If she is elected they won't be able to do anything about...or perhaps they will."

They here are "the second amendment folks" know, the "from my cold dead hands" fame?

Hey Donald, if she is elected your stupid mouth will be one of the major reasons why. Just act like an educated adult that has at least a pittance of common sense. Don't go around calling people names like the punk in middle school who is about to get their ass whipped.

Part of being intelligent is learning from your mistakes. As I've said before, either Trump is purposely trying to sabotage his own campaign, or he's stupid.
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Guess that's why all the worlds great innovations come from Finland.
Nokia? Never said that Finland was a better place to live. Never said we should become Finland. Again it's effin impossible to talk on this board. Simply pointing out that considering Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party liberal is laughable in places like Finland.
10/6/2016 - 4000 days would be 10/24/2005...the folks in New Jersey might disagree with you.
Hurricane Sandy in 2012 was the 2nd costliest hurricane in US history.

Sandy was a category one hurricane when it hit New Jersey. That isn't a major hurricane.
10/6/2016 - 4000 days would be 10/24/2005...the folks in New Jersey might disagree with you.
Hurricane Sandy in 2012 was the 2nd costliest hurricane in US history.

The issue of Atlantic hurricanes is a serious subject of study. One theory was that the increase in energy due to ocean heat content would create more storms. The competing theory was that large cyclonic storms depend upon more factors than simply available energy. The decline in temperature gradient due to warming Arctic waters would make Atlantic hurricanes more rare, So far, that seems to have proved correct. One niche is under study. There is a pool of very cold water just south of Iceland from Greenland melt water. It may produce more northerly storms since it's from that pool of cold water that the required difference in temp gradient would come from. Sandy (it is hypothesized) was that kind of storm.

Pacific storms have a simpler geography and haven't seen the same drop off as Atlantic storms. In fact the strongest cyclones in history -- a succession of them -- have been seen recently.

If you're interested in the science and not just the talking points, it's incredibly easy these days to find.
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If you say the same things over and over and one day you perhaps misspeak while giving the same speech then those who have paid attention know what you meant. Hell, YOU admit you know what she meant.
Trump has no discipline in his message because he doesn't believe in any message.
He says something new every day and most days he says something stupid or ill advised.
He repeats his gaffs, tries to explain them away usually shooting himself in the foot or completely contradicting what he said sometimes 5 minutes earlier while doing so.
You guys are really, really reaching so very hard. Even people who defend Trump admit he continues to follow stupid comments with more stupid comments. But I guess to people who could watch him shoot someone in the middle of Time Square and still support get what you deserve which will be nothing come election day.

The GOP could have nominated just about anyone else and easily defeated HRC. Hell, I would have voted for most of the GOP candidates over HRC, don't think I could have stomached Cruz but the others were all reasonable alternatives. Trump's one redeeming characteristic is that he is not HRC. Remarkably, he's worse.

You are such a liar. Don't think one person here believed that for one second. If Cruz was the candidate you'd be pounding him. If Kasich was the pick you'd be doing the same. You are a partisan hack that follows the democrat machine and it's obvious by your rhetoric.
In gonna laugh when something becomes concrete that the clintons are responsible for murder. Watching their little followers spin it would be great entertainment.

"But trump talks too tough".
Nokia? Never said that Finland was a better place to live. Never said we should become Finland. Again it's effin impossible to talk on this board. Simply pointing out that considering Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party liberal is laughable in places like Finland.

Yes. I don't know why ordinary conversation is impossible.
You are such a liar. Don't think one person here believed that for one second. If Cruz was the candidate you'd be pounding him. If Kasich was the pick you'd be doing the same. You are a partisan hack that follows the democrat machine and it's obvious by your rhetoric.
Nokia? Never said that Finland was a better place to live. Never said we should become Finland. Again it's effin impossible to talk on this board. Simply pointing out that considering Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party liberal is laughable in places like Finland.
And it's laughable to claim hildawg and the lib/dims aren't moving us waaaay far left in comparison to the USA. History. Only lib/dims want to make us more like Europe/Scandinavia.
Bill, people who back Trump say it was a stupid, wreckless comment. "If she is elected they won't be able to do anything about...or perhaps they will."

They here are "the second amendment folks" know, the "from my cold dead hands" fame?

Hey Donald, if she is elected your stupid mouth will be one of the major reasons why. Just act like an educated adult that has at least a pittance of common sense. Don't go around calling people names like the punk in middle school who is about to get their ass whipped.

Part of being intelligent is learning from your mistakes. As I've said before, either Trump is purposely trying to sabotage his own campaign, or he's stupid.

Fuzz, It wasn't reckless, it's only reckless if you think he meant kill Hillary, I think we both agree that's not what he meant.

He was wrong with the Khan comments, he dropped the ball with that, but this is much ado about nothing.

This is getting more air time than another email drop that shows Hillary used her position as SOS in exchange for donations to the Clinton foundation. That is much bigger than this BS about what Trump meant.
You are such a liar. Don't think one person here believed that for one second. If Cruz was the candidate you'd be pounding him. If Kasich was the pick you'd be doing the same. You are a partisan hack that follows the democrat machine and it's obvious by your rhetoric.
Said I couldn't stomach Cruz...would have definitely voted for Kasich just as I did in the primary(caucus) this year.
You think Khan believes the Constitution over rules Sharia law?
To think otherwise would be a disgrace to a Gold Star family. It's amazing how much racism will impede gratitude for American patriots. It's just stupidity to go down that route.
No where did I say America should become more like Finland or that I wanted them too. I'm just saying if you think Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party are to the left of the political spectrum then you need to get out more.


Say what you mean, man.

Just flexing that big brain, huh.

...ok, well, to your point. Duh. Donald is more liberal than Hillary. You're not saying anything. Jkst trying to flex that big brain. your deeper point, that Finland is way more left....first, no. Slow down. Define "left"? No. First, go study a gd map. Alllllll this shit we're dealing with is because we are a bloated ass eneificient, horribly represented way too big for our britches country. We are broken. We need to fix our foundation before we can successfully build something and expect it to stand, not topple, be good, work for the greater good of the people, a system that works as it's intended to, etc...

It's so elementary and "dumb" that you smart ignorant brainwashed mf'ers completely dismiss it just so you can flex that big brain and get all political with your GO TEAM GO shit like the monkeys you watch and imitate. Now call me racists and ask me some rhetorical questions.

Meet me at Fort Boonesborough or wherever and let's just build a more perfect society, ok guys. Finland sucks, tbh. We can do way better.

Idk, I guess some states do have good representation. Like I said, it's a population thing. A habitat thing. You need different political strategies and rules, regulations and shit work according to the needs of that particular habitat, that population.

Just like the BLM says. Get the gd cops from the neighborhood, in the neighborhood. You need the community to work for the community.

We need politicians to represent their communities. They represent Washington. Because Washington pays, I assume. Because it's easier to get out of the local public eye and get that cash. You can have international reach. Worldly deals. Oh my.

It's sickening. Let's just bow to our wordly leaders and congeal into one large massive ball of shit.