How will they rule ??!

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HRC also calls the GOP convention "dark" on 60 Minutes tonight.
I mentioned this earlier in the thread. For anyone looking to get more information on the Democratic Party's history go watch Hillary's America. It talks about a lot of what's been going on. @Teachable Moe, the movie might teach you something about the party that the party doesn't want you to know.
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However, the fact that the Democratic Party is able to present itself as inclusive while excluded Bernie Sanders from the race...

I think you switched meanings of the word "inclusive" there. Everyone includes or excludes something. Usually when "inclusive" is used in a political sense it refers to a class that has been systematically been excluded from power. Excluding a man who registers as an Independent and calls himself a socialist from the levers of power in the Democratic Party is not exactly surprising or a crime against humanity. If David Duke ran and the RNC excluded him, would you make the same lament?
So you use words like "foment" in posts to feign mental superiority but lack even basic reasoning skills and ability to use context, degree or nuance in thinking. Sanders was winning states and is now forcing the party to adopt more socialistic policies and all along they were lying to him and the public. To compare him to Duke is idiocy.
Ho should contact DWS and put his hippy lawdog skills to work since she was so unfairly forced out.
Holy crap, Kasich airing anti -Trump commercials? Has that ever happened in either party in a general election? One thing to not join the choir and be quiet, one thing to not endorse - even to the extent Cruz "not endorsed" at the convention. But to run an ad, especially one invoking Nazis?.....
Everybody has always known that Fox is played by the Repubs (but Fox won't admit it). I think pretty much everybody thinks the MSM is in the pocket of the Dems (and they won't admit it either). The difference is that, now, anyone who keeps up knows indisputably that this is true.
Disagree with your premise a little. I think most people think that's just a FoxNews vs MSNBC thing. One is right, one left. People that pay attention know that the 3 networks and most of the major dailies -- most of what's loosely called mainstream media - tilts left. But most people aren't paying attention.....
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I mentioned this earlier in the thread. For anyone looking to get more information on the Democratic Party's history go watch Hillary's America. It talks about a lot of what's been going on. @Teachable Moe, the movie might teach you something about the party that the party doesn't want you to know.

I've worked elections (briefly) as a low-level party grunt worker. I voted for Sanders in the primary. What do you think I should know about Hillary that I don't? That she's a darling of Wall Street? Like Obama (according to song and story) she's a left wing commie pinko who's a darling of Wall Street. How seriously do you think anyone should take that last accusation? How novel is it that she's a darling of Big Business? We're talking about a woman who was on Wal-Mart's board. I also know that 99.99% of the scandals about her were manufactured by the noise machine. Every Sec of State since Albright has had a private email server. The Bush White House had a private email server. Every investigation in Benghazi has produced nothing except an admission by the ranking Republican that it was a witch hunt designed to hurt HRC's presidential chances. The Republicans who cut funding for embassy security have faced 0 blowback for Benghazi, so how seriously should people take the Republican crocodile tears over the fallen?
I think you switched meanings of the word "inclusive" there. Everyone includes or excludes something. Usually when "inclusive" is used in a political sense it refers to a class that has been systematically been excluded from power. Excluding a man who registers as an Independent and calls himself a socialist from the levers of power in the Democratic Party is not exactly surprising or a crime against humanity. If David Duke ran and the RNC excluded him, would you make the same lament?
I used them correctly. The Democratic Party has presented itself as including minorities, the LGBT community or anyone willing to vote for them. They then, excluded Bernie Sanders from having a chance to win the nomination because they didn't like him. Trump did not have a lot of support from the RNC, but they played by the rules. There's no email leak of the Republicans conspiring to make sure Trump wasn't nominated. Just like Bernie wasn't a Democrat, there's a lot information pointing to the fact that Trump isn't a Republican. I don't think they rigged the election so Rubio or Cruz would win. Yes, if the Republican Party conspired to make sure Trump would not be elected I would've criticized that.

Also, it's not just this singular issue. Clinton has done whatever she wants with no repercussions whatsoever. She defended someone on trial for raping a 12 year old and laughed at the fact he was able to pass a polygraph test. Did you know that? She's also been accused of trying to get Bill's mistresses to coverup his sexual abuse towards them. Were you aware of that? All the while she goes in front of the public and says she's for women. She's the candidate women should vote for and they eat it up, having no idea what her past truly indicates about her.
Is Assange part of the noise machine or part of the VRWC? So hard to keep the narratives straight.....
Julian Assange clearly works for the Trump train.

On a serious note that guy better look out for a drone.
HRC also calls the GOP convention "dark" on 60 Minutes tonight.

Well I know I'm shocked.

Pretty sure I read this email dump is only the first of multiple releases.

Yep that's the word. Keeping my fingers crossed this buries her.

