How will they rule ??!

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Yup he needs to stop going off script. However, he didn't advocate for Hillarys murder either as the media is already portraying it. The media needed a distraction from a gay hating terrorists father endorsing Hillary.

We're seriously not comparing which candidate has the most disgusting people endorsing them are we?

And i'm 99.9% positive that your and most of this board's reaction would be different if someone from the Dem camp joked that a concerned lib could take care of Trump.
Mateen is himself a very problematic fellow. And, if you don't get it by now, you never will. Blocked!
Instead of blocking and walling off opposing viewpoints you need to learn to embrace them. To challenge your own ideas so that you can learn and grow intelligently instead of living in the dark like a mushroom only allowing yourself to entertain thoughts and ideas that reinforce your already held viewpoints.

You are dumb as a rock, but you don't have to stay that way.
We're seriously not comparing which candidate has the most disgusting people endorsing them are we?

And i'm 99.9% positive that your and most of this board's reaction would be different if someone from the Dem camp joked that a concerned lib could take care of Trump.
If what Trump said was an actual threat then I would 100% disavow it. However, it wasn't.
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Had to stop there. Say what? Please tell me how a tariff is a subsidy? Sure they are both measures used by governments to help domestic companies…but they go about it in a completely different way.

A tariff is a tax on imported goods which drives the price up on the imported product which helps the domestic companies with the higher priced products stay competitive...and the government generates revenue in the process.

A subsidy is a handout. Nothing more…nothing less. It is just the government giving tax payer money to the domestic companies to offset the lack of revenue/profit that they are losing because imports are cheaper for consumers…and this helps them stay competitive in the short term…and sometimes basically keeps them from going out of business. They can be effective in that regard and they can stimulate the domestic economy in the short term, but they generate no revenue for the government in the process. In fact they do the exact opposite…because the government is losing money because it is an expense for the government…they are just handing out tax payer money to the domestic companies. (Given…there are usually stipulations to this handout…but it is still an expense for the government). That's why governments usually choose to go the tariff route.

The downside to tariffs is that it usually drives down consumer consumption because the prices on the products themselves are higher overall…the domestic product price is higher already and the import price is higher because of the tariff added to their price. A subsidy usually keeps consumer consumption higher because there is no added price to the product itself. So, while tariffs do succeed in leveling the playing field for domestic companies…it doesn't always have the desired effect of stimulating the domestic economy…it could in fact have the opposite effect.

Now, we can argue till the cows come home on which one is a better tactic for the feds to use…or if they should use neither and just stay out of the way. But please stop saying that "a tariff IS a subsidy". That's moronic.

Learn Economics 101.

Fine. It's a support. The country as a whole pays for the benefit.
Trump has our taken our politics to an undreamed of level.
Actually your President has done that.

"Punish your enemies"
"If they bring a knife you bring a gun"
"I need to know whose ass to kick"
And lets not even get started on the obama campaign saying Romney was responsible for the death of a cancer paitent.
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The tactics of the left never ceases to amaze me. They're (media) the absolute worst and the hypocrisy knows no end.

I've never seen someone get treated with kid gloves and then seen the other side get attacked on everything no matter how stupid it is. All of Hillary's legitimate scandals are ignored to focus on a Trump sound bite.

The type of people backing Hillary should show you why it's a huge concern for her to get in office. All of the big money d-bags the Dems always claimed to be against are on her side as well as every radical nut. Toss in the fact that she's for open borders and going to try and get rid of the second amendment, you can see who's easily the worst.

Democrats absolutey want to destroy this country. That is evident. Nothing about their policies or platform shows pride, belief in American exceptionalism or that they have the country's best interest.
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Instead of blocking and walling off opposing viewpoints you need to learn to embrace them. To challenge your own ideas so that you can learn and grow intelligently instead of living in the dark like a mushroom only allowing yourself to entertain thoughts and ideas that reinforce your already held viewpoints.

You are dumb as a rock, but you don't have to stay that way.

a bleeding heart liberal just said you should learn to embrace opposing views? just like all those protesters at Trump rallies, and liberal protesters blocking opposing views on college campuses? on and on and on. you are bunch of hypocrites.
Actually your President has done that.