99.99% of the scandals about her were manufactured by the noise machine

Hahahaha comedic gold

Julian Assange clearly works for the Trump train.

On a serious note that guy better look out for a drone.

Yep. Or an unfortunate, timely accident/suicide
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Why, yes, I do. Thanks for remembering. There have been 2 countries. The US and Turkey. Diplomacy is not nothing. Whenever I see a heavy-duty adverb being spread over an argument, I find that someone is attempting to win an argument with rhetoric. Don't you?

I think the word "attack" in the Trump quote refers to "attack with the intent to take over". Has Russia invaded a NATO country?

Ukraine is not a part of NATO, btw. They've applied. And the economic sanctions applied in reaction to the Russian attacks on Ukraine have helped impoverish Russia. You know? The tactic that helped bring down communism. Maybe you prefer lots of dead people. No accounting for taste in these matters.

So you assume i didnt know about turkey and was talking about the non nato ukraine?

Good job.

Its quite comical how you can just add stipulations to make your agenda when talking trump.

Oh a single attack doesnt matter and we have no duty to help on just a single attack. But with trump, lets just pretend he was talking about russia invading with intent to occupy germany.

You twist more than Chubby Checker
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Well, let's hope that never happens. OTOH, your belief in that just might be a product of anger. There's a lot of that going around.

Im actually QUITE pleased with the outlook of this election at the current moment. A month from now we shall see.
I'm still not convinced Moe isn't Deeefense but...whatever.

Whoever you are---are you currently a paid or a volunteer worker for one of the candidates and/or the Dem party? Are you taking your talking points from a third party source?

No. I'm not convinced you aren't ... Carl La Fong. Capital L. Small a. Capital F. Small o. Small n. Small g. La Fong.

Like Ann Elk. My theories are mine.
"Julian Assange: My Next Leak Will Ensure Hillary’s Arrest", as if the first 30,000 wikileaks didn't cause enough havoc for the Dems. Wonder what else he has up his sleeve to drop during the Dem convention.

Told you this was going to be fun...
He will be dead soon, Bill and Hillary will make sure of that.
I've worked elections (briefly) as a low-level party grunt worker. I voted for Sanders in the primary. What do you think I should know about Hillary that I don't? That she's a darling of Wall Street? Like Obama (according to song and story) she's a left wing commie pinko who's a darling of Wall Street. How seriously do you think anyone should take that last accusation? How novel is it that she's a darling of Big Business? We're talking about a woman who was on Wal-Mart's board. I also know that 99.99% of the scandals about her were manufactured by the noise machine. Every Sec of State since Albright has had a private email server. The Bush White House had a private email server. Every investigation in Benghazi has produced nothing except an admission by the ranking Republican that it was a witch hunt designed to hurt HRC's presidential chances. The Republicans who cut funding for embassy security have faced 0 blowback for Benghazi, so how seriously should people take the Republican crocodile tears over the fallen?
Ahhh-ten-shun! Lockstep, MARCH! You are definately a lemming.
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Anderson Cooper just eviscerating Dems...."why are they negotiating with this person" re DWS getting to speak tomorrow......seriously, what are they thinking? They are dragging their own controversy out.

Oh and Russians and hacking and blargh. Never mind the actual content of the emails. Unreal.

Btw, doesn't that argument re-highlight Hillary's dumbass? "Russians hacked the DNC but ummm they don't have the tech to hack the server next to Hillary's wet bar."

These people are just ******* ridiculous, true story.
So you assume i didnt know about turkey and was talking about the non nato ukraine?

Good job.

Its wuite comical how you can just add stipulations to make your agenda when talking trump.

Oh a single attack doesnt matter and we have no duty to help on just a single attack. But with trumo, lets just pretend he was talking about russia invadinh with intent to occupy germany.

You twist more than Chubby Checker

Ordinarily we don't go to war over two countries who have just been pissing each other off.

As for the Baltics, pre-advertising your willingness to play Neville Chamberlain is pretty grim.
My god Moe, you're hanging your hat on that. He clearly stated what he was getting at, if you want us to cover your ass you need to pay up.

If they are that worried about Russia is invading, and they feel NATO is the only thing preventing it, paying what they agreed to seems a no brainer.
My god Moe, you're hanging your hat on that. He clearly stated what he was getting at, if you want us to cover your ass you need to pay up.

If they are that worried about Russia is invading, and they feel NATO is the only thing preventing it, paying what they agreed to seems a no brainer.

America isn't usually associated with "A nice grocery you got here. It'd be terrible if something happened to it."
America isn't usually associated with "A nice grocery you got here. It'd be terrible if something happened to it."
The Americans foreign policy has been run by the political elite way to long. Ivy League schools produces diplomats that are useless. They make trade deals that help Wall Street but not the American worker.

Wake up.