"Punish your enemies"
"If they bring a knife you bring a gun"
"I need to know whose ass to kick"
And lets not even get started on the obama campaign saying Romney was responsible for the death of a cancer paitent.
Yep. There does seem to be a double standard, eh?
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When I heard Trump's comment - and I heard it myself, didn't rely on someone else's account - what I thought he was suggesting was not that someone with a gun might take care of Hillary, or of the Supreme Court members who vote to take their guns away. I just figured he was talking about a 'militia' honest to goodness, about gun owners resisting government efforts to take guns. IOW, a rebellion, not an assassination.
I don't usually care about this sort of thing - my go-to whine is media bias, as you know. But go to the front page of, you'll see first hand the rotting of an empire. Multiple stories of hurt feelings: something about the Red Sox canceling an Ortiz bobble head because it's "insensitive"; a musing as to whether Pokemon Go is "racist"; and then a collection of hurtful comments from NBC Olympics announcers (giving a husband credit for his wife's improved swimming, calling the spouse of a gay volleyball player the 'husband' rather than 'wife', and saying that a kid's adoptive parents aren't really her parents).

Can't we just go ahead and let the air out of the balloon and do away with the suspense.
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Fine. It's a support. The country as a whole pays for the benefit.

So you're for free trade with countries that DONT have as strict environmental standards, less safety standards, and produce a cheaper product dumping dirt cheap products on us?
Yea that's just like Sanders?
She used the possibility of assassination as a reason to keep campaigning. Not as a means to correct political losses.

Oh, well that's much better then, Jesus.
Trump didn't advocate killing Hillary, it's ridiculous the double standard the mainstream media has right now.
It's embarrassing and scary at the same time.
So you're for free trade with countries that DONT have as strict environmental standards, less safety standards, and produce a cheaper product dumping dirt cheap products on us?
Yea that's just like Sanders?

You know, these are the kinds of issues that are thrashed out in trade treaties.
The tactics of the left never ceases to amaze me. They're (media) the absolute worst and the hypocrisy knows no end.

I've never seen someone get treated with kid gloves and then seen the other side get attacked on everything no matter how stupid it is. All of Hillary's legitimate scandals are ignored to focus on a Trump sound bite.

The type of people backing Hillary should show you why it's a huge concern for her to get in office. All of the big money d-bags the Dems always claimed to be against are on her side as well as every radical nut. Toss in the fact that she's for open borders and going to try and get rid of the second amendment, you can see who's easily the worst.

Democrats absolutey want to destroy this country. That is evident. Nothing about their policies or platform shows pride, belief in American exceptionalism or that they have the country's best interest.
Hillary's scandles are covered by the media until the story has run its course. Trump constantly provides the media with new scandal, new stupidity. Once it runs its course, he provides something new. You guys seem to want the media to continue to rehash years old stories over and over. They aren't talking about what Trump did years ago, it's about what he said today.
Prediction. Trump will withdraw from the race.

Question: Who would you prefer to replace him? Ryan? Gary Johnson? Ted "HalfElven" Cruz?
At my workplace, we have a couple folks who truly believe Trump may quit at the last minute before the election citing "personal reasons". I'm occasionally inclined to believe them.
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Hillary's scandles are covered by the media until the story has run its course. Trump constantly provides the media with new scandal, new stupidity. Once it runs its course, he provides something new. You guys seem to want the media to continue to rehash years old stories over and over. They aren't talking about what Trump did years ago, it's about what he said today.

Hillary doesn't have scandals, she commits criminal offenses that the media makes sure to clean up best it can for the public so they can be brushed under the rug. big difference
Hillary's scandles are covered by the media until the story has run its course. Trump constantly provides the media with new scandal, new stupidity. Once it runs its course, he provides something new. You guys seem to want the media to continue to rehash years old stories over and over. They aren't talking about what Trump did years ago, it's about what he said today.

Which ones do they put more focus on? You know the answer. Her scandals have never got the proper treatment because she's protected.
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I like Trump upping the rhetoric. At this point, best case scenario would be a Hamilton vs Burr type settlement of differences between the two.
When I heard Trump's comment - and I heard it myself, didn't rely on someone else's account - what I thought he was suggesting was not that someone with a gun might take care of Hillary, or of the Supreme Court members who vote to take their guns away. I just figured he was talking about a 'militia' honest to goodness, about gun owners resisting government efforts to take guns. IOW, a rebellion, not an assassination.

So, sedition and treason and not murder?
Once Rubio dropped out, Hillary's camp knew that they just had to run out the clock. That's exactly what they're doing and it's working like a charm.

But she's not even controlling the media/internet. Trump is, somehow. She has the old people networks.
We're seriously not comparing which candidate has the most disgusting people endorsing them are we?

And i'm 99.9% positive that your and most of this board's reaction would be different if someone from the Dem camp joked that a concerned lib could take care of Trump.

Actually your wrong, I assume BLM will take care of trump TBH.